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What is the Worst Thing You've Ever Done, and what is Your Biggest Regret?


Mar 13, 2021
I just found these videos on You Tube and they inevitably got me thinking about my own shortcomings, of which there are very many. I have very many regrets and bad things I've done. However, there is one thing which has consoled me already, and that is what one of the respondees said on the first video. He said that the worst thing he'd ever done was to ride his bike without a helmet, and he was totally serious. Quite incredible how anyone could be such a goody two shoes is beyond words. I'd rather have all my shortcomings and difficulties than lead such an incredibly boring life, I have to say.

These are the 2 videos.

On the regrets part, the first thing that came to mind in a big way, has been my lack of 'relationships' of all kinds with the opposite sex. I hope I don't sound too conceited when I say this, but from my teenage years onwards many girls seemed to give me strong and clear signals that they were interested in me, in that way. So although it seems that I had been dealt a good hand in terms of being attractive to the opposite sex, I really didn't have any idea as to how I was supposed to go about playing that card, or how to capitalise on what I had going for me. I put that down to introversion, social anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of social skills, all that type of thing. I'm pretty sure that this is one major way in which my Autism fucked me over. Especially as I didn't even know I was Autistic. Having severe deficits in these areas meant that my life took a very different course to how it could have been.

On 'the worst things I have done' question there really have been so many cringey and shameful things. But I think the ones I feel worse about are to do with me not keeping in touch with my closest family who cared for me and this behaviour caused them so much hurt, worry, stress, and anxiety. I would very rarely even phone them let alone visit them. It would have been much easier to manage this responsibility now in the days of electronic communication. There was nothing like that around when I left home some 30 years ago. This also falls under the Autistic "social deficits" umbrella, in that I can explain these difficulties in terms of my Autism. It definitely did make picking up a phone and talking difficult and painful for me, especially as I was in low moods it was so hard and there was never any pivacy in student halls etc. But that doesn't excuse the fact that I was totally self-centered and inconsiderate, and I hurt the people who cared the most.

I don't want to make this post too much about my Autism as I hope the post and the thread will be much broader than that. I know that I can't keep copping out and blaming all of my shortcomings on my Autism. I am still responsible for my own actions and behaviour, Autistic or not.

I am interested to see what other EADDers may have to say on these topics, if anyone wishes to share that would be great.

Maybe I'll post a thread with a positive twist on these issues next time, with the polar opposite questions being asked. Could be interesting. But if we start with the negative first that means we can finish on a positive.
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Not getting my shit together enough to make the trip to show up to my late grandmother's 100th birthday (her last), when nothing was really preventing me going. I'd always promised I'd be there to toast her and cook her favourite meal for her on the day if she made that landmark.

... There's stealing a shit ton of money from my mother as well, when she never did anything but care for me.

There's a few other things, missed opportunities, missed experiences that would have made me happy...

But worst of all is being unable to be at my friend's bedside when he passed away.
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Yeah, I relate with the autism/relationship thing for sure. Although I wish I could say I got as much interest as you did.

My absolute worst thing was obtaining Xanax illegally and stupidly thinking that 2mgs was nothing at all and swallowing them like candy. 2-3 months of bliss has cost me over a year of hell, trying to get my brain to calm back down after tapering off. Now I've started taking Diazepam recently to try and wean off some of the lingering withdrawal effects which will no doubt kindle me and lead to an even more severe withdrawal further down the line. What an asshole I was.
No not at all, it's just what happens to be going through my head after watching those videos, and I wanted to discuss the topics with like minded people..

I figured that I can talk more openly and freely on here than what I can do on Facebook etc, where there are so many things you cant talk about without consequences.

I'm not feeling at all down nor feeling sorry for myself. Thanks for asking though anyway.
Nothing is disallowed as far as I'm concerned Axe Battler.
putting my family and my boyf in hell over and over again during a period of 20 years including multiple times when they seriously believed i was going to die and i was completely apathetic about the prospect.

i don't know how i haven't alienated them completely and for that i am grateful.

my biggest regret currently is knowing that i was damaging my fertility but not expecting to be alive for long enough for becoming a mother to seem like a realistic prospect so not taking long term amenorrhea as a cue to give myself a kick up the arse.
Got a feeling there's been a very similar thread before and that this answer may contradict the previous one somehow. . .

Honestly IDK - never killed, raped or assaulted anybody, I'm not a thief

Once I came across two old folks who had probably just been knocked off their motorcycle by a car that has narrowly missed me a minute earlier while out riding on a remote and twisty road and they were either unconscious or dead and I decided on the fly not to stop because at the time (11+ years back) I didn't speak the local lingo like I do now and I was paranoid that I would be arrested/have it pegged on me if I did so - so I rode around their bodies without stopping and kept going

That one bugs me occasionally - but I wasn't being unrealistic in my fears and there was plenty of slower traffic coming seconds after me who I guess rendered assistance
How old are you? Us men we get more attractive with age anyway. Depends on the shape but until 40 or 50 is normal. I am the same as you with girls. Previously too insecure to respond to any signals. No point in mulling over that shit. Live and learn.

About regrets i suppose that time i punched a guy because he didn't like psytrance and had a blackout not knowing about the incident for days until i was told. Never punched anyone before or since. I must say as far as reasons to punch a guy while morbidly drunk, it's not a bad one.
Probably I regret yelling and getting angry at my family and not having the awareness and understanding to seek therapy but it's too late now.
Ya know, my name should be slow.

I wasn't going to post anything here but I saw that cute and hilarious thing and it almost made me laugh out loud. Sorry it was so lool.
Dropping my wallet at Gay pride and not having the sense to kick it to a safer place before trying to pick it up….
Christ I've done some bad shit I wouldn't even put here. Hasn't everyone? Don't we all fuck up at some point? Life's not easy?

Just me? Okkkkkkkkkkkk.

No regrets though.
Weed was the worst. That absolutely WRECKED my life when I was in my 20s. I lost everything, and believe me, it wasn't worth it.

I was married, had a good (state) job, and I was a full time college student (all expenses paid including apartment). I started dealing, and gradually that took over my entire life. Eventually I quit my job, dropped out of college, and finally broke up with my wife. Fortunately, I was never arrested or had any children. I thought I could handle weed, but that was just a stupid self deception. I was dealing weed and hash. I would not wish what happened to me on anyone. It was a nightmare that I still deeply regret all these years later.​