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Kratom - need some advice...


May 15, 2022

After maybe 15 years OR so I would like to try Kratom again, in the past I tried out many different ones, but mostly I liked the downer effect of red Borneo, today I would like to experience the stimulating effects most of all...

I have had good experiences in this regard with White Maeng Da (I am aware of the fact that the colors are not really supposed to make really Any difference, and that this is due to marketing, however I feel like (and more ppl feel this way) that the red was most sedating, the White most stimulating and green inbetween...

So I did some searching to order some online and have some questions;

The site looks good, but the comments of ppl who supposedly purchased Kratom there are really all very good, now this is a good sign, but how much trust can I have in these reviews as It would be so easy to put some fake reviews online?

And are Kratom capsules a good way to go? I would enjoy taking capsules much more than ingesting the powder...

And also, they sell min 50 g, which is still very cheap, but I don't want to order two different ones, so which Kratom would be best for mostly being stimulated with moments of sedation? (I realize this is dose dependant) I was thinking maybe green Malay but fear this might not be stimulating enough...

Also they offer a White kratom with a name that does not refer to origin OR color but is advertised as the best white they had ever, and in the reviews this is said to be true and some ppl complain that the stock is so low... This Kratom is a bit more expensive, is this Just marketing and should I stick with a cheaper one?

Is there anything else I should consider?

Any advice is welcome...
The strain colors do have differences, but they aren't drastic differences. They all have basically the same amount of mitragyine and 7-OH, the difference is the inclusion or lack of other minor alkaloids which typically add some level of stimulation. It's not all marketing, but some of it is.

Capsule are typically a waste of money. They are often at least 30% more expensive in my experience for less product. Just buy powder and make your own capsules if you prefer to take it that way. Empty capsules are very cheap.

Green malay is a great strain, one of my favorites. I also like red maeng da a lot. Both provide nice stimulation and sedation.

I don't really like white strains, it seems to be lacking in some areas of effects.

The most important thing is finding a good vendor with fresh, properly dried kratom. This is more important than picking a particular strain.
The strain colors do have differences, but they aren't drastic differences. They all have basically the same amount of mitragyine and 7-OH, the difference is the inclusion or lack of other minor alkaloids which typically add some level of stimulation. It's not all marketing, but some of it is.

Capsule are typically a waste of money. They are often at least 30% more expensive in my experience for less product. Just buy powder and make your own capsules if you prefer to take it that way. Empty capsules are very cheap.

Green malay is a great strain, one of my favorites. I also like red maeng da a lot. Both provide nice stimulation and sedation.

I don't really like white strains, it seems to be lacking in some areas of effects.

The most important thing is finding a good vendor with fresh, properly dried kratom. This is more important than picking a particular strain.
Thx for the reply,

Good someone could concur what I already expected about the capsules...

Would you say green is more euphoric than White? And which Kratom would give the best euphoria?
i found red thai to be the best, maeng da is also supposed to be good. green indo was a lot less potent.

A blend of different strains :)

Some vendors make those, or just blend yourself
then you didn't have good whites
most vendors don't have good whites and have some kind of watered down kratom... that only have energetic push but nothing else.

Good whites have strong mental/heady euphoria, instead of having body high euphoria, but they are not common or easy to find.
then you didn't have good whites
I'd argue you could say this about any strain, everyone seems to have wildly differing opinions on their favorite color/strain and I think the vendor/brand/freshness has a lot to do with that.

I've tried white meang da a few times, wasn't impressed. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't very distinct from green or red meang da IMO.

But I still think blends are where it's at.
I'd argue you could say this about any strain, everyone seems to have wildly differing opinions on their favorite color/strain and I think the vendor/brand/freshness has a lot to do with that.

I've tried white meang da a few times, wasn't impressed. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't very distinct from green or red meang da IMO.

But I still think blends are where it's at.
Of course you can say about every strain, but the fact that you don't consider whites in general to be euphoric is because you didn't find a good white.
I would consider whites to be te weaker and less interesting if I didn't find good ones, and most times I have gotten bad/mediocre whites that indeed are the most plain and boring strains if you don't get the real deal, which is more and more difficult.

I don't think there's a standard for most strains (for example, a "good hulu kapuas" or a "good yellow vietnam") other than potency, but I think in the "kratom world" there's some expectatives, for example a red bali to be the most opioid like and good at pain killing and a green malay to be long lasting. The thing is that as kratom is getting quite mainstream or at least the demand is increasing so brutally, now the "diffuse standards" are definitely dissapearing.

With whites it's also increasing difficult to find potent and euphoric whites that doesn't seem watered down greens.... I found red maeng da to be very very different to white maeng da, when I've found good batches of both, but well, is quite common to get mediocre batches so all mediocre batches are very similar which makes the names just marketing eventually, in those cases.

I think kratom as coffee/tea, you get nuances when the freshness and drying/elaboration process is well done, you can then find more or less clear differences in effects, subtle but real. As most batches are done without the proper care and just sent as bulk powder with whatever name on it.. then the subtle differences are less and less common.
@Neuroborean I said whites weren't euphoric? I don't recall saying that but may have been drunk.

My stance is generally all strains produce similar levels of euphoria. I think the most euphoric strain I've had on the stimulating side would be Green Malay, but it's such a small difference.
I understood that you were replying the OP saying that greens were more euphoric than whites on the post #4
My stance is that red strains produce the most opioid-like euphoria that is mainly body high, or body oriented, with high levels of relaxation and the remote possibility of nodding (if opioid naïve) and whites tend to be the most stim-like in terms of euphoria, causing what is generally called heady euphoria or "cognitive euphoria".
Greens can provide both but usually not as strong, but that can be very subjective and there's greens that resemble more whites (fast greens) and some others that are more red like (slow greens).
My experience is that heavy or slow greens tend to be older trees (not older batches!! haha) and fast greens tend to be younger trees and they call them "horn", "maeng da", "thai" or "hulu kapuas", it's also related to the method of drying, with super greens having the most natural, fresh and fast method of drying, conserving more mitragynine.
Secondary alkaloids tend to make kratom less stimulating, and more stoned-like, couch-lock effects and that's why older trees tend to have more "round" effects that are more and more difficult to find. That's the reason why most people is getting nowadays brown/reddish/bentuangie-like batches when they get red strains, because if you don't get older trees then the only way to make 7-ohm more prominent is with the fermenting/drying processes.

This is my general opinion on how the kratom industry is changing this last years.
@Neuroborean Have you ever tried Hulu Kapua strain? I found that to be very unique, much more of a pure stim and cognitive euphoria compared to all others.

It seemed to have significantly less opioid alkaloids than everything else, though, even the red variety of it.
@Neuroborean Have you ever tried Hulu Kapua strain? I found that to be very unique, much more of a pure stim and cognitive euphoria compared to all others.

It seemed to have significantly less opioid alkaloids than everything else, though, even the red variety of it.
Yep, I tried once, but only the green variety, it was as you/I said more stim-like, one of the fastest greens I've tried.
I have used almost every type of powdered Kratom there is out there. It's still 100% legal in this part of US (FL). I drank it as a tea, with lots of honey or sugar (as kratom is super bitter).
The effects were similar to a weak opioid. I hear people use it to cope with withdrawals caused by hardcore drugs. Bali red strain is my favorite btw
It's my honest belief that the most important quality in purchasing Kratom is going to be the quality of the substance i.e. the potency i.e. the alkaloid content as @Snafu in the Void has said. I think there are going to be some differences from strain to strain, but I think that's not nearly as important as getting Kratom with quality alkaloid content.