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AZ desert raves are riddled with fake LSD

From personal experience I never expect the same trip twice with any psychedelic or dissociative. It's always different.

The only psychedelic I did come to expect cookie cutter results from was DPT (I like high dose intranasal DPT and always expect that to feel like a heavy acid trip with a two hour duration), but even that is never really the same twice.

It's possible that you got some AL-LAD, ETH-LAD, or LSZ, but not super likely due to much higher costs. Also, those blotters are often labeled as what they contain from what I've seen.
Thank you for not immediately dismissing the concept. I've been going through this and trying to do the tests scientifically with A LOT of trial and error for years now. You brought up a really good point I forgot about.

With dosage in mind, most of the fake LSD we had hit way too early and the onsets were slow, one of the latest lasted almost two and half hours. Also the onset uncomfortableness like muscle tentions never went away on some of them. When it's real LSD once the onset is over, we would have significantly less muscle tensions.

Literally every aspect about these were different from real LSD other than they gave you a hallucination, but they were annoy and cumbersome instead of enhancing like real LSD.
Did you have some noticeable stimulation leftover after 10-12 hours?
Like, could you eat and sleep normally?
What about vasoconstriction?
I would never argue with someone’s subjective experience and I would always respect what they said they felt. As I do in this case.

However, I’d love to hear some educated speculation on what this “fake LSD” might actually be (by anyone)giving due consideration to a few of the following facts:

1. There are a finite number of psychoactive substances known to turn Ehrlich pink/purple (26 to my knowledge)
2. Only a subset of these are powerfully psychoactive in ug size doses you could fit on a blotter (I don’t know that number)
3. The subjective effects of all of these substances have been reported many times and are well known
4. For the most common LSD analogs people report trips as enjoyable and often more visually overpowering than regular LSD
5. Threshold doses of LSD (<approx 80 ug) have been shown in research to give negative experiences not unlike OP described (making OP simply getting low dose trips a possibility)
6. In the US the cost of a single 100 ug blotter from the two biggest and most reliable online vendors is about the price of a Starbucks coffee with next day delivery making counterfeiting a pretty low margin business.
7, Laboratory drug testing globally has for the last several years shown LSD to be getting more pure and more potent, though there have been a few noticeable periods where fake shit (usually nbome) emerged for a while in a particular geography. But as a % of total trips sold/consumed it is completely negligible.
8. The analogs of LSD are enjoyable and in demand so they are usually advertised and sold as what they actually are (i.e as ETH-LAD and not falsely advertised as LSD.

Also, in terms of subjective experience, mine is different to OP. Even though I don’t make a lot of effort to create special and consistent set and setting I can get totally different experiences from blotters from the same sheet. This has happened too many times to count. The most common difference is that one trip from a sheet might feel highly activating and I’ll want to get up and be bouncing around in wonder and joy at everything I see as I go wandering out of the house. Then the next one might knock me flat on my ass and I find it very difficult to do much but lie there and let it all happen in my head and heart nbd thoughts and feelings.

I also lose the visual effects of acid but can still get aq lot of the cognitive and emotional effects of acid if I take it too frequently and I don’t really think of the visual hallucinations of LSD to be the most significant or remarkable or desirable part of a trip. I mean I always like to have them, but if I don’t have them I do not straight away presume it was bad acid and think the trip was wasted.

It's possible that you got some AL-LAD, ETH-LAD, or LSZ, but not super likely due to much higher costs. Also, those blotters are often labeled as what they contain from what I've seen.
AL-LAD: no reaction on Hoffman. Turns Gallic purple. Shorter lasting. Bit weaker than LSD. More visuals. Less deep emotionally.
ETH-LAD: same results as LSD for both Ehrlich and Hofmann. But trips are usually described as more intense than LSD.
LSZ: usually described as considerably stronger than LSD. No info anywhere on reagent results besides Ehrlich (same as LSD)

None of them really match the shallow disappointing experience described by OP.
Did you have some noticeable stimulation leftover after 10-12 hours?
Like, could you eat and sleep normally?
What about vasoconstriction?

