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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Running down the street naked save for one sock

I did it shirtless and in a small pair of shorts while on 300 ug once. Not fully naked tho
I'm pretty sure Cbroxide had an adventure like that while off his nut on something in a supermarket.

I'll edit this post if I can find said post if it hasn't been purged.
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Yeah, I did on MDPV. After being up for over a week and in full psychosis, I thought cops were watching me through every tiny hole like the exhaust fan in the bathroom, through the keyhole on my door locks, electrical outlets, etc.

So, I decided the safest place was my hallway with all the doors shut and no windows in sight, and eventually lost it completely and just ate the bags of MDPV since I had to destroy the "evidence", and about 30min later after I thought I was having a heart attack and managed to squeeze out of a tiny window to get away from all the non-existent cops out front of my house, the cops really did show up a few blocks away to find me naked with blood all over me from a tiny cut. I blacked out and then awoke for a moment in the ambulance and then don't remember anything until over a day later when I woke up in the hospital. I told them I took MDPV, and nobody there knew what it was. They let me go later that day, so I went home and got more and did more crazy shit until a few months later I got in a bad accident and then sobered up while I was recovering, then I lost the house to foreclosure, lol. Don't ever eat a few grams of MDPV.

Here's another MDPV experience I shared:
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Yeah, I did on MDPV. After being up for over a week and in full psychosis, I thought cops were watching me through every tiny hole like the exhaust fan in the bathroom, through the keyhole on my door locks, electrical outlets, etc.

So, I decided the safest place was my hallway with all the doors shut and no windows in sight, and eventually lost it completely and just ate the bags of MDPV since I had to destroy the "evidence", and about 30min later after I thought I was having a heart attack and managed to squeeze out of a tiny window to get away from all the non-existent cops out front of my house, the cops really did show up a few blocks away to find me naked with blood all over me from a tiny cut. I blacked out and then awoke for a moment in the ambulance and then don't remember anything until over a day later when I woke up in the hospital. I told them I took MDPV, and nobody there knew what it was. They let me go later that day, so I went home and got more and did more crazy shit until a few months later I got in a bad accident and then sobered up while I was recovering, then I lost the house to foreclosure, lol. Don't ever eat a few grams of MDPV.

Here's another MDPV experience I shared:
People think meth stories are bad, but IMHO MDPV stories are more fucked up.

Mine are anyway. I don't even like thinking about it and that's why I stopped trying new PV analogs too.
Typical speed for me too - crawling round under the floorboards trying to find the fucking equipment being used to "track" me. Never touching that shit again as long as I live.
What about you Ismene? I reckon I've asked you this before but I forget. Looking forward to the opportunity to run down the street naked save for one sock myself. I think I would wear the left sock.
I was clothed, only a shirt though in winter, but indeed running down the street, back and forth because I couldn't find the river I was sure was nearby.
AL-LAD, what a nightmare.
What about you Ismene? I reckon I've asked you this before but I forget. Looking forward to the opportunity to run down the street naked save for one sock myself. I think I would wear the left sock.

Never had a problem on psychedelics - speed was my downfall. I was one of those fucking guys who take the fireplace apart looking for the hidden camera.
I'd be really appreciative if anybody weighed in here (doesn't necessarily have to be a "qualified" opinion or input i.e. just ideas):

This issue of drug induced psychosis and paranoia: based on much reading and personal experience there's always a common theme and which is usually the fear of getting caught out (whether it be by neighbors, friends and family, but it's usually law enforcement so far as I can tell). I've wondered about this for absolute years. Why does it usually take the same form? There doesn't seem to be any studies done on this. Sure the Internet is full of what drugs can cause paranoia and psychosis but that doesn't really address the issue. Is it something innate or what and if so: anybody happy to hazard a guess as to what it is based on? I'd be inclined to guess that it's got something to do with fight or flight but why is law enforcement, or fear thereof, a common theme? That would only make sense to me if every single person that experienced paranoia had had a run in with law enforcement no? And in my case: that's never happened at least not insofar as narcotics is concerned. And curiously in my case: it was always the fear and paranoia of American Law Enforcement and I've never been to the US of A so have never had a run-in with them obviously (too many movies of series maybe and if that be the case sort of answers the dilemma i.e. conditioning maybe?).

For the sake of further explanation: what if you were to find some or the other dude on an island or jungle and that's been cut off from the Western world and then just kept lighting them up with Crack until they got paranoid... What would they be paranoid about? I'm guessing but I don't think it'd be law enforcement. Maybe about being eaten by wild animals? Dunno. Just hypothesizing.

Would love to see or do an experiment with an MRI scanner i.e. scan before administration and compare to scans once full blown paranoia and psychosis has set in. I mean there has to be a logical or physiological reason for this.
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I have never lost it like that, I have gotten really paranoid on psychedelics a couple of times but worked my way through it. On 2C-E when I had a +4, the most violent death I have ever had, I believed with 90% of my being that if the ego death completed (and it was imminent), I would destroy the universe, and I seriously contemplated killing myself with a kitchen knife, but the other 10% of me had enough oversight to not do that. That was the most out of control I have ever felt, but didn't totally lose it. I enjoy reading stories of people losing the plot, but I'm glad it's never happened to me. I've definitely seen some people at festivals lose it and run naked or be screaming and writhing and accosting people, etc.
Never quite hit that level (Lost my shit as a kid on an 8th of shrooms when I was suicidal, but I kept my clothes on).

But I do know someone who did off a tab of acid at a very busy park when we were teenagers. I heard the story secondhand later that night from a few friends who were there. He freaked out, attacked his ex-girlfriend (who he had recently broken up with), took off his clothes, screamed incoherently at a gang that almost stabbed him, spit on a police officer, and woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed. It took a toll on him for a while and I didn't hear from him much after that, but I believe his mental health got better after a couple months.

I know two other people who did this in their late teens.

The first is a friend who was on 2 tabs of 1P-LSD. He got paranoid about there being police outside and when he went back indoors he blacked out, started hallucinating cop cars in our friend's basement, tried to tackle some of our friends, trashed said friend's basement by spilling food and water everywhere, and then kept trying to take off his pants (When we told him to put them back on, he would.) He was stuck in a loop of repeating random names and words for hours on end. The friend whose house it was called me up at 1am and had me go over there to bring the remaining half of a K-pin he'd given me as a tripkiller. 40 minutes after the dude took the kpin, he was completely fine and back to normal. Luckily the bulk of the freakout happened indoors, so the main damage was a couple people being irritated with him for a few days for ruining their trip and a half hour of cleanup.

The second is another story I heard secondhand. A guy I knew was on 2 tabs of ETH-LAD. He started hallucinating venom coming out of this one chick's mouth, and ended up thinking that he was in a video game. I'm not 100% sure whether or not he took off his clothes, but he started running around and convinced himself that he was in a video game. Everyone was chasing him to try to give him a benzo and stop him from doing anything too stupid, but he hallucinated that they were all shadow people. I think they caught up with him eventually. He did drop a 10-strip of ETH-LAD somewhere, and nobody ended up finding it.

None of these people had much psychedelic experience (the 2 tabs of 1P guy had a decent amount of experience but not a ton, the other two only had a trip or two each under their belts), all started freaking out outdoors in public, all were struggling with their mental health/life issues, and all were pretty young (age 15-19).

Moral of the stories: Don't do large quantities of psychedelics in public with a large group of people, especially if your mental health isn't the greatest at the time, you are a teenager, and/or you are inexperienced with psychedelics.