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Who here has experienced a truthful, Kundalini awakening?


Jul 20, 2021
Anybody else here experience an awakening? A proper real awakening, as in you have energy coursing through your body(meridians).

In 2018, I had an insanely large blast of Energy up my spine and through my skull. After that I woke up one day with energy rising up my legs pretty violently. Because I had done prior research on how to master and move energy, it was like second nature to me.

I eventually had a burning sensation at the base of my spine…I raised that energy to my brain and like a symbiote it connected to my brain.
I instantly had increased strength, louder voice, increased consciousness, and a stronger electromagnetic aura, along with a sensitivity in my palms and soles of my feet to vibrations. I also had the “cool breeze” phenomenon which is kinda weird at first but awesome because every time you think about certain things and come to a solid conclusion, like a truth detector you get a breeze on top of your forehead.

Kundalini is 100% real, but you need to realize that most yoga masters and people that say they have experienced kundalini are full of it. A lot of the information on the net is also fake. It’s hard for me because my loved ones would think I was crazy so I have to keep the whole thing tight lipped.

My awakening was DRUG induced FYI. I transitioned safely without any psychosis whatsoever.

There are 2 ways kundalini can be raised, from the stomach up to the brain, or from the base of the spine up to the brain. You can also have both of them synergistically running at the same time. It’s awesome how powerful this energy is.

I know for a lot of people this would be hard to comprehend as real, but trust me it is.

With all the drug users on this forum, I’m sure there has to be some that have been down the same road I have.
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I tried but I got a 5 year long kundalini syndrome misdiagnosed as schizophrenia
@LaCuNa I've always been interested in kundalini and wondered how much truth there was to it. How would a beginner learn?

I've always been skeptical of the people reporting "DMT like states"
I had partial kundalini movements from childhood onward that were spontaneous. I didn't experience full kundalini until my late 20's when I was doing regular high-dose LSD trips while listening to spiritual music. I was also an acupuncture student at that time, doing a lot of traditional energy work plus my own profound experiments. I can pretty much summon kundalini at will now, but I don't do it often because I find it too depleting. It does connect you to higher/altered consciousness, but it costs vital energy. Also I just don't see the point. There's nowhere to go really... I am still in this finite human form and no amount of psychonaut adventures will change that, for now. I feel like I blew my cosmic wad in my 20's from being addicted to kundalini and now doing it too much leaves me drained. Nonetheless, I went through an obsessional period of studying the energy dynamics of kundalini from multiple sources, and even learned an acupuncture system to help build the Antakharana and what not. It was a fun time in life with little awareness of the consequences...

Mainly, that once you unlock certain awarenesses, you can't put the genii back in the bottle. I took for granted that I was becoming more and more sensitive, more aware, more inclined to purity and disinclined to impurity. And yet I live in a degenerate human society filled with all kinds of energetic filth and problems. Things happened the way they did and I don't have any true regrets, but I relate to the warnings given by yogic practitioners who say that kundalini should be approached with caution. Enlightenment is a state of being, not a destination, and you get nothing for it. I still had to live in the world, go to school, create a career, pass my board exams, and try to do normal human things while feeling like my consciousness was stretched vertically across 10 dimensions. Not exactly practical.

The vedic warnings about being too attached to psychic phenomena are real. Once the granthi of the third eye is unlocked, you can't unsee that shit and in many ways it makes life 10x harder. If your lower chakras and especially root are not developed and anchored, you will have the added problem of being detached from normal reality on a regular basis. Some call this psychosis. I had unfortunate experiences with that here and there, but fortunately I was doing LSD in a community of people who understood the spiritual medicalism of it and helped me to fix it pronto. That said, I never bothered heeding the advice about how you should work on the lower chakras first before going full throttle with the upper ones. I was chomping at the bit to be as "cosmic" as possible via psychedelics that I did LSD almost every time it was offered. My upper chakras have been active for most of my life so I figured why not. But the lower chakras connect with things like... taking care of your body (eating, sleeping, movement, self-care), getting a job, making money, getting yourself materially sorted, personality identity, having healthy relationships, being materially creative and generative, appreciating and believing in your physical form, etc. Yeah... good luck doing all that once you've blasted your kundalini channel open with psychedelics.

Things happen the way they do for a reason and I don't think everyone who experiences kundalini awakening is meant to do it in a proscribed way, but the proscribed way does have merits. Like... you get to have your material life, relationships and base nature really grounded before you take off into the stratosphere. I would have massive kundalini openings while on acid and then one or two days later have to go to school and fulfill a lot of responsibility. Talk about jarring! I don't know how I managed it all, to tell you the truth.

