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Random but important questions on cannabis.


Apr 18, 2015
Hi all. I’ve never tried cannabis so I have a few questions on certain areas of its effects.
1. is it true that starting cannabis later in life E.g. late 20s/30s, reduces risk of psychosis, but increases risk of addiction. this is contrary to what I’ve heard on the media and science research, but an experienced user told my father about this. he stated the reason for this with a more positive experience, with less overall negatives when introduced in adulthood as compared to adolescence.
2. are there any euphoric but non- intoxicating strains of cannabis. By non-intoxicating, I mean, does not impaire judgement or cause major changes in behaviour associated with loss of control at any doses. The reason I ask is because I’m a practising Muslim and I must avoid intoxicants.
3 regarding marijuana edibles, has anyone actually ever had a good experience? i’ve tried searching online for it but all I could find were horror stories. if anyone’s had a good experience, do you use edibles regularly?
4 how well does cannabis and its components work for treating influenza and other inflammatory related symptoms.
5. are there any strains of cannabis or cannabis components, that can help with motivation or just numb the pain of working through horribly boring tasks.

Sorry for so many questions but I’m hoping your answers will help guide me as I explore cannabis for practical and psychological benefits.
1. its supposed to however you can easily get drug induced psychosis at any age anyway from using multiple substances or having family condition or underlying condition that makes u susceptible to it from consuming drugs even just thc
2. yes there are lesser and non intoxicating strains. There are 3 main cannabinoids that have recieved most attention in Studies: THC, CBD and CBN . THC gets you high , relieves nausea , relieves pain helps you sleep , CBD helps anxiety, inflammation and offers neuroprotective properties for when you consume with THC, CBN potentially has sedating properties
3. Yes but most people who have a good experience are seasoned marijuana users who have built up a tolerance to THC and have experience with feeling high.
4. Inconclusive results , but smoking anything would be bad for the airways and throat if you have a flu. CBD offers some relief from inflammatory disease it appears
5. of course there are many strains, some are sativa leaning and give you motivation and energy for exercise or creativity or you get sedating strains that couchlock you and are good for enjoying when you watch films/series or sleep
3. edibles are by far the best and least anxiety-inducing high by me and I like long duration and that you don't need to maintain yourself being high. But when I feel like it, I vape or smoke on top of it.
Hi all. I’ve never tried cannabis so I have a few questions on certain areas of its effects.
1. is it true that starting cannabis later in life E.g. late 20s/30s, reduces risk of psychosis, but increases risk of addiction. this is contrary to what I’ve heard on the media and science research, but an experienced user told my father about this. he stated the reason for this with a more positive experience, with less overall negatives when introduced in adulthood as compared to adolescence.
2. are there any euphoric but non- intoxicating strains of cannabis. By non-intoxicating, I mean, does not impaire judgement or cause major changes in behaviour associated with loss of control at any doses. The reason I ask is because I’m a practising Muslim and I must avoid intoxicants.
3 regarding marijuana edibles, has anyone actually ever had a good experience? i’ve tried searching online for it but all I could find were horror stories. if anyone’s had a good experience, do you use edibles regularly?
4 how well does cannabis and its components work for treating influenza and other inflammatory related symptoms.
5. are there any strains of cannabis or cannabis components, that can help with motivation or just numb the pain of working through horribly boring tasks.

Sorry for so many questions but I’m hoping your answers will help guide me as I explore cannabis for practical and psychological benefits.
Hey if I were to cover every base on touching on every question you had asked it would be a page out of an encyclopaedia. However

1.) A lot of the generalisations you hear such as risk for addiction rising in later life all are subjective to your personal use and response to other substances in life even as small as caffeine and sugar while for some these simple substances have little to if no effect as for others it can be a great sign as to how they will react going fourth in both addiction and their state of mind under the affects.
As for reduced risk of psychosis, this is due to many factors some of note being that is far less likely to develop these issues as you age but this can of course be negated by genetics and other seen or unforeseen issues, generally this is correct.
As for your father he is 100% correct cannabis as with many substances can be started at any stage in life and you will get a plethora of results but "man maketh drug not drug maketh man", as far as morals and all go and it is generally better to be more mature and adult if you will before you try substances capable of changing your entire frame of mind, view on the world and way of thinking, this is also more likely to be more potent younger as your in those stages with hormones and all but this does not mean younger age use will lead to these issues. Your father sounds wise.

