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What's the appeal of cocaine?

You know I really liked the 4-fmph pellets when they first came out, I think they were supposed to be 15mg and a light brown. I'd crush them up and snort them, but if stealth was required, oral was a good roa too. I liked them so much I got several batches of the "pure crystal" and was disappointed every time! I dunno if the powder or the pellets weren't as advertised, but I'm quite sure they were different substances.
I fucking love crystal meth, it's nicer than Charlie for sure. Probably just as well it's quite rare in the UK, I'm enough of a gobshite as it is!
Although amphetamines to make to chatty, cocaine does seem to bring about an unusual arrogance that makes that quality of one's ability to converse a bit irritating.

Edit: come to think about it, I wonder if the powder 4-fmph may have been ethylphenidate, as that was quite quickly banned and was an ok functional stim, but inferior to the pellets I was getting. I suppose I'll never know.

To cut a long story short, coke is good fun but FAR too overpriced and usually too cut unless you're in South America or yer mate has recently robbed a pharmacy.
Definitely took 4F-MPH for granted, but like another poster said I felt it lacked functional use because it made you too prone to bullshitting, or if you tried to work you would get hyper focused on the most meaningless things while technically being “productive”.

Get on the computer to work on some documents and end up spending 4 hours organizing folders and files because you realize that it would make future work more efficient. Lol you never get started on editing the documents.
Definitely took 4F-MPH for granted, but like another poster said I felt it lacked functional use because it made you too prone to bullshitting, or if you tried to work you would get hyper focused on the most meaningless things while technically being “productive”.

Get on the computer to work on some documents and end up spending 4 hours organizing folders and files because you realize that it would make future work more efficient. Lol you never get started on editing the documents.
It's great for getting hyper focussed on sex!
Yes they do block the euphoria relative to what u would feel totally clean then doing crack
Er, they reduce the rewarding of the behaviour, in the nucleus accumbens, but they don't block it, they reduce it. That is what researchers have been looking for for god knows how long: an equivalent of methadone, for those addicted to short acting, much more euphoric opioids (heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl etc). They are still looking, but it will have to be a compromise. While methadone is a much more potent mu opioid receptor agonist that the previously mentioned opioid drugs, and won't be displaced at usual doses of them, methadone itself is euphoric, only nowhere near as much. So far, all potentential 'cocaine blockers' do not have that way stronger affinity for the dopamine transporter, and are still signicicantly euphoric in themselves (amphetamine & methylphenidate). Don't you think the day they find a drug that fulfils those criteria, it wouldn't be getting dished out to people with a cocaine problem, the way methadone is to people with an opioid habit? Modafinil may be a cns stimulant, but so is caffeine and neither are much use in curbing cocaine addiction.
Really thought that bit needed clarifying 🙂
Er, they reduce the rewarding of the behaviour, in the nucleus accumbens, but they don't block it, they reduce it. That is what researchers have been looking for for god knows how long: an equivalent of methadone, for those addicted to short acting, much more euphoric opioids (heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl etc). They are still looking, but it will have to be a compromise. While methadone is a much more potent mu opioid receptor agonist that the previously mentioned opioid drugs, and won't be displaced at usual doses of them, methadone itself is euphoric, only nowhere near as much. So far, all potentential 'cocaine blockers' do not have that way stronger affinity for the dopamine transporter, and are still signicicantly euphoric in themselves (amphetamine & methylphenidate). Don't you think the day they find a drug that fulfils those criteria, it wouldn't be getting dished out to people with a cocaine problem, the way methadone is to people with an opioid habit? Modafinil may be a cns stimulant, but so is caffeine and neither are much use in curbing cocaine addiction.
Really thought that bit needed clarifying
You can definitely feel crack on adderall it's still good just not as much if it's a regular adderall dose I think relative to being clean.

Being on adhd stims does relieve the comedown of crack i think subjectively but definitely not in a safe way.
I've dabbled in coke over a period of 20 odd years. When I say dabbled, I mean offered the odd lines here and there. How many times? Dunno...maybe 100 or thereabouts? In at least three different countries.

Conclusion: total waste of time and money.

I'm going to assume that somewhere in all those lines I must have struck lucky and had some of "the good/strong stuff"...How would I describe the high? A brief slight sharpening of the senses...but nothing to write home about.

