Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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I been on invega for awhile now it’s a dirty game everything was tolerable till I got the loading dose cause I been through it before felt like they tampered with it I was doing everything right so the side effects didn’t get to me till I got a tampered batch now I don’t think recovery is possible i was fighting it off good now I know how to still do it I’m just to weak and not myself and when I try to I feel that tampered batch they prescribed they orchestrated it well when they gave it to me like they drew a play now what ever I do to recover that dose over powers It and me that dose I was certain It wasn’t it I think they do it to everybody some get it right away some get it later it was like some stabilizer they gave me hope nobody got that dose I got and still has a chance for a efficient recovery id probally and I know I will get sent to jail if I stop going
Hi there and welcome to the thread <3 I'm really sorry to hear you're having such a shitty time with invega now. How long have you been on it? How many shots? Why would you get sent to jail if you stop taking it?
almost 2 years soon holu shit time flies when ur not in bed 24/7 cuz ur poisoned by invega. i honestly believe zoloft had a lot to do with my recovery but who knows it could’ve just been time healing all wounds
Yeah ive never actually been on invega but i have been on 4 different antipsychotics including injections. They all gave me the same problems. Anhedonia apathy memory problems. Cognitive problems. Sleeping more low energy. Its cause they antagonize dopamine receptors which is the feel good chemical.
Dopamine is much more than "feeling good" chemical.
It regulates learning, growth of neurons, reward system, memory, attention, impulse control, regulates sleep, regulation of renal function, locomotion. It has crictical role in cellular and synaptic plasticity throughout brain development (this is why addicts have child with cognitive issues because brain cant develop fast enough in babies), part of feelings system. It also regulates emotion and complex behavior.
You talk as if you were able to function while taking those injections. For some people they just feel some annoyance, like the coffee doesn't taste the same, but for few, I am afraid our dopamine is totally gone, everything is painful. Really painful. It is a feeling I didn't have with 2 shots, that's why I hate my family
I had that all with 2 shots and I also had almost full body pains, nausea, arythmia, heart bumping too hard and too fast, etc.
I been on invega for awhile now it’s a dirty game everything was tolerable till I got the loading dose cause I been through it before felt like they tampered with it I was doing everything right so the side effects didn’t get to me till I got a tampered batch now I don’t think recovery is possible i was fighting it off good now I know how to still do it I’m just to weak and not myself and when I try to I feel that tampered batch they prescribed they orchestrated it well when they gave it to me like they drew a play now what ever I do to recover that dose over powers It and me that dose I was certain It wasn’t it I think they do it to everybody some get it right away some get it later it was like some stabilizer they gave me hope nobody got that dose I got and still has a chance for a efficient recovery id probally and I know I will get sent to jail if I stop going
It takes some time for invega to build up in brain after you take it and then after 1-2 months since you took it, levels in brain start dropping down slowly as brain removes it and that takes up to 1 year or more.
Is there any chance that st john wort might help with anhedonia? I'll start taking it tomorrow to help get rid of Invega a bit faster among other things
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the administrators who have undergone invega have returned to be well? or do they still have side effects?
I consider myself recovered, and I don't think I have any side effects still. I was switched to a smaller equivalent dose of abilify after a few months on the shot. What really made the difference for me in recovery was having a job, tbh, and school. It really only took me a few months to get back to a good place for me.

Wellbutrin is legit. I think that at reasonable doses, it can help many people. I was on it for almost two years, but after I got off of it, it was never really the same. It's basically a stimulant/antidepressant in one that can help stop tobacco use too. But it won't hurt you like an amphetamine or methylphenidate could.
i been on it since the end of vol 3 and i got over 33 shots i would go to jail cause they think im a threat if im not being medicated and im a strong guy and it only bring attention to the police system and i know how to get out of the hospital eaisly if they send me there so now its jail time and they dont care if im not feeling no symptoms off medication they only care on why i stop then move on me if i do they will come within 28 days to arrest me and put me in jail wouldnt be suprised even quicker
But if yoy didnt break any law. Why would they send you to prison.
Mi considero guarito e non credo di avere ancora effetti collaterali. Sono passato a una dose equivalente più piccola di abilify dopo alcuni mesi di tiro. Ciò che ha fatto davvero la differenza per me nel recupero è stato avere un lavoro, tbh e scuola. Mi ci sono voluti solo pochi mesi per tornare a un buon posto per me.

Wellbutrin è legittimo. Penso che a dosi ragionevoli, possa aiutare molte persone. Ci sono stato per quasi due anni, ma dopo che me ne sono smesso, non è più stato lo stesso. Fondamentalmente è uno stimolante/antidepressivo che può anche aiutare a fermare l'uso del tabacco. Ma non ti farà male come potrebbero fare un'anfetamina o un metilfenidato.
ma avevi la psicosi, se posso chiedertelo. una persona che ha la psicosi può riprendersi più velocemente o sentire meno gli effetti dannosi
i been on it since the end of vol 3 and i got over 33 shots i would go to jail cause they think im a threat if im not being medicated and im a strong guy and it only bring attention to the police system and i know how to get out of the hospital eaisly if they send me there so now its jail time and they dont care if im not feeling no symptoms off medication they only care on why i stop then move on me if i do they will come within 28 days to arrest me and put me in jail wouldnt be suprised even quicker
Have you actually done something illegal though? They cannot put you in jail for no reason, like, just as a precaution to stop you from doing something illegal. They have to actually have a reason to convict you, have enough evidence, have it sentenced etc.
So my doctor said it's been a month and 10 days, the invega should be washed out of my system. What kind of bullshit is that? Is it really washed out after only a month? I still feel like shit
So my doctor said it's been a month and 10 days, the invega should be washed out of my system. What kind of bullshit is that? Is it really washed out after only a month? I still feel like shit
1 month?? Unfortunately I don't think so :( Some people it has taken many months. How many shots did you get?
1 month?? Unfortunately I don't think so :( Some people it has taken many months. How many shots did you get?
Yeah he said it should be COMPLETELY washed out of my system, and he is pushing me to do things like join programs. I have taken 10 shots, last 2 shot was trinza the 3 month shot
Yeah he said it should be COMPLETELY washed out of my system, and he is pushing me to do things like join programs. I have taken 10 shots, last 2 shot was trinza the 3 month shot
I think realistically it will take longer than one month for your body to be clean of invega.
Sì, ha detto che dovrebbe essere COMPLETAMENTE cancellato dal mio sistema e mi sta spingendo a fare cose come partecipare a programmi. Ho fatto 10 scatti, gli ultimi 2 scatti sono stati trinza lo scatto di 3 mesi
eh ciao mi ricordo di te mi hai aggiunto su facebook. 1 mese è l'emivita nel sangue. e per eliminarlo dicono 5 emivite. quindi 5 mesi... trinza sarà anche peggio. Ho fatto solo 2 iniezioni 11 mesi fa e non sono migliorato. in effetti sto peggio... e posso riconoscere che è dovuto a xeplion. ma sui forum dicono che ci vuole almeno 1 anno. ovviamente sono criminali e non devi ascoltarli perché non lo hanno dimostrato su se stessi. perchè te l'hanno dato? Credi che in Italia devo essere l'unico perdente che si è fatto l'iniezione solo per un impeto di rabbia dove non avevo fatto male a nessuno. e prima che lavorassi e avevo anche ragazze. che sintomi hai comunque? Mi è rimasta una grave insonnia ed emicrania e una costante sensazione di lobotomia. roba da matti. dopo aver sopportato 11 mesi in questo modo
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