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Jan 23, 2022
i’m buying a 175 ug acid tab from my plug today and i’m gonna take it tomorrow. i’ve never done LSD before and i’ve had two bad experiences with shrooms the first time nothing happened and the second time i freaked out and just sat on the couch crying all night because my emotions were intense. any tips or tricks on how to have a good trip in this tab i really wanna experience something cool and fun.
Set and setting.

You gotta be in a good mind set to begin with. No major worries, fears, conflicts going on recently. I would never trip if I was angry, anxious, or depressed at the time.

Be in a place where you are totally comfortable and feel completely safe. Don't be around people that annoy or upset you.

PS-- The fact that you've already had a negative experience on psychedelics can be problematic. It's not necessarily a deal-breaker, but if you think you'll have a bad trip then you probably will.
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Okay just to think about to start with it is very common for stated doses from non-clearnet aka black market sources to actually be significantly lower than advertised so keep this in mind because without being able to know that 175 could be 105.

Or it might be the full 175 only an experienced tripper would be able to really gauge that I think.

Now. 175 ug, is a good dose.

But mind rules matter with LSD.

Remember this. It is true.it becomes more clear, automatic in time.

I never ever go into a trip, with a touch of fear,


But I have experience that apprehension and nervous anticipation before and can relate on every level because I made it my business to completely overcome this.

So lol. Now I just live fully in the moment. I stitch myself up pretty heavily on a regular basis like last night I was already wasted one very strong cannabis and cava laying in bed and could have drifted off into Wonderland but as I was feeling so at peace and in a purely positive mind frame I decided it might be an excellent time to come up on a large dose of LSD which was 500 µg Spontaneously there and then.

Upped to 700.

But I'm nuts, and poor example.

200 ug, no tolerance. Is a brilliant and full experience but still does not qualify as the official full LSD trip dose which is really 250 µg with 300 being the upper strength microdots for example in the hippie age they were too strong for most people who would take half like my mum who took exactly half of microdot eight times so she only ever took 1200 µg of LSD but it had the most profound effect on her my dad used to take it every single day so I hear.

175 is a good dose.

It's not too heavy. An undersose really is worse than an overdose as well.

But mindset basically because when you understand how perfectly safe the experience of LSD actually is and can be when you go into it prepared as in understanding it can be a time of pure peace and heaven,

Because there is no need for fear I've been there and I had those fears and I learnt that the mind can do away with them in a quick flash and there is so much brilliant hilarious stuff going on still and to get our attention keep us amused and make us laugh our nuts off in my case lol.

Focus on the things you really love in life and let yourself be humbled with thankfulness that you have all of that has also been a magnificent coping mechanism for myself.

I'm sorry if that was completely helpless here I wanted to offer some perspective.
second time i freaked out and just sat on the couch crying all night because my emotions were intense.
That's every time I've smoked weed over the last 15 years... and the reason I've been sitting on my psychedelics for so long, waiting for that far-off time when I finally pull it together and no longer have so many convincing reasons to feel guilty about the way I live.

In theory, I like the idea of "learning" from unpleasant psychedelic trips, letting all the negativity wash over you and cleanse your soul. In practice, opiate addiction has insulated me from my emotions for so long that I'm terrified of how intense they'll be if I let them loose.

I do agree with an underdose being a bad thing, however. I split an acid tab with a friend on my first time and ended up getting only mild visuals, followed by a night of paranoid wakefulness, followed by a kind of breakdown the next morning. Whereas I'd had a great time earlier on a "full dose" (2g?) of mushrooms.
I’m gonna against the grain and say that you dont necessarily have to take the full tab to have a good time.

My best trip ever was on like 60-70 ug.

