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Advice Pussy too loose?

Do you mind if just send you a quick test hylite.
conversation fish !! :)

ewwwww eeewwewwwww put a pm to my head hit the icon now im dead

just kidding it'smy song i made up !!!!!
Bye everrryone
Time to pussssylewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsssssse

put on ma rubbber shewwws

Some background info: I’m a 44 year old female, and have given birth 3 times. My youngest is 14. I started smoking meth a few times a month back in May. I’ve heard and read about how great the sex is with it. I finally gave in and hooked up with a friend last night because he’s been constantly telling me how great it would be. Wrong!

He no sooner got it in and asked me “Have you been using your toy a lot?” I said yes and asked him why. He said “I can tell. You’re just really loose.” I was shocked, embarrassed, and offended. I don’t have a dildo, but a clit suction toy.

He’d been drinking hard liquor and was high also. He kept pulling out and saying he couldn’t stay in because he was going soft and I was too wet. In the middle of this he starts watching porn on his phone while trying to fuck me. I called it quits. I was so turned off.

My question is how do I know if I’m too loose, and more importantly how do I fix it?! I’ve only had sex with 4 other men and none of them have ever said that. I know that I was really wet because in the beginning I was super turned on. Every other time in my life I’ve always had to use lube. He made sure to tell me as I was leaving this morning to do some exercises to tighten up. I feel disgusting and embarrassed. It just blows because I was so excited about it! Please help.
reply to original post as I have some experience with this not the rest of the thread.

pelvic floor is the key.

crunches till you can do no more leg splits and curls.

squats and so on.

those girls that have the perfect arses these days they work every day at least an hour for it and its far from easy.

there are also weights that you hold inside your self and train the muscles to grab onto so as to get more muscle control.

loose is not a prob but no muscle control is.

doing this exercises will also stop you getting hemorrhoids and having bowl problems latter in life.

if you dont use it as they say.

then if you do put the time in just do what every other fit as chick out there does.

start fishing for better fish as you will catch them then.
I'm not kegeling BUT I am ironing some shirts and hanging them on my erection until I go upstairs. Shit! I didn't I also hung up my jacket as well. It's the spare rod sometimes in the laundry room.
For the record I ALWAYS find the clit and their tight Who Ha's. When I'm done it's gone from a tight back road to a slick, slippery 12 lane highway. It's much better than those toll highways.
I am just trying to figure out how someone becomes or remains a wealthy addict lol I didn't know that was possible. So how does that work?

Or were you just going with the humor behind such an oxymoron? Cause I get it lol
I am just trying to figure out how someone becomes or remains a wealthy addict lol I didn't know that was possible. So how does that work?

Or were you just going with the humor behind such an oxymoron? Cause I get it lol
Not at all. That's what will be the title of my book as well. Ever heard of one of the business best selling books entitled: The Wealthy Barber?
Well, I'm TheWealthyAddict. I stopped smoking on February 9, 2000. I quit smoking crack on April 28, 2007, got sober of alcohol on September 26, 2010, I quit smoking crystal meth on January 26, 2014. After the insane 6 week in bed mostly recovering I was looking to go back to work, and this time they were all doing criminal checks. (DUI) Yet those fucks had the gall to make me feel like I was a real fucking common criminal - the kind will rob a store at gunpoint. I was really getting pissed I got offered several jobs pending the criminal background. Mother Fuckers. I like swearing, aside from sex, it's a great release. Anyway I was perusing online (I also doing real estate) and found this tax loop for homeowners and as investigated the tax loop information, I came across more information that led me purchasing stocks. I didn't purchase any at that time, but in order to get the tax relief it could be by buying stocks. So I started investigating further.
Note: I love numbers. l describe as symmetrical. Numbers work. Numbers tell a story. Numbers are what money amounts too. So we're now in into March and I really continued researching stocks which led me to get more and education about long term investing (boring) day trading (exciting, profitable, need to be on high alert) and swing trading ( close to exciting, very profitable, no need to really follow excessively). At least at this point I'd come to the conclusion.
NOTE: The expression I use is: I go OCD sometimes. In other words I'm all in. I was all in. Not financailly but via dedication to learning how to trade, how to trade profitably, etc...... I loved everything about, but I didn't much . Let me jump ahead as you probably figured out, I studied further (all on my own) fully self taught and come September 8, 2014, was the day I was starting to trade stocks on my own. It was my moment. I even took a fucking picture of myself to commemorate the day I was starting and the day I was telling all those mother fucking employer to go fuck themselves for hiring me simply because I had DUI. They weren't listen to the story I told about my sobriety. The only that mattered was a piece of paper that said FUCKING CRIMINAL. Well this Criminal was gonna show them.
I am just trying to figure out how someone becomes or remains a wealthy addict lol I didn't know that was possible. So how does that work?

