Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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Sorry to hear that. That is a bit of a disappointment for you. Will you continue seeing the new psych? Was she good otherwise?

How much longer are you on commitment for John? Sorry I couldn't see if you already said before.
By the way, I saw what you originally said. My email showed me the unedited comment. PTSD can cause an anger outburst because imagine how you would respond in a threatening situation. You would either be angry or scared because of our fight or flight response. In PTSD, you are reliving the experiences when you are triggered. Your response is either anger or fear. Anger is another response to threats. Fear is typically what we assume PTSD is like. Anger is also involved though. Especially when you remind the person of their trauma, directly or indirectly. It's a complex disorder and it's commonly misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.
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are there studies or peoples experience that shows that hormone levels such as testersterone and sperm count return to normal levels once the drug has left your body
I went to the old psych today and she insists that all of my symptoms are just the negative symptoms of schizophrenia (I was perfectly fine before the shots) rather than it being the injection's fault, as predicted

But I did make her tell me what kind of shots she gave me this time: it was two shots of Xeplion, both 100mg and one month apart (instead of one week), equivalent of 156mg x2 of Invega I guess

She also allowed me to slowly taper off the delorazepam which I was taking for sleep but I don't really want to be reliant on anything else for now so I'll try to slowly take that away

I know I do kinda sound optimistic but truth of the matter is that even at only two months off I'm constantly shitting my pants in fear of not being able to fully recover, despite having made some steps in the right direction compared to the first month.

The wait is just that terrible combined with the fear of the unknown of whether recovery will go further or no, considering all the other aspects and symptoms that are still just as completely fucked as they were day-1 with very little reference levels to gauge whether there's actual improvements or if it's just an impression. it doesn't help when every doc keeps saying the same thing about the injection having nothing to do with my issues, it feels like I'm fighting the whole world, not even just Xeplion or Invega or whatever...

Thank goodness for those friends who occasionally help me distract from all this
Yeah i went and told my psychiatrist about my cognitive symptoms and she also said im just experiencing negative symptoms of schizophrenia. I know its not true and my family doctor said same thing. Its cause im sick as opposed to its cause the meds do it to you. Some ppl also think psychosis cause brain shrinkage and i tell them its the meds. They dont want to listen though. Yeah we know more about the medications the the doctors. All the doctors know is the bullshit that the fake doctors write about it. Not the reality of the drugs that we experienced
I should have gotten my dose on Tuesday. So it’s been three days where instead of having a new dose in my system, I’m slowly eliminating what is already there. I’ve been on this drug for 18 months. Started at 156 and been slowly tapering to where my last dose was 39.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been on it for so long, but I do feel more awake and a little better not having another dose in my system.

I’m on Wellbutrin 150
Seroquel 25 at night
And now NOTHING for Invega

I’ve forgotten what normal feels like but I’m very lightly medicated. Having the invega leave my system feels so good! I know it’s a slow recovery but after 18 months of continually adding more, I do feel better with it leaving my system.
Vyvanse still barely touches me. Caffeine doesn’t touch me. So I know it’s still in my system.

I’ve been on it long enough that everything is an improvement. Even lowering the doses was an improvement.

I hope I get back to normal though. I was a really productive guy before. And I’ve gained weight, lost confidence and lost energy. But I’m on the upswing. I think it feels better for me because I spent so much time on it that every step in the right direction feels good.
By the way, I saw what you originally said. My email showed me the unedited comment. PTSD can cause an anger outburst because imagine how you would respond in a threatening situation. You would either be angry or scared because of our fight or flight response. In PTSD, you are reliving the experiences when you are triggered. Your response is either anger or fear. Anger is another response to threats. Fear is typically what we assume PTSD is like. Anger is also involved though. Especially when you remind the person of their trauma, directly or indirectly. It's a complex disorder and it's commonly misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.
Omg YES!!! I'm so sorry, I can't remember why I edited that part out....

...oh yes, I think it was because I read back a couple of pages and you'd already kinda answered what I wanted to know in other posts before?

But yes PTSD can very much be associated with anger. I have CPTSD and when I get triggered I can very much react with explosive aggression, as a protective mechanism. That kind of behaviour is VERY unlike me, quite the opposite in fact, and is very much due to an adrenaline rush. Fight or flight. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.

