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What is wrong with the MDMA available today? - v2

Don’t buy into that shit and please don’t perpetuate it, either. There has been good shit, not-so-good shit, and fake shit for a long time now, even in the 90s.

There ya go!
Nah quality has always been all over the place I'm sure, but I can't discount how often I was hearing complaints about commercial grade rolls here in the US, thankfully i never experienced a batch of so called "meh" but I mean it can't just be a bunch of nonsense. Thankfully I hear quality has been way up for commercial grade pills in the US since COVID kinda rebooted the market.
Nah quality has always been all over the place I'm sure, but I can't discount how often I was hearing complaints about commercial grade rolls here in the US, thankfully i never experienced a batch of so called "meh" but I mean it can't just be a bunch of nonsense. Thankfully I hear quality has been way up for commercial grade pills in the US since COVID kinda rebooted the market.
What do you mean "commercial grade" rolls/pills? What other "grades" are there? Residential-grade? Lol. What's lesser-grade MDMA? Or is this compared to "pharmaceutical-grade"? Not clear what you mean. Outside of MDMA meant for research, isn't it all commercial? I'm in the U.S., too, btw.

I'm prolly ~10 yrs older than you, which is only relevant insofar as to say I've taken MDMA for decades now, and I also used to deal it back then, and eventually I set up a lab on the east coast and manufactured it, too. My point is: I'm very familiar with MDMA and its effects both in myself and from observing others and getting their feedback.

MDMA is the same drug it was in the 90s. Also, bunk MDMA is just as bunk as it was in the 90s, and imposter MDMA is just as fake, weird, and disappointing as it was in the 90s. Shitty organic chemistry lab conditions and techniques coupled with a lack of knowledge and experience can lead to side-products and impurities in the finished product. At times, in some locations where a particularly flawed batch of MDMA circulated, people had other experiences, but this is comparing crapples and oranges. And as you already know, this has always been the case.

[EDIT: by "flawed batch of MDMA" of course, I mean MDMA riddled with active impurities.]
Just FWIW, here are the mass spec results for MDDMA and for MDE. According to the Shulgins, MDDMA exhibited no discernible activity in animal trials at expected doses, nor in humans when tested up to 160 mg.

MDDMA and MDE spectra for testing purposes to distinguish from MDMA and MDA
There is a great deal of adulterated poison out there. There are also the other MDxx, most of which are garbage and are prob used in trace amounts to fool testing kits when caffeine or speed is being sold as MDMA. Also the tree, the tree is sacred. If the tree isnt used the spirit prob doesnt go into the compound. Also there are prob people who dont want true MDMA being proliferated, why would Satanists (who control most things in this world) want true MDMA being proliferated ? I do not believe it is a drug that opens a person to demons unlike many drugs (such as Meth, Flakka, even THC). Keep in mind Satanists are like a hivemind, they habitually lie about everything to your face and know how to run covert agendas. The demons they serve do not want to lift this world into a higher state, they want to keep it down and will work against anything that raises the spiritual level.

