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Opioids Do people actually like methadone recreationally?


Dec 10, 2022
Man, I’ve been to the methadone clinic and I never felt like any kind of buzz from methadone. Granted I got up to only 60mg but I have had way better experiences with suboxone when I was on it in the beginning.

Just keep seeing people talk about getting high on methadone on other platforms. I just never really found it recreational at all.
Yeah it's great when you have no or a low active tolerance to opioids. When I was on 380mg/day of methadone years ago it didn't get me high, but if I were to take 60mg right now I'd get fucked up for a solid 18 hours.

These days I'd take methadone over oxycodone in a heart beat.
Man, I’ve been to the methadone clinic and I never felt like any kind of buzz from methadone. Granted I got up to only 60mg but I have had way better experiences with suboxone when I was on it in the beginning.

Just keep seeing people talk about getting high on methadone on other platforms. I just never really found it recreational at all.
I know a few who buy some once or twice month from people at my clinic. Another dude has take homes but buys it when he has the chance to catch a high. I was as low as 15mg and 60 would make me feel a bit messed up. It was a bad time. … still is. Hate methadone but fent is trash.

Almost had a little anxiety fit a month ago considering the fact that I’ll prob never have a good H/opiate high again.
I love methadone. For one thing, it's got legs. Not an intense high, but it lasts. Personally, I've always valued duration over rush-- with any drug.

For me, opiates are work drugs. I don't want to nod; I want to get moving and get shit done. Methadone is perfect for that. It elevates my mood and gives me several hours of relaxed energy. I do experience moderate euphoria.

When I was in a methadone maintenance program I got 180mg daily. That suited me just fine. If I've been off opioids for a while I can get a little buzz from 10mg and 40mg will get me high as fuck.

The only drawback of methadone is that getting off of it takes for-fuckin-ever...as we all know.
methadone gives me
a nice euphoria...it's good untill u are not hooked on it i guess...but it's an old school potent med with a nice euphoria even at doses 10-20mg....far more euphoric than bupre,tramadol,demerol and lot's of other stuff
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Methadone is nice. Nothing special but as already said it works. It is sold much on the streets here nowadays.
I never got high on it even when i'd double my dose. But i slept great.
I had a MASSIVE tolerance to high dose IV Oxycodone, HydromorphContin/Dilaudid, and H. 15 years ago when in Ontario Toronto you could get pretty decent H. Like opening a bag of salt & vinegar chips, light beige fine powder, a small pile half the size of a tictac and BOOM, that amazingly warm euphoric rush of comfort and safety lol, gods warmest blanket of security and pleasure.…the “plant of joy” lol, no shit, its original name translates into, the Opium poppy tracing back over 3,000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia. Like in South America the Coca leaf found in tombs of wealthy people to take into the afterlife with them….the Horn of Africa with its Khat plant (beta-ketone-Amphetamine) ….us mammals just love to have our pleasure centres finger f@cked with wonderful molecules that bind to / release all these powerful endorphins and monoamines

After slamming H at $200/gram every 3 days on top of my scripted Dilaudid & Oxy I went cold turkey. First 3 days were horrific, which I thought were bad…..BUT…the real shit begins at day 3-10 days. God bless Clonidine tablets, Cannabis and HOT baths ….wish I had my 300 tablets of Diazepam 10mg ….Mmmm, those Blue Vallies :)

So after a month of clean…..I was on Methadone 30mg and was VERY pleasurable and a super effective and long acting potent opioid analgesic. I have chronic pain condition and do require an opioid, and an NSAID if inflammation is bad

Methadone synthasized by NAZI scientists that couldn’t secure a reliable source of opioids during war time, made this unique full mu-agonist, NMDA antagonist, with a super long half life to boot, and potent as f@ck.
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Methadone was the first opiate i've ever done. I was 16 yrs old when I tried it and I was high for over 48 hrs it felt like. Pure bliss if you have no tolerance towards opiates.

I got into a fist fight and took a punch to the mouth and bit the inside of my cheek so I was in pain for a few days. One of my relatives took mercy towards me and gave me some methadone pills for the pain.. I think he would of thought twice about it now, it unleashed the opiate beast in me lol.

But if you're on the methadone clinic there's really no enjoying it. You get used to it fast, mainly because they start you off on a low dose and slowly increase your dose every week.
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The highest i went was 120
2.5 - 5mg initial dose for opioid naive patients
5-10mg daily after few days (as stated on my Palladone Pharma Metadol (Methadone) 25mg -100 tablet bottle)

Clinics start at 30mg and increase until stable on effective dose…..then gradually reduce until free from opioids. Taking months to years possibly...chronic pain and opioid tolerant 70-120mg is average. Some on much more, 200mg +

….mine has been Methadone 80mg daily for ten plus years plus a surplus for breakthrough pain. 80mg at 7am with breakfast with my Ritalin 50-60mg, like an oral speedball lol…..then after dinner if needed an additional 20mg with more Ritalin, plus several other treats for a pleasant cocktail, cannabis oil, pregabalin, diazepam, ketamine, ethanol/Jin cocktail…..sometime little lines of cocaine & ketamine 50/50mix before having a smoke and a new Jin cocktail :)
i know William S Burroughs was a strange man, but he documented the "junky" life very well and had experience with opiates and opioids. I feel the same as him with methadone. It is satisfying to the addict and a good opioid. He wrote about being addicted to meperidine and having horrible side effects. But once he switched to methadone all side effects disappeared.

I never had buprenorphine. My last methadone stint was in 1990. I can not even remember if buprenorphine was even an option back then. But i do remember taking my methadone and feeling that nice warmth and strength kick back in
Coupe decade ago I loved methadone and benzos mix. Of course back then I was into cocaine and alcohol and other stuff but those days have passed.
I like those big orange-ish pinkish tablets that had the two scores so could break into 1/4s.
I know this dude that used to buy my mums methadone off her and then go home and literally put it in a syringe and blast it straight from the bottle no micron filter or anything. Sadly he died not too long ago from kidney failure