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Stimulants Nicotine- what is up with box mid verses disposable?


Dec 10, 2022
I use a 80w geek vape box mod and I happened to get a disposable today and it’s like hitting nicotine for the first time again. The rush and have been using nicotine (smoked for the longest) for 20 years. Been vaping the last 6 or so years..

Just odd…and I use 6mg nicotine. This said 5 I think.
I only smoke cigs, because if somebody gets me on video then I'll definitely look cool, but maybe it's some kind of strong synthetic nicotine in the disposable you have?
I think it's probably because it has more nicotine % than said in the vape. I have had this experience in the past - I even get headaches sometimes, which is also why I quit vapes (I only don't get headaches when I smoke cigarettes).

I only smoke cigs, because if somebody gets me on video then I'll definitely look cool, but maybe it's some kind of strong synthetic nicotine in the disposable you have?
I used to smoke cigarettes a lot in high school to look cool and stylish in front of my classmates, especially girls - and then I grew up.
I think it's probably because it has more nicotine % than said in the vape. I have had this experience in the past - I even get headaches sometimes, which is also why I quit vapes (I only don't get headaches when I smoke cigarettes).

I used to smoke cigarettes a lot in high school to look cool and stylish in front of my classmates, especially girls - and then I grew up.
lol my dude - you are still doing it in your profile pic 😂

I only smoke cigs, because if somebody gets me on video then I'll definitely look cool, but maybe it's some kind of strong synthetic nicotine in the disposable you have?
Yeah I think it’s either what you said, because I don’t use salts. Perhaps these are salts or maybe more nicotine than what they say to get ppl addicted easier

It’s reputable company but that doesn’t mean a whole lot necessarily. I mean I had to pay full force that you would expect to pay for a name brand disposable if that tells you anything
Yeah, salt nic delivers wayyyy more nicotine into your blood than freebase, even at the same %nic per ml

and those disposables are all synthetic right now due to weird situation with federal law, watch out for side effects, I cannot use synthetic nicotine (which is racemic). It gives me unbelievably severe side effects for some reason. Like REALLY bad.

Yeah, salt nic delivers wayyyy more nicotine into your blood than freebase, even at the same %nic per ml

and those disposables are all synthetic right now due to weird situation with federal law, watch out for side effects, I cannot use synthetic nicotine (which is racemic). It gives me unbelievably severe side effects for some reason. Like REALLY bad.

Yeah. I get a huge rush and a somewhat unsettling tbh…got a sharp pain in my chest for a second after inhaling near where you start to see people worry and it did comcern me for a second.

Dummy I kinda bought it to help ween me off vaping because if I buy more juice that’s another week or two of vaping, but if I buy a disposable kinda forces me to vape less. But now this!!! Lol sometimes all we can do is life about life.