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Terrible rebound depression/anxiety after smoking weed


Aug 19, 2013
I wanted to get an idea if others experience this to the extent I do. I understand I shouldn’t be blaming the weed entirely when I struggle with things to begin with. But I’ve noticed nowadays no matter what, it makes things way way worse. I smoked a lot from 18-23 because I thought weed provided a welcome reprieve from whatever difficulty I was experiencing. But now at 27 I can’t touch it at all unless I want to go down an ugly rabbit hole. Nowadays after even smoking just once, I can be in a messed up mood for several days or even more than a week. Depression, anxiety and the OCD tendencies I deal with are magnified and even result in self harm in some instances. Smoking a few days in a row can result in weeks of these crappy feelings. Weed is treated very casually where I’m from so I imagine others must not have the same problem.

I’m wondering why weed seems to really turn on people while others have no problem smoking for years on end. My issues with it really seem exaggerated compared to the average person. But regardless I know I need to stop if I intend on moving forward with my life.
But I’ve noticed nowadays no matter what, it makes things way way worse. I smoked a lot from 18-23 because I thought weed provided a welcome reprieve from whatever difficulty I was experiencing. But now at 27 I can’t touch it at all unless I want to go down an ugly rabbit hole.

Just guessing here but could be that somewhere at some point a chemical reaction has changed in ones body (naturally) and can no longer "tolerate" weed or its products.
Could be a reaction to a medication or drug that one is taking at the time of consuming weed.
Could be that the weed we have these days is very much more potent with THC content than what we had years ago.
Will try to come up with some more "could bes" but it'll take a sec.
Not a scientist or anywhere close but just some ideas of why this could be....
Just guessing here but could be that somewhere at some point a chemical reaction has changed in ones body (naturally) and can no longer "tolerate" weed or its products.
Could be a reaction to a medication or drug that one is taking at the time of consuming weed.
Could be that the weed we have these days is very much more potent with THC content than what we had years ago.
Will try to come up with some more "could bes" but it'll take a sec.
Not a scientist or anywhere close but just some ideas of why this could be....
Thanks for chiming in on this. I am thinking it is the first idea you mentioned. My brain chemistry I believe is done for when it comes to weed. I am not sure what exact chemical changes occured with my brain to make that happen, but it definitely did and the same has happened with others I know. Time for me to give it up, it is just hard with the social pressure and when I get really bored.
But now at 27 I can’t touch it at all unless I want to go down an ugly rabbit hole. Nowadays after even smoking just once, I can be in a messed up mood for several days or even more than a week. Depression, anxiety and the OCD tendencies I deal with are magnified and even result in self harm in some instances.
well, not self harm but something similar
I started at 15 but only once in a while, then from 19 to 24 almost daily, surely weekly or most weeks. Daily during some periods. When I reached around the same age as you (27-28) I realized that weed was a no-no for me, I had horrible anxiety, feelings of dread and some kind of depression too, not for weeks but surely bad enough not to want to take it. I think that is probably that something in our brains changes, bad feelings are normally warnings: don't do that, it's not ok for me (my body or my soul) Sometimes you need to solve something (with psychedelics for example) but with things like weed.. I knew it was something physiological, I stopped smoking and ever smoked again (well, never like before, maybe once every 5 months or less...).
You are not going to miss it, trust me.
Yep I’m at the point now where I’m going to try to give it up for good. The issue that drags me into it is either social pressure or having the ridiculous thought that: “maybe this time I’ll get something good out of it.” I’m not sure why I still fall victim to it, it’s quite bizarre.
well, not self harm but something similar
I started at 15 but only once in a while, then from 19 to 24 almost daily, surely weekly or most weeks. Daily during some periods. When I reached around the same age as you (27-28) I realized that weed was a no-no for me, I had horrible anxiety, feelings of dread and some kind of depression too, not for weeks but surely bad enough not to want to take it. I think that is probably that something in our brains changes, bad feelings are normally warnings: don't do that, it's not ok for me (my body or my soul) Sometimes you need to solve something (with psychedelics for example) but with things like weed.. I knew it was something physiological, I stopped smoking and ever smoked again (well, never like before, maybe once every 5 months or less...).
You are not going to miss it, trust me.
The issue that drags me into it is either social pressure or having the ridiculous thought that: “maybe this time I’ll get something good out of it.”
nah, it's not "bizarre" it's psychological addiction, IMO.
I was so addicted that I went "on the sly" to a bar of a college that it wasn't even mine because I had a couple friends there, so I "expected" to see them when going there, sometimes they weren't there but some other "friends" that were not really friends were there, always smoking and playing cards.
I joined them, even when I really didn't enjoy so much playing cards or their company, and I'm pretty sure they didn't like my company so much either, we were different (they were not into intellectual anything or activism and I was during that time) and I suspect that at the end of the day they knew better than me that I was there mainly for smoking, but I considered that I was "doing time" "waiting for my friends" and I was smoking for social pressure...
haha, so sad...
I mean, probably your case is not that sad but I tell you to show you how self-delusion works.
At the moment I use kratom instead, it works if you don't use for more than 2-3 months in a row, now is not working for me anymore (tapering to do a long t-break) I KNOW that it's an addiction, or at least a dependence (because it's not damaging me as bad as cannabis) and I know it's probably because of my (still) undiagnosed adhd, so maybe if I get proper meds I wouldn't feel the need to use that.. but well, at least I'm free of cannabis which feels like shit and it's much more cloudy and "spiritual fog" producing
nah, it's not "bizarre" it's psychological addiction, IMO.
I was so addicted that I went "on the sly" to a bar of a college that it wasn't even mine because I had a couple friends there, so I "expected" to see them when going there, sometimes they weren't there but some other "friends" that were not really friends were there, always smoking and playing cards.
I joined them, even when I really didn't enjoy so much playing cards or their company, and I'm pretty sure they didn't like my company so much either, we were different (they were not into intellectual anything or activism and I was during that time) and I suspect that at the end of the day they knew better than me that I was there mainly for smoking, but I considered that I was "doing time" "waiting for my friends" and I was smoking for social pressure...
haha, so sad...
I mean, probably your case is not that sad but I tell you to show you how self-delusion works.
At the moment I use kratom instead, it works if you don't use for more than 2-3 months in a row, now is not working for me anymore (tapering to do a long t-break) I KNOW that it's an addiction, or at least a dependence (because it's not damaging me as bad as cannabis) and I know it's probably because of my (still) undiagnosed adhd, so maybe if I get proper meds I wouldn't feel the need to use that.. but well, at least I'm free of cannabis which feels like shit and it's much more cloudy and "spiritual fog" producing
You’re definitely right about it being a psychological addiction. That is clear to me now when I consider what horrible shape I’m in when the weed wears off, yet I do it over and over again. In regards to feeling like shit and in a spiritual fog when you’re sober, I can resonate with that but it’s more of a feeling of extreme boredom and apathy. I feel more like I have no spiritual connection. But if I use weed, there’s the horrible rebound effect like I mentioned. So it’s a difficult situation.
t’s more of a feeling of extreme boredom and apathy
Yeah, trust me that I related with that too, I was like dead on the inside, you feel very useless in a way, contempt with nothing. Kratom can cause that too, but it's not that bad, at least in my case. I guess everything that tingles dopamine is a bad decision when done long-term.
I think that you would get a lot more comments if this were in the Cannabis discussion sub forum.

