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Opioids Subs and when to induce and how much


Oct 16, 2022
So im trying round 2 to go on subs from oxy. I ave been taking 40 80 oc's and finally moving to subs. I got strips and the tablets for cutting etc. I will take my last dose of 160-320mg at 4pm. When on Sunday can I start with a 1/4 sub to test the grounds.? Also if it doesn't work how can I get back to normal quickly, do I need to take more OXY ASAP?
So once you're in precipitated wds, there's really not much you can do about it. Prevention is better than cure, especially in this instance. You should be fine to take 4mg sub 24hrs after your last oxy dose. If you have pregabalin, gabapentin or valium/whatever benzo that might help you through that 24hr period. You shouldn't induct the sub before 24hr, but if you can't take the withdrawal anymore and have no comfort meds then you could take tiny amounts of sub gradually, like 0.2mg every hour unless it makes you worse in which case you wait. Look inti the Bernese method.
So once you're in precipitated wds, there's really not much you can do about it. Prevention is better than cure, especially in this instance. You should be fine to take 4mg sub 24hrs after your last oxy dose. If you have pregabalin, gabapentin or valium/whatever benzo that might help you through that 24hr period. You shouldn't induct the sub before 24hr, but if you can't take the withdrawal anymore and have no comfort meds then you could take tiny amounts of sub gradually, like 0.2mg every hour unless it makes you worse in which case you wait. Look inti the Bernese method.
yea I have heard of the Bernese method but I'm coming off oxy not fent, so I am unsure if the same principle will apply with binding affinities being so different.
Bernese can be used for all opiates apparently, not just fent. An English BLer successfully used it when switching from #3 heroin (there's no fent in most European smack).
Sounds like a bit of a pain in the arse to me though, I'd rather just wait 24hrs and not risk it.