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What is wrong with the MDMA available today? - v2

….And this is why I’m checked out on this conversation. LSD is just fine, if anything better than it’s ever been.

I read somewhere that as humans age, they increasingly produce more monoamine oxidase, and purportedly it takes more of a drug to get high / alter our minds. Doesn't mean it stops working, and this has nothing to do with the overall quality of the LSD being taken. I agree that LSD has never been better and we're in something of a new Golden Age of Acid. But I think it's entirely possible an individual becomes less susceptible to the effects of drugs in terms of mg per kg of body weight as they get older. Maybe this contributes to an individual's sense of "losing the magic", you know?
I read somewhere that as humans age, they increasingly produce more monoamine oxidase, and purportedly it takes more of a drug to get high / alter our minds. Doesn't mean it stops working, and this has nothing to do with the overall quality of the LSD being taken. I agree that LSD has never been better and we're in something of a new Golden Age of Acid. But I think it's entirely possible an individual becomes less susceptible to the effects of drugs in terms of mg per kg of body weight as they get older. Maybe this contributes to an individual's sense of "losing the magic", you know?

Ah I believe it, but definitely in the case of LSD this would have no effect and if anything may make LSD more potent.

I’ve heard of plenty of folks trying MAOI’s before LSD with no effect.

I understand this is just one drug but figured someone besides yourself needs to play devils advocate once in awhile ;)

Ah I believe it, but definitely in the case of LSD this would have no effect and if anything may make LSD more potent.

Good find; thanks for sharing!
I’ve heard of plenty of folks trying MAOI’s before LSD with no effect.
LSD's pharmacodynamics in the brain is unique, or at least very uncommon. The wide range of neurotransmitters it hits is impressive. And, to me, LSD will overpower just about any other psychedelic. Still, it seems daring taking an MAOI w/LSD, but I'm not totally surprised at the outcome. The way it binds in the synaptic clefts is physically difficult for MAOs to disrupt, oxidize, and otherwise breakdown & flush from the brain.
I understand this is just one drug but figured someone besides yourself needs to play devils advocate once in awhile ;)
Guilty as charged, I suppose, but I figure it's better than every post becoming a giant, self-congratulatory, insufferable circle jerk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ok that's maybe laying it on a bit thick, and I'm sorry if I come across argumentative, contrarian, or combative. My intention is to stimulate lively discussion, not to offend anyone.

But you can't please everyone, and I suspect there are several people on here who can't fucking stand me. And I get that. I hope that I contribute to the overall knowledge here more than I piss people off. Then again, I doubt it matters.
No, the cocaine that I made was exactly the same as it was in the 1980s. No different. Top of the world, nothing better. I should’ve added that the reason cocaine has been ruined her since 1991 is the addition of levamisole at the initial source. It doesn’t matter what they do with it once it hits the States, it’s already ruined before it leaves its country of origin.
The reason cocsine is not the same anymore it's csuse thry don't use ether in the purifying process anymore. That and the addition of levamisole AND EVEN WORSE fentanyl in some places has ruined cocsine altogether.
The reason cocsine is not the same anymore it's csuse thry don't use ether in the purifying process anymore. That and the addition of levamisole AND EVEN WORSE fentanyl in some places has ruined cocsine altogether.
Well even if cosine is ruined, there's always sine and tangent, you know, so we can maybe still get the hypotenuse after all.

(Hey yo! Ah thank you. Trigonometry joke for the win…)
Well even if cosine is ruined, there's always sine and tangent, you know, so we can maybe still get the hypotenuse after all.

(Hey yo! Ah thank you. Trigonometry joke for the win…)
That's what happens for typing too fast using 1 hand hahahaha. Nice pun btw xddd
I stumbled upon...
Methamphetamine synthesis via reductive alkylation hydrogenolysis of phenyl-2-propanone with N-benzylmethylamine.

What if N-iso is less a cut.. and more a cartle fuckup synthesis similar to Meh MDMA Dutch dirt that's circulating any insites on why N-iso P2P is so common now? what if reductive alkylation fails and thus the impure meh meth we have around now...

Methamphetamine was synthesized by reductive alkylation hydrogenolysis of phenyl-2-propanone with N-benzylmethylamine. The expected product N-benzylmethamphetamine, once formed, undergoes hydrogenolysis to methamphetamine and toluene. The progress of the reaction, the intermediates formed during the reaction, and the products were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.
You would have to seriously fuck up and not know what the hell you were doing to set out intending to make meth and make n-iso instead

N-iso is not even a phenethylamine.