If you had the choice to take Invega shot 50MG it Abilify 400MG then 300MG loading doses which would it be & why/why not?
You may have answered this previously but I don't remember. Is there any reason you can't be prescribed a medication in pill form rather than injection?

It seems like with many of the anti-psychotics, the injectables carry more harmful side effects than pills. I don't know why but even in my experience with Risperdal, the pills weren't too bad but the anhedonia and other problems didn't set in until they made me take a few injections.

If you are under court order or otherwise have no choice, then I personally don't know. Given the experiences reflected in this thread however, it seems like Invega would probably be the wrong answer. Once again, I'm not a doctor and have never taken Invega but I have taken Risperdal pills and shots as well as Abilify pills for over 10 years. Abilify had the least side effects of any anti-psychotic I have taken BUT I have never had it in injectable form so cannot speak from experience in that regard.
I take 6 sleeping pills and I sleep only 3 hours. Invenga really destroyed my sleep. I don't know how much time I given to it till I kill myself. It is very mainful so long in bed and so little sleep. So few people with zero sleep
Prendo 6 sonniferi e dormo solo 3 ore. Invenga ha davvero il mio sonno. Non so quanto tempo ci ho dedicato prima di uccidermi. È molto importante così a lungo a letto e così poco sonno. Così poche persone con zero

Avrei dovuto prendere la mia dose martedì. Quindi sono passati tre giorni in cui invece di avere una nuova dose nel mio sistema, sto lentamente eliminando ciò che è già lì. Prendo questo farmaco da 18 mesi. Ho iniziato a 156 e si è lentamente assottigliato fino a dove la mia ultima dose era 39.

Forse è perché lo prendo da così tanto tempo, ma mi sento più sveglio e un po' meglio non avendo un'altra dose nel mio sistema.

Sono su Wellbutrin 150
Seroquel 25 di notte
E ora NIENTE per Invega

Ho dimenticato cosa si prova normalmente, ma sono leggermente medicato. Avere l'invega lasciare il mio sistema è così bello! So che è un recupero lento, ma dopo 18 mesi di aggiunta continua di altro, mi sento meglio quando lascia il mio sistema.
I did not understand. you did not recover after 18 months. I am almost 12 but I also don't feel coffee ... that sucks .. and I have not lost weight. Nina's sleep will improve. I now use only 1 tavor and 1 stilnox. sometimes half sometimes 2..sleep.6.hours ... so o ptovi. a. ask your doctor about these sleeping pills. they don't leave you tired the next day. good that you go out to walk those 3 kg? are you in the countryside?
I did not understand. you did not recover after 18 months. I am almost 12 but I also don't feel coffee ... that sucks .. and I have not lost weight. Nina's sleep will improve. I now use only 1 tavor and 1 stilnox. sometimes half sometimes 2..sleep.6.hours ... so o ptovi. a. ask your doctor about these sleeping pills. they don't leave you tired the next day. good that you go out to walk those 3 kg? are you in the countryside?
Yes, I am in the country side. I take many more sleeping pills than you. Tavor is lorazepam, I take 2, plus lormetazepan, plus 2 clometiazol, plus detrax. To just sleep 3 hours. I think your sleep still works while mine is broken
So I'm 6 months off in 2 days. An update on things so far...

I stopped going to the gym which I'm really disappointed about I went for 5 days the first week then 1 day the second week. I was frustrated because I lost 1.2kg after the first day of going which I know was probably water weight but then put on weight & got to the heaviest weight I've been. I know I shouldn't have given up so soon & couldn't have expected to see results that soon. I'm frustrated but I'm also really proud of myself for going so early into recovery in the first place which I never imagined I could do & I also went by myself which I didn't think I could do. So atleast I know I can do it & I do plan to go back eventually. I started sleeping in a little later & was feeling less energy to go for some reason usually I feel hardly any energy as it is but I started being more lazy I don't know if it was because I lost motivation but that also stopped me because I wasn't getting up early enough. But I did go on exercise bike at home a few mornings which I was proud of myself for doing. I went on again for the first time in weeks yesterday morning & am proud of myself I also listened to music & listened to a few new songs & found myself almost enjoying them & one of them even gave me a little push to keep going.

