Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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Can I ask you how do you feel with APs?
Well I've been on the max dose of Abilify (30 mg) for over 10 years and it is the closest I've felt to "normal" since all this crap started in 2003. I don't know if I will ever be my old self again but I also don't know if I really want to be my old self.

I feel like as I've gotten older I have gained humility, empathy, compassion, etc. All things I didn't have much of before my mental illness manifested. I'm not sure if it's the medication that allowed this or simply things that come with age for some people.

That said, like all of us, I still have bad days but I like to think I have more good days than bad ones. Most of my schizophrenic symptoms seem to be at bay or at least I am aware of them when they do hit and can cope with them as such. When I had symptoms that I was not aware of, I would end up manic and make bad decisions. I hope I answered your question.
That gives me hope, how many mgs were you on?
It was over 17 years ago and I honestly don't remember if they even told me how many mgs my injections were. I believe I had 3 shots, all of them while locked up in a state hospital under court order. As soon as I was discharged, my psychiatrist on the outside took me off the injections but kept me on Risperdal pills for a few more months. I believe when I was on the pills I started out a 2 mg and maybe titrated to 4 mg. The brain fog didn't go away until I started Abilify.
Thank you for sharing this is really helpful as I'm thinking of switching to abilify. Do you gain weight on abilify?
I did not immediately gain weight from Abilify. However, after a few years on the medication, I did end up gaining maybe 40 pounds. But I think that was due more to slowed metabolism with age, poor diet, and lack of exercise. The good thing about Abilify for me was that I got my energy back compared to being on Risperdal. I started training jiu jitsu in 2017 and lost the 40 pounds after a year and a half of training. Since covid hit I have stopped training and now since I changed jobs, I can't afford it currently. Gained back about 20 pounds but I'm still in a healthy weight range for my height so I'm satisfied.
Well I've been on the max dose of Abilify (30 mg) for over 10 years and it is the closest I've felt to "normal" since all this crap started in 2003. I don't know if I will ever be my old self again but I also don't know if I really want to be my old self.

I feel like as I've gotten older I have gained humility, empathy, compassion, etc. All things I didn't have much of before my mental illness manifested. I'm not sure if it's the medication that allowed this or simply things that come with age for some people.

That said, like all of us, I still have bad days but I like to think I have more good days than bad ones. Most of my schizophrenic symptoms seem to be at bay or at least I am aware of them when they do hit and can cope with them as such. When I had symptoms that I was not aware of, I would end up manic and make bad decisions. I hope I answered your question.
Thanks a lot
Guys I’m 9 months off this drug, but is that normal that I can’t dream normally at night? It’s like I don’t visualize my dreams anymore. Can you tell me something about it??
Guys I’m 9 months off this drug, but is that normal that I can’t dream normally at night? It’s like I don’t visualize my dreams anymore. Can you tell me something about it??
What do you mean by not visualizing? For me I can dream but I have no emotions in them. It’s like firing a blank round whenever I’m supposed to feel the emotions.
Qualcuno ha fatto iniezioni e si é ripreso? A qualcuno come me é stato dato come abuso psichiatrico ? Senza avere psicosi ma solo dovuto a un momento di rabbia?
What do you mean by not visualizing? For me I can dream but I have no emotions in them. It’s like firing a blank round whenever I’m supposed to feel the emotions.
I mean that I dream in the dark, I can’t see anything during the dream it’s like I dream in a black room and I don’t see anything about what’s happening.. it’s very bad and strange. Me too I can’t feel anything
I mean that I dream in the dark, I can’t see anything during the dream it’s like I dream in a black room and I don’t see anything about what’s happening.. it’s very bad and strange. Me too I can’t feel anything
Oh sorry to hear that, it’s really strange… do you feel emotions when you’re awake?
Hi! My name is Sasank and I’ve been injected with 3 doses of Invega Sustenna after a weed induced psychosis. I was initially put on 1-2 mg risperidone pills and as soon as I got out of the hospital I stopped taking it and smoked weed again a couple of times which was a big mistake. My psychosis came back and I checked myself into the hospital as part of my delusions. There they had me on some kind of order since it was my third visit in a short time and suggested I take Invega since I skipped the pills. I had no idea about it back then so said yes to it. I was injected with 234,156 and 234 mg I think. It’s been six months since then and I’m slowly recovering.
are you gonna continue on the shot ?
Hey guys I recovered i used to come on here a lot and question if id ever get better. it was a horrible wait i wanted to end my life. I didn't enjoy anything back then I seriously had Ahedonia. Like working out i didn't feel the endorphins. weed gave me no joy. movies sucked. Being social was boring. You could give me 1000 dollars i wouldn't enjoy buying anything. I hated that time of my life.

