Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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People suffering from this has nothing to do with the medication still being in their system. There is no way it’s still there 2 years later. It’s impossible. Even 1 year it would be out completely. We’re talking about actual brain damage. That’s very clear to me. The guy who started the thread is 5 years removed from his shot and hasn’t improved a lick. It’s brain damage
What’s the name of this guy who started the thread? Here there are people who have recovered but they are a few.. Me too I’m afraid there is a brain damage. I’m 3 months off but I don’t see life as before I’m afraid I won’t recover from this sh*t.. 😩😭
I think we’re all holding on to something which is clearly being demonstrated in front of our faces to be false hope. I think 99% of us have straight up brain damage and are never going to be the same. We might make some progress but life isn’t going to be fun.
People who recover say they live fullfilling life so its not true.
People suffering from this has nothing to do with the medication still being in their system. There is no way it’s still there 2 years later. It’s impossible. Even 1 year it would be out completely. We’re talking about actual brain damage. That’s very clear to me. The guy who started the thread is 5 years removed from his shot and hasn’t improved a lick. It’s brain damage

@n3ophy7e Just said a few pages ago that @QTpi has improved tremendously...
I think the injections are totally different. I don’t think enough studies have been done on the damage they cause. There’s definitely damage done to the brain when people are still suffering years after the shot. For me I can tell this isn’t the action of the drug anymore. It’s clearly brain damage.
Yeah but most people suffering years complain mostly about 3 things. 1 physical symptoms, 2 not being able to feel substances 3 the anhedonia. 2-3 correlate to problems with your reward system, people have anhedonia from other things not caused from antipsychotics and they cant feel substances either. It’s not enough damage in the reward system that you can’t live a normal life. You can still live a normal life with anhedonia or not feeling substances, it’s just somebody’s choice. What I consider actually brain damage from antipsychotics is Parkinson’s like movement symptoms and being a zombie like state not being able to work making you therefore disabled.
Thinking everything will be pre-invega is just false hope...its way better to think you will recover partially 80% or so
I had parkinsonism the first month i agree that invega causes brain damage its clearly obvious burning pain in the head etcetra.

After 6 months it shouldnt be in your system anymore
What’s the name of this guy who started the thread? Here there are people who have recovered but they are a few.. Me too I’m afraid there is a brain damage. I’m 3 months off but I don’t see life as before I’m afraid I won’t recover from this sh*t.. 😩😭
Narshe81 I believe
Ross boehm got physical and hormonal damage he never talks about anhedonia. His speech in each video is pretty coherent
Man where you getting this narshe81 guy from? The person that created this thread is QTpi lol.
Thread 1 was created by narsche he was on medchat as well he came back later about 5 years he was still suffering..scary prospect

Yeah but most people suffering years complain mostly about 3 things. 1 physical symptoms, 2 not being able to feel substances 3 the anhedonia. 2-3 correlate to problems with your reward system, people have anhedonia from other things not caused from antipsychotics and they cant feel substances either. It’s not enough damage in the reward system that you can’t live a normal life. You can still live a normal life with anhedonia or not feeling substances, it’s just somebody’s choice. What I consider actually brain damage from antipsychotics is Parkinson’s like movement symptoms and being a zombie like state not being able to work making you therefore disabled.
Not being able to feel substances is a clear indication that something is wrong with the brain
Man where you getting this narshe81 guy from? The person that created this thread is QTpi lol.
I guess qtpi only made this particular version ( like the abyss has versions ) they are speaking to the very first ( original invega thread). This is like the 3rd or 4th one. These guys are going way back in time for narshe. I just looked it up as i was wondering as well.
Man where you getting this narshe81 guy from? The person that created this thread is QTpi lol.
Go to thread #1. And when he came back 5 years later on thread # 4. I’ve done my research. That’s why I’ve concluded that you never really recover because of the sheer amount of people I have found not only on this thread but on comment on YouTube videos about it, other websites of people posting about it saying they’re still fucked up years later. I’m not pessimistic for no reason
People don’t research enough. They tend to read the very most recent posts and see 1 person say they feel a little better and that person isn’t even actually recovered. They still have issues that make their life not as enjoyable. They miss the hundreds of other people that aren’t even making any progress at all. When you actually look everywhere you can possibly look it becomes extremely clear that this is causing brain damage. That it isn’t anything to do with invega being in your system anymore
What’s the name of this guy who started the thread? Here there are people who have recovered but they are a few.. Me too I’m afraid there is a brain damage. I’m 3 months off but I don’t see life as before I’m afraid I won’t recover from this sh*t.. 😩😭
There are people who took 2 years to recover from seroquel...seems its all AP drugs that cause this
Ross boehm got physical and hormonal damage he never talks about anhedonia. His speech in each video is pretty coherent
He has high prolactin. Which is causes low T. He also had over 20 injections and was on ability. He also was on his 40s when he had the injections. There’s big difference in our cases from his.
Lifeline took 2 years to recover so did johhny...the drug is already gone after like 9 or 12 months its brain damage
People suffering from this has nothing to do with the medication still being in their system. There is no way it’s still there 2 years later. It’s impossible. Even 1 year it would be out completely. We’re talking about actual brain damage. That’s very clear to me. The guy who started the thread is 5 years removed from his shot and hasn’t improved a lick. It’s brain damage
Its why i think p-gp is so important since it pulls the invega out of the blood brain barrier. Obviously it wont get all of it.
Invega is basically 24 hour, 1 year long allergic reaction to the brain.
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