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Disturbing comedown effects from THC O


Aug 19, 2013
I wanted to share this because I recently had a concerning experience after consuming THC O. I had been noticing this supposedly stronger THC derivative popping up at smoke shops and gas stations and decided to try it. So one day I bought a pack of edibles and consumed about 200mg. This may sound like a high dose but that’s what I would usually take with delta 8 so I figured it wasn’t a big deal. Anyway, the experience in itself wasn’t particularly bad, was a little enjoyable but not as much so as regular THC, and initially the comedown didn’t seem so bad. But for some reason, about three or four days later, out of the blue I started to get nasty anxiety and obsessive thoughts. I have trouble with this to begin with but this time seemed especially intense. It got bad enough to the point where I was scratching myself as a maladaptive coping mechanism. This concerned me because it seemed to be more pronounced than usual. As I researched the situation further I found that others had issues with it as well.

I don’t know if it was because it took a few days to leave my system to hit me but regardless it was concerning. It is possible the situation was just brought on by myself but I don’t want to ignore the possibility of THC O having a role.
I have noticed (as a couple others) that thc-o cessation is horrible. I liken it to moderate benzodiazepine withdrawal and it all starts to hammer me on the third morning without.
Will leave this product alone until I am actually in a bzd wd state to see if it is effective against it. Just not enough known about thc-o atm to make a comaparrison, imo, but ime they hit many of the same receptors. IDK.
Not a product I would wanna get a habit of again as I have never experienced this with any other weed product period.
Check out some of the stuff posted in the thc-o mega i posted something akin to this a while ago.
my exp is more toward the end

So we had a brief discussion on bl discord and wanted to ask here cause I had a hit from another who felt the same there (discord).
I noticed a distinct benzo-like wd from a recent sudden cessation from this drug (thc-o) but could not pinpoint the cause of wd until a few days after being very anxious, high BP, rappid pulse, very little sleep (mostly caused by panic which would shock me awake every hour), aggitation, frustration, general panic throughout the day, loss of appetite, loose bowels in the AMs, hot/cold spells, profuse sweating, confusion, loss of dexterity etc. It was hell for me and had posted here during this time of misery about feeling like I was going through WDs but there was no cause for it. My posts were mainly that I was feeling "shitty" as were my then recent daytime experiences.
When at work and a coworker had a pen of thc-o and offered me some I said fuck it this is a good time to see if the thc-o was the culprit. I was stunned that after a couple puffs on the pen most all the wds melted away within minutes. Shock in disbelief as in decades of using cannabinoids I had never had any issues putting weed away. Other than a couple days of loss of appetie there was no other or lasting wd symptoms.
Has anyone here felt these symptoms (benzo-like [mild to moderate] is all I have to describe them atm) from stopping thc-o?"
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I have noticed (as a couple others) that thc-o cessation is horrible. I liken it to moderate benzodiazepine withdrawal and it all starts to hammer me on the third morning without.
Will leave this product alone until I am actually in a bzd wd state to see if it is effective against it. Just not enough known about thc-o atm to make a comaparrison, imo, but ime they hit many of the same receptors. IDK.
Not a product I would wanna get a habit of again as I have never experienced this with any other weed product period.
My understanding is that the synthesis process for THC O is very questionable and involves from pretty dangerous chemicals. I know they are basically broken down but I still doubt that such a process is healthy for the user. There definitely seemed to be a heavy “synthetic” feeling to THC O compared to regular cannabis. I believe I will steer clear of this stuff for the time being.
I will steer clear of this stuff for the time being.
How long have you been off of it to date?

and the receptors hammered on by thc-o is what i was getting at as far as little understood or documented but would bet my last penny that they would be close to bzd....
How long have you been off of it to date?

and the receptors hammered on by thc-o is what i was getting at as far as little understood or documented but would bet my last penny that they would be close to bzd....
I wasn’t using it habitually but it’s been about a week since I had some. Even just doing it once for me was enough to cause an issue. This is due to me having a sensitive brain I think from using concentrates heavily for some years and overdoing it on other things. It would be wise of me to steer clear but sometimes I just get an itch to escape sobriety.

