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Lysergamides Taking "large" doses of LSD multiple days in a row for mental health


Oct 29, 2018
Anyone ever experimented with taking say 100mics+ LSD for several days in a row? I'm not talking about for trippings sake - more of a experiement to see what effect it has on your mental health? Do tell.

I've taken big doses for the last 4 days and am feeling very positive and have a tremendous sense of wellbeing. (But then I would because I am on LSD all the fucking time arn't i...)
Yes. DON'T DO IT. Really....

It's just not worth it and you're going to experience way more side effects than benefit. The mental health benefits you get from the first trip, recurring trips aren't good for you and carry no benefit.

It's also dangerous. Repeatedly dosing psychedelics for a few months and my brain snapped, permanent psychosis.

It's simply just not worth it and would be a tremendous waste of good LSD.

You'll likely come out of a 7 day LSD binge with MORE mental issues than you had before, and it's a good way to give yourself HPPD.

The more time you have BETWEEN trips, the more benefit they give - not the other way around. That is my firm experience with 15+ years of lucy/psychedelics.
Oh you spoilsport!! 😀
I know :/

A few years ago I'd probably just say YOLO go for it.

But after what happened to me man... I would not wish drug induced psychosis on my worst enemy. Imagine a really bad stim psychosis that lasted 14 months :(

It can happen to anyone, and dosing LSD for 7 days in a row is pretty much playing Russian Roulette wish psychosis.

If you continue your journey, keep the doses low my friend.
placing your brain into a neurogenitive state for very very long periods of time and the benefit starts to turn into harm

like if an athlete that takes too many steroids
Im familiar with stims sending people round the loop but a pinch of lsd? To soar angelic? Are you protesting too much Negen?!
well my opinion is 2 parts:

1. Taking LSD the next day feels like a waste to me. No visuals, No fun... tolerance is crazy, it's just simply a waste of LSD to me, plus the side effects like vasoconstriction just get that much worse
2. I am just telling you what happened to me after taking LSD/shrooms very very frequently for months. It was the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced, so I can't really downplay it's possibility.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade but that's just my honest opinion, a dangerous way to waste good LSD :D

taking LSD again before 10 days is just a waste to me.
Yes but its not to trip on - its more to see if bathing your noggin in Hoffmans elixir does you any good. Im currently on my 4th day and Im farting in the bathtub and laughing to myself so all's going well so far!
Ismene the Juvenile Behavior Squad is at your door, they want your diary. Oh and they said no more LSD for you!!!

In the 80's I would get sheets of acid and trip days in a row. But doubled to keep the trip going. What happened to me is I got bored doing that as time went on and now I just get a few trips in a year. But just because I got bored does not mean someone else can't have issues. I realize we are a big varried race with all kinds of predispositions so what happens to me might not happen to others. Everyone is different. But I would heed Negen's advice as he is someone I consider more than sane, intelligent and literate and he still docimented some issues. So there you have it.I have also seen a few very sane friends go off the deep end from a trip too. They all came back and this was yearss ago, but I did see it.

Regardless if you have any more nuggets from your experiments throw them out in the thread Ismene.
Okay without going into a mere of the detail I would like lol, on this, cos very stoned, hypnotic Kadavu Kava, gross long sleep dep, and wow oh wow, miraculous healing, truly.

I would pinch my skin but I know when I'm NOT dreaming lol.

Doesn't work the other way.

I faced a seeming certain end, endured fire in hell, did not give up, have not just defied, survived. Much more. Doesn't matter now hopefully.

Severely severely exhausted. Dizzy, nauseaous, can't think long.

LSD CAN be taken consecutive days, working, like myself, January 25th it was I started this year, no tolerance.

1875 ug. 8 mg's in 18 days. Few days off.

I don't recall the day one trip! It merged.

Days on 930, 1130, cooh.

600 plug.

The most +++.. trip of those initial 18 days, day 17. 155 ug, in 3 even parts. One hour apart.

It was by far the most profound breakthrough trip of that period and in a way you wouldn't even expect if you had no tolerance at all by splitting a good but relatively moderate dose spreading out that way but it hit me higher than any other trip then.

Also, day 16, 200 plugged 50 oral. Was 250 +++, like what I would unlikely see from even 700 regularly, before, not even on day one. (Day one worked).

The important thing first you really need to be in the mood and up for it because there are days after I have tripped when I would never consider it because there's no way it could possibly work I just haven't the capacity or interest for the effects and experience at that time so this is a factor.

And also critically you need to basically neutralise the tolerance factor to a very relative degree but almost entirely this takes time it took me about 23 years but unlocks so much more potential for experience from LSD.

It's a con as well as a pro so do be mindful because your mind will be integrating and processing continuously without things becoming mute, had a fill.