All that said, we may be overcomplicating the issue. Shulgin said the dose was aprox 120mg. He got nothing profound or spiritual before that, he said it was basically meh. Now Shulgin was a little old man, and he said nothing less than 120mg did it. Now, consider all the adulterants in a given batch of MDMA or MDMA pills, even the better ones. Now consider how many people say things like ''i think il do half a pil hehe'', or even take the full pill when it only has 60mg, and then they pretend to be up (just consider how many people never actually come up but LARP when they say they dropped an e or MD) - people are liars, and they are also scared and understandably so. However you need to understand this phenomena, allot people pretend to take drugs to seem cool or whatever (this is real phenomona and its huge). Then when asked how they found MDMA thel say ''yea it was fun it made me real chatty and stuff'' and you know they are lying through their teeth (allot of woman do this but men do it aswel). So again, THE CORRECT DOSE, IS AT LEAST 120 MG. And it MUST be taken in one go. Now that might mean double or triple dropping ecstasy tabs on your first time......do you see what i mean ? who does that ? and this is where so many of the seeming fluctuations in the stats and reports come from. https://c.tenor.com/oqW8msskcgYAAAAC/why-do-you-lie-explain.gif
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PS. I am NOT suggesting anyone double or triple drops ecstacy pills, i am not even suggesting that anyone takes MDMA. What i am drawing peoples attention to is the variance in actual quantities of MDMA (and the purity of it) within pills/mdma crystals. Seeing as this cannot be measured without GCMS, im suggesting that underdosing/overdosing is a massive thing. Allot of those pills only have 60mg in them at best, and allot of people are naturally apprehensive - they dont want to overdose or injest any buildup of very real toxic adulterants. The result is that people dont dose properly, they always go under or over (and if memory serves correctly Shulgin said going over was also meh - i believe he noted that 200mg was nothing special). THE DOSE IS 120MG (possibly a little over and it needs to be ingested in the one go. Its like the 88mph from Back To the Future. You need to hit the right dose, and therein lies the problem. How is it possible unless you have confirmed 100% pure md and measure it carefully. I believe this is one reason some people go to receive some manner of enlightenment and others ''have fun''.
There are also the other MDxx, most of which are garbage and are prob used in trace amounts to fool testing kits when caffeine or speed is being sold as MDMA. Also the tree, the tree is sacred. If the tree isnt used the spirit prob doesnt go into the compound.
Yeah except there's a problem w/your spiritual theory (besides the pseudoscience, of course)…
You know all those MDxx drugs you claim are "garbage" and "used to fool testing kits", etc.? Well, most can be synthesized from the same tree source, specifically for Safrole, aka 3,4-methylenedioxyallylbenzene, which looks like this:


That allyl group is malleable, allowing the chemist to turn it into MDMA, MDA, MDE, etc in typically three to five steps using various intermediates (e.g.: isomers, ketones, oximes)

Also there are prob people who dont want true MDMA being proliferated, why would Satanists (who control most things in this world) want true MDMA being proliferated ?
Oh wow, you can't really be serious about that. Lol. You've gotta be trolling… Haha right – the assclownish followers of Anton LaVey have it in for MDMA, you're totally onto something here.

I do not believe it is a drug that opens a person to demons unlike many drugs (such as Meth, Flakka, even THC).
To be clear, you're literally demonizing:
  1. Methamphetamine – you do know what the final "MA" stands for in "MDMA", right?
    I'd also like to point out that this drug is Schedule II in the U.S.
  2. α-PVP – the relatively unknown stimulant that was a flash in the pan of mild popularity among RC drug fans, and
  3. THC – the most active and popular phytocannabinoid on the planet
But it doesn't matter because we're tying this in to the mythical folklore of demonology, which can be a cool inspiration for writing fiction, but that's about it.
Keep in mind Satanists are like a hivemind, they habitually lie about everything to your face and know how to run covert agendas.
What're you, Geraldo Rivera? I know the 1980's are really on-trend right now, but that Satanism scare / moral panic from that era we can just drop. It was a crock of shit then and it's a crock of shit now. Satan isn't real; people who want you to believe in Abrahamic, Patriarchal "God"/"Allah" need the Devil to exist to prop up their religious notions. In other words, without the fear of Satan/Hell there would be no incentive to believe in God. Otherwise, what would the consequences be if you chose not to believe? No pit of eternal damnation? Well shit; how're we gonna get people to behave? This is a flawed line of thinking.

Even the concept of the Devil and eternal damnation kinda challenges the existence of God. If God is all good (beneficent), all knowing (omniscient), and all powerful (omnipotent), then freewill is an illusion. God knows all things including the decisions you will make before you've made them. Being the case, why would a beneficent God create beings He knows He will only condemn to eternal damnation for "choosing" not to love Him, which is an insanely petty, jealous and childish kinda thing to do for an infinitely powerful, good, and omniscient being.

The demons they serve do not want to lift this world into a higher state, they want to keep it down and will work against anything that raises the spiritual level.
Those demons don't exist. That's silly. If you mean it metaphorically that's still laying it on a bit too thick.

