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Kratom Is drinking kratom everyday really a problem?


Aug 19, 2013
Last year I posted a thread criticizing the idea of drinking kratom everyday and now I’m having different thoughts about it. Lately I’ve been drinking more coffee and have started a bad habit of having energy drinks most days when I need to be more physically active. The other day I had kratom for the first time in a while and felt a solid boost in energy/stamina and my overall mood for many hours. So I thought if I had kratom in the morning instead of coffee, it would stick with me longer and I could ditch the crappy energy drinks for good. I feel like I could definitely limit kratom consumption to two drinks a day because if I exceed that, it usually results in me getting sick. The place I go to sells growlers of their kratom drinks so I don’t know precisely how many grams I’d be taking, but figured it would be a good substitute for excess caffeine. I also feel better about it since trying a strain that’s better for productivity (white). The only thing to consider is tolerance, therefore I ought to take a day off whenever I can.

For those who drink a lot of kratom or are around people who do, what are your thoughts on daily use?
I've used Kratom on and off (mostly on) for about 5 years now. Before that, I used heroin intravenously for almost a decade. Weather or not kratom is technically an opiate, it absolutely acts like one. It's addictive, both physically and psychologically, just like "real" opiates.

If you take it every day, you will absolutely develop a tolerance and a physical dependence. I'd compare it to an opiate withdrawal at about 60% of the pain.

When I first started taking it I could drink some in the morning and feel great till the next morning. Then it was only morning to evening, then morning to early afternoon, then evening, now I'm up to about 4x a day. I'm down to about 2g per dose, but have been as high as 10-15g per dose.

I would absolutely not recommend making a habit of taking kratom everyday. I've tried to quit dozens of times, it's super fucking hard too because I can buy it at whatever gas station, it's everywhere.
Did so every day without a problem for about 6 months in total. Enjoyed as a substitute for coffee as well as Aleve, withdrawal being a minimum. Not overly nauseous in the heat working full days either. Although that was after becoming used to the effects. Other uses things with it's likeness, would have me quite ill feeling with that much sunlight. Unfortunately it is now illegal in my state and only source would be neighbouring. Have high hopes that this one would put it back on the ballot.
It depends on what you mean by a problem. It's not as bad as drinking heroin every morning but it's not completely harmless either. You could get away with doing it for a while, but eventually it will become less effective and you'll have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop.
I've been drinking it every day for around 5 years, for me it's not really an issue. But I had periods where I'd take more than I needed and jacked my tolerance up. I keep it low, 5-6g a day. Some people go ridiculously high and take 30g, even 50g a day. I just like the stuff, and it's great for pain. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out soon and have kratom capsules that I intend to use instead of the Vicodin they wanted to prescribe. I guess I could have fun with that later, but Idk, opiates like that and I don't have the feeling kratom gives me which I enjoy far more. It just feels more natural.

Addiction and withdrawal are always going to be a problem of course, but my liver enzymes are all normal, I have no issues using the bathroom and overall I'm just riding it out. Maybe it'll get banned one day and that'll be my last dance, but FDA has been failing to do this for 7 years now lol. It shouldn't be banned but it should be controlled in some way because it's the safest opioid hands down. You cannot overdose, your body will puke it up, and the higher you dose, the more opioid antagonist effect is likely to happen. I.E, it cancels out its own effects. I've experienced this many times when I've redosed. Felt good, took more, then in 10 minutes I feel less (this is why you can't combine it with oxy or something, it will reduce or not get you feeling anything at all). Has to be a 1g dose or something, that works.
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Yeah I don't really think that daily use is a problem either, depending on the dose and the physiology of the individual. Some people get w/d symptoms but I've never experienced any that merit the name, even after daily usage for many months on end. I'm not someone who consumes 3 ounces of kratom per day or anything like that though
Define "problem". A lot of people do Kratom everyday with varying degrees of dosage escalation and other issues.
However, what's going to happen when they, inevitably, ban it?

