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Opioids Is morphine worth it?


Jan 23, 2020
Admittedly,I don't have much experience with isolated morphine pills or anything.

I've had people offer me lines of morphine, which didn't do jack shit (I've read it's not a good route either).

However, I have used unwashed poppy seeds quite a few times & recently had the dirtiest seeds I think I've ever seen.
It produced a very milky tan/brown liquid that was very bitter tasting.

About a half an hour in, I thought I felt something similar to an opioid come up, kind of like how you know when your hydrocodone is about to kick in full blast. Got really excited about it.
And then it just abruptly vanished after about 45 minutes and the next 8hrs were spent just feeling incredibly nauseous, lethargic, bored, etc.. No euphoria. I did have some extra mild pain relief tho. I didn't get any histamine release that i'm aware of either.

Did I just not use enough? Is this what a morphine experience is like? Just heavy legs, pressure in the head & nausea?
Normally I can tell when an opioid is doing it's thing because it'll make me wanna get up & clean & listen to music and get active & enjoy it. But I got none of that. I'll also feel content and at peace, which I also didn't feel. But I obviously felt something from it.

Can having a tolerance to partial agonists remove any of the good qualities?

I made some of the tea for a friend who is opioid-naive and had them try it and they said they liked it and that it reminded them of when they use to shoot morphiine back in the day, but they said they had no euphoria and that the morphine they shot back in the day wasn't euphoric either.

So is morphine just not a good opioid for energy/contentedness? If so, why not? It is a full agonist.
Or is it just unique to poppy pod/seed tea that it feels this way?

I've only ever done heroin, hydro, oxy, tramadol, fentanyl & buprenorphine & of course the morphine/seed tea here or there. But I've never tried morphine in pill form or anything other than when it was offered to me "as a line", which did absolutely nothing. Out of all of those opioids, only the first 4 actually give me the experience I'm looking for.

Any ideas?
I'm assuming the only way to enjoy it would be through high doses of IV?
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Admittedly,I don't have much experience with isolated morphine pills or anything.

I've had people offer me lines of morphine, which didn't do jack shit (I've read it's not a good route either).

However, I have used unwashed poppy seeds quite a few times & recently had the dirtiest seeds I think I've ever seen.
It produced a very milky tan/brown liquid that was very bitter tasting.

About a half an hour in, I thought I felt something similar to an opioid come up, kind of like how you know when your hydrocodone is about to kick in full blast. Got really excited about it.
And then it just abruptly vanished after about 45 minutes and the next 8hrs were spent just feeling incredibly nauseous, lethargic, bored, etc.. No euphoria. I did have some extra mild pain relief tho. I didn't get any histamine release that i'm aware of either.

Did I just not use enough? Is this what a morphine experience is like? Just heavy legs, pressure in the head & nausea?
Normally I can tell when an opioid is doing it's thing because it'll make me wanna get up & clean & listen to music and get active & enjoy it. But I got none of that. I'll also feel content and at peace, which I also didn't feel. But I obviously felt something from it.

Can having a tolerance to partial agonists remove any of the good qualities?

I made some of the tea for a friend who is opioid-naive and had them try it and they said they liked it and that it reminded them of when they use to shoot morphiine back in the day, but they said they had no euphoria and that the morphine they shot back in the day wasn't euphoric either.

So is morphine just not a good opioid for energy/contentedness? If so, why not? It is a full agonist.
Or is it just unique to poppy pod/seed tea that it feels this way?

I've only ever done heroin, hydro, oxy, tramadol, fentanyl & buprenorphine & of course the morphine/seed tea here or there. But I've never tried morphine in pill form or anything other than when it was offered to me "as a line", which did absolutely nothing. Out of all of those opioids, only the first 4 actually give me the experience I'm looking for.

Any ideas?
I'm assuming the only way to enjoy it would be through high doses of IV?

The alkaloid blend in opium feels quite a bit different than say oral morphine tablets or morphine IR solutions.

Pharmaceutical morphine is much cleaner feeling with a sharper euphoria than oral opium. The pressure in the head you are describing is probably not caused by the morphine but one of the many noxious alkaloids found opium. Where pharmaceutical morphine contains of course only morphine, opium contains nearly 100 different alkaloids in total.

And, poppy seed washes themselves are quite different in effect than say poppy pod tea due to the higher presence of oils in poppy seed wash. Not only does this increase nausea, it also alters the pharmacokinetics. My theory is that when making poppy seed tea, the oils surround the active alkaloids to some degree, creating a phospholipid liposome around the molecules resulting in an essentially extended-release opium preparation. The vigorous and extended shaking used in the preparation of poppy seed tea and significant presence of oils pretty much guarantee the formation of these phospholipid liposomes. I believe this accounts for the noticeably extended duration of poppy seed "tea" relative to poppy pod tea. It probably accounts for some of the differences in effects.