As far as the receptor action, I’m not sure how it would differ from regular cannabinoids. Maybe someone on r/drugnerds would know.
As far as the receptor action, I’m not sure how it would differ from regular cannabinoids
Man been smokin weed since a we lad and this thc-o shit has to do more than what other cannabinoids are doing. Gonna dig up as much as possible, though.
Say weed may help a little with benzo wds but the issue is they are not cross tolerant as I feel thc-o and bzd are... from personal experience.
I may force myself into bzd wd when i get some money to acquire some thc-o just to see if it negates the wds from bzd. Not maybe; I will cause I gotta know.
Be well.
Damn I’m not sure I’d wanna
Man been smokin weed since a we lad and this thc-o shit has to do more than what other cannabinoids are doing. Gonna dig up as much as possible, though.
Say weed may help a little with benzo wds but the issue is they are not cross tolerant as I feel thc-o and bzd are... from personal experience.
I may force myself into bzd wd when i get some money to acquire some thc-o just to see if it negates the wds from bzd. Not maybe; I will cause I gotta know.
Be well.
Damn I’m not sure I’d wanna force myself into benzodiazepine withdrawal. Good luck with that venture and hopefully it isn’t too bad
nah got enought bzd to last. lol been through it several times and know when enough is enough just sayin i gotta try it for progeny sake.
gonna see what r/drugnerds think about gaba affinities and if they have any knowledge on the sub
thanks for the lookout, though.
one love
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man i asked about this in r/drugnerds and it was locked after a coupe responses. lol
what a bunch of preteen bs assholes.
this is why i avoid r like the black death. bunch of bs with no care for harm reduction.
fuck em and feed em fish eyes and red bloody rice
man i asked about this in r/drugnerds and it was locked after a coupe responses. lol
what a bunch of preteen bs assholes.
this is why i avoid r like the black death. bunch of bs with no care for harm reduction.
fuck em and feed em fish eyes and red bloody rice
Yea I hate reddit, I was just thinking about ways to find out more about it since there's limited info online. I checked out wikipedia and couldn't find anything about the pharmacology there either. I think its use is so new that there isn't much out there right now.
Yea I hate reddit, I was just thinking about ways to find out more about it since there's limited info online. I checked out wikipedia and couldn't find anything about the pharmacology there either. I think its use is so new that there isn't much out there right now.
I even put out there that there wasnt any real research done on thc-o released yet maybe that made them feel inadequate to answer, IDK.
When people dont know they usually bury shit.
Its ok, though, my experiments will continue irl situations. ;)
Best to you, friend and hope to see ya around.
Hmmmm. I'll add a "maybe" to this thread.

My pot consumption recently has been "weekend warrior". I have been smoking one or two days on the weekend.
When I smoke, I always get "withdrawal" or more accurately (maybe) "carryover" effects which last a week or more.
However, the only really significant carryover effect generally lasts 1-3 days. One day for a moderate weekend and maybe as much as three for a heavy weekend.
The carryover effect is there for a week, but it's only noticeable if I look for it after a day or three has elapsed. I can ignore it or forget it's there after that.


For the last 4-5 weekends, I have been also hitting a D8/THC-O cart. (about 15% THC-O)
A few hits on top of some flower adds a nice spice and longevity to the experience.
Last weekend, I noticed that I was hitting the THC-O cart quite a bit more. I wasn't surprised, I had read of a quicker tolerance building to THC-O.

It's now the 4th day after partaking and I am just now beginning to get beyond the "fuzzies". Those usually last a day, maybe two. This has been enough of a carryover to be impossible to ignore for 4 days now.

My theory was that the THC-O gave a greater tolerance because of the extended effects. Any long lasting drug causes more tolerance.
However, it also seems to take quite a bit longer to clear from your system or for you to recover from the effect on receptors.
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before i get back into this i have some work to do but someone suggested it may have something to do with vaping acetate.
will come back to this.
I can't say I've ever had a weird comedown or withdrawal from THC O, but it did seem to change over time for me. When I first started using it I lauded it for it's lack of anxiety or paranoia. However a few months later it started giving me horrible anxiety, insomnia, weird thoughts and other side effects. But still, only during the high.

I used it off and on, I would typically switch between d8 and THC O every week.

I just stick to d8 now.

However I'm not 100% sure the change wasn't something else, as I had some neurological changes happen during that time from unrelated drugs which may account for the change.
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