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Miscellaneous (In my subjective opinion) Mushrooms are waaaay better than LSD

Check this out
I made a buncha these after my last mushroom hunt

theyre a couple different sized pine cones felled from some jack pines
the bigger cones stem is right where the "neck" is, I just had to drill a small hole
into the smaller "head" cone with my pocket knife


at least I picked something
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Both can be difficult. Both can be pleasant. I've had bad times on both, but probably more good trips than bad. Shrooms are shorter lived and I have no problem falling asleep after mushrooms. But acid will stay with my all day into the night. And the manifesting on acid is at the end of it and it can be unsettling making it impossible to sleep. I've had bad trips on both that have turned me off of them for quite some time. Haven't felt the fun of acid in awhile and have no real desire to do it anytime soon. I'm still working on some penis envy mushies tho that are quite potent. 0.4g will send you off for a little.

But whatever you choose, they all feel you're tripping.
PE are the business. Fave strain of all time (having tried a grand total of four 😛)
Decades ago used to grow....well i bough the aquarium and pay my part of the sporeprints and a friend of mine take care of growing.Golden teacher was good.Good memories from some panama cubensis strain.Very strong.Often mix em with wild semilanceata and the result was even greater.Now situation is worst.Hard to purchase growing kits,cause psylocibine is shedule 1 and it's just a spores....but in the customs are paranoid and easily can confiscate your parcel even it is not(spores) in any schedule.Shit
But the nausea of eating actual psilocybin mushrooms makes me prefer synthetic 4-sub tryptamines to shrooms.

i don't like that stomach action either - in fact, i feel like im slightly poisoned - probably because i am :)
Take dried mashroons and blend them (coffee grinder will do) till they look like dark sand. Put them in a tea and drink it. That will immensely help the body with digestion. Just be ready for the opening act cause you will skip the whole digestion (being poisoned) issue and propelled into hyperspace within 15-30 minutes after consumption. Be extra careful if you are taking 5-10 gram doses.

For me without doubt the best way of consumption, especially if one is taking large doses. Use with respect just as any other substance and do not repeat the experience before you properly digested the last one. I would aim for 3-4 times in a year at most. Don't chase the ultimate trip cause you could end up damaging yourself.

This are personal observations based on 20+ years of using LSD and mashrooms. These days I stick with high dose of mashrooms once or twice in a year. But again, that's just me. 🙂
Take dried mashroons and blend them (coffee grinder will do) till they look like dark sand. Put them in a tea and drink it. That will immensely help the body with digestion. Just be ready for the opening act cause you will skip the whole digestion (being poisoned) issue and propelled into hyperspace within 15-30 minutes after consumption. Be extra careful if you are taking 5-10 gram doses.

For me without doubt the best way of consumption, especially if one is taking large doses. Use with respect just as any other substance and do not repeat the experience before you properly digested the last one. I would aim for 3-4 times in a year at most. Don't chase the ultimate trip cause you could end up damaging yourself.

This are personal observations based on 20+ years of using LSD and mashrooms. These days I stick with high dose of mashrooms once or twice in a year. But again, that's just me. 🙂
There quite good recipes for jam too or in honey.:)Or deep freezin''Haveva very special connection with mushroomsEven now /early summer in some parts of Europe grows wild potent ones.different species...under trees,bushe....etc.
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Take dried mashroons and blend them (coffee grinder will do) till they look like dark sand. Put them in a tea and drink it. That will immensely help the body with digestion. Just be ready for the opening act cause you will skip the whole digestion (being poisoned) issue and propelled into hyperspace within 15-30 minutes after consumption. Be extra careful if you are taking 5-10 gram doses.
I've made tea with them and then filtered out the mushroom matter. Still far more nausea than 4-HO-MET (which has virtually none for me) or LSD (which has none for me), both of which actually seem to increase my appetite.
I don't really even understand whst the point if this thread is... like obviously everyone subjectively likes different things thats why we're individuals and not exact copies of eachother.
Like if everyone preferred one drug then there'd only be one drug...I subjectively prefer Advil over Oxy's for my particular type of pain .
I also vastly prefer LSD over shrooms but I've had some amazing mushroom trips but so what?
Everyone is different and drug preference is no exception.
This thread should be re-named"i subjectively prefer mushrooms over LSD ".
Also, it obviously depends on the quality of the LSD or mushrooms you've obtained so unless you're able to buy something thsts standardized with strict quality control including shelf life mushrooms and acid are pretty much incomparable...like you'll be comparing some random dudes shrooms over some other dude's specific batch of acid thst may or may not even be the advertised dose.
I be never tried acid...so the thread is interesting for me
I guess it's good for some people to hear anecdotal reports....but like I said it really depends on the quality of the material you've obtained and set and setting.
You might buy an amazing batch of mushies one time and the next time it's underwhelming, same is true for acid.
The only way you'll know is by actually trying it.
Now imho mushrooms are less desirable in general because they tend to provide a "hold on to your seat and ride this bitch out sort of experience" while with LSD I feel I have a far greater control of the experience....if it's moving in a negative or undesirable direction I feel I have more control over turning it towards a better direction.
This is also highly dependent on dosage and set and setting if course but I usually can get real good mushrooms though I just prefer them.less to 4acodmt but I usually take about 3.5g of good shrooms and my standard acid dose is 200ug.
There are +s for both
Shrooms: shorter trip, no exhaustion the next day, the tolerance period is shorter, anyone can source them
LSD: way better sex than shrooms, no horrible taste, not as weird, i feel like i have a bit more control. I can't watch a movie on shrooms but LSD I can watch like 5 in a row.