Most of the fake LSD are not exactly the same, I did stay up longer and didn't want to eat afterwards, but it's hard to tell if it's because of the drugs or because of the massive disappointment 😂

I don't usually record exactly how long the effects last once I confirm it's not LSD. I'll check with my friends and note it next time. If the stimulation does linger after 10-12 hours what does it imply?

As I mentioned the muscle tensions never really go away for a lot of these fake ones. Especially my legs, I would feel very cringy and weak the whole time and need to constantly stretch my legs and curl my toes most of the trips. On real LSD the onset tensions are hard too but it goes away once the onset is over. I took 2 tabs in Vegas and when it started to hit I had to sit down, but once the onset is over I can walk around the strip not even noticing the slight muscle tension.
lol ok bud
I think you might have misunderstood me. I’m not calling you shallow. But the way you described what the “fake LSD” trip felt like seems best captured by the adjective “shallow” as opposed to “deep” which is how you described what you expect real LSD to be like.

You seem to have taken offence? I haven’t questioned your experience and have just been chatting in the thread trying to help work out what you might have been taking if it wasn’t LSD. No personal judgement of you at all.
Most of the fake LSD are not exactly the same, I did stay up longer and didn't want to eat afterwards, but it's hard to tell if it's because of the drugs or because of the massive disappointment 😂

I don't usually record exactly how long the effects last once I confirm it's not LSD. I'll check with my friends and note it next time. If the stimulation does linger after 10-12 hours what does it imply?

As I mentioned the muscle tensions never really go away for a lot of these fake ones. Especially my legs, I would feel very cringy and weak the whole time and need to constantly stretch my legs and curl my toes most of the trips. On real LSD the onset tensions are hard too but it goes away once the onset is over. I took 2 tabs in Vegas and when it started to hit I had to sit down, but once the onset is over I can walk around the strip not even noticing the slight muscle tension.

LSD has a shorter duration than other psychedelic drugs that are commonly found on blotter, DOB and DOM.
Also, if I take more than 1 LSD tab at once, the duration of the experience doesn't change much, while with DOB and DOM the more you take the longer the experience becomes.
Muscular tension and vasoconstriction are stronger with DOX compounds than it is with LSD IME.

Maybe next time test the tabs with more reagents so you can see if you get a positive for any of those compounds.
They are not selling ETH-LAD, AL-LAD or LSD analogues, almost 0% chance. And even if it were acid analogues the difference would be negligible as they are extremely similar. And really, nobody is bringing ETH-LAD to AZ desert raves =D let alone to sell, year after year, and in all possible forms.

And since Ehrlich turned purple.... it must be acid.

You would not be saying the things you say about the "acid" that makes it "fake acid" if you had a DOx or an NBOx.
AL-LAD: no reaction on Hoffman. Turns Gallic purple. Shorter lasting. Bit weaker than LSD. More visuals. Less deep emotionally.
This is anecdotal obviously, but me and a few friends think that AL LAD has some sort of anxiolytic effect, like you can't really feel uncomfortable/panicky on it.
Me and a friend literally got arrested in front of a club and brought to a police station for a strip search and questioning while on AL LAD and normally that would have been very uncomfortable but we stayed chill throughout and went back to the club right after.
I'll just throw this out there - i usually grab a sheet or split a sheet with a friend....and i'll feel like there's variation throughout a sheet....but realistically, im probably the variable - not the sheet

sometimes i hallucinate way better or more than other times - same sheet...

I think you might have misunderstood me. I’m not calling you shallow. But the way you described what the “fake LSD” trip felt like seems best captured by the adjective “shallow” as opposed to “deep” which is how you described what you expect real LSD to be like.