I'm still working from home I've been working about 8 or 9 weeks now. I love my job except I get nervous which is kind of affecting me. It's telefundraising which I enjoy because it's for charity & get I paid $210 australian dollars a day (before tax) to call people in the comfort of my own home. I've done pretty well so far it's hard because we have sales targets which aren't always easy to hit but I still do well. It's just a shame because at one point I was confident in how I was doing & even felt like I was going to be able to do this job for a while but the other week I was sent some of my calls to listen to to see where I can improve & didn't realise how much my tone was off. We're given scripts to read which can sometimes be long. I've been sent example calls of other people to listen to & they sound so natural & like they're not even reading from a script but I find it hard to talk like that because I like to sound genuine. They also listen to our calls at work which makes me nervous.
I was a bit annoyed because one of the calls they sent me of my own to listen to for improvement I was talking to an Indian man who was hard to understand & he couldn't understand me properly so it was pointless of them to send me that when there were plenty of other calls they could've sent & I have had good calls. So that made me lose all confidence I had in myself & then for the next week my calls were horrible & it was even upsetting me every day that I was working. I then decided to message my team leader & explain that I didn't want to lose my job but was starting to realise maybe I didn't have what it took & asked her to give me her honest opinion at the end of the week if I should stay. After I sent the message I felt like I wanted to cry & a few tears rolled down my face. Then that night I was watching the final episode of Vampire Diaries & I had been so upset thinking about how I didn't want to lose my job & regretting messaging my team leader. It was the very end of the episode & I was also sad about it being over so I then started having what felt like I almost had a proper emotional cry. Only a few tears rolled down my face but I had a couple of moments where I felt a little emotional.
I ended up having a talk with my team leader the other day & said I didn't want to lose my job & she said she didn't want to see me leave either. She said some nice encouraging things & said I put to much pressure on myself & it was such a relief knowing I was going to be able to keep my job.

I'm still saving up for liposuction I'm getting closer to having enough for the first area my chin which will cost $3,600 for one area. I'm annoyed at myself because I could've probably even had enough by now but I haven't been saving properly I've been spending alot of my money. But at the same time I've really been treating myself & buying lots of things for myself & my cats. I've been having lots of packages come in the mail regularly & even though I don't get the proper excitement because of anhedonia it still feels good to be getting them & looking around my room at the new things for myself & the cool new cat towers/beds/toys etc for my cats.

I also treat myself to menulog most days it's mostly healthy things like chicken avocado salad & coffee but I treat myself once or twice a week to fish & chips or chicken burger & chips. I've been ordering yummy but expensive gluten free/vegan chocolates online because I have intolerances. I still can't completely feel hunger, fullness, satisfaction from food or coffee but it's definitely improved. Unfortunately I can't feel the affects of coffee at all I so wish I could but I do feel enough satisfaction from food again I feel like my tastebuds are back & I do enjoy my menulog orders etc enough & look forward to them so I'm happy it's atleast improved.

I still have extreme anhedonia, but I enjoy working & have little moments where I still can't completely feel something but can imagine feeling it again & have images of memories from before invega that give me hope. It really helps having a job which helps me pass the days it gives me structure, it's easy enough & I get to do it at home plus I'm earning money which is a good feeling.

I'm still gaining weight which is really frustrating & I don't know why I'm still gaining 1-1.5kg a week. I want to give exercising another shot soon but feel like I should've atleast stopped gaining weight by 6 months off? I was going to get my prolactin levels checked again this Monday but my brother has tested positive for covid & I live at home so don't know if I'll be able to do it now & I'm hoping I don't get covid. My levels were at 1182 last time but down from 2171. I'm hoping they've gone down around another 400-500. So hopefully they'll be around 700-800. The doctor said 85-500 is normal range so after another 6 weeks I'm hoping I'll be at 500.

My hair is still horrible but a little better than it was before. It's frustrating because I used to have nice hair & I just want it to go back to the way it was. I forget what it even looked like & have lost hope of it getting better again I just really hope it goes back to normal soon.