I had (much) more fun when I went on a speed paste binge a few years back ( for about 6 months)

Tried crack with the wife a few times - we both came to the same conclusion - the smell is great but the effect is nothing to write home about. Did it half a dozen times well over a decade ago now with zero desire to do it again.

It's all subjective, of course, but I personally believe a big chunk of the coke "high" is an illusion brought on by the user... In short, it's mostly in your head and not the dynamite substance you think it is. And there's a very good reason for this - if u just spent all that money on a g of coke, even if it's total shit and cut to fuck (which, statistically in the UK it probably is) the last thing you're going to do os admit is that it's shit. Too much money down the drain...and we can't have that.

Unlike say, ketamine or mdma (you know, drugs that actually do something) coke is the easiest drug in the world to cut. And if you think it hasn't been cut to high heaven before it reaches to you... well, there's not much I can say at this point.

Check out some of the coke dealer stories on Shaun Atwood's YouTube channel. As soon as they got their hands on their Columbian bricks they freely admit to chopping it down to 30% purity as if was perfectly okay. They're all stepping on it at every link in the chain.

Statistically, half that white powder (that really doesn't do very much) is something else entirely - from novacaine to levimasol, to hay fever powder. Or whatever white powder you can find in the cupboards.

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I've dabbled in coke over a period of 20 odd years. When I say dabbled, I mean offered the odd lines here and there. How many times? Dunno...maybe 100 or thereabouts? In at least three different countries.

Conclusion: total waste of time and money.

I'm going to assume that somewhere in all those lines I must have struck lucky and had some of "the good/strong stuff"...How would I describe the high? A brief slight sharpening of the senses...but nothing to write home about.

I had (much) more fun when I went on a speed paste binge a few years back ( for about 6 months)

Tried crack with the wife a few times - we both came to the same conclusion - the smell is great but the effect is nothing to write home about. Did it half a dozen times well over a decade ago now with zero desire to do it again.

It's all subjective, of course, but I personally believe a big chunk of the coke "high" is an illusion brought on by the user... In short, it's mostly in your head and not the dynamite substance you think it is. And there's a very good reason for this - if u just spent all that money on a g of coke, even if it's total shit and cut to fuck (which, statistically in the UK it probably is) the last thing you're going to do os admit is that it's shit. Too much money down the drain...and we can't have that.

Unlike say, ketamine or mdma (you know, drugs that actually do something) coke is the easiest drug in the world to cut. And if you think it hasn't been cut to high heaven before it reaches to you... well, there's not much I can say at this point.

Check out some of the coke dealer stories on Shaun Atwood's YouTube channel. As soon as they got their hands on their Columbian bricks they freely admit to chopping it down to 30% purity as if was perfectly okay. They're all stepping on it at every link in the chain.

Statistically, half that white powder (that really doesn't do very much) is something else entirely - from novacaine to levimasol, to hay fever powder. Or whatever white powder you can find in the cupboards.

I guess it also depends on where you are procuring it. Coke is of increasingly higher quality as such that the news of this has reached and been reported on in major news outlets over last year or so. If you check wedinos, you still get samples testing for the usual shit (levimasole etc) but there is a large number of samples now with just "cocaine" listed as an active ingredient. Now that's not to say these aren't still cut of course but one hopes with less harmful things...(hopes!)
Can any coke fans explain what you get out of it and why you pay so much for it? It's a drug that's always left me thinking "I just paid £100 for ten fucking minutes feeling hyper".