And by reasoning if you do not experience a tolerance to LSD and take it very regularly at extremely high doses you should be much more prone to a little psychosis and mania and destabilisation possibly.

Just because it does not or cannot or has not worked for one does not mean it cannot work for somebody else.

@Ismene2 nice to see you in upbeat spirit man. I can totally tune into what you're saying and describing and I imagine feeling because I totally get it that's exactly why I have done this precise thing myself over and over so many times really getting into the spirit of it because once you learn to continually renew your conscious energy you can just keep accessing slightly different shades of the experience and it can vary in depth and nature each day without just becoming less and less actually in my experience the opposite occurred.

Whoops! I wasn't going to say anything but I just had to try and do the subject a little bit of justice from my own confident angle on this.

@dalpat077 hi, thanks for the shout. It gave me something useful to do I'm trying to be more useful. 🙂
@AutoTripper how do you get +++ after 16 consecutive days?

By day 3 there is nearly no visuals at all for me.

Idk how you guys are tripping like that. Tolerance goes crazy high. After 3 days all I feel is stimulation and vasoconstriction.
@AutoTripper how do you get +++ after 16 consecutive days?

By day 3 there is nearly no visuals at all for me.

Idk how you guys are tripping like that. Tolerance goes crazy high. After 3 days all I feel is stimulation and vasoconstriction.
I appreciate that. This is my point. That is your experience or at least expectations, so far, with respect. It was mine. In past, I had full tolerance acquisition.

600 ug would spark off a monumental trip. Next day, I redosed 300 a time 4 times once after that. Each dose was a little cloud up. No sleep though, still high, weed high too, in the headspace. 48 hours later, 2700 ug, did effectively nothing as far as in-experience effects go.

I was affected by it days following. Not bad, just more spacey, slow, chilled, dopey, cained.

January 2019 I started again after a few years off. Expecting massive limitations on how often I could trip significantly, with allergies to basically all other "drugs" (not including kava & weed)

Was confirmed. 200 ug, spectacle. 100, something but...300. (In 5 days) total disappointment and tease.

It actually depressed me at the time realising how little and infrequently I would be able to access the experience I was seeking on a very regular basis this time round specifically if possible any how.

So that I didn't trip again until August 2019.

Later 2019 I'll be going mini micro and macro dosing regularly almost daily just randomly all over the place with the doses and level of experience.

I continued this into 2020 and began macro dosing heavily by the middle of the year.

That was my 24 th year since first using LSD though. But I had already apparently unlocked something whereby literally any size dose could provide an ample and significant experience even my mini doses of 15 to 35 µg were substantial with no noticeable decline from day to day and over time

That initial 18 day heavy run starting what was to carry on, Jan/Feb, I swear, at no point did I have a mute experience, feel an ineffective dose.

I have actually experience that more with MDMA as well in the past attempting the same thing.

And that mere 155 ug dose of 17th day, was the standout trip, real breakthrough.

Altering. I don't mean because it was so confronting and bracing more the total change in the scenery and tone perceptually and experientiallly of my immediate external and internal environment in a way I knew it wasn't going to just reset it self so this is largely involving the consciousness not just laws of physics.

I don't mean you are implying anything so primitively that's not my meaning there.
Also, lol. Let's be clear first of all. It's not like in any way Simstene is actually asking for advice, assurance, deterrence here.

Maybe his question is being seen dually. HE knows his LSD, and I'm sure himself with it, as much as any of us I expect.

I took it him just sharing, asking if others get into the consecutive days experience often.
Ive done it several times att longer festivals.
Maybe to every day but about 5 times in a week or so.
So if you start with 200ug the first night, then day 5will be mg doses with less effects then what 1/10 did a few days ago.
Ive done +3mg's of good acid that barely did anything in THE end of a festival.

I dont recomend it, esp not often.
But my exp from doing it a bunch of times but with years apart.
Its probably not very harmful per se.

Ive usually also done some md,ket, 2cxyz's or whatever else pops up.
Its no way to live but once in awhile probably fine.
Ymmv though, i honestly think a regular stim binge is most likely worse for you in all ways.

You dont get any bad comedown after all that acid either.
Im usually just drained and feel like sleeping, but no anxiety or physical discomfort.
So if you start with 200ug the first night, then day 5will be mg doses with less effects then what 1/10 did a few days ago.
Ive done +3mg's of good acid that barely did anything in THE end of a festival.
this is generally my experience as well

You dont get any bad comedown after all that acid either.
Im usually just drained and feel like sleeping, but no anxiety or physical discomfort.
Yeah, if I'm up on acid for 2-3+ days I usually start to develop a headache from the vasoconstriction, combined with the tiredness it can be rather unpleasant, but nothing compared to other drug comedowns.

That "drained" feeling can be pretty heavy, but not particularly bad. Like being exhausted after running 3 miles, feels like you exerted your brain from the LSD.