I still can't feel tiredness or proper exhaustion I can't take naps. I have dreams almost as vivid as I used to but don't have restful sleep & miss the feeling of waking up feeling rested or atleast feeling like I even had a little energy for the day like I used to or even just happiness to be awake & alive. Or even if I were to wake up feeling proper tiredness & then be able to wake myself up with a coffee like I used to. I wake up feeling no energy & struggle to get up. I wake up feeling achy my muscles feel tense every morning. Atleast though I do get enough sleep I usually got to bed around 11/12 then my alarm wakes me up at 8 but then I always usually fall back to sleep til 9 or 9:30 I was getting up earlier though when I was going to the gym I was getting up at 7:30/8 but now I've found myself sleeping in til 9 or 9:30 which I want to get out of the habit of doing. It's winter here so that also doesn't help.
I've been feeling sore & tense during the day also & lately I've been feeling this kind of need to release it all from my body if that makes sense like with a massage or lymphatic drainage like cupping.

I haven't gotten my period again since the first time it's been 2 months tomorrow since I last got it. I'm disappointed because I was hoping I'd get it again within the month I guess I can't expect it to go back to normal just yet but I thought I would've gotten it again by now. I do think the reason I got my period was because I was taking Cabergoline for a month.

I listen to music on exercise bike & I've listened to music when I was going for walks a few months ago & a couple of times in bed. I used to listen to music pretty much everyday before invega & had such intense feelings when listening to music it used to be such a motivation, emote me & an escape. I get maybe a tiny bit of joy from it but nothing like it used to be.

I can watch tv but still don't feel much like I used to but it is easier to concentrate these days. So far in the last 4 month I've watched 4 different series of shows Gossip Girl, Dawsons Creek, Charmed & Vampire Diaries. I've even had days where I've binge watched them like one day I watched 8 episodes of Charmed & recently I watched maybe 11 episodes of Vampire Diaries. I loved Vampire Diaries I'm sad it's over. It sucks not being able to feel watching tv like I used to but it's bearable & it helps pass the time

I take vitamins like magnesium, biotin, iron, B12 but haven't been taking them regularly lately but I don't think I see a difference with them anyway. I know before invega I would've. I used to take spirulina all the time before invega & used to feel good from it I want to start taking it again everyday & will start taking vitamins again everyday too. I tried ashwaganda but I'm pretty sure it made me feel nauseous the times I took it I took zinc aswell but not sure if it made me feel a little nauseous aswell but want to give it another go I was taking tumeric aswell which I might start taking again but read it interacts with iron & makes it less affective.

Anyway, that's my update
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So I'm 6 months off in 2 days. An update on things so far...

I stopped going to the gym which I'm really disappointed about I went for 5 days the first week then 1 day the second week. I was frustrated because I lost 1.2kg after the first day of going which I know was probably water weight but then put on weight & got to the heaviest weight I've been. I know I shouldn't have given up so soon & couldn't have expected to see results that soon. I'm frustrated but I'm also really proud of myself for going so early into recovery in the first place which I never imagined I could do & I also went by myself which I didn't think I could do. So atleast I know I can do it & I do plan to go back eventually. I started sleeping in a little later & was feeling less energy to go for some reason usually I feel hardly any energy as it is but I started being more lazy I don't know if it was because I lost motivation but that also stopped me because I wasn't getting up early enough. But I did go on exercise bike at home a few mornings which I was proud of myself for doing. I went on again for the first time in weeks yesterday morning & am proud of myself I also listened to music & listened to a few new songs & found myself almost enjoying them & one of them even gave me a little push to keep going.

I'm still working from home I've been working about 8 or 9 weeks now. I love my job except I get nervous which is kind of affecting me. It's telefundraising which I enjoy because it's for charity & get I paid $210 australian dollars a day (before tax) to call people in the comfort of my own home. I've done pretty well so far it's hard because we have sales targets which aren't always easy to hit but I still do well. It's just a shame because at one point I was confident in how I was doing & even felt like I was going to be able to do this job for a while but the other week I was sent some of my calls to listen to to see where I can improve & didn't realise how much my tone was off. We're given scripts to read which can sometimes be long. I've been sent example calls of other people to listen to & they sound so natural & like they're not even reading from a script but I find it hard to talk like that because I like to sound genuine. They also listen to our calls at work which makes me nervous.
I was a bit annoyed because one of the calls they sent me of my own to listen to for improvement I was talking to an Indian man who was hard to understand & he couldn't understand me properly so it was pointless of them to send me that when there were plenty of other calls they could've sent & I have had good calls. So that made me lose all confidence I had in myself & then for the next week my calls were horrible & it was even upsetting me every day that I was working. I then decided to message my team leader & explain that I didn't want to lose my job but was starting to realise maybe I didn't have what it took & asked her to give me her honest opinion at the end of the week if I should stay. After I sent the message I felt like I wanted to cry & a few tears rolled down my face. Then that night I was watching the final episode of Vampire Diaries & I had been so upset thinking about how I didn't want to lose my job & regretting messaging my team leader. It was the very end of the episode & I was also sad about it being over so I then started having what felt like I almost had a proper emotional cry. Only a few tears rolled down my face but I had a couple of moments where I felt a little emotional.
I ended up having a talk with my team leader the other day & said I didn't want to lose my job & she said she didn't want to see me leave either. She said some nice encouraging things & said I put to much pressure on myself & it was such a relief knowing I was going to be able to keep my job.

