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Dissociatives Sublingual Ketamine


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
Here’s a Harm Reduction post for today..

I’ve snorted a lot of drugs in my day and over the years my nose has taken a beating. Early on I had no problem snorting the tiny bumps of K I very occasionally sniff. As the years have gone on however that’s changed.

My left nostril is callous from years of overuse, seems like there ain’t much membrane left for hitting up there. My right nostril can occasionally work but is usually stuffed up.

If I do get a decent sniff up and it doesn’t all run back, I then deal with sinus issues for days after from one tiny bump.

All this has pushed me to try alternative routes of administration. I’ve done IV which was ok at the dosages I use but I try to avoid needles these days. Next I looked at other ROA’s. It seems oral is 20% with a high metabolism to norKet. Sublingual and rectal are 30% with less norKet. Insufflated is 45% with MUCH less norKet.

I first went with my typical snorted dose Buccal. This worked ok but felt Buccal was too slow of dissolve for it to work properly.

Next I took some crystals uncrushed (the tiny needle like ones, albeit this batch are slightly larger than usual and also seems very pure) and used a bit more than normal for snorted. Dropped them in as is under my tongue for sublingual route.

Now this was much more in line with what I was looking for.. Keeping the crystals uncrushed allowed for slower dissolution while the wetter more vein heavy under tongue area didn’t allow for any to just sit there like with Buccal.

The experience was a bit different, still not quite as recreational euphoric but good enough. The biggest downside obviously being the taste. That said, I just can’t deal with the sinus issues anymore so this ROA is a win for me. Not dealing with that this morning was just wonderful.

Also strangely I feel less bladder symptoms than normal. I’m highly susceptible to bladder issues from K, but no increase in frequency or other weird anomalies.. I was expecting more if anything.

I’ll make sure to update this after I’ve given this ROA a fair shake. Definitely going to be my go to. Also bioavailability seems right based on the research, use 50% more than a snorted dose.

Oh one more thing this was done using S-Ketamine. When looking at the research S-NorKet is a better NMDA antagonist than R-NorKet. Since there’s an increase amount of NorKet floating around in the bloodstream with sublingual route, this means S-Ket is more effective via this route than racemic Ket or the rarely found R-Ket.

“In agreement with earlier studies (S)-ketamine (Ki: 0.3 μM) was found to possess a 5 times higher affinity for the NMDA receptor complex than (R)-ketamine (Ki: 1.4 μM). (S)-Norketamine (Ki: 1.7 μM) had approximately an 8 times higher affinity than (R)-norketamine (Ki: 13 μM)”

And here’s an article on bioavailability of ROA’s along with NorKet plasma levels.

“The bioavailability of the tablet (oral) was estimated to be approximately 20%; the area under the plasma concentration–time curve, (AUC)0→8 h, of norketamine was approximately 500 ng h/ml in both enantiomers. The bioavailabilities of the sublingual tablet and the suppository (rectal) were estimated to both be approximately 30%; the AUC0→8 h of norketamine was 280–460 ng h/ml in both enantiomers. The plasma concentration profiles of the sublingual tablet and the suppository were almost similar to that of the tablet. The bioavailability of the nasal spray was estimated to be approximately 45%, which was the highest value among the preparations tested, and the AUC0→6 h of norketamine was low (approximately 100 ng h/ml) in both enantiomers.”

My ROA is also Tootin'.......I rarely do anymore Yayo unless, it's at the bar after a couple Tequila/Rum/Bourbon shots.
I heard about Esketamine, I am new to this whole scene. Never used this Esketamine stuff. But, I hear Ket. could be a lifesaver type of Medication.
I have high depression, high anxiety among many other things including extreme pain. I've taken every SSRI imaginable but something tells me this could be lifechanging.
I spoke to one of those places that place adds on places like insta. But, the thing is ITS WAYYY TO MUCH DOUGH! & I cannot stop taking my Medications mainly Klonopin, Dilaudid, Roxicodone & Dexedrine.
I would love to know if it's worth it to stop taking my meds to experience Ket. I've known about Ketalar, Ketamine, Dust ect. for a very long time.

