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Social Post something negative about weed


May 30, 2021
There seems to be too many people thinking weed is harmless, or perfect, or a wonder drug.

I love weed, but the above just isn’t true, weed is an addictive drug, albeit a relatively harmless one.

I believe the way people view pot makes those who are addicted to it more hesitant to ask for help, because they fear ridicule.

Please post something bad about weed to try to offset this. Seriously, it’s like the polar opposite of how people view Methamphetamine or glue sniffers.
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Weed and low productivity is an issue. As a youth I loved being alone and exploring weed, but in retrospect I think it lowered my overall get up and go enthusiasm even for subjects I loved. I identified with complainers and had to work very hard not to be a grumpy old man by age 30.
Of course, any adolescent will be grumpy and ornery - so maybe it just made me better at what I was supposed to be.

Now at nearly 70 I have to say it helped change my character a lot, fortunately I also liked yoga and meditation and never lost my interest in science - in being a neutral observer - which it can also help develop.

the favorite in my mind is lysergamides, but thc mixed with - both at moderate dosages - I find to be a great thing to help my 'sunny disposition'
I have mostly good things to say about weed. It helped me open up earlier in my life and is a very forgiving drug (for me at least).

That said, it has a bunch of subtle risks. Chronic weed use leads to more anxiety and less clarity of thought. It's also insidious enough that you might not realize it. Best used in moderation.
Makes me paranoid and gives anxiety ! All my troubles and worries rise up from my stomach into my chest area until I can barely breath from the anxiety and worry !
Can also ruin your diet and healthy eating; makes you want to eat junk food . Makes you lazy …
There seems to be too many people thinking weed is harmless, or perfect, or a wonder drug.

I love weed, but the above just isn’t true, weed is an addictive drug, albeit a relatively harmless one.

I believe the way people view pot makes those who are addicted to it more hesitant to ask for help, because they fear ridicule.

Please post something bad about weed to try to offset this. Seriously, it’s like the polar opposite of how people view Methamphetamine or glue sniffers.
Weed would be the least of my worries from someone yourself who said anyone who uses less than a gram of MDMA sucks horse dick in your own words in the social MDMA thread
I don't like cannabis nearly as much as I used to when I was younger.

Also I see a lot of "stoner culture", and those people who's entire personality is stoner shit really cringey. It's usually younger people.
weed made me finish school one year after than the normal time, plus it has made my grades go down significantly, made me lazy, the usual. but i was kinda naive when i started doing cannabis.
plus it made me a wanker.
takes up a lot of time and money isn't productive
reduces productivity(generally for me) and memory problems related to being stoned.
It triggered my bi-polar disorder as a teenager, ruined my promising career as a debater and public speaker because I couldn’t’ remember anything, killed my social development because it made me withdrawn, and almost ruined every other type of drug by making me paranoid and anxious whenever I tried to get high.

I fucking hate weed. It blocked my emotions and prevented me from healing quickly from childhood trauma. It totally changed the trajectory of my very promising young life. When it was done with me there wasn’t any reason not to take harder drugs. i had fuck all left to lose.
I definitely became dependent on weed and addicted to it. I think it can be fiendishly addictive to young people who have suffered childhood trauma. Then it is definitely a gateway drug to other substances,
Its true, but in those circs any drug that is the first will likely act accordingly

Back on topic, I've encountered someone who was sectioned age 18 after their first ever toke on weed. Verrry rare I know. Person recovered, and then exact same thing again when they were 22-ish. That's pretty negative. Person is mid 30's now fully recovered.

Pure medicine for some, hugely problematic for others. Can easily be both for a single person. so many variables.