I'm still saving up for liposuction I'm getting closer to having enough for the first area my chin which will cost $3,600 for one area. I'm annoyed at myself because I could've probably even had enough by now but I haven't been saving properly I've been spending alot of my money. But at the same time I've really been treating myself & buying lots of things for myself & my cats. I've been having lots of packages come in the mail regularly & even though I don't get the proper excitement because of anhedonia it still feels good to be getting them & looking around my room at the new things for myself & the cool new cat towers/beds/toys etc for my cats.

I also treat myself to menulog most days it's mostly healthy things like chicken avocado salad & coffee but I treat myself once or twice a week to fish & chips or chicken burger & chips. I've been ordering yummy but expensive gluten free/vegan chocolates online because I have intolerances. I still can't completely feel hunger, fullness, satisfaction from food or coffee but it's definitely improved. Unfortunately I can't feel the affects of coffee at all I so wish I could but I do feel enough satisfaction from food again I feel like my tastebuds are back & I do enjoy my menulog orders etc enough & look forward to them so I'm happy it's atleast improved.

I still have extreme anhedonia, but I enjoy working & have little moments where I still can't completely feel something but can imagine feeling it again & have images of memories from before invega that give me hope. It really helps having a job which helps me pass the days it gives me structure, it's easy enough & I get to do it at home plus I'm earning money which is a good feeling.

I'm still gaining weight which is really frustrating & I don't know why I'm still gaining 1-1.5kg a week. I want to give exercising another shot soon but feel like I should've atleast stopped gaining weight by 6 months off? I was going to get my prolactin levels checked again this Monday but my brother has tested positive for covid & I live at home so don't know if I'll be able to do it now & I'm hoping I don't get covid. My levels were at 1182 last time but down from 2171. I'm hoping they've gone down around another 400-500. So hopefully they'll be around 700-800. The doctor said 85-500 is normal range so after another 6 weeks I'm hoping I'll be at 500.

My hair is still horrible but a little better than it was before. It's frustrating because I used to have nice hair & I just want it to go back to the way it was. I forget what it even looked like & have lost hope of it getting better again I just really hope it goes back to normal soon.

I still can't feel tiredness or proper exhaustion I can't take naps. I have dreams almost as vivid as I used to but don't have restful sleep & miss the feeling of waking up feeling rested or atleast feeling like I even had a little energy for the day like I used to or even just happiness to be awake & alive. Or even if I were to wake up feeling proper tiredness & then be able to wake myself up with a coffee like I used to. I wake up feeling no energy & struggle to get up. I wake up feeling achy my muscles feel tense every morning. Atleast though I do get enough sleep I usually got to bed around 11/12 then my alarm wakes me up at 8 but then I always usually fall back to sleep til 9 or 9:30 I was getting up earlier though when I was going to the gym I was getting up at 7:30/8 but now I've found myself sleeping in til 9 or 9:30 which I want to get out of the habit of doing. It's winter here so that also doesn't help.
I've been feeling sore & tense during the day also & lately I've been feeling this kind of need to release it all from my body if that makes sense like with a massage or lymphatic drainage like cupping.

I haven't gotten my period again since the first time it's been 2 months tomorrow since I last got it. I'm disappointed because I was hoping I'd get it again within the month I guess I can't expect it to go back to normal just yet but I thought I would've gotten it again by now. I do think the reason I got my period was because I was taking Cabergoline for a month.

I listen to music on exercise bike & I've listened to music when I was going for walks a few months ago & a couple of times in bed. I used to listen to music pretty much everyday before invega & had such intense feelings when listening to music it used to be such a motivation, emote me & an escape. I get maybe a tiny bit of joy from it but nothing like it used to be.

