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oxys with drinking


Jan 20, 2023
i had a few shots of tequila a few hours ago i dont feel them anymore am i good to take an oxy 15 with no tolerance
Yea your fine, I look at it as a totally safe combo as long as you don’t get like full nodded while piss drunk, but some opiates and alcohol is for the most part safe imo…but as mentioned better with coffee, you’ll want them in the morning trust me
I second this! Morning coffee with some Oxy :)
can i ask what the rest of your day is like after you come down from the oxy. do you feel like shit or is the comedown smooth. ive always taken it a few hours before i go to bed
I can't really answer that for you. It depends on how much you take, your tolerance, and how good you are at pretending sobriety.
If we both weren't sober, I'd love to go out drinking with you. this guy is the man, haha I wonder why people ask questions that are really self explanatory. like if I take more of x drug will it make me higher LOL like really? or if I take x amount of drug that is cose to its LD50, will it kill me..... stupidity at its finest.....
One's biggest concern with mixing alcohol and opioid pills should not be with the opioids themselves but rather with whether or not the pills contain acetaminophen (paracetamol).