Thanking you.
yeah but have you tried crack? 'i paid £100 quid for a 5 minute rush' lol i could not tell ya why people enjoy it and it's one of few drugs i never had an addiction to, id rather have drank a red bull
The appeal of cocaine is its ability to give many of its most enthusiastic users the insight that they are better than plebs like me - the majority of abuse I used to get from many of the local kids around here only started occurring once they were old enough to drink properly in our local which, combined with constant snorting gave them the manly energy to start calling me a disgusting junkie while out and about in the local shops. It finally gave them the balls to drag me outside and give me a kicking the last night I drank in there. Daily cocaine users have always been the most critical of my addiction as of course, violence and abuse is perfectly acceptable for real men but heroin users are only beaten in terms of depravity by nonces.
the double standard of coke users is insane ive noticed, i have an absolute laugh sometimes in certain groups, asking coke buyers to report back on how much of their coke washed into crack and them backpeddling on how its nothing like crack haha
Ya shoulda told them cunts to go turn their un-washed crack cocaine into crack already and see the excuses of why coke is not addictive as crack, 'im not a junkie because i can stop coke whenever' etc etc just come spewing out their silly fuckin mouths.
recently it fucked up a nightout
i hate the stuff, ruins nights out ime. Last month was out for my mates 30th birthday, (same place we celebrated his 21st on 2c-b), last time id seen him he had been saying to me this was the last time the coke he had on him and was sniffing was his last.....
meet up, have a few drinks, see one mate take a fone call and walk off (you know the score now) aaaaand suddenly theres coke here. we decide to finish our drinks so me and my fella could head back to my mates house since my fella is flying very high now on acid, the others said they would come up later, hoping they would just be drunk and toking when here but no, they arrive up with more £80 pure (street in reality) coke and drink, the noise just peaks to the point we are yelling to speak to one another and my fella just stands up and says he needs to go into another room, because of the amount of drunken coked out conversations being fired at him and the noise just being unbearable.
fuck coke, its a shit drug in all its forms as far as im concerned, especially when you compare it to most other drugs, its ruined the rave scene here, its destroying the city centre and its taken over heroin even as DOC for the homeless here.
Before trying coke, I never saw the appeal. I thought it was a waste.
Then there came some decent coke and it was pretty euphoric.
It's just getting stepped on and fented lately.
Crack is pointless.
But quality blow should be in every stoner's arsenal.
High quality coke is actually quite subtle, however it produces intense euphoria and huge ego boost...

Most ppl are actually disappointed in pure coke, since they are used to much more stimulating coke due to multiple psycho active cuts...

Coke is somwthing you need to get to know and learn to appreciate its subtilities...
High quality coke is actually quite subtle, however it produces intense euphoria and huge ego boost...

Most ppl are actually disappointed in pure coke, since they are used to much more stimulating coke due to multiple psycho active cuts...

Coke is somwthing you need to get to know and learn to appreciate its subtilities...
Yep, ego stampede! What it does best is to skew your view of yourself towards the great PR version. You believe your own bullshit! And that, for some people is very appealing. It doesn't have the sharpening of the senses power of methamphetamine (which still has a 'thinking your own shit doesn't stink' effect' on your ego), which in itself has none of the pure stimulating the senses effect of dexamphetamine or to a lesser degree, methylphenidate.
The thing that takes it from straight joy of being fully awake and interested in everything, to believing that you're a god who walks among humans, is serotonin. All have effects of inhibiting reuptake of noradrenaline (being fuck off awake) and dopamine (delighting in novelty and interested in everything), to greater or lesser degrees, but dexamphetamine & methylphenidate have virtually fuck all effect of serotonin levels. Methamphetamine has a fair effect on serotonin levels, meaning that you have the self belief of one of your best days, through to believing you are a next step in the evolution of humans that pretty much happens with very pure coke (the second time I had coke, it was a friend had bought the contents of a stolen CD safe, from a pharmacy. I happened to call at his, just as he got to examine the purchase. Among the bottles of pharmaceutical grade drugs, were 2, 2g bottles of cocaine hydrochloride B.P. 98%+. Two lines of that and I was well on the way to Caligula grade batshit crazyness. I normally look for the comedy in situations, especially if I can also use self depreciating humour - it's the cat equivalent of the slow blink; coke turned me into a humourless egomaniac - I thought I was being funny, no one else seemed to laugh!
Ah, I digress; basically increase the levels of serotonin andyou increase the neurotransmitter responsible for dreaming and flights of fancy. I think it was an episode of Bob's Burgers where the main character mentioned that he felt really good about himself, for another to comment, in a knowing way, "ah, you've been using cocaine!" - wide awake lucid dreaming...
Yep, ego stampede! What it does best is to skew your view of yourself towards the great PR version. You believe your own bullshit! And that, for some people is very appealing. It doesn't have the sharpening of the senses power of methamphetamine (which still has a 'thinking your own shit doesn't stink' effect' on your ego), which in itself has none of the pure stimulating the senses effect of dexamphetamine or to a lesser degree, methylphenidate.
The thing that takes it from straight joy of being fully awake and interested in everything, to believing that you're a god who walks among humans, is serotonin. All have effects of inhibiting reuptake of noradrenaline (being fuck off awake) and dopamine (delighting in novelty and interested in everything), to greater or lesser degrees, but dexamphetamine & methylphenidate have virtually fuck all effect of serotonin levels. Methamphetamine has a fair effect on serotonin levels, meaning that you have the self belief of one of your best days, through to believing you are a next step in the evolution of humans that pretty much happens with very pure coke (the second time I had coke, it was a friend had bought the contents of a stolen CD safe, from a pharmacy. I happened to call at his, just as he got to examine the purchase. Among the bottles of pharmaceutical grade drugs, were 2, 2g bottles of cocaine hydrochloride B.P. 98%+. Two lines of that and I was well on the way to Caligula grade batshit crazyness. I normally look for the comedy in situations, especially if I can also use self depreciating humour - it's the cat equivalent of the slow blink; coke turned me into a humourless egomaniac - I thought I was being funny, no one else seemed to laugh!
Ah, I digress; basically increase the levels of serotonin andyou increase the neurotransmitter responsible for dreaming and flights of fancy. I think it was an episode of Bob's Burgers where the main character mentioned that he felt really good about himself, for another to comment, in a knowing way, "ah, you've been using cocaine!" - wide awake lucid dreaming...
Very interesting!