I can watch tv but still don't feel much like I used to but it is easier to concentrate these days. So far in the last 4 month I've watched 4 different series of shows Gossip Girl, Dawsons Creek, Charmed & Vampire Diaries. I've even had days where I've binge watched them like one day I watched 8 episodes of Charmed & recently I watched maybe 11 episodes of Vampire Diaries. I loved Vampire Diaries I'm sad it's over. It sucks not being able to feel watching tv like I used to but it's bearable & it helps pass the time

I take vitamins like magnesium, biotin, iron, B12 but haven't been taking them regularly lately but I don't think I see a difference with them anyway. I know before invega I would've. I used to take spirulina all the time before invega & used to feel good from it I want to start taking it again everyday & will start taking vitamins again everyday too. I tried ashwaganda but I'm pretty sure it made me feel nauseous the times I took it I took zinc aswell but not sure if it made me feel a little nauseous aswell but want to give it another go I was taking tumeric aswell which I might start taking again but read it interacts with iron & makes it less affective.

Anyway, that's my update
Thanks so much for sharing such a thorough update with us <3 Whilst it is your body and your hard-earned money and you can do whatever you want, I just want to please please please ask you to reconsider getting liposuction on your beautiful young face. There is SO much more that you can better spend your money on in Australia, than on cosmetic surgery, and especially on a procedure that is not going to have permanent results anyway. Your face shape will change multiple times over your lifetime and I am pretty sure you will regret wasting $3,600 on 1 procedure in your 20s. If you had the money to burn then yeah sure go for it!! But if you are actually saving up the money specially for it....pleeeeease reconsider. It's SO not worth it honey!!! Trust me, your face will change by the time you're 30 and you will have wasted the $3,600.
So I'm 6 months off in 2 days. An update on things so far...

I stopped going to the gym which I'm really disappointed about I went for 5 days the first week then 1 day the second week. I was frustrated because I lost 1.2kg after the first day of going which I know was probably water weight but then put on weight & got to the heaviest weight I've been. I know I shouldn't have given up so soon & couldn't have expected to see results that soon. I'm frustrated but I'm also really proud of myself for going so early into recovery in the first place which I never imagined I could do & I also went by myself which I didn't think I could do. So atleast I know I can do it & I do plan to go back eventually. I started sleeping in a little later & was feeling less energy to go for some reason usually I feel hardly any energy as it is but I started being more lazy I don't know if it was because I lost motivation but that also stopped me because I wasn't getting up early enough. But I did go on exercise bike at home a few mornings which I was proud of myself for doing. I went on again for the first time in weeks yesterday morning & am proud of myself I also listened to music & listened to a few new songs & found myself almost enjoying them & one of them even gave me a little push to keep going.

I'm still working from home I've been working about 8 or 9 weeks now. I love my job except I get nervous which is kind of affecting me. It's telefundraising which I enjoy because it's for charity & get I paid $210 australian dollars a day (before tax) to call people in the comfort of my own home. I've done pretty well so far it's hard because we have sales targets which aren't always easy to hit but I still do well. It's just a shame because at one point I was confident in how I was doing & even felt like I was going to be able to do this job for a while but the other week I was sent some of my calls to listen to to see where I can improve & didn't realise how much my tone was off. We're given scripts to read which can sometimes be long. I've been sent example calls of other people to listen to & they sound so natural & like they're not even reading from a script but I find it hard to talk like that because I like to sound genuine. They also listen to our calls at work which makes me nervous.
I was a bit annoyed because one of the calls they sent me of my own to listen to for improvement I was talking to an Indian man who was hard to understand & he couldn't understand me properly so it was pointless of them to send me that when there were plenty of other calls they could've sent & I have had good calls. So that made me lose all confidence I had in myself & then for the next week my calls were horrible & it was even upsetting me every day that I was working. I then decided to message my team leader & explain that I didn't want to lose my job but was starting to realise maybe I didn't have what it took & asked her to give me her honest opinion at the end of the week if I should stay. After I sent the message I felt like I wanted to cry & a few tears rolled down my face. Then that night I was watching the final episode of Vampire Diaries & I had been so upset thinking about how I didn't want to lose my job & regretting messaging my team leader. It was the very end of the episode & I was also sad about it being over so I then started having what felt like I almost had a proper emotional cry. Only a few tears rolled down my face but I had a couple of moments where I felt a little emotional.
I ended up having a talk with my team leader the other day & said I didn't want to lose my job & she said she didn't want to see me leave either. She said some nice encouraging things & said I put to much pressure on myself & it was such a relief knowing I was going to be able to keep my job.

