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What does it feel like dying from opiates\opioids overdose?


Apr 13, 2013
Firstly this is purely out of curiosity nothing more.

Is it painless is it like drowning or something do you feel anything?
From what I gather it's like if you are very empathetic and you watch someone vomit from a first person perspective. But you are blacking parts of it. And if you realise too quickly you can become claustrophobic and begin to cease and spasm because you see your circling the drain slowly getting pulled into the vortex but its happening too quickly for you.

If that makes any sense.
drowning hurts, i want to say alot of things , just doesnt feel right
I overdosed twice accidentally but both times just blacked out and woke up after a while, once in a hospital but without marcan, its quite possible that when the OD is serious, your body might begin to mobilize all the adrenaline it can and make you consciously experience what's going to happen at first.

I read enough reports of people being still conscious and realizing they can't breathe correctly anymore for me not to consider opioids as an exit strategy anymore.
I overdosed twice accidentally but both times just blacked out and woke up after a while, once in a hospital but without marcan, its quite possible that when the OD is serious, your body might begin to mobilize all the adrenaline it can and make you consciously experience what's going to happen at first.

I read enough reports of people being still conscious and realizing they can't breathe correctly anymore for me not to consider opioids as an exit strategy anymore.

Jesus. I've overdosed like 9 times maybe that's why I'm so traumatized that's horrifying.

I personally would say I've never feared dying. But now that I think back on overdosing on fentanyl it is a very scary fucked up event.

The last overdose in particular I remember vividly being unable to breathe. Like no matter how hard I gasped was not enough oxygen for my body. I was violently shaking. It was fucking horrible.

I really thought I was fried. Brain dead.

Nothing is cool about not being able to breathe and turning blue / purple. fuck.
What does it feel like dying from anything?

If we could tell you, we wouldn't be dead.

But the only near fatal overdose I've experienced was the most intense rush of my life. Then waking up to a very pissed off doctor...
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Always thought an od from heroin be the best way to go now maybe not
Jesus. I've overdosed like 9 times maybe that's why I'm so traumatized that's horrifying.

I personally would say I've never feared dying. But now that I think back on overdosing on fentanyl it is a very scary fucked up event.

The last overdose in particular I remember vividly being unable to breathe. Like no matter how hard I gasped was not enough oxygen for my body. I was violently shaking. It was fucking horrible.

I really thought I was fried. Brain dead.

Nothing is cool about not being able to breathe and turning blue / purple. fuck.
Yeh, too unpredictable and usually involves other drugs to be effective.

I'd go for carbon monoxide myself...
If your asleep maybe , if your awake you know something bad going on cause you’ll get suddenly dizzy,head spins,pounding headache ,it all came on at the same time.

We were indoors working on a running van with the bottom of the garage door open about 12”, needless to say but it wasn’t open enough. We got lucky.
I've OD'ed 5 times - twice on dilaudid, twice on heroin, and once on speedballs. The dlaudid and smack OD's were all pretty much the same - I vaguely remember getting ready to hit, had the shot all ready, remember the alcohol smell.... 3 of the 4 times, the next thing I knew was waking up. One of them, I woke up lying on my bed (where I shot up) with a half empty syringe and the needle bent all the way over at a 90-degree angle, which was disturbing because my first thought was that it had happened in my arm, but there was no wound on the arm, so somehow I must have passed out halfway through the shot, then the needle came out, and I rolled over it. Thank god I only got half of the shot in, or I'm sure I wouldn't have woken up.

Two of the times, I just woke up several hours afterward, and realized I'd overdone it. No big deal, just stiff an sore from lying in a weird position form several hours. I don't remember the shot or the passing out at all.

The fourth of those 4 times was a little different. I remember I had a gram of this killer Afghan junk, a solid light beige chunk with darker and lighter speckles. That shit just rocked. The second time i got off on that dope, I severely underestimated how powerful it was. My wife and I were watching a movie in the bedroom, and I said I needed a bathroom break. I remember really quickly mixing up a shot, and even remember tying off and looking for the best vein... and then a split second later I'm feeling like I'm kind of rolling back and forth a little, feeling cold, and for some reason I'm looking up at these 3 or 4 guys in dark blue sweaters or jackets all looking down at me, with a fluorescent light behind their heads.... I hear a big engine roaring, and I wonder what the fuck is going on, and I realized I'm in an ambulance. Turned out I'd taken too long in the bathroom, so my wife came looking for me, and she couldn't get the bathroom door open on account of I was busy lying all across the entire bathroom floor. That one was a pretty close call.

The time I OD'd on a speedball was different, because the cocaine kept me me from passing out completely. So I was aware that I was OD'ing, but I was too loaded on the heroin to really do anything about it. The living room and the kitchen of that house were one big open area, and my friends were all playing poker at the kitchen table while I was getting off on the sofa. I knew I needed help, but couldn't talk or call out, so i was lying on the floor between the coffee table and sofa, and reaching up with one hand and banging on the table. I don't know how long that went on, but eventually I just gave out and everything went black. I could feel it going, and tried to make sure i was lying on my side or stomach so if I threw up I maybe wouldn't drown.

