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N2O first time, what to expect?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
As some may know from past posts I love disso things & N2O had been on the list for ages. I've come across some extra cash today and placed an order.
What's it like folks if you do a good hit? I love 4-MeO-PCP and I don't expect it to be that good but I named that disso just to give an idea what I like.

Does N2O mix well with heroin (Afghan #3) or say you burned a good blunt just before then did a nice canister what would that be like?

It's so popular round here the cops are going mad at folks in the park on a wk/end drinking and doing balloons, it's been on the local news various times so it must be okay simply for the amount of people doing it imo.

Thanks in advance.
First you get a weird euphoric rush, then the weirdness headspace takes over if you do several tokes.

The similarity to other dissos can be somewhat obscured by the instant overpowering euphoric rush. I gather it interacts with more receptors besides NMDAr, to produce a greater inebriant type euphoria. Beyond that, it has pretty much the same qualities as something like ketamine or PCP stuff.

Main downside is you need to refill constantly so can't lie down and meditate.

Mix it with an ACH disso and you have excellent control in/out of holes etc. Beware of brain damage though. Apparently adding a GABA agonist can protect against the damage: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1572233/ (i have opted for alcohol, not sure how sound that is, but find benzos deeply pointless)

Mixes incredibly with acid. Of course with weed too at least if you're deep into that.

Use whippits and a cream siphon for best safety and enjoyment.
It is really Euphoric as it kicks in and it does so rapidly, as soon as I exhale I start to feel it and it building up in intensity over a minute or too. I generally inhale more after I take in a couple breaths of oxygen after I breath in the balloon. It alters the way you hear sound and is great for listening to music as the tunes will take on a quality and sense of greatness that isn't matched by many other drugs. It lasts for me about 5-7mins before I start to come down and then I generally do more. You can enter into some pretty incredible mental spaces and even have an OBE if you take in enough in a short frame of time.

Actually I just ordered a bunch myself I got 120 n2O cartridges, 30 high quality punching balloons and 2 crackers. Plan on doing it everyday Saturday and spending couple hours on a binge with my girlfriend, she really likes it to. When she has been doing it she mixes it with delta-8-THC orall doses of 100mgs and smoked cannabis flower, high delta-8-THC content. With the combo it is very psychedelic for her. I just take the n2O by itself because I am living in a halfway house and get drug tested regularly. Great thing about n2O is I will be able to use a dissociative without worrying about failing the drug screening.
You'll likely hear a siren noise at the peak which is the last sound you heard looping usually. Also likely have an epiphany you can't quite remember until you do it again.

Yes that whooshing noise is characteristic and also the effect on music perception.

You can learn to learn from those epiphanies. Writing helps and generally goes well with any dissociative imo.
I'm impressed with it tbh.
It's got more of kick than I expected & 2 cans in one balloon is quite an experience. I could get through 50 of the canister things in a night, I've done nearly 10 as it is now.
Hippie Crack is such a fitting name for it. I really like this damn stuff to say the least.

What happens to you if you hit this stuff hard on a single nights session? Say on a Friday night if you did 50 balloons in a night, will it make you ill?
You might have a bit of a headache the next day but that's more from machine oil and oxygen deprivation lol never felt depleted of any chemicals though
iv ketamine, now your ready for nos
That would be great In my view.
The dangerous side of this stuff is falling on your ass.

Tried this stuff on the comedown from MDMA?
I've got a few ideas to try this gas with, I'm all out of canisters now sadly.

This is stuff I'd be very happy to binge on once a week like on a Saturday start around 5-6pm and keep going till it's time for bed around 1-2am. It's not something I'd want to do each day, I'd prefer to do one good session in a night.
for mdma comedown i need k, then i probably wouldn't turn down a few balloons, its rude to say no sometimes, you know?
I thought nitrous was kiddie stuff until I sprung for a case of chargers & a cream dispenser and discovered that I loved it . . . 6 months and 8000+ chargers later, I finally put it down after noticing a tingling sensation in my fingertips. The threat of neuropathy (which NO2 can cause by preventing B12 absorption) scared me straight, I guess.
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Sit down is the best advice id give. I saw a guy die tumbling off a micro bus in a CHItown dead lot and I have no idea how many people I have seen fish.

Its easy.. balloon sit down.

Now thats harm reduction as you don't want to make it to the grey dessert perched on anything dangerous... like even your own two feet.
I'm impressed with it tbh.
It's got more of kick than I expected & 2 cans in one balloon is quite an experience. I could get through 50 of the canister things in a night, I've done nearly 10 as it is now.
Hippie Crack is such a fitting name for it. I really like this damn stuff to say the least.

What happens to you if you hit this stuff hard on a single nights session? Say on a Friday night if you did 50 balloons in a night, will it make you ill?

For me 30-40 cartridges in one night seems to be the sweet spot. Any less and i'm not as high as i could be. Any more and it's diminishing returns and a bigger hangover.

Also according to one study, 46 minutes of N2O anaesthesia was the mean amount that started B12 depletion (or really inactivation), which seems to last for a couple of days. Will see if i can find that later.

It is really Euphoric as it kicks in and it does so rapidly, as soon as I exhale I start to feel it and it building up in intensity over a minute or too. I generally inhale more after I take in a couple breaths of oxygen after I breath in the balloon. It alters the way you hear sound and is great for listening to music as the tunes will take on a quality and sense of greatness that isn't matched by many other drugs. It lasts for me about 5-7mins before I start to come down and then I generally do more. You can enter into some pretty incredible mental spaces and even have an OBE if you take in enough in a short frame of time.

Actually I just ordered a bunch myself I got 120 n2O cartridges, 30 high quality punching balloons and 2 crackers. Plan on doing it everyday Saturday and spending couple hours on a binge with my girlfriend, she really likes it to. When she has been doing it she mixes it with delta-8-THC orall doses of 100mgs and smoked cannabis flower, high delta-8-THC content. With the combo it is very psychedelic for her. I just take the n2O by itself because I am living in a halfway house and get drug tested regularly. Great thing about n2O is I will be able to use a dissociative without worrying about failing the drug screening.

With that frequency of use, i hope you take precautions against B12 depletion.
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I thought nitrous was kiddie stuff until I sprung for a case of chargers & a cream dispenser and discovered that I loved it . . . 6 months and 8000+ chargers later, I finally put it down after noticing a tingling sensation in my fingertips. The threat of neuropathy (which NO2 can cause by preventing B12 absorption) scared me straight, I guess.
Same reason I didn't do it years ago was I assumed it wasn't anything special etc. I'm quite a fan now, the last go yesterday hit me like a brick to say the least about it.
What does "fish" mean here?

Slang for N2O OD. It comes from the way a person kinda looks like a fish outa water when they do to much. Their eyes kinda glaze and get very distant stare , their mouth hangs open and lips move like a fish trying to breath air, while their balloon goes sputtering off and they flop onto the ground.
iv ketamine, now your ready for nos

Yeah that probably is the closest.

IV ketamine is of course quite a bit different but in terms of anything it seems the closest. I was never a fan of ketamine but when I tried it IV i found it was like a totally different drug. More narcotic-like and way more euphoric.

As a former daily use of nitrous (my average was 50 cartridges a day) who knows what kind of damage I did to myself.