It's fine here but the members over there really know their stuff and might be able to give you more insight.

Just my opinion on where it will get more exposure for you. Let me know if you want me to move it.
This is only my personal insight.
I believe it’s not the substance is all the persona context, there are many factors in all of it. The specific context you experienced every single time you used the substance plus your actual life without it, plays a rol in how your mind math all that is the result who you actually feel about the substance.

I’ll give you a example: I used meth for increasing my creativity and concentration in my cozy studio, and I had no problem after, then i started to go to an specific place full of misery and madness, and I started to feel completely sick of the substance, paranoid and delusional.

This is only my personal view.
Maybe the context or the people induced you those feelings.

I’m on recover but once I try to smoke I’m my studio with a new canvas and a nice lighting and it was a really god experience and resulting in a colorful painting.

Only as a suggestion look for therapist specialized in substance abuse, be arround colorful people or people compromised with their recovery, it’s working for me.

This is no easy take years.
But keep it calm.

I know people who smoked for 40+ years and they have something in common they keep their thoughts and feelings flowing, not scalating or hooking on them, just let them flow like the sea.

Best wishes.
I think that you would get a lot more comments if this were in the Cannabis discussion sub forum.

It's fine here but the members over there really know their stuff and might be able to give you more insight.

Just my opinion on where it will get more exposure for you. Let me know if you want me to move it.
If you don’t mind moving it I’d appreciate it