Mental Health Coming off Invega (Paliperidone, Xeplion) injections v. 7.0

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My boyfriend told me that I seemed normal now compared to how I was after being injected with Invega Sustenna, he told me before I was really quiet (no thoughts) I was walking funny (shuffled walk) I wasn’t sleeping ( I went several days without sleep) I was just wondering since I’m new here if some of you could explain what you noticed after the injection, how could you tell something had changed? I remember noticing that I had to force myself to play music (not like me at all) I was forcing myself to clean up (I loved cleaning ) I also noticed that I couldn’t feel anything emotionally and sexually it wasn’t the same
What symptoms do you still have?
I read about how some people never recover, but I realized there was always more to the story. Maybe they were on other meds, or abused drugs, maybe they just have a weak mentality, I don’t know.
Everybody here who didn't recover (after a long time), was taking some antipsychotics. I found only one story where one guy (he didnt take meds during the 2 years off) said he didn't recover at 2 years off and then he was gone from this forum. These people who just end-up gone we can't count as not recovered because we don't know what happened with them.

People who abused drugs often disappear from this forum btw. Eg- hopton.
maybe they just have a weak mentality, I don’t know.
If someone can't handle this suffering for a long time, they wont make it. It requires strong and persistent mentality.

I know people who had depression, and after some time went on neuroleptics, they all said natural depression was nothing, a childs play compared to what neuroleptics did to them.
I also know people who went through depression without any meds and during that depression they still enjoyed life, they had interests and could found beauty in living, they also could work.

I also know 2 people who took antidepressants for long time and they made them never satisfied with anything and very needy.
Just finished a 10km (6 mile) run. My time has improved, I feel better and better. Legs were fresh, even after yesterday’s squat workout.

I took a scoop of preworkout (250mg caffeine), I think it had a very positive effect on my body, even though I couldn’t feel the rush.

I say this to prove that recovery is very possible. I used to get cramps when I tried to run only a month ago. Had to keep alternating between walking and jogging. Still do alternate, but much less.

The difference is huge. Helps my mood as well. I was a wreck moodwise a few weeks ago.

The comments from this forum has helped alot with improving my motivation. I don’t blame anybody for being pissed or frustrated. I’m grateful for all the comments. Healthy discussion. I’m very glad I found this forum.

Thank you all for contributing. Special shoutout to katrina for keepin it real and debunking my biggest scare on this forum, from an earlier thread. I really hope merek is well because his posts were inspirational. Invegaishell, paranoid android and many more.

Don’t let the thought of hopelesness creep in, it’s bullshit. Nothing is permanent, except if you make it so. Fight the medicine, fight the side effects, start slow and build from there.
I just earned lot of money from recent business I did. I run 8 miles almost every day.
My boyfriend told me that I seemed normal now compared to how I was after being injected with Invega Sustenna, he told me before I was really quiet (no thoughts) I was walking funny (shuffled walk) I wasn’t sleeping ( I went several days without sleep) I was just wondering since I’m new here if some of you could explain what you noticed after the injection, how could you tell something had changed? I remember noticing that I had to force myself to play music (not like me at all) I was forcing myself to clean up (I loved cleaning ) I also noticed that I couldn’t feel anything emotionally and sexually it wasn’t the same
The outside can't show what's inside.
Everybody here who didn't recover (after a long time), was taking some antipsychotics. I found only one story where one guy (he didnt take meds during the 2 years off) said he didn't recover at 2 years off and then he was gone from this forum. These people who just end-up gone we can't count as not recovered because we don't know what happened with them.

People who abused drugs often disappear from this forum btw. Eg- hopton.

If someone can't handle this suffering for a long time, they wont make it. It requires strong and persistent mentality.

I know people who had depression, and after some time went on neuroleptics, they all said natural depression was nothing, a childs play compared to what neuroleptics did to them.
I also know people who went through depression without any meds and during that depression they still enjoyed life, they had interests and could found beauty in living, they also could work.