Don't go dissolving your ego if you haven't finished developing it yet. You just might need it.
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I thought Kundalini was a type of yoga..is it not? Or not just that?
@LaCuNa I've always been interested in kundalini and wondered how much truth there was to it. How would a beginner learn?

I've always been skeptical of the people reporting "DMT like states"
Well mine was drug activated. Didn’t ever do yoga or any breathing exercises, it just kinda happened.

When you got kundalini energy raised and flowing through the top of your head it does indeed make you feel high…like you feel so high and mighty…and any cravings for drugs are truly diminished.

It also greatly affects your senses, gives you a heightened perception. It also gives you the ability to feel sound vibrations through your hands and feet.

It also cleanses your body of toxins and causes the loss of body fat(probably because your metabolism becomes ramped up).

Everything you could previously do becomes more effective. Hence louder voice, higher strength, more endurance, faster running etc.

Kundalini is pure energy. When you got it raised to your head you got an electrical current established and going. I love the feeling, it’s so powerful and makes you feel like some kind of Demi-god….literally brain steroids.

Oh and the current affects your genitals too. My penis is 10x more sensitive and powerful. The effect on your genitals is even more powerful than anabolic steroids. I can shoot cum like a watergun. I previously was looking into foreskin restoration, but with this there’s absolutely no need. Shit’s fucking ridiculous.

Your body runs on bioelectricity, kundalini is pure energy and increases your bodies maximum bioelectrical current. Therefore everything you do is more powerful/effective.

If you want more info and direction, google: Bioelectical current & kundalini. Kundalini & auras.
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Well mine was drug activated. Didn’t ever do yoga or any breathing exercises, it just kinda happened.

When you got kundalini energy raised and flowing through the top of your head it does indeed make you feel high…like you feel so high and mighty…and any cravings for drugs are truly diminished.

It also greatly affects your senses, gives you a heightened perception. It also gives you the ability to feel sound vibrations through your hands and feet.

It also cleanses your body of toxins and causes the loss of body fat(probably because your metabolism becomes ramped up).

Everything you could previously do becomes more effective. Hence louder voice, higher strength, more endurance, faster running etc.

Kundalini is pure energy. When you got it raised to your head you got an electrical current established and going. I love the feeling, it’s so powerful and makes you feel like some kind of Demi-god….literally brain steroids.

Oh and the current affects your genitals too. My penis is 10x more sensitive and powerful. The effect on your genitals is even more powerful than anabolic steroids. I can shoot cum like a watergun. I previously was looking into foreskin restoration, but with this there’s absolutely no need. Shit’s fucking ridiculous.

Your body runs on bioelectricity, kundalini is pure energy and increases your bodies maximum bioelectrical current. Therefore everything you do is more powerful/effective.
Your penis is more..powerful??!😳
Anabolic steroids give you a teeny weenie just fyi.
Your penis is more..powerful??!😳
Anabolic steroids give you a teeny weenie just fyi.
I was bodybuilding for 7 years and took PEDs. Steroids(if done correctly) make your dick slightly bigger/stronger. The urge to have sex is dramatically increased.
I was bodybuilding for 7 years and took PEDs. Steroids(if done correctly) make your dick slightly bigger/stronger. The urge to have sex is dramatically increased.
And how do you do steroids 'correctly'? It's an intramuscular injection..
And how do you do steroids 'correctly'? It's an intramuscular injection..
That’s right. But you have to have bloodwork done, you have to know the right dosages and combinations to take…there’s a best way to take them and then there’s the worst way(which causes problems).

Some steroids increase prolactin, prolactin will make your dick small and ruin sexual function unless you correct it with the proper medication.

anyways let’s try not to get too offtopic
I once met a bodybuilder who would just whip his dick out at parties. It was fucking HUGE elephant trunk shit. Anytime someone commented he would quickly say in a thick new York accent "yeah but the shit don't even work, I did too many steroids"

Like that was his way to warn people about steroids. Interesting guy. Wonder what happened to him
I once met a bodybuilder who would just whip his dick out at parties. It was fucking HUGE elephant trunk shit. Anytime someone commented he would quickly say in a thick new York accent "yeah but the shit don't even work, I did too many steroids"

Like that was his way to warn people about steroids. Interesting guy. Wonder what happened to him
There’s different ways his sexual organs can be defective. This might happen after years and years of abuse and always being on blasting AAS.
There’s different ways his sexual organs can be defective. This might happen after years and years of abuse and always being on blasting AAS.
yeah he openly talked about his excessive steroid use and warned people
I know for a lot of people this would be hard to comprehend as real, but trust me it is.

What spiritual or moral insight did you experience when your two brain hemispheres went into synch?

Mine instructed to think more demographically.