Furthermore your also majorly at the will of your own mind, self health both mental and physical. When all natural needs are met and the mind is at ease (Fed, Hydrated, Clean) and even down to a Good Place Right then in life all around the better it is for you and not lying about your needs the more you will find the most recreational effects far easier. The addiction then comes down to nothing more than self control over pleasurable actions in life and its used excessively medically without much side affect in that area for most, so it really eliminates a lot. Of course not many of us are that lucky, but regardless try please all facets before doing your substance for a better time healthier and longer life overall doing so. Now however if highly stressed in life and still trying to use for recreation you may find major medicinal affects depending on diagnosed or undiagnosed issues you may or may not have or more simple stresses not so medically caused can all alter how you react to and adopt your use and find your affinity for the drug and its affects. Moreover the way you use it and mentally push through not using it, aka: (tolerance breaks when you don't have to), (self control at times) and how active you are. How intense and violent or relaxing is your everyday life and environment in which you are either doing these substances or going to/being at whilst under the affects. All of these things will in the end have a total combined affect but there is nothing to fear. I am well educated and trained professionally in medicinal and recreational cannabis use and my self have used for a long time.

2.) All cannabis is intoxicating in a way, it is different to all users and the early affects some feel in the first few months to year or two depending can be very drowsy and dopey and many like this, however if you get your cannabis and find Sativa like most (not my self however) find Sativa to give a uplifting happy energetic high but many strains alone can change this despite Sativa or Indica I get energy from Indica with a sedation I enjoy. It is my day and night flower just strains change, rarely do I touch Sativa. However iv smoked Medicinal over half a decade and Black market another half.
HOWEVER IMPORTANTLY. You can Lower the % of your cannabis and find what type (Sativa or Indica is best for you) and if you really enjoy the affects and feel it may just be to sedating try just lowering the dosage and % until its perfect now this may take years of slowly rising in % until you hit the odd 20%s and then you will find cannabis becomes more like a cigarette if your the right kind of user as in it never truly dopes you out or down its more of a constant fuel for mental health and can improve mood of course while for me at least puts me into a kind of zone where I am able to focus and perform at an increased rate with better awareness, so after time this can really go many ways.

3.) Edibles for my self and my genetics are essentially moot 1000s upon 1000s of mgs of THC does nothing more to me than extend cones and make it feel a bit backgroundish, while others talk about near weak LSD trips or something (Although I'm sceptical) so try and start low, especially if your not a smoker edibles Iv seen hit non smokers incredibly hard as in 1 bite of an AVB (already vaped bag) cookie so all the cannabis in that cookie lost over 80-90% THC content in 3 volcano vapes and then cooking and a none smoker with 1 bite was having numb fingers and all so its really a spectrum. Weight can make a difference but iv seen it comparatively do shit all so take care.

4.) Now routing back to answering question 1, the better off you are the better the experience however in treating issues cannabis is known for treating aliments far and wide of almost all varieties to varying success on each individual. As for influenza as an ex asthmatic whom has life long increased sensitivity and so fourth but am in no need of any medication for it for over a decade and a half. When I am unlucky enough to get any kind of respiratory infection influenza and the cold I find cannabis opens my air ways without the CBD and more so with of course and allows me as rough as it is to cough up the nights build up of whatever has me feeling so ill and I for the rest of the day feel far lighter and tend to find its almost never helped me sick food poisoning to flus to COVID its helped but I am hyper lucky with my immunity and how quick I fight things off that aside I know its very unusual if not rare for it to help in COVID and respiratory infection cases.

5.) As for question 5 that sir is probably the usage of 60-80% of every cannabis smoker ever, every Maccas worker, fuel station, picket line, you name it it makes work easier and better, that is not so much an addiction risk for those without addiction issues but if your easily hooked on anything even none drug wise using it as a work aliment can quickly make work without it a drag, but its not any other kind of pharma drug where it'll make work hell if you get addicted then stop or go without. And as far as cannabis addiction goes In my professional opinion its semi non existent in the sense that addiction to anything is just as possible as meth maybe not as easy or quick but, if that's recognisable sure weeds addictive but no more than coffee or even sugar. Addiction is the issue not the substance almost all the time unless it comes to real junkie types.