All that said, we may be overcomplicating the issue.
Says the joker talking about Satanists and Demon lore. ;)

Now Shulgin was a little old man, and he said nothing less than 120mg did it.
No, he wasn't. For most of his life, he was a tall, strapping, Russian-American man. Even in his old age, you wouldn't call him "a little old man." Check out the late, good Doctor here as a younger man:


Quite the handsome fellow, no?

Now, consider all the adulterants in a given batch of MDMA or MDMA pills, even the better ones. Now consider how many people say things like ''i think il do half a pil hehe'', or even take the full pill when it only has 60mg, and then they pretend to be up (just consider how many people never actually come up but LARP when they say they dropped an e or MD) - people are liars, and they are also scared and understandably so. However you need to understand this phenomena, allot people pretend to take drugs to seem cool or whatever (this is real phenomona and its huge). Then when asked how they found MDMA thel say ''yea it was fun it made me real chatty and stuff'' and you know they are lying through their teeth (allot of woman do this but men do it aswel).
Yeah, no. Maybe in highschool or possibly undergrad years people might do this, but I can go out on any weekend to at least half dozen within a few miles of the city I live in and find hardcore Scenesters, Ravers, Club Kids, Burners, Wookies, weirdos and psychonauts. Not everyone is over on the bunny slopes. You "need to understand this phenomena" you've fallen into of egocentrism. Your experiences are not universal.

So again, THE CORRECT DOSE, IS AT LEAST 120 MG. And it MUST be taken in one go.
There's not really a "correct" or "incorrect" dose, but FWIW, I do agree with that minimum amount needed and I also wholeheartedly agree that it should be taken in one go, but I think a single booster of roughly half the initial dose at about the 1.5 hr mark really helps to "blow up" the effects, potentiating and extending them. Anything past that point is arguably a waste of product.

Now that might mean double or triple dropping ecstasy tabs on your first time......do you see what i mean ? who does that ?
So what? It's only anyone's first time doing something just that one time. After that I've seen people get pretty daring pretty fucking quickly. You'd have to know the contents of the pill to be that sure though safely, no doubt. .

and this is where so many of the seeming fluctuations in the stats and reports come from.
While I don't agree with your theory, you have some salient points. However, I think you're making too many assumptions. Your personal conjecture is not persuasive when we need cold facts. Too many variables to factor out.

No dice this round. [EDIT: to be clear… I agree with your minimums and whatnot, just not that most pills are garbage or most people lie about their drug experiences. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ]
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Yeah except there's a problem w/your spiritual theory (besides the pseudoscience, of course)…
You know all those MDxx drugs you claim are "garbage" and "used to fool testing kits", etc.? Well, most can be synthesized from the same tree source, specifically for Safrole, aka 3,4-methylenedioxyallylbenzene, which looks like this:


I said small amounts of any MDxx (including MDMA) could be used to mask whatever other crap is being used as the main part of the drug. Then like i said later, which your in basic agreement with - it needs to be 120g. Im just saying pills are full of dirt and sometimes come up as MDxx on test kits (how is this controversial). As for my claim that the tree might have some spiritual property, it is considered sacred by some indigenous people is it not ? Maybe there is a special energy to it ? Who knows, id like to try the root beer/tea but, laws, watchlists ect.

Oh wow, you can't really be serious about that. Lol. You've gotta be trolling… Haha right – the assclownish followers of Anton LaVey have it in for MDMA, you're totally onto something here.

Im going to do a total 180 here and say that the Luciferian deep state (which has nothing to do with ''satanism'') are prob more in favor of MDMA being decriminalized and eventually legalized (even Stalin had some good ideas). It would be in line with the general libertine philosophy (and whatever more nefarious social control utility they might believe it could have). There are other agendas behind the proliferation/promotion of psychoactive drug use (other than the espoused medical therapeutic benefits which i am not entirely in disagreement about). I suspect it has something to do with connecting everyone to the internet (in a more intimate fashion than is already the case). Il leave that there tho, the admins here dont like that being discussed for some reason

To be clear, you're literally demonizing:
  1. Methamphetamine – you do know what the final "MA" stands for in "MDMA", right?
    I'd also like to point out that this drug is Schedule II in the U.S.
  2. α-PVP – the relatively unknown stimulant that was a flash in the pan of mild popularity among RC drug fans, and
  3. THC – the most active and popular phytocannabinoid on the planet
But it doesn't matter because we're tying this in to the mythical folklore of demonology, which can be a cool inspiration for writing fiction, but that's about it.

