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Kratom leaves effective ?

Dec 8, 2019
Will chewing /swallowing kratom leaves work like powder to ease withdrawals?,,,of is it a waste of time trying,,, powder or extract doesn’t exist here… I figure ask here first instead of wasting the money if it’s useless

Thank you
Isnt that the way they are traditionally used in asia?
We’re they using it to help opiate withdrawals,I have no idea,they have kratom tea vending machines here but who knows how much/little kratom your actually getting ..

If chewing one leave don’t work then chew three and try that,or does it have to be processed a certain way to get the same effects as powder kratom , which would make chewing leaves a waste of time…is powder just ground leaves and nothing else done to it?
We’re they using it to help opiate withdrawals
Yes this is the main reason they banned it in Thailand because the people were getting off of opium.
They also used it to ease fattigue from long work days.
More reasons but this should suffice.
Be well and best of luck.
Yes this is the main reason they banned it in Thailand because the people were getting off of opium.
They also used it to ease fattigue from long work days.
More reasons but this should suffice.
Be well and best of luck.
Wow I just did some googling and they banned kratom in 1943 because they were losing opium tax money then they banned opium in 1958 but it took Covid wrecking there tourism industry for them to finally legalize it,and weed in the same month one month before lifting all travel restrictions…
Yes chewing on leaves is what they do in Thailand but they only swollow the "juice" and spit the leaves out after they peter out.
But the leaves they chew on are green and fresh so maybe if ya have a dry product ya may wanna pound/grind them, mix with warm water and shoot it down the gullet for more efficacy.
Thanks for explaining ,and only fresh leave is available for sale so I’ll give it a whirl and see what it’s about…
Do you speak of fresh, dried or shredded leaves?
Recently I saw an offer with my usual kratom vendor about leaves and ordered some, thinking it were whole dried leaves but what arrived were shredded ones (maybe 2x2mm pieces). They weren't toss-n-wash-able but tea worked as it always did with powder.
The dried crush leaf kratom is good for making tea with. Way different than trying to make tea with the powdered kratom.

The effect is a bit different than powder. You need more per dose but it feels a bit more sedating with way less nausea and wobbles than ingesting powder kratom. Perhaps some of the alkaloids that cause some of the noxious and stimulating effects are less water soluble than the ones with narcotic effects. Oddly, crushed leaf tea feels longer lasting than swallowed powder, which seems counterintuitive but who knows. Perhaps the plant oils get liberated during the brewing process and delay absorption.
Do you speak of fresh, dried or shredded leaves?
Recently I saw an offer with my usual kratom vendor about leaves and ordered some, thinking it were whole dried leaves but what arrived were shredded ones (maybe 2x2mm pieces). They weren't toss-n-wash-able but tea worked as it always did with powder.
Fresh leaves are available here and othertypes are still illegal but i just discovered there only available online , i can get kratom tea out of vending machines here but i went to a doc to get a bottle of codeine till i hunt down the kratom
The dried crush leaf kratom is good for making tea with. Way different than trying to make tea with the powdered kratom.

The effect is a bit different than powder. You need more per dose but it feels a bit more sedating with way less nausea and wobbles than ingesting powder kratom. Perhaps some of the alkaloids that cause some of the noxious and stimulating effects are less water soluble than the ones with narcotic effects. Oddly, crushed leaf tea feels longer lasting than swallowed powder, which seems counterintuitive but who knows. Perhaps the plant oils get liberated during the brewing process and delay absorption.
Only fresh leave here and i was told to keep folding it in halfes till you cant no more (about an inch square)than chew it gentlely 5-10 minutes then spit plant matter out
It works... My neighbor has a bunch of kratom trees in his yard and I would get a bunch every now and then and chew them while letting the juice sit in my mouth before swallowing. It works pretty well. The leaves are heavier before they dry and you'll probably have to chew a few but they can be fairly potent as far as kratom goes. The older the tree the stronger the leaves are. The leaves with red veins are generally stronger but this has absolutely nothing to do with whether the crushed leaves are red or green powder(labeled Red vein or green vein). Red crushed powder is from leaves that are allowed to fall off and dry in the sun. Green powdered leaves are dried in a dark, cool place inside.
I couldn’t find any of the vending machines yesterday and the couple people I talked too about kratom didn’t even know what it was, but after more goggling it sounds like it’s readily available in the south ,, I’m traveling south tonight anyway so I’ll look again tomorrow

But on the weed front there’s weed stores around but Thailand only legalized CBD weed and not thc weed , so I’m guessing CBD weed doesn’t show a positive on a weed piss test ? Is that correct ? Or does it require a lab test.Smoking in public could still get you three months in prison and fines ,I stay in hotels where you can’t smoke so weed is off the table here unless your in a locals house or inside the weed shop if they allow that here but I have no idea..
Am I understanding this correctly ,I’m not looking to get jammed up here…

“The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed cannabis with extracts containing no more than 0.2 percent by weight of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from its banned narcotics list. Extracts containing over 0.2 percent of THC are still illegal in Thailand.Jul 14, 2565 BE
https://www.tatnews.org › 2022/07”

Rules and regulations concerning cannabis and hemp use in Thailand - TAT Newsroom

Here’s my codeine experience the doc I visited here before gave me a script for #100 60 mg codeine tablets which wasn’t hard at all to get but narcotics are not filled at pharmacies and only hospitals here ( found this out the hard way) so I went to the hospital I had my dental implants done at and you must see another doctor there just to fill a script and he has final say on what your prescribed which he chopped down to #50 10mg tablets ( another thing I discovered the hard way ) ,, in a way it was good cause being honest I would e just abused the shit out of them anyway…
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But on the weed front there’s weed stores around but Thailand only legalized CBD weed and not thc weed , so I’m guessing CBD weed doesn’t show a positive on a weed piss test ? Is that correct ? Or does it require a lab test.Smoking in public could still get you three months in prison and fines ,I stay in hotels where you can’t smoke so weed is off the table here unless your in a locals house or inside the weed shop if they allow that here but I have no idea..
Am I understanding this correctly ,I’m not looking to get jammed up here
CBD weed usually still contains a small amount of THC, in Switzerland it was up to one percent, an amount I still felt as somebody who doesn't smoke weed regularly. It will depend on the strain and piss test used, I guess at least some will be sensitive enough to still test positive.
CBD weed usually still contains a small amount of THC, in Switzerland it was up to one percent, an amount I still felt as somebody who doesn't smoke weed regularly. It will depend on the strain and piss test used, I guess at least some will be sensitive enough to still test positive.
Here the police can piss test you on the spot if they think your under the influence of drugs , yabas the big problem here
The article says its .2 % here and the weed i get in jersey is 20-34% so im guessing i wont feel much from it
Here the police can piss test you on the spot if they think your under the influence of drugs , yabas the big problem here
The article says its .2 % here and the weed i get in jersey is 20-34% so im guessing i wont feel much from it
Cops can't just piss test you. Talk to any lawyer. It's a demand of your personal property. ie, your piss. Illegal search. Been in front of the judge on that one.