I apologies to not have much time to address each issue and touch on your exact questions with detail to a full satisfying extent, however please feel free to DM me and ask any further questions I have more time when I answer DMs and so fourth and can really tell you whatever you may wish to know and should it be a rare question to stump even me I have many resources and government and state health systems to a fair degree at my disposal to further inquire, or research, this was typed out in a rush. Take care and I hope things go well.

I can and must stress you get your cannabis from the most reliable source even if that has to be black market or a legal dispensary whatever you can secure to be the most clean is certainly critical for a first time experience on any substance period.

As a quick rushed answer to each of your questions posed to please note a LOT of potential information or exceptions to situations may not be fully explained and so fourth. I do suggest further DM if you need clarification.
...never tried cannabis...

My personal piece of advice: in case of apprehension it's OKay to desist, resist, whatever. Stay away or embrace! In the meantime feel welcome to our 'Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo' day, just in time for Halloween!!


Does a late-in-life mari-caca initiation (at 20 ~ 30 years old) protect against 1-Way Neuro-Plasticity ending up with a Lower I.Q. + hermaphrodite sexual transformation even before reaching the doors of an eventual (yet artificial) "heaven", actually leading direct to the inferno HELL of self-vilainization by drug$, submi$$ion of the body and mind basically to serve the most primitive animal pul$ion$ when lucky enough not to become yet another de¢adent en$laved $ex-toy dedicated to the predatory in$tin¢t$ of pedophiles and - who knows - possibly cannibals (if located anywhere near Africa!)?? ...

Euh... Thanks for the rare introspection opportunity anyway. Namaste!


Well lets have a quick look at such hypothetical (hollywoodian) situation using this easy "reality-sorting" tool of mine (presented here before):

#1) Neuro-plasticity;
#2) Contaminants;
#3) Consumption Method & Ritual;
#4) Socio-toxic 3rd-party interference.

How old would you want your own kid($) to learn riding a bike and/or get initiated to music - even play?...

Then ask yourself why exactly. ✅

IMHO if allowed to complete a natural learning process of Trial & Error the average human should benefit best and durably from exploiting his FULL neuro-plasticity *POTENTIAL* in a period of life when the trade-off overcomes the risk - insisting to point out that individuals succesful with such ritualistic test toward aldulthood still represent a majority of cases, not the other way around, so please lets keep a sane sense of proportions by not spinning the figures in some house of mirrors as that of abstentionists with no final solution(s). Which brings my items #4, then #3 and #2 next.

#4 because the environment has been made $o¢io-toxi¢ long before you and i were even born, e.g. it's rooted deep into the victorian $¢ien¢e of John Warnock CONFUSING the "effects" with those of ALCOHOL (...) in his famous 'Insanity from Hasheesh' publication which you may have heard of already:

Journal of Mental Science
Volume 49, Issue 204, January 1903
pp. 96 - 110​
Copyright © Royal College of Psychiatrists

#3 because the cigarette/"joint" delivery format spontaneously promotes disregard of self-awareness acquisition via dosing methods: a typical attitude is to "finish it" once lit. Idem even with vaporizers like the Volcano that inflates expectations building up for 2 ~ 3 minutes until one is automatically urged to empty his ballon unless being a saint.

#2 is where #4 gets real devious: rendez-vous in a couple generations to count our vi¢tim$, fallen at the hands of a very long chain of Halloween mon$ter$ including their ghostly friends from the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission of 1893 - e.g. a decade after James Albert Bon$a¢k patented the demonia¢ rolling-paper machine that spread combustion smoke + nicotine ADDICTION like a desease of planetary scale...

About your #2, Canada's Hexo/Hydropothicary once promi$$ed "ko$her" but never delivered (as far as i can tell), so cross your fingers wishing for any "halal" setup now that Tilray took over the whole company, internationally i think.

Can't but confirm "horror stories" relative to edibles in a $i¢k Prohibition 2.0 system - and that's not for a lack of curiosity but it all "$u¢k". Well, bad choice of slang, try some label renuinely unpleasant instead! More like sacrilege considering the cannabis consumers are no less worthy than any religious fanatic protected by constitutional laws...