My girlfriend is on Gabapentin, about a gram a day. She's hooked, I'm sure. It also helps her neuropathy/pain issues and she has been stabilized on that dose for some time.
Is that a "problem"? Yes.
Is neuropathy a "problem"? Also yes.
Kratom is an opioid, therefore risk of tolerance is a genuine concern. Probably best to use it in moderation
Kratom is an opioid, therefore risk of tolerance is a genuine concern. Probably best to use it in moderation
Kratom is not exactly an opioid, and has a lot more limited activity on those receptors than something like Percocet. I’m a bit confused on what exactly the classification of it is.
Interesting how there are mixed feelings about this. For now I am going to stick to not taking it everyday, just wanted to get some opinions. I may take it a bit more frequently if my job becomes more demanding.
.... Maybe it'll get banned one day and that'll be my last dance, but FDA has been failing to do this for 7 years now lol. It shouldn't be banned but it should be controlled in some way because it's the safest opioid hands down. You cannot overdose, your body will puke it up, and the higher you dose, the more opioid antagonist effect....
I hate to say that anything needs government regulation, but kratom should definitely be a subject to the same approvals and inspections as nutritional supplements or food products. I know those aren't much, but it's something.

I hear stories all the time about it being cut with O desmethyl tramadol, or fentanyl, especially the concentrates. I've even heard of beetroot powder being used to simulate red strains made from inferior product.

A lot of the more legitimate vendors have every one of their batches tested, and post the results, mine even sends it to me with each bag. I think that should be required of every batch of kratom sold to the public. Some kind of "meets safe standards" seal would be applied to all the products that have actually been inspected and tested at a lab.

In my experience, most kratom vendors are good people who are not trying to hurt or rip off their customers. They spend their own money to have these very intricate, and sometimes quite expensive, tests done to assure quality. Setting up inspections wouldn't even require new infrastructure, a lot of companies already do it voluntarily. Just make that mandatory.

I think passing a law like that would be pretty easy, it's already legal in most places, and it would be hard to justify that the extra expense of testing would be a financial burden to the companies, at the expense of public safety.
I did use Kratom daily for a couple of month, dosage being approx 7.5g a day, taken at once in the morning and I got restlessness / RLS upon withdrawal but it was short lived, just a few days and could be tapered. But I also got only minimal effects from the Kratom, if you get stronger effects you're likely gonna have a worse withdrawal.

Kratom or mitragynine is definitely an opioid, an atypical one but it is.
Kratom is not exactly an opioid, and has a lot more limited activity on those receptors than something like Percocet. I’m a bit confused on what exactly the classification of it is.
An opioid is a substance that binds to opioid receptors. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine definitively fit this definition and can hence be classified as opioids. While I do admit that they are slightly atypical compared to the more 'classical' opioids (diamorphine, morphine, oxycodone...) in their effects, in that they do not depress the respiratory system, they nonetheless have analgesic properties, and definitively cause dependance. I highly recommend the book Kratom and Other Mitragynines: The Chemistry and Pharmacology of Opioids from a Non-Opium Source for further elaboration.
But, the point is also that Kratom might suddenly become unavailable. Likely will, eventually.
I imagine people will still be selling it online as something else entirely, or it'll be dark net shit. Hard to say, I mean there are sites you can buy illegal scheduled psychedelics from.
Don’t count on that.

If H is almost non-existent in USA don’t expect people will importing tons and tons of stuff of something many people use in amount of tens of grams daily. It might remain available at insane price for those ready/able to pay that but others will end up on bupe, methadone, fent, rcs...
An opioid is a substance that binds to opioid receptors. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine definitively fit this definition and can hence be classified as opioids. While I do admit that they are slightly atypical compared to the more 'classical' opioids (diamorphine, morphine, oxycodone...) in their effects, in that they do not depress the respiratory system, they nonetheless have analgesic properties, and definitively cause dependance. I highly recommend the book Kratom and Other Mitragynines: The Chemistry and Pharmacology of Opioids from a Non-Opium Source for further elaboration.
This website here: https://kratom.org/guides/kratom-drug-class/
States that kratom is “not an opioid, but has opioid like effects.”
Some people seem to drink it everyday and then stop without having many issues at all, and some seem to get dependent like you mentioned. It’s a gray area I suppose, but regardless I will not be drinking it much at all for the time being, as my mental health has been very fragile lately, and I’m processing some recent trauma.