I'm still saving up for liposuction I'm getting closer to having enough for the first area my chin which will cost $3,600 for one area. I'm annoyed at myself because I could've probably even had enough by now but I haven't been saving properly I've been spending alot of my money. But at the same time I've really been treating myself & buying lots of things for myself & my cats. I've been having lots of packages come in the mail regularly & even though I don't get the proper excitement because of anhedonia it still feels good to be getting them & looking around my room at the new things for myself & the cool new cat towers/beds/toys etc for my cats.

I also treat myself to menulog most days it's mostly healthy things like chicken avocado salad & coffee but I treat myself once or twice a week to fish & chips or chicken burger & chips. I've been ordering yummy but expensive gluten free/vegan chocolates online because I have intolerances. I still can't completely feel hunger, fullness, satisfaction from food or coffee but it's definitely improved. Unfortunately I can't feel the affects of coffee at all I so wish I could but I do feel enough satisfaction from food again I feel like my tastebuds are back & I do enjoy my menulog orders etc enough & look forward to them so I'm happy it's atleast improved.

I still have extreme anhedonia, but I enjoy working & have little moments where I still can't completely feel something but can imagine feeling it again & have images of memories from before invega that give me hope. It really helps having a job which helps me pass the days it gives me structure, it's easy enough & I get to do it at home plus I'm earning money which is a good feeling.

I'm still gaining weight which is really frustrating & I don't know why I'm still gaining 1-1.5kg a week. I want to give exercising another shot soon but feel like I should've atleast stopped gaining weight by 6 months off? I was going to get my prolactin levels checked again this Monday but my brother has tested positive for covid & I live at home so don't know if I'll be able to do it now & I'm hoping I don't get covid. My levels were at 1182 last time but down from 2171. I'm hoping they've gone down around another 400-500. So hopefully they'll be around 700-800. The doctor said 85-500 is normal range so after another 6 weeks I'm hoping I'll be at 500.

My hair is still horrible but a little better than it was before. It's frustrating because I used to have nice hair & I just want it to go back to the way it was. I forget what it even looked like & have lost hope of it getting better again I just really hope it goes back to normal soon.

I still can't feel tiredness or proper exhaustion I can't take naps. I have dreams almost as vivid as I used to but don't have restful sleep & miss the feeling of waking up feeling rested or atleast feeling like I even had a little energy for the day like I used to or even just happiness to be awake & alive. Or even if I were to wake up feeling proper tiredness & then be able to wake myself up with a coffee like I used to. I wake up feeling no energy & struggle to get up. I wake up feeling achy my muscles feel tense every morning. Atleast though I do get enough sleep I usually got to bed around 11/12 then my alarm wakes me up at 8 but then I always usually fall back to sleep til 9 or 9:30 I was getting up earlier though when I was going to the gym I was getting up at 7:30/8 but now I've found myself sleeping in til 9 or 9:30 which I want to get out of the habit of doing. It's winter here so that also doesn't help.
I've been feeling sore & tense during the day also & lately I've been feeling this kind of need to release it all from my body if that makes sense like with a massage or lymphatic drainage like cupping.

I haven't gotten my period again since the first time it's been 2 months tomorrow since I last got it. I'm disappointed because I was hoping I'd get it again within the month I guess I can't expect it to go back to normal just yet but I thought I would've gotten it again by now. I do think the reason I got my period was because I was taking Cabergoline for a month.

I listen to music on exercise bike & I've listened to music when I was going for walks a few months ago & a couple of times in bed. I used to listen to music pretty much everyday before invega & had such intense feelings when listening to music it used to be such a motivation, emote me & an escape. I get maybe a tiny bit of joy from it but nothing like it used to be.