Now about the word "inflammatory", it spells THCv to me, as i vaguely recall. Which once again must be inclusive of all 4 reality filters i've repeated above for your convenience. Idem about an inflamatory mind, the keyword there having to be something in the line of "PTSD" i guess.

Good day, have fun!! ☮️

P.S.: Please reserve the banalized hollywoodian use of a word as *ADDICTION* to proven Hard Drugs that truly expose to Co-Morbidity factors as « delirium tremens » that actually KILL (through cancer and drunk-driving for so long already, etc.) "en-ma$$" although we're not supposed to be talking about savvy automaton$ with no free will!
Anyone have any experiences with pure CBD or a high ratio of CBD to THC? is it true that a combination of THC and CBD is more euphoric or the CBD kill the high as some say.

Here’s an interesting YouTube video I found on the topic.

This is going to have a major differening effect per person, and depending where the cannabinoids are sourced from what strain plant etc seems to take affect on some individuals where on others all CBD is the same. Personally I once tried a %6 THC and CBD (Libra from Kind Medical) a medicinal cannabis flower, and it was the only time in my existance i have had a panic attack and anxiety to any real level, and it was 100 fold and it lasted hours. Yet iv had a 6.5% thc 5% CBD flower and had a wonderful time. Yet Under 20% THC for me these days doesn't seem to do shit and CBD has never really ever had any positive affect on me medicinally or recreationally as far as iv been able to tell, iv tried every kind of oil out there Pure CBD 200mg to a ml and the high THC ones they also seem to be useless as an edible for me, however i could see what the lady in the video means by a funeral if you've never used and are not the kind of person whos for downers you may be overwhelmed as CBD as been known to be a natural anti psychotic component to weed. In America and places alike people over prohibition of cannabis have worked for higher thc lower EVERYTHING ELSE cause they didnt/dont know or care. This is why you get so many people on top of laced and sprayed weed which you'd never know if you weren't experienced at you had it. Can land people in psychosis's also this comes down to factors of your use of other drugs and alcohol and most people like to lie when they have a psychotic break and not mention EVERYTHING that could of lead to this, they fixate on the cannabis or someone else does out of worry for them and misunderstanding the situation completely, making it ultimately worse if your prone to these things.

This is majorly subjective things we are getting into here as the relative information research and so fourth is at best in its absolute infancy, hell its still in the womb. The cannabis doctors today at least 99% I run into in AUS learn from the patient not the other way around.
I tried pure CBD xtals and it was ok. I licked some while smoking regular weed and it seemed to relax me a bit more, kind of reminded me of how a low dose of diazepam feels with weed. Tho very subtle and might in part or totally be placebo. Never really noticed effects of CBD weed before but with no tolerance it did have some medicinal effects. But CBG weed for me seems a lot stronger in that way. Still I would prefer neither to regular weed in almost all situations.
As for edibles I really like them. Either high dose or taking them without tolerance produces great effects for me. Have in mind I really do love being stoned tho not as much as I used to and not as strong as I used. I never experienced strong psychedelic effects some people claim to experience even when I ODed. By OD I mean reaching point where I had harder time walking than I would have on moderate dose of K. Felt like I'm going trough a really, really dense atmosphere while every muscle of my body is going to sleep, must sleep and will sleep. Upon by luck reaching my bed I passed out almost immediately. I was still not at the peak of experience than so if it had took me more time to come home I imagine I would have just dropped while walking, more correctly trying to walk and passed out/fell asleep. I also woke up smelling vomit that stank more like a weed than vomit normally. But I did woke up feeling great and with only residual effects.

I suggest you should get some good CBG weed and try it. I don't know where you are and how hard or easy it's to get drugs but assume you have you often write how you consider trying so much stuff. Once you do try something it'll help you develop your worldviews further. I'm now very careful suggesting drugs, especially to people who don't already use them but trying CBG weed can hardly hurt.

Also I think your search for drugs that fit in with muslim laws wont go far if you don't go by -
Intoxicating = dumbing
Non intoxicating drugs = drugs that ain't dumbing down & ain't really toxic

Imho other approaches are kind of like wanting to fuck but without touching or wanting non-alcoholic beer that gets you drunk or something.