Or were you just going with the humor behind such an oxymoron? Cause I get it lol
I don't even know if you're reading what I'm writing. Always happens when speaking about stocks. I was always by myself because any one I wanted maybe do it with me as a team (part time or full time) they all thought ......... OMG it's like gambling.
I am just trying to figure out how someone becomes or remains a wealthy addict lol I didn't know that was possible. So how does that work?

Or were you just going with the humor behind such an oxymoron? Cause I get it lol
BTW of the little that I see of you, I can wager that you are one incredibly attractive that marches to the band of kegels. LOLOL
Not at all. That's what will be the title of my book as well. Ever heard of one of the business best selling books entitled: The Wealthy Barber?
No but that title will get people's attention....Ive had a book in mind for a longtime. I've been collecting and writing content for it for years. I am considering the title "Parenting Advice from Junkie". I've also been doing the same for a book I would title "Advice on How to Get to Heaven from a Drug Addict". I doubt I'll actually ever go any further then writing them but it's been very therapeutic for me. This world has became so delusional with all the typical Christians trying to own real estate on God's grace that those it's really meant for think they could never be good enough. I don't claim to know all the answers. But my life has been so full of chaos that anything consistent becomes undenialbly obvious. Becuase of what all I have seen and learned I feel these are my stories to tell....whether I want to or not lol
The first day of trading went ok
No but that title will get people's attention....Ive had a book in mind for a longtime. I've been collecting and writing content for it for years. I am considering the title "Parenting Advice from Junkie". I've also been doing the same for a book I would title "Advice on How to Get to Heaven from a Drug Addict". I doubt I'll actually ever go any further then writing them but it's been very therapeutic for me. This world has became so delusional with all the typical Christians trying to own real estate on God's grace that those it's really meant for think they could never be good enough. I don't claim to know all the answers. But my life has been so full of chaos that anything consistent becomes undenialbly obvious. Becuase of what all I have seen and learned I feel these are my stories to tell....whether I want to or not lol
I see your first book being less successful then the second one if you ever did print it. As a story it makes for great TV. Most moms are not junkies so they would think it's for them unless you get Oprah to endorse it. LOLOL
Oh my god. I love your humor. You're insanely amazing.

Yes, yes I am. That's a true story though. Wanna hear the rest?

Well the "love triangle" was actually more of a pentacle, and included my gay housemate and the other chick's gay friend. They were in another room (because hey, what use did we have for them? Lol).

The "this dick was made for me" woman was on the floor on all fours, ready to take that dick up her ass. By this stage I was watching in complete horror.

But my housemate needed a condom and walked in from the other room (with a party hat covering his shlong). This gave big dick guy such a fright he launched forward and knocked big vag girl into a chest of drawers lol.

So that was the end of that and my trauma turned to lulz 😅 Good times!!
What do I select? Start a conversation?
Mr Krinkle - I suppose my ignorance was worthy of a chuckle. In my defense however, I was trying to figure out how to direct message people - so we tried a little test. You see where I come from direct message means direct message - almost like a text message. Start a Conversation does not even come close to Direct Message. I was double checking To be certain. The people on here (so far) are amazing - Specially (Alpha Abbey) She is one piece of work. It’s too bad we can’t see her. It’s nice to put a face to a name. However the program isn’t too user friendly. Oh well! it is what is and Daniel - deal with it.