Not mention n-iso would require isopropylamine to manufacture while meth would need methylamine.

The only reason it's there is as a cut.
I sent some crystal MDMA to Energy Control who tested it as 84% pure (or thereabouts). I had taken MDMA several times alone recently and felt zero relative to the pills from 20 years ago.

So I was kind of in agreement with the meh today argument but also thought that my relentless stim and LSD abuse may have reduced my capacity to enjoy.

Then, after a long party with a guy and two girls I was prevailed upon to give this stuff another go (I said they were welcome to my stash cause it did nothing for me).

Next thing I’m declaring my undying love for these people and gushing all kinds of emotional stuff that turned up from nowhere. And holding people’s hands. And cuddling. I may have cried a little. Weird shit like that for hours.

Setting clearly more important on MDMA than I ever knew..
I sent some crystal MDMA to Energy Control who tested it as 84% pure (or thereabouts). I had taken MDMA several times alone recently and felt zero relative to the pills from 20 years ago.

So I was kind of in agreement with the meh today argument but also thought that my relentless stim and LSD abuse may have reduced my capacity to enjoy.

Then, after a long party with a guy and two girls I was prevailed upon to give this stuff another go (I said they were welcome to my stash cause it did nothing for me).

Next thing I’m declaring my undying love for these people and gushing all kinds of emotional stuff that turned up from nowhere. And holding people’s hands. And cuddling. I may have cried a little. Weird shit like that for hours.

Setting clearly more important on MDMA than I ever knew..
I was going to post this too.

Rolling doesn't necessarily just happen. Set and setting are every bit as important with empathogens as they are with psychedelics.

I learned this the third time I rolled long ago. My first two rolls were with friends and it was amazing and hyped.

I couldn't believe how different I felt rolling by myself. It was so mild and mellow.

I wonder about that with this thread. I mean do people who roll solo at home realize that it's not the same kind of experience as going to a club with your best friends and dancing all night?

Not unless you cultivate that vibe for yourself. When I'm rolling solo you better believe I'm dancing and singing and laughing!

I've tried doing it without the proper music and atmosphere and that's not how MDMA shines.
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I love acid tripping on my own and most of my most epic and valuable LSD experiences have been at home alone or in my neighbourhood park. Clearly MDMA totally different kind of thing - much to my amazement. I took so much of it years ago, I thought I totally understood it. Wrong.

I’m still trying to unwind the emotional and personal commitments I made that night.
This has probably been posted before, but have any of you seen this before?

It's a side product of one of the more common precursors in MDMA synthesis.

It has in it the structure of m-alpha which shulgin said was active.

No telling how this would affect the MDMA.

Perhaps this is the reason why 180-300mg pills are the norm now and people on here keep complaining about not rolling when they take their same old 100-150mg doses.

I wouldn't be rolling either if I still tried to roll at that dose.
This has probably been posted before, but have any of you seen this before?

Yes, it's been posted and talked about some: https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/m-alpha-hmca.888123/

It's a side product of one of the more common precursors in MDMA synthesis.
PMK-glycidate has to be decarboxylated and converted to PMK before it is reductively aminated with methylamine + whatever catalysts the chemist chooses. If any of the PMK-glycidate makes it through to the amination phase, it will convert instead into M-Alpha-HMCA. The presence of this compound to a forensics lab no doubt implies PMK-glycidate as the starting precursor for any seized MDMA.

It has in it the structure of m-alpha which shulgin said was active.
Right, but that does not indicate that this compound would be active. Maybe it is, but to me this does not look sufficiently lipophilic to cross the BBB. Too many oxygen atoms and valence electrons. I doubt it's very active, particularly in a dosage range similar to M-ALPHA.

No telling how this would affect the MDMA.
Perhaps this is the reason why 180-300mg pills are the norm now and people on here keep complaining about not rolling when they take their same old 100-150mg doses.
I wouldn't be rolling either if I still tried to roll at that dose.
Maybe but probably not. And besides, it seems like everyone is looking for a singular, one-size-fits-all answer to this putative phenomenon, and that just isn't going to happen to everyone's mutual agreement.
Happy Easter. Seems it's almost been a month since someone posted shame

. "Snow white magic mdma" report

I recently bought what I thought was magic MDMA, these were opaque looking crystals with a slight safrole scent but something felt off like it wasn't "as intense" as I remember it. I did another batch a few months after that was dirtier the shake was brown but I took the cleaner crystals/chunks out of it (clear quartz MDMA) and that had me floored.