If i ever end a trip getting tazed by the cops it will be on mushrooms, I have to remind myself not to start shouting or to to go outside, common sense shit I don't worry about on LSD. At a big enough dose either can be crazy, mushrooms are always a bit crazy for me even at reasonable doses. I finally tried PE (2.6 grams) last week, the closed eye visuals were top notch. The after effects of shrooms are better you feel better in the days after, not like LSD where you need to sleep two days. If i had to choose only one it would be acid which i do monthly shrooms i do once or twice a year. If i want to remember nothing the next day i take shrooms drunk, complete blackout for hours....
Take dried mashroons and blend them (coffee grinder will do) till they look like dark sand. Put them in a tea and drink it. That will immensely help the body with digestion. Just be ready for the opening act cause you will skip the whole digestion (being poisoned) issue and propelled into hyperspace within 15-30 minutes after consumption. Be extra careful if you are taking 5-10 gram doses.

For me without doubt the best way of consumption, especially if one is taking large doses. Use with respect just as any other substance and do not repeat the experience before you properly digested the last one. I would aim for 3-4 times in a year at most. Don't chase the ultimate trip cause you could end up damaging yourself.

This are personal observations based on 20+ years of using LSD and mashrooms. These days I stick with high dose of mashrooms once or twice in a year. But again, that's just me. 🙂
5-10 g doses?Never exceed 2g and see no point of doing it.talk about high mountain sort
5 fuckin mods work here - where the fuck are they? didn't anybody miss their flight today?

jesus christ
To be perfectly honest, I don't even remember what I was doing on Monday night :rolleyes: I guess I wasn't here lol

I enjoy LSD far more than mushrooms. LSD is 'steerable' and I enjoy the manic-looping. I don't mind the post trip wakefulness. Mushrooms allow for shorter duration and have a better drop off at the end, but in terms of effects, I find them to be rudely confronting. Even when I'm happy in life they'll find something inside me to make me feel crappy about; whereas if I feel crappy about life on LSD, I just break the loop by walking outside or into another room or changing the music, and it's all smiles and sunshine again.

I feel I get far deeper introspection (and even moreso, extrospection) from LSD than I do mushies... the mushies just focus on, "Remember that one thing you forgot you did ten years ago? DWELL ON THAT!" Whereas LSD is like, "See the world as a child does; it can be scary but your mood is easily changed and everything is novel, new, fascinating."
I can't watch a movie on shrooms but LSD I can watch like 5 in a row.
Yes, this is my favorite aspect of LSD; I can do any of my regular hobby activities while on it. Mushies, I'm just too busy laying on the ground becoming one with the rug. Being a rug is certainly something to experience, but not very insightful in the end.
I much prefer LSD in every way.

However, I do get a bit jealous of the music appreciation mushrooms provide. I don't get the euphoric jaw dropping effect music has on mushrooms while taking LSD. My favorite thing to do on mushrooms is listen to music, while on LSD I typically become extroverted and watch movies, go outside or play video games (whatever really).