It is also worth noting that the variety of poppies commonly used in poppy seed tea is different than the varieties of poppies used in poppy pod tea. The vast majority of seeds used in poppy seed tea washes come from Tasmanian poppies, while the types of pods used in pod tea are quite rarely Tasmanian poppies (which produce much smaller pods than those you typically find sold for pod tea). Tasmanian poppies tend to have higher thebaine levels than say giganthemums (one type commonly used in pod tea).

The effect of morphine even in it's pure form isn't for everyone however.

Yeah I duno what I was thinking when I wrote this, as obviously isolated morphine is probably a much difference experience than the morphine content in seeds or pods.

I've been pretty surprised at how strong of an affect you can get from teas, etc.. But something about it lacks a lot of the real effects that are actually enjoyable, while still feeling quite potent.
All of those alkaloids most likely do play a role. I tend to go with cold water as to not let any oils slip from out of the seed as much as possible, but your info about the liposomes sounds interesting & reasonable. Do the loposomes act like a sort of barrier making it take longer to break down or metabolize?

I can definitely see how this could help somebody in major withdrawals, but it definitely isn't something I'll probably do again unless I'd have to. I'd imagine pure morphine isolated is much smoother and different.
Admittedly,I don't have much experience with isolated morphine pills or anything.

I've had people offer me lines of morphine, which didn't do jack shit (I've read it's not a good route either).

However, I have used unwashed poppy seeds quite a few times & recently had the dirtiest seeds I think I've ever seen.
It produced a very milky tan/brown liquid that was very bitter tasting.

About a half an hour in, I thought I felt something similar to an opioid come up, kind of like how you know when your hydrocodone is about to kick in full blast. Got really excited about it.
And then it just abruptly vanished after about 45 minutes and the next 8hrs were spent just feeling incredibly nauseous, lethargic, bored, etc.. No euphoria. I did have some extra mild pain relief tho. I didn't get any histamine release that i'm aware of either.

Did I just not use enough? Is this what a morphine experience is like? Just heavy legs, pressure in the head & nausea?
Normally I can tell when an opioid is doing it's thing because it'll make me wanna get up & clean & listen to music and get active & enjoy it. But I got none of that. I'll also feel content and at peace, which I also didn't feel. But I obviously felt something from it.

Can having a tolerance to partial agonists remove any of the good qualities?

I made some of the tea for a friend who is opioid-naive and had them try it and they said they liked it and that it reminded them of when they use to shoot morphiine back in the day, but they said they had no euphoria and that the morphine they shot back in the day wasn't euphoric either.

So is morphine just not a good opioid for energy/contentedness? If so, why not? It is a full agonist.
Or is it just unique to poppy pod/seed tea that it feels this way?

I've only ever done heroin, hydro, oxy, tramadol, fentanyl & buprenorphine & of course the morphine/seed tea here or there. But I've never tried morphine in pill form or anything other than when it was offered to me "as a line", which did absolutely nothing. Out of all of those opioids, only the first 4 actually give me the experience I'm looking for.

Any ideas?
I'm assuming the only way to enjoy it would be through high doses of IV?
Yea if you want constipation
I have done heroin, fentanyl, methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone, propoxyphene, tramadol, codeine & buprenorphiine but have never had a chance to have a real go with just straight morphine. Only through opium content and never by itself. I'd really like to see what its all about one day but maybe it's not even worth it.
I have done heroin, fentanyl, methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone, propoxyphene, tramadol, codeine & buprenorphiine but have never had a chance to have a real go with just straight morphine. Only through opium content and never by itself. I'd really like to see what its all about one day but maybe it's not even worth it.
Pure IV pharma liquid is just as good as heroin.
Pure IV pharma liquid is just as good as heroin.
Good to know. I figured there has to be some reason it's so valued, I mean it is a mu receptor full agonist after all.

I wonder if tolerance to a partial agonist that is roughly 40x in potency to morphine can impact the experience at all as well (probably), plus with everything negrogesic said, makes poppy material not the greatest source of it.

Although I use to get euphoria from other extended release opioids, actually the euphoria tended to last longer on some of them but it can also make them lackluster if you have a tolerance I guess.
Well,depends on poppy pod material.Pharmagrade strains are with very high morph.content.Others have lower,in some only traces.If you on bupr.must wait enough to feel bad and your receptor occupancy get lower before to get morph.Solution in vials are always better,than any pill,not only because you can inject them.It's somehow more pure...it's differs from pills for me
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Yeah I duno what I was thinking when I wrote this, as obviously isolated morphine is probably a much difference experience than the morphine content in seeds or pods.

