Mental Health Coming off Invega (Paliperidone, Xeplion) injections v. 7.0

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I’ve heard some people try shrooms after invega and the shrooms worked for them. I would love to take some shrooms. I’m curious if weed will work at 8 months off, but if alcohol and weed don’t work I doubt weed will. Have you tried weed yet? If weed and alcohol work for you I’m sure shrooms will.
I smoked weed this weekend and only noticed that it made me hungry and kept me up later than I’d usually fall asleep… I’m not sure if it I noticed anything else. I was hoping to notice euphoria or even laugh and feel silly. I am eight months from being injected with Invega Sustenna
Not trying to brag, maybe a little, but I just finished another good gym session. Didn’t do mad volume, but strengthwise I’m seeing progress. I squatted 150kg x3 atg. Benched 90kg x5 for three sets. Pull ups not so great as I have gained weight. Plus some assistance exercises. My pre-invega stats are 170kg and 110kg for the same amount, although at a lower bodyweight.

I used to do splits for the first 6 months after the jab, but now I’m back to full body workouts. Training frequency has also improved a little. Twice a week minimum plus some running here and there

Lesson learned is to keep reps low and weights heavy. Volume (higher reps) seem to be much more difficult imo. Short and explosive compound exercises work well for me.

Maybe difficult to gain strength, but it’s not impossible. At least I’m able to maintain strength, but I’m not «pumped». I tried to finish off with some push ups, couldn’t do it. Maybe next time.
Please keep bragging it’s encouraging reading something positive like this. I wish that I was as satisfied and fulfilled with doing something like you are. Keep up the good work
Green tea relaxes me a lot same as matcha and lemon balm tea

and b3 and C in high doses have been shown to improve symptoms in many studies it makes you less ruminative ib your mind and more free and clear and energetic in your mind
Green tea relaxes me a lot same as matcha and lemon balm tea

and b3 and C in high doses have been shown to improve symptoms in many studies it makes you less ruminative ib your mind and more free and clear and energetic in your mind
Thank you for responding
I’ve heard some people try shrooms after invega and the shrooms worked for them. I would love to take some shrooms. I’m curious if weed will work at 8 months off, but if alcohol and weed don’t work I doubt weed will. Have you tried weed yet? If weed and alcohol work for you I’m sure shrooms will.
Alcohol only makes me drowzy. I can feel weed but not euphoria, didn’t like the high. I tried coke, did nothing at all. I’m afraid if I do shrooms, I will only experience the negative side effects and none of the positive. But I’m willing to give it a try
Yeah dont use mushrooms when you still are on antipsychotics you get all the negative side effects and none of the positives. It gives a dirty adrenergic stimulating sensation. You really need to be off antipsychotics to use them
What do you think people, does invega permanently blocks dopamine, and what do you think why some people recover and some dont?
What do you think people, does invega permanently blocks dopamine, and what do you think why some people recover and some dont?
Several people on this page alone, let alone many many other people in the previous versions of this thread have said that they have fully recovered and not suffered permanent damage. Clearly this means that Invega does not cause permanent damage, right? It just takes longer for some people to recover than others, and it depends on a lot of different factors.
I imagine some people who don’t recover are probably depressed as an underlying cause. That’s why I think substances are a better benchmark than emotions. If you can feel stims, then your brain is fine.
I imagine some people who don’t recover are probably depressed as an underlying cause. That’s why I think substances are a better benchmark than emotions. If you can feel stims, then your brain is fine.
What do you think? I manged to feel alcohol, got drunk, but didnt got that happy feeling. Where do i stand
What do you think? I manged to feel alcohol, got drunk, but didnt got that happy feeling. Where do i stand
It’s too early for you and me to tell. But if I don’t recover my capabilities in a year, I will start to panic 😂.

Will probably notice improvement, but not same as before. I’ll take it.

If you can feel a small buzz like myself then you are probably fine.

Sounds to me like we have nothing to worry about. Almost all people recover in the end. The rest have something else wrong with them. They have abused meth or depression, messed up life in general etc.
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