I hope you see where I'm going at and don't see anything negative in my comment. I more or less wish you to be able to do something without guilt. If something that doesn't hurt other people and only affects you, than it's up to you. Sure not being auto-destructive is a huge plus. And drinking definitely can be auto-destructive while taking some drug to improve quality of life isn't. And honestly I can't see how someone smart and educated can accept things like that some deity hundreds of years ago decided that you go to hell for smoking weed.

And back to one of your questions. That about non-intoxicating strains. No, there isn't any euphoric strain that isn't also intoxicating by standard definition of intoxicating. And by standard definition of intoxicating I don't think there's any drug that's euphoric and isn't intoxicating. I would even say that the more euphoric drug the stronger intoxication. Being very euphoric but otherwise sober isn't a thing to reach with drugs, that's very illogical thing to search for. And there are different kinds of euphoria ofc.
But cannabis isn't a really euphoric drug. In fact most euphoric thing is laughing your ass off on it. But neither I nor just about anyone I know who smokes experiences that any-more. I mostly smoke for relaxation and some smoke it for motivation. Group of those who swear by motivation cannabis gives them is a lot smaller than it used to be. But that isn't something that goes away as fast as laughing. It was ten years or more before I reached the point where I don't feel better doing basically anything while smoking weed and relaxation it provides became something that's hard to combine with many activities. I think given enough time most if not all positive properties of cannabis return but don't stay around long if you smoke 24/7.
Also as mentioned before by meer, there's a sizeable chunk of people who hardly get high from weed but smoke 24/7 for positive effects they get, be it pain-relief or curing insomnia or whatever. But that ofc first requires getting high a lot.
I tried pure CBD xtals and it was ok. I licked some while smoking regular weed and it seemed to relax me a bit more, kind of reminded me of how a low dose of diazepam feels with weed. Tho very subtle and might in part or totally be placebo. Never really noticed effects of CBD weed before but with no tolerance it did have some medicinal effects. But CBG weed for me seems a lot stronger in that way. Still I would prefer neither to regular weed in almost all situations.
As for edibles I really like them. Either high dose or taking them without tolerance produces great effects for me. Have in mind I really do love being stoned tho not as much as I used to and not as strong as I used. I never experienced strong psychedelic effects some people claim to experience even when I ODed. By OD I mean reaching point where I had harder time walking than I would have on moderate dose of K. Felt like I'm going trough a really, really dense atmosphere while every muscle of my body is going to sleep, must sleep and will sleep. Upon by luck reaching my bed I passed out almost immediately. I was still not at the peak of experience than so if it had took me more time to come home I imagine I would have just dropped while walking, more correctly trying to walk and passed out/fell asleep. I also woke up smelling vomit that stank more like a weed than vomit normally. But I did woke up feeling great and with only residual effects.

I suggest you should get some good CBG weed and try it. I don't know where you are and how hard or easy it's to get drugs but assume you have you often write how you consider trying so much stuff. Once you do try something it'll help you develop your worldviews further. I'm now very careful suggesting drugs, especially to people who don't already use them but trying CBG weed can hardly hurt.

Also I think your search for drugs that fit in with muslim laws wont go far if you don't go by -
Intoxicating = dumbing
Non intoxicating drugs = drugs that ain't dumbing down & ain't really toxic

Imho other approaches are kind of like wanting to fuck but without touching or wanting non-alcoholic beer that gets you drunk or something.

I hope you see where I'm going at and don't see anything negative in my comment. I more or less wish you to be able to do something without guilt. If something that doesn't hurt other people and only affects you, than it's up to you. Sure not being auto-destructive is a huge plus. And drinking definitely can be auto-destructive while taking some drug to improve quality of life isn't. And honestly I can't see how someone smart and educated can accept things like that some deity hundreds of years ago decided that you go to hell for smoking weed.