You seem to have taken offence? I haven’t questioned your experience and have just been chatting in the thread trying to help work out what you might have been taking if it wasn’t LSD. No personal judgement of you at all.
Well thank you for placating me. It's frustrating when you complain about fake LSD and people immediately shut you down, telling you it's all in your head and question the very concept, as if they are my dealers.

I'm an artist so I'm very keen on visual changes. Here is how I would describe real LSD VS some of the fake ones (consensus amongst people who have also taken them). maybe someone will recognize what some of these burdens. These are all experiences taking at home with the exact same set and setting.

Real LSD: coming up is somewhat cringy and legs get shaky and weak, after come up most of the discomfort goes away. Colors look juicy and saturated, sharp lines will shimmer with iridescents, color where there should be none, open eye visuals are smooth, patterns and shapes repeat, It draws out depth making images look extra 3D. Adds realistic movements on still images. Everything just seems interesting and friendly. Music sounds INCREDIBLE and closed eye visuals are colorful and would change with the music.

Fake 1: the worst hallucinogen we have ever taken. Colors muted, no closed eye visuals despite "tripping balls", we have open eye visuals but they are hard to focus on, just things shifting around. Music sounds horrible, even songs we liked sounds unfamiliar and distant. It made us depressed and that feeling lingered for weeks afterwards.

Fake 2: came in little green pyramid gels and very strong. Come up starts fast and super cringy but never goes away. Colors are desaturated by fifty percent and made everything (including white) look brown. The open eye movement is just blury. Also made us feel unusually sick which also never happens when we are on real LSD. Trying to convey simple shit became a chore, music doesn't sound like anything good or bad.

Fake 3: Come up starts early. Strong visuals but closer to when you stand up too fast, feeling light headed and about to pass out, making the hallucinations hard to look at. Colors, music didn't change.

Fake 4: It put me in an extremely good mood. Patterns will smooth together rather than become more complex, Dense parts of patterns become just dark spots in vision. Makes turquoise and green colors pop but not other colors. It has some very purple iridescent across white only. We see green in places that are not green. Pulls out 3D shapes but also gives it a oily shiny fake look. Everything looks foreign and creepy (to an interesting and almost fun degree) exact opposite of real LSD. Music also unaffected.

Fake 5: Came in blue pyramid gels with gold flakes. This one is the only one that has closed eye visuals that change with music, but they're dim and desaturated. I see a lot of patterns with open eyes but they make everything look flat. The onset takes almost two and half hours, during which the vision gets very bright and it's cumbersome to look at anything. Once the onset is over some colors look jucier than normal. Some songs sounds more enhanced than others. It's not entirely unpleasant to take but the trip seems to be worse with higher doses.
Well thank you for placating me. It's frustrating when you complain about fake LSD and people immediately shut you down, telling you it's all in your head and question the very concept, as if they are my dealers.

I'm an artist so I'm very keen on visual changes. Here is how I would describe real LSD VS some of the fake ones (consensus amongst people who have also taken them). maybe someone will recognize what some of these burdens. These are all experiences taking at home with the exact same set and setting.

Real LSD: coming up is somewhat cringy and legs get shaky and weak, after come up most of the discomfort goes away. Colors look juicy and saturated, sharp lines will shimmer with iridescents, color where there should be none, open eye visuals are smooth, patterns and shapes repeat, It draws out depth making images look extra 3D. Adds realistic movements on still images. Everything just seems interesting and friendly. Music sounds INCREDIBLE and closed eye visuals are colorful and would change with the music.

Fake 1: the worst hallucinogen we have ever taken. Colors muted, no closed eye visuals despite "tripping balls", we have open eye visuals but they are hard to focus on, just things shifting around. Music sounds horrible, even songs we liked sounds unfamiliar and distant. It made us depressed and that feeling lingered for weeks afterwards.

Fake 2: came in little green pyramid gels and very strong. Come up starts fast and super cringy but never goes away. Colors are desaturated by fifty percent and made everything (including white) look brown. The open eye movement is just blury. Also made us feel unusually sick which also never happens when we are on real LSD. Trying to convey simple shit became a chore, music doesn't sound like anything good or bad.