I had made a semi larger order on the first batch as it was over 50% cheaper and it looked cleaner so I was determined to turn in into magic.

An acetone wash with ACS reagent grade was done 3x times. I saved about 2grams of dirty stuff (concentrated brown see below, it looked clear before the wash so heads up) and lost 8 grams somewhere out of 100 mechanical loss maybe, IDK I evaped the solvent in an oven so that was interesting maybe I oven dried it too quick. While the product defiantly looked better and more "opaque" I decided to do an ether wash just in case. The ether after wash looked very clear and I felt like maybe It didn't do anything I then proceeded to use the semi-clean ether on a batch of 2CB to wash it as it was that clean.

Interesting enough the crystals completely changed from opaque pebbles to snow white and almost looks like wet magnesium sulfate when dried and the yield if went down did not lose much if at all as I still had 90 grams of the cleaned stuff + 2 grams of the dirty brown. Have people done an ether wash onto top of acetone wash? what went from 2 points to kind of feeling with my GF ... 150mg had me and my GF floored and she is on drugs that can block it. 80-100mg is probably what it should be.

Just chiming in. First pic is the acetone wash and while it was white/opaque alreadly an acetone wash removed some brown.

And ether wash completely changed the look see below.

Cleanest of dirty brown magic and lumped together with dirty.. no wash needed different vendor smelt very strongly of safrole
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I was going to post this too.

Rolling doesn't necessarily just happen. Set and setting are every bit as important with empathogens as they are with psychedelics.

I learned this the third time I rolled long ago. My first two rolls were with friends and it was amazing and hyped.

I couldn't believe how different I felt rolling by myself. It was so mild and mellow.

I wonder about that with this thread. I mean do people who roll solo at home realize that it's not the same kind of experience as going to a club with your best friends and dancing all night?

Not unless you cultivate that vibe for yourself. When I'm rolling solo you better believe I'm dancing and singing and laughing!

I've tried doing it without the proper music and atmosphere and that's not how MDMA shines.

While I agree that good set and setting may improve the experience, I don't believe it explains MehDMA.

I've rolled with exactly the same set and setting for over a decade now - i.e. drunk and at home. Most of those rolls have been meh - couchlocked, unsociable and very battered. Still enjoyable, but just not 'right'.

But on a few of those occasions, I've had the full on magic experience - bliss, love, energy and extreme clarity. These experiences would no doubt have been even better with other people in the same frame of mind with lights and music, but they were still extremely satisfying.

I was lucky enough to have a totally magic pill a few weeks ago. I spent the next six hours bouncing around the house with a big beaming grin and annoying the shit out of my wife and son. I even mowed the fuckin lawn just for something to do (thats the way I roll baby!)

The magic stuff turns me into this guy:

I can confidently say none of you have EVER consumed MDMA synthesized in that manner lol, myself included. That route is purely something to patent in my eyes. Soon as I saw the word “grignard” I knew this wasn’t a route you’d see in many clandestine labs.

I’m hitting a festival in 3wks, I’ll see what’s about.

Nice post! Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) = excellent shit. Really cool read, and I‘m impressed with their new starting point, eschewing preparation from safrole for an even simpler compound – thought it makes me realize this likely has something to do with the difficulty in procuring Safrole in 2022.

@F.U.B.A.R. is right vis-à-vis the word “recipe” here, which isn’t something any self-respecting chemist would likely say about a novel cGMP synthetic route they published, ya know? Breaking Bad was a fun show and all, but I cringed whenever they’d say “let’s cook.”

Not that I personally give a shit, mind you, and this is clearly an informal setting here, not an academic journal discussion forum with only chemical engineers and pharma-geeks, but considering how serious your approach to this thread and overall topic is, this is something to keep in mind when/if you’re pitching a proposal to some university or lab or whatever. It’s better to stay in good habits, and I’m sorry if I seem like a dick for pointing this out; I’m not trying to call anyone out, and you likely know this point…

And if I didn’t care, I wouldn’t say anything, but I care enough, @indigoaura, pseudonymous though you are, to bring up the point both for you and anyone who might find it useful.