And back to one of your questions. That about non-intoxicating strains. No, there isn't any euphoric strain that isn't also intoxicating by standard definition of intoxicating. And by standard definition of intoxicating I don't think there's any drug that's euphoric and isn't intoxicating. I would even say that the more euphoric drug the stronger intoxication. Being very euphoric but otherwise sober isn't a thing to reach with drugs, that's very illogical thing to search for. And there are different kinds of euphoria ofc.
But cannabis isn't a really euphoric drug. In fact most euphoric thing is laughing your ass off on it. But neither I nor just about anyone I know who smokes experiences that any-more. I mostly smoke for relaxation and some smoke it for motivation. Group of those who swear by motivation cannabis gives them is a lot smaller than it used to be. But that isn't something that goes away as fast as laughing. It was ten years or more before I reached the point where I don't feel better doing basically anything while smoking weed and relaxation it provides became something that's hard to combine with many activities. I think given enough time most if not all positive properties of cannabis return but don't stay around long if you smoke 24/7.
Also as mentioned before by meer, there's a sizeable chunk of people who hardly get high from weed but smoke 24/7 for positive effects they get, be it pain-relief or curing insomnia or whatever. But that ofc first requires getting high a lot.

Thank you so much for your response. Nothing you said was negative and in fact, it was full of deep insight. in regards to my faith and any potential drug use, it’s a complex but simultaneously straightforward Field, it just takes research to navigate. The definition of intoxicant I accept, is anything which impairs one’s awareness and ability to make rational decisions, especially if it has the ability to do so at any reasonable or easy to consume dosage. of course, over time just as with secular societies/lawmakers, islamic scholars have put precautions in place with some of them, considering anything that produces even a body high without mental alteration as being prohibited. they do this out of the fear it could lead to later Full blown intoxicant use as a gateway drug which is probably true for many people. nevertheless, I don’t believe they can truly prove it is actually Haram and sinful.
To address your point about nonintoxicating euphoriants, I would like to respectfully argue that they do exist. for example, nicotine, methylphenidate and the combination of selegiline/phenylethylamine can be very euphoric without producing a drunken like state. of course, they could be subject to the do no harm principle of Islamic law, though this is a Grey area and could change based on how one chooses to use/administer the substance. interestingly, some cannabinoids like CBN which is certainly psychoactive from what I’ve heard, has been referred to as nonintoxicating. i’ve heard similar things about Delta8THC though I would appreciate any feedback and any experience you or anyone else have had with these substances.
Thanks again for your very interesting and informative response.
I live in a secular country where the majority of religious folks are Christian, but many of the Muslims i know do smoke weed. They just keep it secret from their parents and imam, i guess. Some Muslims from more secularized places such as Turkey even drink alcohol.

But make no mistake, cannabis is most definitely an intoxicant, unless we're talking about pure CBD. It won't make you do stupid shit or destroy your health like alcohol, but it can impair memory and concentration while under the influence. It can also also act as a mild psychedelic.

I wonder about your definition of euphoria, since you call nicotine euphoric. I find the shitty "high" you get from it to be disorienting and not euphoric at all. Been addicted to it since my pre-teen years, so i don't even get any effects from it anymore. I just do it to kill my cravings.

You seem very curious about the effects of cannabis. The only real way to know is to try it. I understand the dilemma you're facing and don't want to tell you what to do, but i believe God forgives us our little vices. We all have them. Just my two cents.

Thank you so much for your wonderful reply and advice.
Firstly, I’d like to address the points about cannabis being an intoxicant. you are correct about the dilemma religious rulings can create for drug users. for me, it’s not so much trying to get around the ruling since I naturally feel uncomfortable about trying anything that would cause me to lose control like alcohol. I am, as you said, very curious about cannabis, because some of the compounds within it seem to be able to produce relaxation and mild euphoria without loss of control. i’m particularly interested in two cannabinoid compounds, delta8 THC and CBN. these are reportedly psychoactive, but Delta8THC is said to produce a clear headed high whilst CBN is said to be more sedating, but not cognitively impairing. it may therefore be that these compounds come under the category of disliked but not prohibited things under Islamic law. strangely, I’ve never really had an urge to smoke weed and for some reason I’ve generally imagined cannabis to feel disorientating and anxiety provoking. paradoxically, especially in winter, i’ve Long been really excited//Fascinated/craving the idea of a chocolate confectionery or chocolate milk beverage infused with mild cannabinoids. I imagine it would intensify that somewhat spiritual, deep thinking and calm feeling one sometimes gets when it’s cold and windy outside and you are warm inside.
To answer your question about nicotine euphoria, I guess it might be to do with my Biology because other people also think it’s very strange that I love nicotine so much. basically, I find nicotine provides a strange mental stimulation which is more intense, but also markedly different from that of caffeine. furthermore, if I use nicotine on a daily basis, I notice a stress resilience effect, where I seem to be able to push through life without things getting me down. I know for sure that nicotine does not help me with cognition, but instead, it helps me push through studying and other mental tasks by making them much less painful.