I also know 2 people who took antidepressants for long time and they made them never satisfied with anything and very needy.
Are you still taking an antipsychotic? I know it has taken you a while.
Are you still taking an antipsychotic? I know it has taken you a while.
No, I'm 23 months and 25 days off all antipsychotics, last invega shot was my last antipsychotic I took. I had 2 shots invega, and before the shots I had 20 days of risperdal oral 4mg(I thought it's 6mg but I checked the papers and it was 4mg).
Jesus christ man I knew invega made my overall sense of alertness worse but didn't think it was THAT bad. Not sure if anyone else plays but I was just playing Pokémon Go while walking catching pokemon, hatching eggs, doing raids, etc. which was fine for the most part. Once I had to cross the street one last time to arrive home I put my phone down to be more alert for passing vehicles, but for some reason I became seemingly unaware of my surroundings which usually didn't occur prior, so I started crossing and was inches away from getting hit by a car going relatively quick. It's for that exact same reason that I'm currently holding off on driving, as my chances of being involved in an accident are much higher now. So with that my question is does anyone else have issues with delayed reaction times and seemingly being less aware and conscious in general?
Jesus christ man I knew invega made my overall sense of alertness worse but didn't think it was THAT bad. Not sure if anyone else plays but I was just playing Pokémon Go while walking catching pokemon, hatching eggs, doing raids, etc. which was fine for the most part. Once I had to cross the street one last time to arrive home I put my phone down to be more alert for passing vehicles, but for some reason I became seemingly unaware of my surroundings which usually didn't occur prior, so I started crossing and was inches away from getting hit by a car going relatively quick. It's for that exact same reason that I'm currently holding off on driving, as my chances of being involved in an accident are much higher now. So with that my question is does anyone else have issues with delayed reaction times and seemingly being less aware and conscious in general?
Omg that sounds so scary! No I don’t think I have that issue of delayed reaction times but if your into gaming I recommend lumosity and brain wars to help with that
Oh yeah, I would take a pandemic over invega any day. I would also take 6 months in jail over the first 6 months of invega, easy. At least in jail I would have mental freedom.
I constantly thought the same at the beginning, honestly at least with jail I'd probably be somewhat mentally scarred afterwards but I would most likely come out unscathed and wouldn't suffer long-term issues, with invega I went through an absolute living hell of an experience and after not sleeping well for over 3 months, it eventually lead to a stroke and I'm genuinely concerned it lead to permanent brain damage, even organ damage according to my recent blood test.
Omg that sounds so scary! No I don’t think I have that issue of delayed reaction times but if your into gaming I recommend lumosity and brain wars to help with that
Sounds interesting, normally I'd be more focused on work and schooling but because I haven't recovered mentally sufficiently I'm just taking it easy and going to the gym/playing games here and there, not very productive I know but I'll get my life back together sooner or later hopefully. Can't say I've heard of those games before but I do want to find ways to essentially "train my brain" and improve my cognition at least closer to where it was originally.
No, I'm 23 months and 25 days off all antipsychotics, last invega shot was my last antipsychotic I took. I had 2 shots invega, and before the shots I had 20 days of risperdal oral 4mg(I thought it's 6mg but I checked the papers and it was 4mg).
How are you now compared to when you received the injection? What symptoms do you still have?
Jesus christ man I knew invega made my overall sense of alertness worse but didn't think it was THAT bad. Not sure if anyone else plays but I was just playing Pokémon Go while walking catching pokemon, hatching eggs, doing raids, etc. which was fine for the most part. Once I had to cross the street one last time to arrive home I put my phone down to be more alert for passing vehicles, but for some reason I became seemingly unaware of my surroundings which usually didn't occur prior, so I started crossing and was inches away from getting hit by a car going relatively quick. It's for that exact same reason that I'm currently holding off on driving, as my chances of being involved in an accident are much higher now. So with that my question is does anyone else have issues with delayed reaction times and seemingly being less aware and conscious in general?
I’ve been scared to drive a car for the past 8 months because my reflexes were so slow. They are slowly coming back though. That’s crazy that happened to you. How many months off are you?
I constantly thought the same at the beginning, honestly at least with jail I'd probably be somewhat mentally scarred afterwards but I would most likely come out unscathed and wouldn't suffer long-term issues, with invega I went through an absolute living hell of an experience and after not sleeping well for over 3 months, it eventually lead to a stroke and I'm genuinely concerned it lead to permanent brain damage, even organ damage according to my recent blood test.
I think I went two weeks without any sleep it was a nightmare
I’ve been scared to drive a car for the past 8 months because my reflexes were so slow. They are slowly coming back though. That’s crazy that happened to you. How many months off are you?
Its been about 5 1/2 months since I recieved the last invega injection, since the 9th of December last year. Interestingly I feel as if time in general seems to pass by faster since. I've definitely made a considerable recovery since then, I still have a few persistent side effects but hopefully with enough rest and excercise I continue to recover even further.
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