Mental Health Coming off Invega (Paliperidone, Xeplion) injections v. 7.0

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It’s too early for you and me to tell. But if I don’t recover my capabilities in a year, I will start to panic 😂.

Will probably notice improvement, but not same as before. I’ll take it.

If you can feel a small buzz like myself then you are probably fine.

Sounds to me like we have nothing to worry about. Almost all people recover in the end. The rest have something else wrong with them. They have abused meth or depression, messed up life in general etc.
Messed up life in general? Lol haven’t you had psychosis multiple times?
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Messed up life in general? Lol haven’t you had psychosis multiple times?
Obviously 😂. We are all in the same boat. I just meant some people may have bad circumstances financially, socially, criminal record etc. that makes someone a pessimist. No offense to anybody, just trying to explain why some people never «recover» their emotions is perhaps because of their circumstances and not necessarily invega. I’m a mess too
Obviously 😂. We are all in the same boat. I just meant some people may have bad circumstances financially, socially, criminal record etc. that makes someone a pessimist. No offense to anybody, just trying to explain why some people never «recover» their emotions is perhaps because of their circumstances and not necessarily invega. I’m a mess too
Did you return your emotions.How much better do you feel in precent since the last shot? You werent suicidal? Did not had anhedonia? No suicidal thoughts?
Did you return your emotions.How much better do you feel in precent since the last shot? You werent suicidal? Did not had anhedonia? No suicidal thoughts?
I feel/felt the same side effects as everybody else. Anhedonia, emotional numbness, suicidal ideation, lack of energy. Maybe not as severe as others, but I went through it all. I also panicked when I read about how some people never recover, but I realized there was always more to the story. Maybe they were on other meds, or abused drugs, maybe they just have a weak mentality, I don’t know.

All I know is many people recover, my symptoms have gotten gradually better, and the ones that complain about not recovering usually speak about how they are anhedonic. Maybe the anhedonia is depression. I don’t believe the medicine is always at fault.

This is the internet you always have to take things with a grain of salt. I could be a stone cold emotionless sociopath for all you know. Don’t believe everything you read on this forum. Listen to the mods, they have the most experience from the very beginning.
If thats the case than you whould got just one injection not have to take it all the time.. How long are you off
Invega cost $3000 per injection it’s really a money thing in my opinion although it’s not needed they’ll continue to give it to anyone if they continue taking it
Alcohol only makes me drowzy. I can feel weed but not euphoria, didn’t like the high. I tried coke, did nothing at all. I’m afraid if I do shrooms, I will only experience the negative side effects and none of the positive. But I’m willing to give it a try
I wouldn’t take the shrooms unless you really want to, especially if you’re weed high wasn’t the best experience. If you do decide take them, I would probably stick to a lower amount. Just remember to be safe. I love shrooms, but if you don’t have a good mindset going in, it may not be the best trip. It’s also crazy Coke didn’t work for you, it’s one of the strongest drugs there is. It shows you how strong invega is. I hope you have the best trip of you life if you do decide to take the shrooms. I miss them.
Invega cost $3000 per injection it’s really a money thing in my opinion although it’s not needed they’ll continue to give it to anyone if they continue taking it
You said yourself how expensive this stuff is, you really believe the state (or insurance) would waste this kind of money on people if they didn’t believe it helps our health?

The last thing they want is to stop us from paying taxes, which is where the real money is. You try inventing a medicine with no side effects, it’s nobodys fault the medicines we have today sucks ass.

I hate invega just as much as the next guy, but I don’t believe doctors are mengele psychos who want to harm us.

God I wish I would have taken the pills when I had the chance 😂
You said yourself how expensive this stuff is, you really believe the state (or insurance) would waste this kind of money on people if they didn’t believe it helps our health?

The last thing they want is to stop us from paying taxes, which is where the real money is. You try inventing a medicine with no side effects, it’s nobodys fault the medicines we have today sucks ass.

I hate invega just as much as the next guy, but I don’t believe doctors are mengele psychos who want to harm us.

God I wish I would have taken the pills when I had the chance 😂
I agree, I don’t think doctors are trying to hurt us or make us psychotic. I think they have our best interest in mind but they don’t really know what a drug does to a person. They can read their facts, but until a doctors takes the drug themselves, they have no idea what the real side effects are. My doctor in the psych ward informed me invega takes one month to get out of the system. Which I thought made sense since the medication is once a month. I believed him and took it. He also mentioned the medication had very little side effects.

