Positive Post Your Best Mindfulness Resources and Experiences

Short and sweet but I almost forgot entirely.

Guy at a meeting mentioned this to remember I should write it down on one of the memo boards I have since I have developed a voracious appetite for brainstorming.

Pause & Breath. Repeat it like a mantra when about to lose your cool. Works for him at least or he must be trying it if he was talking about it but my sponsor encouraged me not to talk to him but I was texting him movie clips from YouTube haha had me sending him this not completely offtopic but I will stop while I am ahead no longer have a sponsor btw this guy wanted to teach me how to meditate like him which crossed a spiritual boundary of mine so I cut him off unfortunately and abruptly I digressed too far though to each their own man some try to push their's onto your's though I guess that's how we humans often are no harm no foul though mate

Now how do I remember to do that when facing stress guess I need to remember first of all then practice or else what am I trying to do really
I said it's difficult living there, which is true.

I also said that it's hard to love in that it proves difficult for me, which is far different from saying that I actively hate. I'm of course speaking of the unconditional love for all facets of existence.

Hate is antonymous to the theme we're trying to cultivate here.
Abandon all hope who enter here
Isn’t that. Dante’s inferno
I am researching saint Augustine
His quote lord make me a saint but not today
caught my attention
Trying to live in the moment as much as able and not stress too much about the future so much anymore. And not stressing too much on being perfect is as close as I can try and get. Mindlessness to me at this time.
I am so sorry, I meant to write Mindfullness. Maybe spell check changed it. But I kind of like the way it sounds too.
Mindfulness of the in and out breath when sitting.

Mindfulness of the left and right feet when walking.

Mindfulness of relapse prevention.

I like Recovery Dharma online meetings as a less dogmatic alternative to 12 step meetings (although I attended those too). A bonus to the RD meets is they start with a 20 minute meditation. So I check that todo off while also getting in my recovery community.
"This is the only way, monks,
for the purification of beings,
for the overcoming of sorrow
and lamentation,
for the destruction
of suffering and grief,
for reaching the right path,
for the attainment of Nibbana,
namely, the four foundations
of mindfulness." The Buddha