Fake 3: Come up starts early. Strong visuals but closer to when you stand up too fast, feeling light headed and about to pass out, making the hallucinations hard to look at. Colors, music didn't change.

Fake 4: It put me in an extremely good mood. Patterns will smooth together rather than become more complex, Dense parts of patterns become just dark spots in vision. Makes turquoise and green colors pop but not other colors. It has some very purple iridescent across white only. We see green in places that are not green. Pulls out 3D shapes but also gives it a oily shiny fake look. Everything looks foreign and creepy (to an interesting and almost fun degree) exact opposite of real LSD. Music also unaffected.

Fake 5: Came in blue pyramid gels with gold flakes. This one is the only one that has closed eye visuals that change with music, but they're dim and desaturated. I see a lot of patterns with open eyes but they make everything look flat. The onset takes almost two and half hours, during which the vision gets very bright and it's cumbersome to look at anything. Once the onset is over some colors look jucier than normal. Some songs sounds more enhanced than others. It's not entirely unpleasant to take but the trip seems to be worse with higher doses.
I've heard about gold flakes being the good stuff from people here that would know, but I thought that was blotter not gels. Perhaps I misunderstood the conversation when it was being discussed.

The last time I did any acid was like 6 years ago and I got it from Europe off the DN so I'm out of the loop.

I've had acid blotters that didn't even produce visuals before, but I didn't doubt that it was acid because it distinctly felt like a lysergamide (as opposed to a tryptamine or phenethylamine body high).

Have you ever tried any psychedelic tryptamines or phenethylamines to compare with? Lysergamides have a very distinct body high. Only two things have ever made me feel that way... LSD and LSA.

I don't think LSA is even potent enough to lay on blotters so that leaves LSD.
Thanks @Paperhead for the detailed descriptions of all these experiences. It’s very helpful for understanding what we are talking about here. I’d really love to help you (and all the other interested observers here) know what substances you actually consumed in these scenarios.

In most of them I can now definitely understand why you’d be thinking fake or bad LSD (provided you had no tolerance. LSD might make you feel a bit like some of what you described if you were taking it day afrer day and doubling up your dose each day).

But while I have lots ofexperience eating blotters I’ve never even seen a gel claiming to be acid and know nothing about what might fit on them.

Although we cannot discuss sourcing, don’t be completely disheartened though. Lots of BL’ers in the US are managing to find great acid and as I said in an earlier post the stuff I sourced direct from the US gave the kind of beautiful trip you’ve described as your ideal. So it is out there.

All the best and good luck.
Well thank you for placating me. It's frustrating when you complain about fake LSD and people immediately shut you down, telling you it's all in your head and question the very concept, as if they are my dealers.

I'm an artist so I'm very keen on visual changes. Here is how I would describe real LSD VS some of the fake ones (consensus amongst people who have also taken them). maybe someone will recognize what some of these burdens. These are all experiences taking at home with the exact same set and setting.

Real LSD: coming up is somewhat cringy and legs get shaky and weak, after come up most of the discomfort goes away. Colors look juicy and saturated, sharp lines will shimmer with iridescents, color where there should be none, open eye visuals are smooth, patterns and shapes repeat, It draws out depth making images look extra 3D. Adds realistic movements on still images. Everything just seems interesting and friendly. Music sounds INCREDIBLE and closed eye visuals are colorful and would change with the music.

Fake 1: the worst hallucinogen we have ever taken. Colors muted, no closed eye visuals despite "tripping balls", we have open eye visuals but they are hard to focus on, just things shifting around. Music sounds horrible, even songs we liked sounds unfamiliar and distant. It made us depressed and that feeling lingered for weeks afterwards.

Fake 2: came in little green pyramid gels and very strong. Come up starts fast and super cringy but never goes away. Colors are desaturated by fifty percent and made everything (including white) look brown. The open eye movement is just blury. Also made us feel unusually sick which also never happens when we are on real LSD. Trying to convey simple shit became a chore, music doesn't sound like anything good or bad.

