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Mason Jar Bong. Ideas. Q&A.


Sep 29, 2022
Mason Jar Bong DIY

Seeking input, advice, and fresh ideas from anyone in hopes of collaborating a safe quality bong standard for personal use.

This site is my new go to for questions regarding personal use, and safety and surprisingly deep knowledge.

Thank you to anyone in advance who can help refine the ideas posted here.

Making a mason jar bong is one I aspire to make perfect in several ways, and hope this post finds everyone well in their time of need.

Any criticism given is highly appreciated.

Noticed that even when cleaned, other forms of consumption take a bad toll. Hot rails seem to be less detrimental than eating or sniffing, but is too intense; day to day functionability seems hindered unless smoked through a water filter.

I have begun to order what is needed for a good quality bong, with a budget in mind.

Bowl, downstem, and diffusion.

12 inch long, 12mm wide, with 2mm wall purex tubes to start.

Ideally heating 2 bends creating a *Z* shape. Via 45 degree bends.

First end long enough to be the downstem -- 9 inches. Downstem end.
Second end just long enough to load product in -- 1/2 inch. Bowl end.
This leaves approximately 2 inches in the middle.

Much like hot rails; the first bend on the downstem end would be heated almost red when smoking.
Leaving enough distance as to not melt your product or burn yourself on the bowl end, depending on whether loaded before or after heating.

Will this waste product? As hotrails have your nasal cavity to catch residuals.

A bubble would be nice, and easily achieving the same downstem potential.

Vinyl tubing is the next best option for a downstem, and may be required for a diffuser.

One T fitting to make a "Halo" diffuser.
One length of vinyl tube on 2 ends of a T fitting with perferated holes no larger than 1/8 inch. Probably 1/16 inch.

Followed by another length of vinyl tubing to attach this to the downstem end of the pyrex tube.

Mason Jar Bong
My goal is to achieve a solution to a few key problems any bong has.

1. As much water as possible inside the mason jar.
This will eliminate much of the noise and mechanical loss due to less open-to-air surface area inside.
2. Splash guard/neck attachment
When a bong is too full you can expect water coming up the neck.
My solution to this would be to (food safe) glue a funnel upside-down ontop of the lid which would allow vinyl tubing to simply fit onto the narrow end of the funnel.
With multiple 1/16 - 1/8 inch holes through the jar lid where the funnel covers -- this should stop water sucking into the neck piece.
3. Have the bowl, downstem, diffuser, splash guard and neck attached to the lid. For ease of use.

This could easily convert perfectly for marijuana/shatter use.

Additional input on whether metal, vinyl or any materials would react with the product, or be unsafe to ones health is appreciated.

Thanks guys!

P.S. I do not condone or encourage criminal activity. Here in B.C. Canada Marijuana is legal and hard drugs are decriminalized. So remember, it ain't bad if you're not breaking the law. Hah.
They sell meth bongs, and bongs with custom meth downstems even for hotrails, in case you didn't know.

I encourage your endeavor, but smoking or hot rails are definitely not less detrimental to the body than oral dosing. Meth may seem gentle on the lungs because it doesn't make you cough, but this should not be taken as a sign it isn't doing irreparable damage to the lungs. Smoking is definitely not a safer way to dose than oral. Just needed to point that out.

Welcome to BL.
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I'm all for creative projects but yeah, like Snafu said, snorting on its own is already very destructive let alone heating your drugs up until they vaporize and then snorting them. Oral is almost always the safest and least destructive way to take any drug.

Not trying to dissuade you from this project, but just know that meth hot rails, smoking, snorting are pretty damaging to your lungs/nose. Maybe save hot rails for the occasional holiday.
Hey man! Pretty cool idea. We do have a dedicated Cannabis sub-forum, so I'm going to toss it on over to those guys. I'm sure they'll have someone there eager to help you figure it our and see the finished product. I'm a Cannabis user myself. I know there are those guys with the total "glass fetish" which is cool. Folks make some pretty neat stuff. I'm too clumsy to own anything like that and it just doesn't really do it for me. For example, I used aa bucket + 2 liter soda bottle + glass stem for almost a year as my main squeeze.

Today I use cartridges ;) I know a lot of purists really frown on these. There's probably a lot of reason to be worried, but I trust my guy well-enough and have never had problems. Because of my work, it would be totally unacceptable to smell of Cannabis. I was smoking, then taking a shower, going to school and still wondering if that one bitch, my nemesis, knows what's up. Now I use cartridges and she is still a bitch, but I no longer worry.
Welcome to BL.

Thank you! It's a pleasure to be here.

So what drill bit do you cats recommend for making a bong out of a retired 40-ozer bottle? I'm a pothead er, "scholar" and so I don't really understand power tools.
I like them, I just don't understand them.


Edit: @Lil'LinaptkSix you are manlier than I am, do you know the answer to this?
All my tools are rusted and weathered by salt water. I use a wire brush attachment to get rid of the wear and tear and then I use an anti rust oil primer prior to the re-painting.

I do it all while wearing pink panties
...fresh ideas...

Certainly not from me and i'm a waterless vaporist anyway (plus i avoid washing away the aroma/taste!) - but i also happen to vaguely remember my ex-smoker days too.

Your criterias appear to revolve around noise and spills, on top of having lots of water (go figure what for). Well, my old 2012 « FogBong! » implementations should prove to be fun even if only applied to combustion smoke, it just requires your ultrasonic nebulizer to be raised close to the water surface:

...that mix of mist + smoke doesn't even have to touch water. Coulour LEDs would add some fancy bonus under the form of a light show actually capable of enhancing your ritual with style, looking at the clouds that way is fascinating after a few tokes and hence would likely put your glass to good use IMO.

The one main issue if faced (and solved) was about controlling the amount of steam to get mixed inside your cannabic path, but you wouldn't like the bong replacement(s) i tested, until you've tried it that is, though it's SMOKING after all so the impact seems unrecoverable on the long run. In any case i doubt i'd even have the sort of pink lungs required for what's described in your intro; enjoy the privileges of youth while they lasts, keeping "HR" in mind of course! E.G. no burns, no cuts, no caughing rafale, sored eyes, etc...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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Were these like really manly pink panties? That doesn't sound that bad, actually.

Pinks and whites go well with tanned/darker skin, the reason why your model isn't a pale white color like most of us caucasians.

I do wear minimal clothing in the sun however.

Like, it's cool to wear shorts from the 80s wear I'm from, so I do. Sure I might give some Top Gun vibes every now and then but who doesn't love a good manly air show?