A few hours later, when I woke up, I dragged what was left of myself out into the kitchen ten feet away and asked my friends why the fuck they didn't do anything when I was trying to get their help. They looked bewildered; had no idea what I was talking about. I said, "I was right over there; didn't you hear me banging on that damned table?" They looked at each other for a moment, and one of them said, "Aw, shit, man... we thought you were trying to let us know you were OK!"

So yeah, that was the only one of the five I remember. It was a pretty disturbing feeling, because i assumed i was going to die, and as high as I was, I wasn't high enough not to care about that. I felt helpless, and scared, and just really really fucking sad. It was like I could feel the life slowly just.... not really draining out of me, but more like just coming to a stop. Like every little part of my body and my consciousness was a little machine or clock of some sort, and every one of their batteries were all running down and going dead at the same moment. And it just really, really fucking sucked. I felt very, very lonely and sad.
Yeh, too unpredictable and usually involves other drugs to be effective.

I'd go for carbon monoxide myself...
I've always thought that because I've never shot up if I wanted to end it all which tbh I have felt like recently but couldn't bare to do that to my gran after losing my dad(her son) it's been a real hard emotional time..

anyway I always assumed that if I wanted to just end it all I could just buy like an egg of the strong expensive high quality stuff put ALL of it in one shot pull the plunger then bam probably be done before I close my eyes speakers that what I assume it would be like I have been to what I feel like as close to od before you know when your having to force yourself to breathe one time in particular was the worst because I was finding it really hard to breathe I think the stuff might of had fentanyl in it because I've never not been able to breath like that couldn't barely even force myself to but that time it was like tryna breath through a tiny straw with a hole in it I really though I might have been a goner that night I went downstairs and say with my gran and told her to call an ambulance if I pass out then after an hour I just couldn't keep my eyes open so I went bed but told her to check on me etc at least turning point (the place you go to get on methadone or subs) give you free naxalone in case you od they also give you free foil which is surprisingly good quality and just the right size, foil that is specifically designed to smoke heroin on the irony isn't lost is it.
My experience from shooting heroin was a millisecond long feeling of falling then rushing blackness for another millisecond and then waking up hours later in an ER and vomiting for hours.

I don’t know if counts as ‘dying from heroin OD’ because I had shot up a great deal of speed an hour or so beforehand which the doctors said probably saved me from death or brain damage. Still it was not enough to stop the lights going out completely for a long time. Heroin/Opiates scare the fuck out of me.
My late friend had a smile on his face,
so I like to think it was peaceful
We still don't know if it was from heroin or his medication or both cuz the hospital had him on so much different shit anyway my dad was blue and his eyes were bulged open trying to give him cpr but trying to blow air into him resulted in him just coughing up more vomit but just kept spitting the vomit out and blowing air into him again and again desperately.. Fuck first time I've spoken about it but he was very ill from copd and other conditions in just glad he's not in pain anymore if I wanted to I could sue the bastards at the hospital making him wait months for an oxygen machine after his last one was faulty and then just giving him a dozen different medications that turned him into a zombie and probably is what killed him or contributed to it :(
My experience from shooting heroin was a millisecond long feeling of falling then rushing blackness for another millisecond and then waking up hours later in an ER and vomiting for hours.

I don’t know if counts as ‘dying from heroin OD’ because I had shot up a great deal of speed an hour or so beforehand which the doctors said probably saved me from death or brain damage. Still it was not enough to stop the lights going out completely for a long time. Heroin/Opiates scare the fuck out of me.
Fuck man I gotta sort my shit out I was doing so good before my dad died now my tolerance is sky high I'm in dept up to my eyeballs and my new keyworker is a cunt and cut me down from 60mg to 30mg methadone because I'd moved address and couldn't make it to the chemist and missed a few days which I've done before and they cut me down to 30 like they had to but let me to back up to 60mg over 5 days because they know obviously my tolerance is the same because I just substituted the methadone with heroin anyway but my new keyworker has no bloody sympathy even after losing my dad and even made me wait a week until I could get back on it and still tried to make me wait another week because I was 5 min late but their was no way I was leaving that building without a script lol when they are open again I'm asking for a new keyworker who hopefully isn't as stuck up and treats you like a scumbag.
Fuck man I gotta sort my shit out I was doing so good before my dad died now my tolerance is sky high I'm in dept up to my eyeballs and my new keyworker is a cunt and cut me down from 60mg to 30mg methadone because I'd moved address and couldn't make it to the chemist and missed a few days which I've done before and they cut me down to 30 like they had to but let me to back up to 60mg over 5 days because they know obviously my tolerance is the same because I just substituted the methadone with heroin anyway but my new keyworker has no bloody sympathy even after losing my dad and even made me wait a week until I could get back on it and still tried to make me wait another week because I was 5 min late but their was no way I was leaving that building without a script lol when they are open again I'm asking for a new keyworker who hopefully isn't as stuck up and treats you like a scumbag.
That sounds really fucked. It’s horrible to be at the mercy of bureaucrats and case workers anytime but especially when you are going through a real crisis that they cannot even begin to understand or empathise with.

Sounds like you are not in a great place. I hope things stabilise soon.