Im not a big science qualification expert with papers guy. Allot of my ideas are based on things i see or have been told (altho im trying to unlearn what i have learned of late as i realize allot of what we have been told is bs). As for meth, idk man, no personal experience with it would seem to be bad news, like heroin. I get heroin can be used in the proper medical setting but when used recreationaly the propensity for lifelong addiction and major problems is through the roof. Iv seen heroin fuck too many people up for it to get a pass in my book, and if meth has anything like that fast addiction/rapid fucks everything up curb then it must be bad...mkay. As for bath salts, they used to put that shit in pills here - iv ingested it under the illusion i was taking MDMA and had a very bad time, like your legs going blue from vascular constriction bad time. Its too moreish and ruins your circulation so its bad. THC, more anxiety inducing nightmare fuel - altho unlike the others it doesnt seem to kill people or do lasting physical damage, so i wouldnt say its as bad, but you get the idea.

What're you, Geraldo Rivera? I know the 1980's are really on-trend right now, but that Satanism scare / moral panic from that era we can just drop. It was a crock of shit then and it's a crock of shit now. Satan isn't real; people who want you to believe in Abrahamic, Patriarchal "God"/"Allah" need the Devil to exist to prop up their religious notions. In other words, without the fear of Satan/Hell there would be no incentive to believe in God. Otherwise, what would the consequences be if you chose not to believe? No pit of eternal damnation? Well shit; how're we gonna get people to behave? This is a flawed line of thinking. Even the concept of the Devil and eternal damnation kinda challenges the existence of God. If God is all good (beneficent), all knowing (omniscient), and all powerful (omnipotent), then freewill is an illusion. God knows all things including the decisions you will make before you've made them. Being the case, why would a beneficent God create beings He knows He will only condemn to eternal damnation for "choosing" not to love Him, which is an insanely petty, jealous and childish kinda thing to do for an infinitely powerful, good, and omniscient being.

Whats a Geraldo Riviera ? sounds like some kind of car. Cant disagree with you more about the 80s, i missed out on it in person but iv seen the movies and i say we need to bring it back. Everything about the 80s needs to return and stay forever. Count yourself lucky that you got to live through such a great era, it was possibly the peak of human cultural achievement and im sad it no longer exists. As for The Bible being old and dumb because they didnt know The Science and lived in mudhuts, i disagree. It is when read and properly understood, a remarkable work explaining so many facets of the human experience, including where we came from and where we are headed. I think you might be surprised to find that the scriptures (when understood in the proper context) are really not about some distant alien god issuing unreasonable edicts. As far as the existence of satanic and luciferian cults tied into the state power structure, its documented, listen to the testimony of the late Ted Gunderson (ex head of the LA FBI). Gunderson investigated how they linked in with the CIA and organized child prostitution (they seem to operate as farms for children required for sex among politicians or as manchurian candiates for intel). Im still unclear as to what role these cults play re the state apparatus but they undoubtedly feature as central in some regards (Freemasonry, the Jesuit order - various churches and other orders like Scientology, ISKON ect). They would all appear to be connected on some level, and are demonstratively Luciferian at the higher levels.

No, he wasn't. For most of his life, he was a tall, strapping, Russian-American man. Even in his old age, you wouldn't call him "a little old man." Check out the late, good Doctor here as a younger man:


Quite the handsome fellow, no?

Indeed, but people do seem to shrink when they get older. Still, a giant among men. May he RIP (strange, he looks like someone i used to know).

Yeah, no. Maybe in highschool or possibly undergrad years people might do this, but I can go out on any weekend to at least half dozen within a few miles of the city I live in and find hardcore Scenesters, Ravers, Club Kids, Burners, Wookies, weirdos and psychonauts. Not everyone is over on the bunny slopes. You "need to understand this phenomena" you've fallen into of egocentrism. Your experiences are not universal.