I've been pretty surprised at how strong of an affect you can get from teas, etc.. But something about it lacks a lot of the real effects that are actually enjoyable, while still feeling quite potent.
All of those alkaloids most likely do play a role. I tend to go with cold water as to not let any oils slip from out of the seed as much as possible, but your info about the liposomes sounds interesting & reasonable. Do the loposomes act like a sort of barrier making it take longer to break down or metabolize?

I can definitely see how this could help somebody in major withdrawals, but it definitely isn't something I'll probably do again unless I'd have to. I'd imagine pure morphine isolated is much smoother and different.
I was into seeds 5 + years ago before they got shadow banned from Amazon. I would get the varieties with suspicious reviews like "these are really strong tasting so use half or less for your bagels"

Different brands had different feelings. There is a certain bitterness that I associate with good batches, and they rather quickly give a certain muscle "soreness" which i associate with the come up of a good high.

Also the major lipids in poppyseeds are things like oleic and linoleic acid. Also given morphine's water solubility I'm not sure it would reside inside micelles with a hydrophobic core (as would be formed with anionic headgroup lipids like phospholipids.

Always had good luck using slightly acidic cold water, stirring a few times in a saucepan (no heat) then using a French press to decant immediately. Seems to get a pretty good ratio of alkaloids to oils out.
I was into seeds 5 + years ago before they got shadow banned from Amazon. I would get the varieties with suspicious reviews like "these are really strong tasting so use half or less for your bagels"

Different brands had different feelings. There is a certain bitterness that I associate with good batches, and they rather quickly give a certain muscle "soreness" which i associate with the come up of a good high.

Also the major lipids in poppyseeds are things like oleic and linoleic acid. Also given morphine's water solubility I'm not sure it would reside inside micelles with a hydrophobic core (as would be formed with anionic headgroup lipids like phospholipids.

Always had good luck using slightly acidic cold water, stirring a few times in a saucepan (no heat) then using a French press to decant immediately. Seems to get a pretty good ratio of alkaloids to oils out.

Yes I remember that time period as well. Certain brands were strong. Felt like some had a few hundred milligrams of morphine equivalent per pound. And you could get that with next day delivery for the price of a few cups of coffee. They long stopped selling unwashed seeds however.

Yeah that theory that poppy seed tea preparation might produce liposomal morphine first came to me when i was reading the patent for a liposomal morphine preparation and I was struck with the resemblence of its preparation to poppy seed tea washing. Morphine was added to a water-oil emulsion and then agitated with a homogenizer. Granted I am not sure how readily the specific oils present on poppy seeds form liposomes around morphine, but I do know that I have imparted a pretty significant amount of kinetic energy onto that solution (particularly early on when I used to shake it very vigorously for 15 minutes -- which i later found was excessive). Whether liposomal morphine is actually generated or not, the presence of the oils really seems to slow the onset and increase the duration relative to other ways of ingesting oral opium.

Overall poppy seeds are pretty hit or miss. Perhaps it is just me but the seeds going around now feel quite abit different than the seeds from a while ago. These seeds feel a bit more stimulating, less sedating, less euphoric and most notably, far weaker releasers of histamine (ie, less itching). Could be circumstantial but they do feel different.
Yes I remember that time period as well. Certain brands were strong. Felt like some had a few hundred milligrams of morphine equivalent per pound. And you could get that with next day delivery for the price of a few cups of coffee. They long stopped selling unwashed seeds however.

Yeah that theory that poppy seed tea preparation might produce liposomal morphine first came to me when i was reading the patent for a liposomal morphine preparation and I was struck with the resemblence of its preparation to poppy seed tea washing. Morphine was added to a water-oil emulsion and then agitated with a homogenizer. Granted I am not sure how readily the specific oils present on poppy seeds form liposomes around morphine, but I do know that I have imparted a pretty significant amount of kinetic energy onto that solution (particularly early on when I used to shake it very vigorously for 15 minutes -- which i later found was excessive). Whether liposomal morphine is actually generated or not, the presence of the oils really seems to slow the onset and increase the duration relative to other ways of ingesting oral opium.

Overall poppy seeds are pretty hit or miss. Perhaps it is just me but the seeds going around now feel quite abit different than the seeds from a while ago. These seeds feel a bit more stimulating, less sedating, less euphoric and most notably, far weaker releasers of histamine (ie, less itching). Could be circumstantial but they do feel different.
I haven't had any seeds in like 4 years, but i def believe that current seeds could be more thebaine rich or something.

I always ascribed the legs of seed tea to the broad alkaloid profile causing competitive enzyme inhibition, sparing the morphine.

Once though, I rectally did some poppy seed tea that a friend had dried out in a low oven, and I got no effects that night, but was nodding quite hard the next day. Always been unsure of what is going down.

Forming micelles tends to be kind of finicky, they need a fair amount of optimization wrt shear forces and concentration of the charged lipid.

