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Uncle Fester, bringing knowledge to the people, has been arrested and needs an attorney


Moderator: CD
Staff member
Jul 9, 2023
Stephen Preisler from Green Bay, Wisconsin known as Uncle Fester who wrote books and created instructional videos on methamphetamine manufacture is currently facing charges of methamphetamine and crack possession as well as running a meth lab. He needs an attorney licensed in WI. Any takers?

Fucking A Fester you knew you could never cook again after burning yourself by writing those books. Anyone who talks of clandestine chemistry whether online or in a book needs to realize they have to be retired FOR GOOD before doing so.

It's also rather telling that he didn't simply hit the books and find a material that isn't legally controlled. As far as I know the US has nothing like the UK's Novels Psychoactive Substances act.

He is a meth cook - not a medicinal chemist. The book on LSD synthesis was painful to read. He even admits to guesswork. Still, twas but a pamphlet.

I did read an interview with him from about 15 years ago and then he was brining up his children alone. I have to respect the fact that during that time, he appeared to be finding legal jobs. But I suspect he has no pension scheme and he's not the first person to conclude that prison is better than being elderly and living in abject poverty or indeed homeless.

Antony Kemp confessed to murder and is quoted as saying:

He told them: 'I don't give a f**k what happens to me, cos I ain't got long to live... I'm not going to live on the f*****g streets, that's a fact.

'I'd rather the government f*****g look after me... I'd rather do the last few years of my life in bang-up than sleep on the f*****g streets'.

I think we can all agree that he missed his true calling as an after-dinner speaker.
The article said the cops found $65,000 worth of "meth and materials".

It was probably worth $65,000 in the same sense that this measly one acre of opium poppies was worth "$500 million dollars"🤣, according to the police that conducted the raid :

An acre of poppies worth half a billion dollars 😂

Who knows, perhaps it would be possible if one were to grow high thebaine content poppies to use as a starting material for some ultra high potency Bentley compound (of the etorphine variety, but more enjoyable).
The article said the cops found $65,000 worth of "meth and materials".

It was probably worth $65,000 in the same sense that this measly one acre of opium poppies was worth "$500 million dollars"🤣, according to the police that conducted the raid :

An acre of poppies worth half a billion dollars 😂

Who knows, perhaps it would be possible if one were to grow high thebaine content poppies to use as a starting material for some ultra high potency Bentley compound (of the etorphine variety, but more enjoyable).
holy shit that dude narc'd on himself lmao:

"One of our narcotics investigators came to the house looking for something else," Catawba County Sheriff Coy Reid told the Hickory Daily Record. "When he knocked on the door, the guys said, 'I guess you’re here about the opium.'"

And there behind the house, was row after row of poppy plants.
'Fester Makes Etorphine' - could be a family friendly comedy with lots of physical humour. A Three Stooges for the 21st century. And think of the cost savings. Only one stooge required,

Write me a treatment. Let's get this slapstickothon classic-in-the-making some backers.

I hope you're one who can stomach Hamilton Morris, it's worth it

on reflection - burn that link.

He made up sections of that 'Interview with a Ketamine Chemist' and the guy was in a very bad place at the time.

In brief, I have very personal reasons for NOT liking that particular interviewer.
I'm not a huge fan of Hamilton either but Fester is one of a kind, his other interviews with news stations aren't nearly as entertaining
Watch it purely for the times he drools on himself and the lab table, that’s what make uncle fester meth special that little bit of drool in each batch. Secret uncle fester recipe.

He does that then goes and cooks a few years after that interview, he ain’t too smart.

Maybe he saw asmarket knowing people need that “real” non Mexican meth.


He seems quite entertaining. I see much of is work as tongue-in-cheek but I think he DID need the money so he wrote what people would buy.

I've seen people holding up 'The Anarchists Cookbook' as if it were a badge of honour.

But I don't think any of his work was found on that 'Laptop of Doom'* and the Japanese police didn't find any in the search of the Aum Shinrikyo compound.


When you read the death-tolls around the production of nerve agents - proper labs designed for the job, you realise it's unlikely that someone in their remote log cabin has to worry about a pension plan. Same with explosives, admittedly to a lesser extent.

While I occasionally take a look at what Thomas# is up to I steer clear.