I wouldnt underestimate the number of casuals. Yes i know, you can find the weekend space cadets in any city - and this demographic likely has its own issues re reports (at this end of the spectrum they could be reporting allot of good md as bunk because tollerance is through the roof - so it works both ways). My tolerance was through the roof near the end of my use, and this is how ended up getting in trouble. I understood that i needed insane doses to get the effect, and i also understood the unfortunate reality that allot of it was adulterated tf. I only have myself to blame really, but still, fuck those assholes putting stuff like flakka/speed/caffeene/everything else you can imagine in pills.
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So I just want to say, I think the whole thing about potential racemic vs enantiomer specific mdma is a bunch of bull.

Netherlands produces the vast majority of mdma for the world. Afaik, they use pmk esters, currently the ethyl ester afaik. Which produces mdp2p, which when reductive aminated, makes a racemic mixture. The likely use precious metal catalysts like palladium/platinum on carbon, or similar, or the Leuckart, which uses methylamine and formic acid. Both will always make racemic.

So while there is a chance one finds enantiomer specific mdma, the chances of this in real life are really low.

Imo, it's just adulterated, like amphetamine, caffeine, the newness of the experience fading, unsure dosages (pills with unknown amounts, or impure powder). Nothing related to mdma as a chemical

Also, can we stop with the hooey about the illuminati, religion, and spirits in trees? It's nonsense, unrelated, and just clogs up the thread. Like, if one synthesized mdma from safrole derived from a plant, versus fully synthetic safrole, one would never be able to tell the difference. A double blind test would show this time and time again. It's unscientific, and not helpful at all for this thread.
So I just want to say, I think the whole thing about potential racemic vs enantiomer specific mdma is a bunch of bull.

Netherlands produces the vast majority of mdma for the world. Afaik, they use pmk esters, currently the ethyl ester afaik. Which produces mdp2p, which when reductive aminated, makes a racemic mixture. The likely use precious metal catalysts like palladium/platinum on carbon, or similar, or the Leuckart, which uses methylamine and formic acid. Both will always make racemic.

So while there is a chance one finds enantiomer specific mdma, the chances of this in real life are really low.

Imo, it's just adulterated, like amphetamine, caffeine, the newness of the experience fading, unsure dosages (pills with unknown amounts, or impure powder). Nothing related to mdma as a chemical

Also, can we stop with the hooey about the illuminati, religion, and spirits in trees? It's nonsense, unrelated, and just clogs up the thread. Like, if one synthesized mdma from safrole derived from a plant, versus fully synthetic safrole, one would never be able to tell the difference. A double blind test would show this time and time again. It's unscientific, and not helpful at all for this thread.

The safrole from the plant will have different impurities, and even depending on the plant source those can change too. There’s other allylbenzenes in different plant derived essential oils that could give rise to small amounts of other psychedelic Amphetamines. PMMA, TMA-2 and 3,4-DMA from my memory.

Also Leuckart is a dead route, very rarely is it used to synthesize MDMA these days. Still a major route for Amphetamine though. Leuckart is sometimes used in more third world areas, find it happening in places like S.A.

The safrole from the plant will have different impurities, and even depending on the plant source those can change too. There’s other allylbenzenes in different plant derived essential oils that could give rise to small amounts of other psychedelic Amphetamines. PMMA, TMA-2 and 3,4-DMA from my memory.

Also Leuckart is a dead route, very rarely is it used to synthesize MDMA these days. Still a major route for Amphetamine though. Leuckart is sometimes used in more third world areas, find it happening in places like S.A.

I still find it hard to believe that these impurities would have such a drastic effect on the mdma experience. Possible? Sure. Likely? Imo, not really. And once again, the vast majority of mdma is made from the ketone, so for most of us the impurities will likely be the same or very similar.