I recovered i quit cold turkey and got rebound psychosis after recovering from all this it was a lot to recover. The psychosis i went into was horrible and it took a lot to recover from sure it wasn't as bed ridden suicidal and emotionless fog but it was dangerous. I still stopped taking meds all together and i've felt normal for a while now 100000x better then after the shots. I never felt that way on any other psych med till i took a long acting shot. Completely robs you from life and any enjoyment
Ehi ragazzi, mi sono ripreso, venivo spesso qui e mi chiedevo se sarei mai migliorato. è stata un'attesa orribile che volevo porre fine alla mia vita. Non mi piaceva niente allora ho avuto sul serio l'Aedonia. Come quando mi allenavo non sentivo le endorfine. l'erba non mi dava gioia. i film facevano schifo. Essere social era noioso. Potresti darmi 1000 dollari non mi piacerebbe comprare nulla. Odiavo quel periodo della mia vita.

Mi sono ripreso, ho lasciato il tacchino freddo e ho avuto una psicosi di rimbalzo dopo essermi ripreso da tutto questo, era molto da recuperare. La psicosi in cui sono entrato è stata orribile e ci è voluto molto per riprendermi dalla certezza che non fosse una nebbia suicida e priva di emozioni cavalcata dal letto, ma era pericolosa. Ho ancora smesso di prendere farmaci tutti insieme e mi sono sentito normale per un po' di tempo, 100000 volte meglio di allora dopo gli scatti. Non mi sono mai sentito in quel modo con nessun altro psicologo fino a quando non ho fatto una lunga prova di recitazione. Ti deruba completamente dalla vita e da qualsiasi godimento
quanto ci hai messo a riprenderti?
Hey guys I recovered i used to come on here a lot and question if id ever get better. it was a horrible wait i wanted to end my life. I didn't enjoy anything back then I seriously had Ahedonia. Like working out i didn't feel the endorphins. weed gave me no joy. movies sucked. Being social was boring. You could give me 1000 dollars i wouldn't enjoy buying anything. I hated that time of my life.

I recovered i quit cold turkey and got rebound psychosis after recovering from all this it was a lot to recover. The psychosis i went into was horrible and it took a lot to recover from sure it wasn't as bed ridden suicidal and emotionless fog but it was dangerous. I still stopped taking meds all together and i've felt normal for a while new 100000x better then after the shots. I never felt that way on any other psych med till i took a long acting shot. Completely robs you from life and any enjoyment
did you recover from invega? if yes, how long does it take?
No I’m off the shot now… I just couldn’t tolerate it. Fortunately the psychosis hasn’t come back. If it does I would prefer pills. Maybe Abilify as people have said good things about it.
Yeah so your 5 months off the injection and still not recovered from the injection. For me what happens about a year after the last injection i recover from the antipsychotic but sometime shortly afterward i get psychosis again. My parents tend to realize im in psychosis and put me back on antipsychotics. Ive been dealing with this since 2015 and i was part of the first recovering from invega thread. I remember those days. Back then we werent sure if ppl recover from the antipsychotics or not and we thought it was pernament.
Hey guys I recovered i used to come on here a lot and question if id ever get better. it was a horrible wait i wanted to end my life. I didn't enjoy anything back then I seriously had Ahedonia. Like working out i didn't feel the endorphins. weed gave me no joy. movies sucked. Being social was boring. You could give me 1000 dollars i wouldn't enjoy buying anything. I hated that time of my life.

I recovered i quit cold turkey and got rebound psychosis after recovering from all this it was a lot to recover. The psychosis i went into was horrible and it took a lot to recover from sure it wasn't as bed ridden suicidal and emotionless fog but it was dangerous. I still stopped taking meds all together and i've felt normal for a while now 100000x better then after the shots. I never felt that way on any other psych med till i took a long acting shot. Completely robs you from life and any enjoyment
How long did recovery take? And did you have sexual dysfunction?
It was over 17 years ago and I honestly don't remember if they even told me how many mgs my injections were. I believe I had 3 shots, all of them while locked up in a state hospital under court order. As soon as I was discharged, my psychiatrist on the outside took me off the injections but kept me on Risperdal pills for a few more months. I believe when I was on the pills I started out a 2 mg and maybe titrated to 4 mg. The brain fog didn't go away until I started Abilify.
How long did it take for the abilify to work? I'm hoping once the haldol is out of my system my sex life will return to normal.
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