I know how to get it. But, I'm old-school and don't believe in these new ways of getting what you need.
I'm sure 100% sure I could get access to it and still continue to take my Medicine in peace. The only question is.......is it worth it???
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Very intereresting G - I'm currently reading the book "Ketamine for depression" and he recomends sub-luingal microdosing. Havn't had K in years but I'm going to give it a go.
Very intereresting G - I'm currently reading the book "Ketamine for depression" and he recomends sub-luingal microdosing. Havn't had K in years but I'm going to give it a go.

It mighta been you that I remember mentioning this ROA. I think I’ve seen some research on sublingual use for depression too. That’s pretty much why I use K, for the longer term effects.

Definitely give it a go! Especially if your snooter don’t work quite like it used to (like mine..)

Alright guys. So I gave racemic a try not long ago because honestly I forgot of it’s reduced efficacy compared to S isomer via this route. I noticed much less of the effect I was seeking, it was then that I remembered the research.

I will not waste racemic ketamine via sublingual again, only S isomer is worth it. Racemic I guess I’ll either save my schnozz for, or consider occasional IM/IV.

There aren't any taste buds in the butt (thank god).
Here’s a Harm Reduction post for today..

I’ve snorted a lot of drugs in my day and over the years my nose has taken a beating. Early on I had no problem snorting the tiny bumps of K I very occasionally sniff. As the years have gone on however that’s changed.

My left nostril is callous from years of overuse, seems like there ain’t much membrane left for hitting up there. My right nostril can occasionally work but is usually stuffed up.

If I do get a decent sniff up and it doesn’t all run back, I then deal with sinus issues for days after from one tiny bump.

All this has pushed me to try alternative routes of administration. I’ve done IV which was ok at the dosages I use but I try to avoid needles these days. Next I looked at other ROA’s. It seems oral is 20% with a high metabolism to norKet. Sublingual and rectal are 30% with less norKet. Insufflated is 45% with MUCH less norKet.

I first went with my typical snorted dose Buccal. This worked ok but felt Buccal was too slow of dissolve for it to work properly.

Next I took some crystals uncrushed (the tiny needle like ones, albeit this batch are slightly larger than usual and also seems very pure) and used a bit more than normal for snorted. Dropped them in as is under my tongue for sublingual route.

Now this was much more in line with what I was looking for.. Keeping the crystals uncrushed allowed for slower dissolution while the wetter more vein heavy under tongue area didn’t allow for any to just sit there like with Buccal.

The experience was a bit different, still not quite as recreational euphoric but good enough. The biggest downside obviously being the taste. That said, I just can’t deal with the sinus issues anymore so this ROA is a win for me. Not dealing with that this morning was just wonderful.

Also strangely I feel less bladder symptoms than normal. I’m highly susceptible to bladder issues from K, but no increase in frequency or other weird anomalies.. I was expecting more if anything.

I’ll make sure to update this after I’ve given this ROA a fair shake. Definitely going to be my go to. Also bioavailability seems right based on the research, use 50% more than a snorted dose.

This is my issue. Ketamine royally fucks my sinuses. I actually have a Dr. Smith appt next month and am going to go the legal route and use troches.
This is my issue. Ketamine royally fucks my sinuses. I actually have a Dr. Smith appt next month and am going to go the legal route and use troches.

Definitely let us know how it goes once you start, I’m curious if there’s any difference to street Ketamine and overall just curious.

There aren't any taste buds in the butt (thank god).

But it’s so muuuch wooooorrrrk lol honestly that’s my main hang up about it. I’m not a fan of the ritual, just get the drugs inside of an orifice and I’m good.