Imo, and I'm not a chemist, so this is a chemistry ignorant opinion, but while there may be varying impurities, how much would say a few milligrams of say 34 dma affect Things? Dont have time to look up the dosages, but if a psychoactive substance is in a mixture, and it is well below the required dose for even a threshold effect ala psychonaut dosage scales, can it really affect the experience? I think it is unlikely. That's like saying one might get enhanced effects from a mixture of mdma and 5 mg of caffeine. Thats not even enough to notice, let alone affect the experience
I still find it hard to believe that these impurities would have such a drastic effect on the mdma experience. Possible? Sure. Likely? Imo, not really. And once again, the vast majority of mdma is made from the ketone, so for most of us the impurities will likely be the same or very similar.

Imo, and I'm not a chemist, so this is a chemistry ignorant opinion, but while there may be varying impurities, how much would say a few milligrams of say 34 dma affect Things? Dont have time to look up the dosages, but if a psychoactive substance is in a mixture, and it is well below the required dose for even a threshold effect ala psychonaut dosage scales, can it really affect the experience? I think it is unlikely. That's like saying one might get enhanced effects from a mixture of mdma and 5 mg of caffeine. Thats not even enough to notice, let alone affect the experience

Not to the extent we are hearing here, but yes I do believe you could feel a slight amount of these impurities.

I can feel 5-10mg MDA added in with MDMA, so it’s not a stretch to think others could too. PMMA is an MAO inhibitor which is why it’s dangerous to use alone but in small quantities could potentiate. 3,4-DMA has actually been found added to ecstasy as it competes with MDMA for metabolism causing the MDMA blood levels to stay elevated much longer than normal. We know this because some poor girl OD’ed on them.

I’m just making the point that all these little changes can add up over time to be a big change. At the very least MDMA batches vary like cannabis strains do, my own experience of 17yrs speaks to that as well.

Whats a Geraldo Riviera ? sounds like some kind of car.
Sorta sounds like it, but it's "Rivera", and the dude was a massive jerkoff in the 80s, probably still is now, who knows? Dude is 79-yrs-old now… check out the "Satanic Panic" from the 80s.

Cant disagree with you more about the 80s, i missed out on it in person but iv seen the movies and i say we need to bring it back. Everything about the 80s needs to return and stay forever. Count yourself lucky that you got to live through such a great era, it was possibly the peak of human cultural achievement and im sad it no longer exists.
Nah, the grass is always greener on the other side, &c.
Eh... I think the 80s had some good movies, some good songs, but were overall not a good decade. The 90s were where it's at. Women started taking more roles in films and true feminism that wasn't overtly hating against males for being males. Not saying all of them do, but it's something we've obviously seen more as social media allows us to see more. The 80s were a rocky time for a lot of women, still being hit on and not being able to do anything about it. I've heard multiple stories from my mom who worked in a hospital how they were constantly harrassed and she even had to beat up a doctor who tried to rape her.

Idk where I'm going with this exactly, I guess I look at the 80s as not the greatest time for women. I mean Molly Ringwald was like, 13 or 14 in Sixteen Candles, and that movie ends with a chick having been fucked while passed out drunk and it was considered a joke.

Metallica, Michael Jackson and some movies do stand out for sure. I just think the 90s were way better, even though I can only remember like, 1997 onwards since I was born in 93.
I can feel 5-10mg MDA added in with MDMA, so it’s not a stretch to think others could too.
Not to split hairs, but do you really think you can distinguish 5-10 mg MDA taken with a standard dose of MDMA (call it ~2 mg per kg body weight) from a placebo taken with that same standard dose of MDMA? Idk for sure, but I would guess no one can reliably and consistently delineate between MDMA and MDMA with an added 5-10 mg MDA solely through subjective analysis of the qualitative effects.

I've read that up to 15% of orally ingested MDMA can demethylate to MDA during first pass metabolism anyway. This makes me even more doubtful it would be easy to tell.

Now if you had said: 150 mg MDMA versus a 150 mg 1:1 ratio of MDMA:MDA, in other words: 75 mg MDMA + 75 mg MDA, I like to think that's a bit more obvious. But then again, can most people distinguish MDMA from MDA? I think so, but it would be better to see a well conducted study, ya know? … I'd sign up for that study, lol!