Obviously nerve agents aren't much in the public domain, but their are fragments of information. BTW GABA ANTAGONISTS are more deadly that existing nerve agents. Harder to treat as well.
Who knows, perhaps it would be possible if one were to grow high thebaine content poppies to use as a starting material for some ultra high potency Bentley compound (of the etorphine variety, but more enjoyable).
Yes you could. Other alkaloids could be used to produce some hc stuff too. But in reality, how many people in the world do that? My guess is between 0 and a bit over 0. Almost certainly 0 for circle out of their friend base.
He does that then goes and cooks a few years after that interview, he ain’t too smart.
Common, he might be far from knowledgeable chemist but to say he’s not smart doesn’t sound right. Have seen plenty of people irl and online who are REALLY FUCKING SMART that have done way more stupid thing be it under influence of drugs, woman or in the search for that hit of drugs or woman. I don’t have enough big base to estimate it correctly but I guesstamate that more girls figure out on time he won’t both leach your pussy and your drugs xD
He wrote a series of books on how to produce illegal drugs...and then MAKES them. No common sense. I think he also stated he wrote the original book 'to p*ss off the DEA' or words to that effect. That's going to ensure you are going to get static for the rest of your life.

As I understand it the DEA doesn't make laws (although I admit it's a little hazy) and the people who work their are just a cross-section of people who have the right qualifications and want a job for life. Apart from the minority who actually 'bust labs', it's indoor work with no heavy lifting and a decent pension scheme. I'm sure their is a minority who think they are doing good, but I doubt it's many - especially as they see how it's played out. Legal control has resulted in more harm than anything.

So while I may profoundly disagree with their official position, I don't hate them. Hate is a pointless emotion. It only harms the person with that emotion and it clouds judgement.

Their are whole groups of much more profitable, easier to produce and LEGAL compounds he could have made and if the door gets kicked in, he's walking away and then suing for repairs to his property.

The poppies are obviously ridiculous unless he had a LOT of them. Vertical farming using artificial light would obviously drastically reduce the area and obviously areas square up, volumes cube up, but it would still be a huge endeavour.

Yes, their are many over alkaloids (an other nitrogen containing compounds, terpenes, and lipids, all of which can be precursors. But nothing in such concentrations that it would be profitable to do on a small scale. SCALE is everything.

Whatever his reasons, it's evident that he only had the skillset and resources to produce what he knew. I presume he was at it for a while before first getting caught, so you have to consider basic human responses which is to make the most money from the least effort and managing risk. It seems a huge risk to me - with his 'fame', whose to say he wasn't sought out and compelled to do the work. I actually knew a guy who got into debt, was forced into making amphetamine and spent 5 years in prison. We just don't know,, but compulsion is the only think that would make anyone with such a profile do such a thing.

I don't know if he uses ANY drug - but it would be highly foolish and since he holds an undergraduate degree in some chemistry related field (chemistry and biology in what I presume was a joint honours course) and so SAFETY FIRST would be nailed to his soul... well, at least, UK universities do that.

Can't comment on sexual desire clouding one's judgement to such an extent. If you throw money around and have poor impulse control, maybe so.

But the golden rule is the best way to ensure people don't know is not to tell them. Unless someone needs to know, they shouldn't know. If they do, find out HOW.
There was a news article where he was out on bond for $100k and he was with his daughter and they got pulled over and he supposedly handed her a meth pipe and said "here this is gonna cost me $100,000" 😂

I find it interesting that while he didn't find legal materials to work with that he explored roundabout routes of synthesis instead. I would imagine that takes some creativity

Also that mugshot
BINGO - he broke rule 1.

Methamphetamine - not great for improving judgement.

Sure - their are a stack of roundabout routes, often ones that use uncontrolled precursors. Their is a HUGE market for said pre-precursors in The Netherlands,

The problem is - you still end up with methamphetamine.

French researchers looked into phenyl butyl amines as diet drugs. The sec-butyl homologue was simply methamphetamine with a methyl side-chain sat where the ketone sits in mephedrone.

Legal in the US.

OK yes you would have to resolve it (or buy chiral precursor) but do you take my point? If I can find that research, anyone can. I've posted it on BL some time ago but nobody seemed interested. I am ALWAYS interested if it's legal.

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I don’t know about Fester beyond reading his books but...

Fester is, if you believe some not so between the lines he wrote, is a drug user, probably at some point in his life been surrounded by drug users at best, at worst serious abuser who had enough luck (or certain kind of friends or something) to not get caught too often.

His very approach to meth is approach of a person who fell in love with a substance and fights for it and with it. It’s a devoted approach most often seen with weed. I bet most of you met activists who risked a lot for a plant. Some do it for the crystal too, no matter how futile fight is, influence is still there, for the future, good or bad.
I don’t know about Fester beyond reading his books but...

Fester is, if you believe some not so between the lines he wrote, is a drug user, probably at some point in his life been surrounded by drug users at best, at worst serious abuser who had enough luck (or certain kind of friends or something) to not get caught too often.

His very approach to meth is approach of a person who fell in love with a substance and fights for it and with it. It’s a devoted approach most often seen with weed. I bet most of you met activists who risked a lot for a plant. Some do it for the crystal too, no matter how futile fight is, influence is still there, for the future, good or bad.

I think you nailed it, He may also regard jail time as part of the whole deal.

He broke rule 1 - and i he ignored that rule, he likely ignored them all.