However the only drug that makes me feel like God is high quality coke, and I did decent quality meth imo that was tested at 81% purity, and didnt enjoy it much yet it was my drug of choice for about a year just because of its potency, I like extremes, going soon to try out smoking a phip and on occasion slam up c or h or a speedball most likely, however dont get why its called a speedball I prefer naming it a fireball...!
Very interesting!

However the only drug that makes me feel like God is high quality coke, and I did decent quality meth imo that was tested at 81% purity, and didnt enjoy it much yet it was my drug of choice for about a year just because of its potency, I like extremes, going soon to try out smoking a phip and on occasion slam up c or h or a speedball most likely, however dont get why its called a speedball I prefer naming it a fireball...!
coke = feeling high energy = speed = speedball
thats why its called that
coke = feeling high energy = speed = speedball
thats why its called that
Actually, like I seem to need to mention in nearly every coke thread: high quality coke is quite chill compared to almost all general coke which is almost always highly cut up with severely stimulant psycho active cuts and because high quality gets real chill in hero combo with a very warm feeling I would much rather like to call it a fireball, but hey, thats just me, and who the fuck am I anyway??

I thank you for explaining me the actual fact of the matter...

Actually, like I seem to need to mention in nearly every coke thread: high quality coke is quite chill compared to almost all general coke which is almost always highly cut up with severely stimulant psycho active cuts and because high quality gets real chill in hero combo with a very warm feeling I would much rather like to call it a fireball, but hey, thats just me, and who the fuck am I anyway??

I thank you for explaining me the actual fact of the matter...

you go, fireball attack!
Very interesting!

However the only drug that makes me feel like God is high quality coke, and I did decent quality meth imo that was tested at 81% purity, and didnt enjoy it much yet it was my drug of choice for about a year just because of its potency, I like extremes, going soon to try out smoking a phip and on occasion slam up c or h or a speedball most likely, however dont get why its called a speedball I prefer naming it a fireball...!
The very last four words of my half arsed rant: wide awake lucid dreaming. Everybody has had the sort of dream where they have an unbelievable power (for me, it was that I could fly by pure power of will). Imagine you could direct where that dream went, but were wide awake and all revved up. How quickly does that progress to omnipotence ie. A god. Don't think there's anything more egomaniacal than being a god (I refer back to my Caligula comment).
I much prefer knowing I'm competent at a certain task, even if it takes the enthusiasm and energy of speed, rather than thinking I'm perfect at everything, but to each, their own 😁.
It's highly addictive and pretty to look at

It makes you feel empty but in a nice way

It's disgusting how much It costs but that's a way to flex financial prowess I guess