But it’s so muuuch wooooorrrrk lol honestly that’s my main hang up about it. I’m not a fan of the ritual, just get the drugs inside of an orifice and I’m good.

I think a lot of people go overboard. Weigh it out, put hot water in a cup and the k in another, use oral syringe to transfer ~5 ml into the ket cup to dissolve, walk into the bathroom and put your leg up on the tub and then blast it in there (although playing "oh yeah" by Yello in the bathroom is a nice touch). Then just do whatever, you don't need to like lie there to let it absorb or anything, and the onset is rather quick.
Sublingual MXE was great, very similar to intranasal but a bit slower onset. Even loved its salty taste. I imagine that it'll be similar with ketamine. Yet for whatever that's worth, I put at least 300g of arylcyclohexylamine research chemicals up my nose and it's still perfectly fine.
I think a lot of people go overboard. Weigh it out, put hot water in a cup and the k in another, use oral syringe to transfer ~5 ml into the ket cup to dissolve, walk into the bathroom and put your leg up on the tub and then blast it in there (although playing "oh yeah" by Yello in the bathroom is a nice touch). Then just do whatever, you don't need to like lie there to let it absorb or anything, and the onset is rather quick.
Are you talking rectal admin if ketamine???
I thought it had such low bioavailability via that ROA that it wasn't worth trying?
Please let me know if I'm mistaken.
Are you talking rectal admin if ketamine???
I thought it had such low bioavailability via that ROA that it wasn't worth trying?
Please let me know if I'm mistaken.
You are mistaken.

I have always heard that about the bioavailability , so I didn't try it until really getting fed up with the nose while trying to hole. I thought what the hell and was pleasantly surprised. I can report a sample size of 5 different individuals, so it's at least somewhat generalizable.
You are mistaken.

I have always heard that about the bioavailability , so I didn't try it until really getting fed up with the nose while trying to hole. I thought what the hell and was pleasantly surprised. I can report a sample size of 5 different individuals, so it's at least somewhat generalizable.
What's the dosage compared to nasal administration???
Is it more like IM???
I'm.very curious....I usually plug dissos but always thought K wouldn't work
I tend to shoot for holes (pun not intended), so I usually go in 100 mg increments, or just do a single 200 or 300 mg push. I've got a fair tolerance, and that is generally consistent with intranasal dosages for me.
Tried sublingual K today, pretty sure I have racemic ketamine so maybe not the best for this ROA. Comes on pretty slow and gentle and didn't seem as strong as insufflated but nicer than putting it up my nose. The taste is pretty bad but doesn't last that long.

Main issue for me is that it made me salivate a tonne and I'm sure it all mixed with the Ket so I didn't want to spit it out and waste my lovely drugs. The saliva might have also meant less was absorbed.

Still got wonky tho
Are you talking rectal admin if ketamine???
I thought it had such low bioavailability via that ROA that it wasn't worth trying?
Please let me know if I'm mistaken.
I tried boofing 200mg ketamine and got nothing 0 zip nada. I did this twice and I know how to boof shit so it wasn’t user error. My usual k hole dose is 175mg cuz I’m a lightweight. So andetoctally, anal has less bioavailability
I tried boofing 200mg ketamine and got nothing 0 zip nada. I did this twice and I know how to boof shit so it wasn’t user error. My usual k hole dose is 175mg cuz I’m a lightweight. So andetoctally, anal has less bioavailability
I also tried boofing 200mg and only felt threshold effects so I ended up snorting another 100mg and then I felt something more but was still overall underwhelming.
Very strange thst every other disso I've tried works by far greater via rectal administration but not for S-Ket ....that's what I had and it's a very pure batch based on every else's reaction to it.
Very odd....
i must be alone on this, but ketamine is my favorite tasting drug (phenibut is right behind)... i actually ENJOY and miss the taste of ketamine.

ok, actually live resin is my favorite. but that doesn't count.

anyway, thanks for the report!