I wonder what the critical micelle concentration of various phospholipids are, and if it is reached in poppy seed tea.
The histamine release from morphine a is too much….face turns beat red, itchy, blotchy, hot and uncomfortable

Oral Oxycodone HCL is the most euphoric opioid on planet earth
I.V. Hydromorphone (Dilaudid HP Fort) is HIGHLY desirable and king sh$t
I.V. Diacetylmorphine (Diamorphine) is the Holy Grail and euphoric as F@CK …especially in a Speedball with Pharma grade Cocaine HCL

Oxycodone has the same rewarding properties as Cocaine the NAZIS discovered while researching which compounds to put into new DX-1 drug for mini sub crews

I personally found oral Oxycodone more euphoric and pleasurable than I.V. Dilaudid or Heroin

The best Pharma opioid HANDS DOWN. Oxycodone HCL. Peroid.

Oxy-IR 5mg
Oxy-IR 20mg

Dilaudid 2/4/8mg
Hydromorph Contin 9/12/18/24/30mg

Diamorphine IV/IM/SC in 5/10/30/100/500mg ampoules

Desoxyn 5mg
Dexedrine 5mg
Dexedrine Spansule 10/15mg
Adderall XR 30mg
Vyvanse 40 - 70mg capsules
Ritalin 5/10/20mg
Focalin XR 20/40mg

The best controlled substances on earth (to me) lol
Overall poppy seeds are pretty hit or miss. Perhaps it is just me but the seeds going around now feel quite abit different than the seeds from a while ago. These seeds feel a bit more stimulating, less sedating, less euphoric and most notably, far weaker releasers of histamine (ie, less itching). Could be circumstantial but they do feel different.

For many years I was able to get awesome seeds from a salvage grocery store in my town. Recently they must have gotten a different supplier because although they are still unwashed (the liquid becomes brown and bitter and tastes right though slightly different from what I remember), the effects are night and day...now what happens is that I get a slight opioid relaxation, and then shortly after, I break out in hives and itch like fucking CRAZY, I turn red, and the itching is painful, it's horrible. It lasts for an hour or so and it never develops into a proper high. Worst itching of my life. I enjoy a proper full agonist itch, where I feel amazing and am nodding and itchy. But this is totally different, it's like I'm being tortured by some sort of itching powder that gets under my skin.
i had morphine drip, had to press the button to get a dose, nurse came in cause my BP was high, i was in pain, she said ive never known anyone not to keep taking doses, i told her the nausea was worse than cramping, some asshole orderly seemed put out to give me something to vomit in, he came back with this long plastic bag which i promptly filled, and handed it to him not the nurse with her hand out , guess i have an aversion to it, but i know its a vital drug, that twilight drug they gave me was great, my 45 min surgery that took 4 hrs, but i felt like it was an hour, but yeah i dont know why the morph was so horrid on my tummy, guess no tolerance, only time i ever was in the hospital, bet id press that button now!
I was into seeds 5 + years ago before they got shadow banned from Amazon. I would get the varieties with suspicious reviews like "these are really strong tasting so use half or less for your bagels"

Different brands had different feelings. There is a certain bitterness that I associate with good batches, and they rather quickly give a certain muscle "soreness" which i associate with the come up of a good high.

Also the major lipids in poppyseeds are things like oleic and linoleic acid. Also given morphine's water solubility I'm not sure it would reside inside micelles with a hydrophobic core (as would be formed with anionic headgroup lipids like phospholipids.

Always had good luck using slightly acidic cold water, stirring a few times in a saucepan (no heat) then using a French press to decant immediately. Seems to get a pretty good ratio of alkaloids to oils out.
These were Spanish Blue variety, are those a good one?

I use a similar process to make mine. Shake up all the seeds with water & lemon/lime juice & then poke a hole in the cap and drain it into a cup & drink it.
These last ones made the milkiest water I've ever seen & was super bitter & earthy tasting.

I definitely felt something (maybe it was placebo), but rather than increase in strength or keep the euphoria going, it dropped off pretty quickly and just became a general feeling of 'feeling different', but didn't have any of the contentedness, euphoria, well-being that I'd normally get from an opiate. The come up started off like I might but never got stronger.
And then I was nauseous for several hours after, enough that I had to take a benadryl.

Didn't have any itching though, which is odd. But I wonder if being use to buprenorphine reduces effects like that, I dunno.
I made sure not to be on a blocking dose of bupe when I tried this.

Either it was oils that made me nauseous (even tho I used cold water & only shook for 2-3 mins) or it was one of the alkaloids.

Would definitely like to try morphine isolated on it's own still.
my opinion?
yes if ya aint goin for the buzz. it will get ya there but if in pill form or taken orally the amount the body actually processes is low.
for pain? morphine and the long lasting formula. cant go wrong imo/e. cept maybe the dependance. lol
be well
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