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Kratom (7-OH) tabs affecting opioid tolerance?

Dec 17, 2022
So in between taking pain medications, when I run out or whatever I use kratom. Recently started using those 7- hydroxymitragynine tablets when I can get them. About a month ago I was taking both hydromorphone & tramadol both in pretty large amounts & ran out earlier then I intended. I obviously got some pretty bad withdrawals. (I’ve gone through withdrawals from both hydromorphone & tramadol more times than I’d like to admit) but every time I do I try to lesson the severity of it as best I can with kratom …. A couple weeks before I got some more tramadol I was taking a lot of those 7-OH tablets. By the time I got the tramadol when I took them it felt like I had a really high tolerance to them… like almost as if I hadn’t of stopped taking them at all (even though I had absolutely no hydromorphone or tramadol at all for like 3 weeks at least)

So I’m wondering if the 7-OH tabs had in some way affected my tolerance to everything or maybe I was taking them for so many weeks that I was going through some sort of mini withdrawal from the 7-OH & that affected something? I don’t know, it was just pretty noticeable … like I said I’ve gone through the whole stopping pain meds & trying to ‘get by’ or through withdrawals with kratom many times but I never experienced when resuming taking the pills feeling like my tolerance was up THIS high … just kind of weird & different.

Basically I’m just wondering if they affect opioid tolerance or like I said if taking them for weeks straight I ended up withdrawing from them without realizing it … which in turn affected the way I was feeling my other pain meds. Has anyone gone through something like this?
*hope any of that made sense I have a killer headache today
So in between taking pain medications, when I run out or whatever I use kratom. Recently started using those 7- hydroxymitragynine tablets when I can get them. About a month ago I was taking both hydromorphone & tramadol both in pretty large amounts & ran out earlier then I intended. I obviously got some pretty bad withdrawals. (I’ve gone through withdrawals from both hydromorphone & tramadol more times than I’d like to admit) but every time I do I try to lesson the severity of it as best I can with kratom …. A couple weeks before I got some more tramadol I was taking a lot of those 7-OH tablets. By the time I got the tramadol when I took them it felt like I had a really high tolerance to them… like almost as if I hadn’t of stopped taking them at all (even though I had absolutely no hydromorphone or tramadol at all for like 3 weeks at least)

So I’m wondering if the 7-OH tabs had in some way affected my tolerance to everything or maybe I was taking them for so many weeks that I was going through some sort of mini withdrawal from the 7-OH & that affected something? I don’t know, it was just pretty noticeable … like I said I’ve gone through the whole stopping pain meds & trying to ‘get by’ or through withdrawals with kratom many times but I never experienced when resuming taking the pills feeling like my tolerance was up THIS high … just kind of weird & different.

Basically I’m just wondering if they affect opioid tolerance or like I said if taking them for weeks straight I ended up withdrawing from them without realizing it … which in turn affected the way I was feeling my other pain meds. Has anyone gone through something like this?
*hope any of that made sense I have a killer headache today
I've only consumed 7-OH in the form of OPMS Black capsules, which claim to contain <7mg per capsule, which as another poster pointed out in a different thread, probably isn't an accurate measurement.

That being said, I have extensive experience with them and they absolutely increase my opiate tolerance. I find the effects of most opiates (aside from tramadol and buprenorphine) are significantly diminished, to the point of it being a waste of drugs, if I take opiates later in the day, even twleve hours after dosing the kratom. I believe there are some alkaloids in kratom that are antagonists and contribute to this blocking effect. For whatever reason, tramadol and buprenorphine have a very nice synergy with kratom, in my experience.

If you have access to it, you may be better off getting some regular old dried and ground kratom. Even though it'll tickle your opiate receptors far less than 7-OH, I have a hunch that you would get significant relief. A lot of the time with kratom, less is more.
I've only consumed 7-OH in the form of OPMS Black capsules, which claim to contain <7mg per capsule, which as another poster pointed out in a different thread, probably isn't an accurate measurement.

That being said, I have extensive experience with them and they absolutely increase my opiate tolerance. I find the effects of most opiates (aside from tramadol and buprenorphine) are significantly diminished, to the point of it being a waste of drugs, if I take opiates later in the day, even twleve hours after dosing the kratom. I believe there are some alkaloids in kratom that are antagonists and contribute to this blocking effect. For whatever reason, tramadol and buprenorphine have a very nice synergy with kratom, in my experience.

If you have access to it, you may be better off getting some regular old dried and ground kratom. Even though it'll tickle your opiate receptors far less than 7-OH, I have a hunch that you would get significant relief. A lot of the time with kratom, less is more.
Gracias for your response 💜
….. yea I been taking those 7OHMZ 14mg tablets
So in between taking pain medications, when I run out or whatever I use kratom. Recently started using those 7- hydroxymitragynine tablets when I can get them. About a month ago I was taking both hydromorphone & tramadol both in pretty large amounts & ran out earlier then I intended. I obviously got some pretty bad withdrawals. (I’ve gone through withdrawals from both hydromorphone & tramadol more times than I’d like to admit) but every time I do I try to lesson the severity of it as best I can with kratom …. A couple weeks before I got some more tramadol I was taking a lot of those 7-OH tablets. By the time I got the tramadol when I took them it felt like I had a really high tolerance to them… like almost as if I hadn’t of stopped taking them at all (even though I had absolutely no hydromorphone or tramadol at all for like 3 weeks at least)

So I’m wondering if the 7-OH tabs had in some way affected my tolerance to everything or maybe I was taking them for so many weeks that I was going through some sort of mini withdrawal from the 7-OH & that affected something? I don’t know, it was just pretty noticeable … like I said I’ve gone through the whole stopping pain meds & trying to ‘get by’ or through withdrawals with kratom many times but I never experienced when resuming taking the pills feeling like my tolerance was up THIS high … just kind of weird & different.

Basically I’m just wondering if they affect opioid tolerance or like I said if taking them for weeks straight I ended up withdrawing from them without realizing it … which in turn affected the way I was feeling my other pain meds. Has anyone gone through something like this?
*hope any of that made sense I have a killer headache today
I have been on opioids for a long time for pain. I wanted to take a break with kratom and used kratom extracts also. now back on pain meds and feel like I am in constant daily withdrawal . the only thing that helps is doubling my opioid dose but then I will run out. so what I thought would lower my tolerance has done the oposite