Please feel free to ask if you want any more clarification.
Anyone have any experiences with pure CBD or a high ratio of CBD to THC? is it true that a combination of THC and CBD is more euphoric or the CBD kill the high as some say.

Here’s an interesting YouTube video I found on the topic.

I think 1:1 is probably the right ratio of THC to CBD. Every strain/cart/edible I've had with that ratio was qualitatively so much better than the low (if not neglible) CBD content alternatives. As somebody with fairly bad GAD and dermatillamania, which is it's own hell (2mg/day Xanax ER and 1mg/day Xanax IR is enough to significantly reduce my anxiety but I'd like to get to 4mg/day total, and eventually will), a good ration of CBD seems to be pretty important as far as therapeutic benefits and a lack of side effects goes.
I think 1:1 is probably the right ratio of THC to CBD. Every strain/cart/edible I've had with that ratio was qualitatively so much better than the low (if not neglible) CBD content alternatives. As somebody with fairly bad GAD and dermatillamania, which is it's own hell (2mg/day Xanax ER and 1mg/day Xanax IR is enough to significantly reduce my anxiety but I'd like to get to 4mg/day total, and eventually will), a good ration of CBD seems to be pretty important as far as therapeutic benefits and a lack of side effects goes.

Thank you for that, but do you know about the effects of CBD on the THC high that is, does the presence of CBD just remove anxiety and paranoia from the THC experience or does it just block the psychoactive effects of THC altogether?
Thank you for that, but do you know about the effects of CBD on the THC high that is, does the presence of CBD just remove anxiety and paranoia from the THC experience or does it just block the psychoactive effects of THC altogether?

Short answer? No to both of those, the interaction is actually a bit more complex.

Are you in the mood to do a little casual reading?

Because boy do I have a page for you!

What's funny is that, as far as anxiety goes? You're not gonna find a shit ton of studies or research that deal with that aspect of medicinal cannabis.

There are plenty of firsthand accounts and reports that say people feel less anxious on this strain or that strain, this cannabinoid or that one, but in terms of actual studies that follow the scientific method? I rarely see stress and anxiety mentioned at all, and I can't ever recall seeing a paper that focused mainly on those points. If anybody reading could point me to one I'd be forever grateful.
Anyone have any experiences with pure CBD or a high ratio of CBD to THC? is it true that a combination of THC and CBD is more euphoric or the CBD kill the high as some say.

Here’s an interesting YouTube video I found on the topic.

there is something oddly hilarious about giving a drug naive person a drug and then a self answered pen & paper survey designed to assess psychosis

that seems highly dubious and borderline unscientific


most of psychology research 😐

That's why psychology is so cool!

A majority of it deals with the intangible, so there's a lot of room for speculation based on perception and personal history.

I think, uhh.... I think most other scientists call that "subjective" but man, i'm just a dumbass stoner who drives a truck for a living.



I recently learnt about the D1/D2 heteromer and it is possibly responsible for anhedonia in psychiatric illnesses like depression and schizophrenia, as well as in drug abuse. The way it is thought to induce anhedonia is by preventing the accumulation of my favourite transcription factor Delta FOSB and speeding up its removal from the brain. blocking the actions of this receptor complex reverses anhedonia and depression in animal models. I guess the only positive Thing that the D1/D2 receptor complex may do is limit The risk of immediate addiction by quickly suppressing the rewarding effects of drugs like cocaine. it is believed that if this occurs quickly in some early drug users, there is a greater chance they will abandon the drug due to loss of interest in it or use it much less frequently. nevertheless, whilst I’m not taking drugs, I’d much rather have this D1/D2 receptor heteromer completely blocked.