There was an experiment conducted by a psychiatrist named Peter R. Breggin who wrote the book ‘Medication Madness’. In the experiment he took antipsychotics and before one of his lectures at a college he was unable
to put the keys in the car to start it because he couldn’t remember how to. He was also unable give a lecture at the college. In the book, he talks about the cognitive dangers of antipsychotics and how the medication makes people unable to function.
Doctors do get money from pharmaceutical companies if they promote their medication. They do not get kickbacks however, that is illegal. But if a doctor gives a promotional speech about the medication the doctor will receive money from the company per

I do not like when doctors do this. A doctor will prescribe a drug more often to patients if they are getting paid, regardless of whether there is a better medication for the patient.
Just finished a 10km (6 mile) run. My time has improved, I feel better and better. Legs were fresh, even after yesterday’s squat workout.

I took a scoop of preworkout (250mg caffeine), I think it had a very positive effect on my body, even though I couldn’t feel the rush.

I say this to prove that recovery is very possible. I used to get cramps when I tried to run only a month ago. Had to keep alternating between walking and jogging. Still do alternate, but much less.

The difference is huge. Helps my mood as well. I was a wreck moodwise a few weeks ago.

The comments from this forum has helped alot with improving my motivation. I don’t blame anybody for being pissed or frustrated. I’m grateful for all the comments. Healthy discussion. I’m very glad I found this forum.

Thank you all for contributing. Special shoutout to katrina for keepin it real and debunking my biggest scare on this forum, from an earlier thread. I really hope merek is well because his posts were inspirational. Invegaishell, paranoid android and many more.

Don’t let the thought of hopelesness creep in, it’s bullshit. Nothing is permanent, except if you make it so. Fight the medicine, fight the side effects, start slow and build from there.
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My boyfriend told me that I seemed normal now compared to how I was after being injected with Invega Sustenna, he told me before I was really quiet (no thoughts) I was walking funny (shuffled walk) I wasn’t sleeping ( I went several days without sleep) I was just wondering since I’m new here if some of you could explain what you noticed after the injection, how could you tell something had changed? I remember noticing that I had to force myself to play music (not like me at all) I was forcing myself to clean up (I loved cleaning ) I also noticed that I couldn’t feel anything emotionally and sexually it wasn’t the same
My boyfriend told me that I seemed normal now compared to how I was after being injected with Invega Sustenna, he told me before I was really quiet (no thoughts) I was walking funny (shuffled walk) I wasn’t sleeping ( I went several days without sleep) I was just wondering since I’m new here if some of you could explain what you noticed after the injection, how could you tell something had changed? I remember noticing that I had to force myself to play music (not like me at all) I was forcing myself to clean up (I loved cleaning ) I also noticed that I couldn’t feel anything emotionally and sexually it wasn’t the same
After taking the medication, it took about 3 weeks for me to feel the full effects. When I was at my worst, I couldn’t concentrate, I had terrible restlessness, I shuffled when I walked, I had no thoughts or consciousness, I couldn’t make eye contact, I had a terrible mood, I was easily agitated, I had anhedonia and the I couldn’t carry or create a conversation. I also couldn’t paint. I have been an avid oil painter for a long time. I Couldn’t concentrate enough to paint. I will try again soon to see if I have regained the skill. The worst 7 months of my life were after I took invega sustenna.
My boyfriend told me that I seemed normal now compared to how I was after being injected with Invega Sustenna, he told me before I was really quiet (no thoughts) I was walking funny (shuffled walk) I wasn’t sleeping ( I went several days without sleep) I was just wondering since I’m new here if some of you could explain what you noticed after the injection, how could you tell something had changed? I remember noticing that I had to force myself to play music (not like me at all) I was forcing myself to clean up (I loved cleaning ) I also noticed that I couldn’t feel anything emotionally and sexually it wasn’t the same
I remember I had to force myself to do stuff as well. Had no energy to do anything and at the same time can’t nap. Still can’t take naps, sexual dysfunction still, and time moves alot slower. I would go crazy thinking what am I going to do all day. I bitched and moaned to my family constantly.

When I found this forum I learned alot. I started to go for daily walks, which I hated. I went to the gym once or twice a week for only 20 minutes. Sometimes I only went to the sauna because lack of energy. Running was impossible.

I felt the urge to drink and smoke all the time. The anhedonia was tough. Overeating gained a ton of weight. None of my regular clothes fit anymore.

I was on disability for a few months. Then I started to work. Sitting at home with nothing to do was way worse than forcing myself to work. I still feel bored alot, but not like before. Where I live there are long cold winters. I’m so happy the summer is here.
The pandemic lockdown was a breeze compared to invega. But I feel the worst is over
The pandemic lockdown was a breeze compared to invega. But I feel the worst is over
Oh yeah, I would take a pandemic over invega any day. I would also take 6 months in jail over the first 6 months of invega, easy. At least in jail I would have mental freedom.
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