Some people will say you should take a higher dose to ‘get over the hump’ but it’s not strictly necessary

iirc the inventor/discoverer of LSD, Dr Albert Hoffman, never dosed above 100 ug for the rest of his life after his initial foray with the 300 ug infamous bicycle day trip
or maybe grab more than 1 hit, and then you can take 1 of them, cut it to quarters, maybe take a quarter or a half so you're not too retarded, and you can make sure you're ok with it and maybe go up slowly from there

that's my advice
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I think I read bad experience crying on the couch all the way through with mushrooms

hmmm... take half of that tab, and check out posters content in other threads, some of us consume vast quantities with less effects and others are more sensitive.

be gentle and honest in everything and you will be fine
Crying trips are the very best trips - but not for the whole 10 hours.

As mentioned, set and setting vital. I like to go for a cemetery, some kind of straight-laced public event, two or three horny but unsuspecting drunk people I’ve just met, and the immortal launch words “just shut up and take it”. On a perfect day it plays out almost exactly like this:

Just avoid heights, operating motorcycles or heavy machinery, and back roads in red states while it lasts….
Dont smoke weed unless you can handle it make sure you are not disturbed and are in a safe in environment with no dick heads make sure you havery free time and a free day tomorrow to reflect have a good playlist make sure you have nothing on your mind and are in a good place mentally to trip sd is much more forgiving than shrooms in my opinion have fun happy tripping
Not sure what to add here lol ...be in a good frame of mind ,have good ppl around you....as for set and setting I see this written all the time ...cant relate to that sorry lol ....enjoy the experience 🖒
My first time was sitting in a coffee lounge pool table and a couple of friends
Okay just to think about to start with it is very common for stated doses from non-clearnet aka black market sources to actually be significantly lower than advertised so keep this in mind because without being able to know that 175 could be 105.

Or it might be the full 175 only an experienced tripper would be able to really gauge that I think.

Now. 175 ug, is a good dose.

But mind rules matter with LSD.

Remember this. It is true.it becomes more clear, automatic in time.

I never ever go into a trip, with a touch of fear,


But I have experience that apprehension and nervous anticipation before and can relate on every level because I made it my business to completely overcome this.

So lol. Now I just live fully in the moment. I stitch myself up pretty heavily on a regular basis like last night I was already wasted one very strong cannabis and cava laying in bed and could have drifted off into Wonderland but as I was feeling so at peace and in a purely positive mind frame I decided it might be an excellent time to come up on a large dose of LSD which was 500 µg Spontaneously there and then.

Upped to 700.

But I'm nuts, and poor example.

200 ug, no tolerance. Is a brilliant and full experience but still does not qualify as the official full LSD trip dose which is really 250 µg with 300 being the upper strength microdots for example in the hippie age they were too strong for most people who would take half like my mum who took exactly half of microdot eight times so she only ever took 1200 µg of LSD but it had the most profound effect on her my dad used to take it every single day so I hear.

175 is a good dose.

It's not too heavy. An undersose really is worse than an overdose as well.

But mindset basically because when you understand how perfectly safe the experience of LSD actually is and can be when you go into it prepared as in understanding it can be a time of pure peace and heaven,

Because there is no need for fear I've been there and I had those fears and I learnt that the mind can do away with them in a quick flash and there is so much brilliant hilarious stuff going on still and to get our attention keep us amused and make us laugh our nuts off in my case lol.

Focus on the things you really love in life and let yourself be humbled with thankfulness that you have all of that has also been a magnificent coping mechanism for myself.

I'm sorry if that was completely helpless here I wanted to offer some perspective.
I agree I hate it when I get weak acid and Underdose and wish I had taken more
I agree I hate it when I get weak acid and Underdose and wish I had taken more
Exactly. Like, 305 mics is preferable to 69.

Like, I don't get out of bed for 69 mics lol.

My head is blown this a.m.

Slept deep deep, 6 hours prob.

1000 mics yesterday in end, 800 Sunday.

My head hadn't returned from that one before this.

I handle this stuff, just not since covid nerve damage which makes post LSD scrambled head a washing machine of hell.

I'm very high though. Which helps. Too high still really but did just vaporize good bit and instant kava.
It really isn't in my top 4 problems though.

And it will drop out of the top 5 once Covid is finally out of my god damn nerves.