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Guys I need your help-- 3.5g Cannabutter Recipe


Bluelight Crew
Mar 2, 2008
Alright so I know there's probably a megathread somewhere and plenty of google hits I could get, but I wanna talk to the folks I've come to know and trust.

I'ma be making some brownies and want to use cannabutter for the first time ever. (More specifically, I'm able to make cannabutter for the first time ever.)

I'm notorious for fucking up in the kitchen, though. I don't want to experiment with more than an eighth/3.5g at a time. Does anybody have any surefire recipes they'd be willing to share?

I've already found a few online but, like I said, I'd really prefer to get recommendations from the connoisseurs around here. If I'm honest, I could go up to half oz as long as I've got assurances, lmao. I'm not willing to go up to a whole, though. Ain't no way I'm puttin' a month's worth of weed into a gamble.
The end result will be better if you could get at least an Oz of bud.

Then, get 2 sticks of butter.

Put the butter into a Crock-pot, on low heat.

Grind up weed, add to crock-pot.

Stir once an hour, let it cook for 24 hours.

Strain the mix (2x)

Follow the recipe above but once you’ve separated and hardened your butter, add back to the crockpot with fresh distilled water and cook again on low for 6hrs. Separate butter, rinse and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 water washes. This will pull additional water soluble crap that got pulled into the butter.

The end result will be better if you could get at least an Oz of bud.

Then, get 2 sticks of butter.

Put the butter into a Crock-pot, on low heat.

Grind up weed, add to crock-pot.

Stir once an hour, let it cook for 24 hours.

Strain the mix (2x)


God damn, I wasn't even thinking of a crockpot. Was planning on rigging up a double boiler.

This changes everything...

lol, thanks guys!

Gonna have the house to myself for the first time in forever for the next week. I just wanted to try my hand at edibles seeing as how I think I'll be experimenting with them frequently once Maryland's new laws go into effect.

I typically get an oz a month and just don't want to dedicate the month's stash to something I might fuck up or, hey, I might even get it right and just not like the results. Either way, I'm a little wary. (Signs of an addict 😜)
guysss im doing it. right fucking meow. took me a lil while to get on it but a xanax fell in my lap and now i already know ill be up all night doin' shit anyways,

went for a crockpot recipe. so far my decarbed 5g has been simmering on low in about 6tbps of butter (just enough for the brownies I want to make) for just about 2hrs now. Aiming for 4. Someone please stop me if that's a mistake, lol.

Things seem to be gooing well but god damn I didn't expect it to take so long.
guysss im doing it. right fucking meow. took me a lil while to get on it but a xanax fell in my lap and now i already know ill be up all night doin' shit anyways,

went for a crockpot recipe. so far my decarbed 5g has been simmering on low in about 6tbps of butter (just enough for the brownies I want to make) for just about 2hrs now. Aiming for 4. Someone please stop me if that's a mistake, lol.

Things seem to be gooing well but god damn I didn't expect it to take so long.
Gottdamn jibult
youre one of the last I'd expect to not know how to make some killabudda!

the perfect strain / how long you cook can take you on hours of twilight meditation
my wife can even vouch for the increased labido as a great side effect

that's saying a lot for my age
almost fun as growing it
Gottdamn jibult
youre one of the last I'd expect to not know how to make some killabudda!

the perfect strain / how long you cook can take you on hours of twilight meditation
my wife can even vouch for the increased labido as a great side effect

that's saying a lot for my age
almost fun as growing it

i know, right? it's embarrassing, but i'd rather learn by asking instead of fucking up over and over again.
Hash is preferable for edibles. Stronger and no particles to filter out.

It's easy either way. Put stuff in fat, simmer for like 1 hour or more. Even longer times won't hurt and might give some diminishing returns if time is not an issue. Just make sure to not burn it. Not that burning it has ever destroyed my cannabinoids, but it will taste even nastier and maybe have some unnecessary crap in it.

I don't think you'll fail.

My preferable method of intake is to just scoop off a little fat pellet at fridge temp and chase with water. For that reason i like very strong product with minimal butter. Perhaps 3:1 ratio of butter to cannabis is good and makes edible cannabis almost as convenient as a pill. My love for bud has soared to new heights after getting into this routine. So nice to not chain smoke gigaspliffs all night, instead having the smoke as an optional ritual.
Hash is preferable for edibles. Stronger and no particles to filter out.

It's easy either way. Put stuff in fat, simmer for like 1 hour or more. Even longer times won't hurt and might give some diminishing returns if time is not an issue. Just make sure to not burn it. Not that burning it has ever destroyed my cannabinoids, but it will taste even nastier and maybe have some unnecessary crap in it.

I don't think you'll fail.

My preferable method of intake is to just scoop off a little fat pellet at fridge temp and chase with water. For that reason i like very strong product with minimal butter. Perhaps 3:1 ratio of butter to cannabis is good and makes edible cannabis almost as convenient as a pill. My love for bud has soared to new heights after getting into this routine. So nice to not chain smoke gigaspliffs all night, instead having the smoke as an optional ritual.

So dude, it was a success. I ate one fresh out of the oven at 5:25am, hit the vape to jump start it and remember I started seeing fuckin' double about halfway through the session. Shit came out of nowhere.

Woke up at about 10am, ate a brownie and took my dogs out for a walk (3 dogs, 2 walks.) About midway through the second walk I kept having to stare at the walk path to keep a straight line. Shit was like a mile-long sobriety test, lol.

So the butter seems to be a total success. I had a little loss: calculated/converted to end up with 5.3g of butter, but in the end I only had 3.9g to work with so I added an extra gram and a half of regular butter-- and on top of that, I was kind of guessing because the recipe called for vegetable oil instead of butter. I wish I knew the tbsp, i got tired of conversions and just busted out a scale, lol.

My bake game needs work, though. The brownies turned out more like cookie-- dense, brittle brownie-cookies that taste fucking great and turn you into an astronaut.
@Jibult I use the crockpot method as well. Congrats on yer success.

1. 12 cups of water in the crockpot. Set that fucker on high.
2. When it’s obviously hot enough to melt butter, I throw in 1lb cut up butter.
3. When the butter is melted, I throw in 1 ounce of weed. Decarbed.
4. let it cook for 12-24 hours, replenishing water so it keeps ~the same level total.
5. When time is done, remove the crockpot insert (if it doesn’t have one no big deal).
6. Let it cool down enough that you don’t fear burning yourself.
7. Cheesecloth goes over a tupperware bowl large enough to hold all the liquid. Push down slightly on the cheesecloth to make a small hollow.
8. Filter everything through. You can squeeze the remains i side the cheesecloth to the tupperware bowl if you want.
9. Let it cool down to room temperature and cover (saran wrap or lid) and place in fridge overnight.
10. In the morning you will have a green ice rink in the bowl. Success!
11. Use knife to punch a small hole near the edge of the butter ice rink. Simply drain all the shit water out
12. Break up the ice into pieces and place between paper towels
13. When dry, you can put the slabs into ziplocs and store in fridge/freezer.

I make banana bread with one of those mix boxes. Bonus is that you can toast the banana bread and put the butter on the toasted pieces.

It is a great way to make use of vaped weed.