Fake 3: Come up starts early. Strong visuals but closer to when you stand up too fast, feeling light headed and about to pass out, making the hallucinations hard to look at. Colors, music didn't change.

Fake 4: It put me in an extremely good mood. Patterns will smooth together rather than become more complex, Dense parts of patterns become just dark spots in vision. Makes turquoise and green colors pop but not other colors. It has some very purple iridescent across white only. We see green in places that are not green. Pulls out 3D shapes but also gives it a oily shiny fake look. Everything looks foreign and creepy (to an interesting and almost fun degree) exact opposite of real LSD. Music also unaffected.

Fake 5: Came in blue pyramid gels with gold flakes. This one is the only one that has closed eye visuals that change with music, but they're dim and desaturated. I see a lot of patterns with open eyes but they make everything look flat. The onset takes almost two and half hours, during which the vision gets very bright and it's cumbersome to look at anything. Once the onset is over some colors look jucier than normal. Some songs sounds more enhanced than others. It's not entirely unpleasant to take but the trip seems to be worse with higher doses.

Some of the visuals that you described made me think about the difference in tolerance between LSD and psychedelic amphetamines:
you can trip on LSD at moderate dosages every 3-4 days without the experience being dramatically diminished, but you can't do that with psychedelic amphetamines of the DOX and NBOMe/NBOH families, you need 1 or 2 weeks to reset your tolerance from those.
I noticed that if you try to trip back to back weekends on psychedelic amphetamines you end up being let down in similar ways from any hallucinogen of any class.
You are so new to the psychedelic scene it hurts to read this. You really equate LSD with a Tylenol? Psychedelics by their very nature are malleable and change based on our set and setting. Yes cocaine gives you the same effect more often than not, that’s why it’s used addictively and often. Psychedelics aren’t used so often for the exact opposite reason, one needs a proper set and setting for them to give the experience we seek.

You obviously have this all figured out so good luck with all that shitty fake LSD. When you finally get to integrating some of those experiences and learning from them you’ll find your trips will be much more like the “real” LSD you miss.

Cute how you scoff at everyone’s well informed posts yet have zero clue what this fake LSD is, the current market, any of it.

Don’t be too hard on the guy. We have dozens of very similar posts from people expressing a similar insistence they know what’s what about drug purity for several different types of drugs and new ones appear regularly. How many times has a greenlighter’s first post been 1,000 words on ‘Bullshit Fake Cartel Meth” or old clubbier letting us young folks know that if only we’d been around in the 90s we would have known what real MDMA was like.

I totally believe the subjective experience of all these posters but I don’t understand why they almost never engage with the technical, scientific, practical, discussions and recommendations that lot’s of good-willed members make in reply to their posts. Even if it’s the 100th person to post THE TRUTH ABOUT n-ISO this year for example, a dozen people jump into the discussion and trying ad find novel ways to validate the claim - but the OP has usually vanished by then.

It’s a BL trope across multiple drug types. Although I don’t really remember to many examples of it happening amongst the opiate crowd.
taking lsd for visuals will always led to disappoiment. You have to go within not looking outside. Thats when the real trip begins

Now that I’ve fully experienced what ketamine does in terms of visions and hallucinations I would barely even describe LSD as a visual hallucinogenic anymore. I mean it’s super nice to experience that intensely and deeply rich sparkle and glow of a beautiful morning or evening. But I think I rate the time distortions, synaesthesia, emergence of lost long term memories, restoration of episodic memory, resolution of emotional issues/trauma, the chance to truly experience catharsis, and a few other things along those lines as way more significant and valuable than watching my walls breathe or finding my Persians carpet tries too swim up the hallway every time I take my eyes off it. But that smaller peripheral stuff is all still neat and I always feel grateful when it forms a part of the whole trip.