I can watch tv but still don't feel much like I used to but it is easier to concentrate these days. So far in the last 4 month I've watched 4 different series of shows Gossip Girl, Dawsons Creek, Charmed & Vampire Diaries. I've even had days where I've binge watched them like one day I watched 8 episodes of Charmed & recently I watched maybe 11 episodes of Vampire Diaries. I loved Vampire Diaries I'm sad it's over. It sucks not being able to feel watching tv like I used to but it's bearable & it helps pass the time

I take vitamins like magnesium, biotin, iron, B12 but haven't been taking them regularly lately but I don't think I see a difference with them anyway. I know before invega I would've. I used to take spirulina all the time before invega & used to feel good from it I want to start taking it again everyday & will start taking vitamins again everyday too. I tried ashwaganda but I'm pretty sure it made me feel nauseous the times I took it I took zinc aswell but not sure if it made me feel a little nauseous aswell but want to give it another go I was taking tumeric aswell which I might start taking again but read it interacts with iron & makes it less affective.

Anyway, that's my update
I was same with music.
I don't mean the frighten anyone, but i think its important that we know this. That there was a study done on dogs using invega and it was discovered that their sperm count did not return to pretreatment levels following the end of the treatment. For some reason no similar study has been done on adult males. I might be wrong about that last part but want to know what other people think.
I don't mean the frighten anyone, but i think its important that we know this. That there was a study done on dogs using invega and it was discovered that their sperm count did not return to pretreatment levels following the end of the treatment. For some reason no similar study has been done on adult males. I might be wrong about that last part but want to know what other people think.
How long did that study go on for? Have you got a link to the article? I've worked in animal research, I can take a look at the study if you want?
Thanks so much for sharing such a thorough update with us <3 Whilst it is your body and your hard-earned money and you can do whatever you want, I just want to please please please ask you to reconsider getting liposuction on your beautiful young face. There is SO much more that you can better spend your money on in Australia, than on cosmetic surgery, and especially on a procedure that is not going to have permanent results anyway. Your face shape will change multiple times over your lifetime and I am pretty sure you will regret wasting $3,600 on 1 procedure in your 20s. If you had the money to burn then yeah sure go for it!! But if you are actually saving up the money specially for it....pleeeeease reconsider. It's SO not worth it honey!!! Trust me, your face will change by the time you're 30 and you will have wasted the $3,600.

I'm actually 34. I'm getting it for my double chin. Before invega I loved my jawline I had no double chin & good bone structure. Years ago I always kind of had a round face & the tiniest double chin which wasn't noticeable & normal. Then I discovered a jade roller & gua sha tool & it changed my life! It depuffed my face & gave me such a nice defined jawline & completely got rid of any double chin. I'm devestated what invega has done to me it has completely ruined my face it's now twice the size it was & I have a horrible very noticeable double chin & it's ruined my nice defined jawline. I've tried using a jade roller & gua sha tool after invega & it does nothing which is devestating. I've found a good surgeon which is why it's so expensive & I'm really impressed with their before & after photos. I can't see myself going back to normal anytime soon without it. I do worry that I keep putting on weight but to me it will be worth doing & I'm hoping if I can get more areas done like my arms, love handles & stomach it will get rid of that fat permanently or atleast long enough for me to then be able to lose it naturally but I won't have as much to lose
I'm actually 34. I'm getting it for my double chin. Before invega I loved my jawline I had no double chin & good bone structure. Years ago I always kind of had a round face & the tiniest double chin which wasn't noticeable & normal. Then I discovered a jade roller & gua sha tool & it changed my life! It depuffed my face & gave me such a nice defined jawline & completely got rid of any double chin. I'm devestated what invega has done to me it has completely ruined my face it's now twice the size it was & I have a horrible very noticeable double chin & it's ruined my nice defined jawline. I've tried using a jade roller & gua sha tool after invega & it does nothing which is devestating. I've found a good surgeon which is why it's so expensive & I'm really impressed with their before & after photos. I can't see myself going back to normal anytime soon without it. I do worry that I keep putting on weight but to me it will be worth doing & I'm hoping if I can get more areas done like my arms, love handles & stomach it will get rid of that fat permanently or atleast long enough for me to then be able to lose it naturally but I won't have as much to lose
Oh sorry I thought you were younger!! We're actually similar age, I'm 37.
Have you had your prolactin levels checked yet? If they're high, that could be contributing to your face shape?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against cosmetic surgery and it's your body your choice. But a person's face changes shape so much throughout their lifetime, and living costs are rising so much in Australia at the moment, I just don't want you to regret spending so much money on it.
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