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Can weed look bad but hit really hard?


Aug 15, 2021
I wanted to try some hindu kush because i saw it was one of the original strains of kush and I've been smoking awhile and was just curious about it. I got some purple hindu kush from my vendor and the guy usually gives me really good stuff but this time it just looks like straight up mids, it has a lot of leafy, kinda darker color, not crazy looking with little bits of purple and i kinda thought it was just shitty weed but I googled it and a lot of the buds look the similar and I think it's just because it's an older strain and the newer ones are specifically bred to look good and make a ton of frost.

A lot of people used to always say you need to smoke it to tell if weed is good or not but it seems like now if anything isn't purple, covered in frost, dense, and perfectly trim,ed everyone just dismisses it off as mid or garbage. Supposed to be a pure indica strain. I don't have a chance to smoke it right now and i already smoked a cart earlier but would be really nice to some old school mid looking shit hit hard.

It looks good with the flash on but in person it looks brown with stems and some 90s looking weed lol
nice looking weed can hit like shit and shitty weed can hit nice. depends on the thc levels among other things, but not how pretty it is. that doesn’t look bad at all lol better than the dispensary weed where i live. why not smoke it and find out yourself?
Way back in like 2001 I was walking my dog with a friend (a Danish foreign exchange student) and I looked down and found a baggie full of weed!! It looked terrible though. It was straight up brown and looked all dried up and dilapidated. I rolled a joint that night and we smoked the whole thing thinking it was garbage weed.

Then all of a sudden things were different. We were laughing like crazy and things happened like my vision being filled with tiny colored school buses. My friend ate a whole bag of chocolates in like 4 minutes. It was crazy.

We began to suspect PCP or something. It was the only thing we had heard of weed being laced with back then.

I still don't know if I got that high off the worst looking weed you can imagine or if something else was on it. I've tried 3 and 4 methoxy pcp and it was nothing like that experience.

At least in the pic that looks halfway decent.
Looks like it could be an Indica strain. I’m not sure what you usually get but that’s not horrible, but I agree I’d be a bit upset compared to what I’m used to if I was offered that. Just looks poorly dried and cured to me.

some of the best weed i have had was the worst looking and smelled like hay. took four big hits off a bong. and it was about 3 hits too many i couldn't even think about standing up for a good hour. first 20 min i couldn't even turn my head without getting a little queasy. would love to find more of that
Weed that "looks bad" is usually outdoor grow, and therefore in many cases the best weed you will be able to get. There are some reasons for this, but the obvious one ofc is that it's (often) not tempered with, because the profit is already so big from growing oneself that it makes almost no difference. If you live in a rather warm area, outdoor weed is the way to go, srsly. It's going to grow very potent if there's only enough sunlight. Might still look like shit, depending on how much work the growers put in post-harvest.

Weed that looks great makes me suspicious, and I will test it in different ways.
I taste it first with my tongue (eaten), sandy or chemical taste makes it a no-go.
Then I do a light-check (ergo look at it with a flashlight), too much reflection makes it a no-go.
While the resin should reflect to a certain degree, a trained eye can see the difference between resin and say added water or other much more harmful adulterants for the weight.
Lastly I light it and rub the ash between my fingers. Weed ash has a certain texture. If the ash "smears", that's also a no-go.
Way back in like 2001 I was walking my dog with a friend (a Danish foreign exchange student) and I looked down and found a baggie full of weed!! It looked terrible though. It was straight up brown and looked all dried up and dilapidated. I rolled a joint that night and we smoked the whole thing thinking it was garbage weed.

Then all of a sudden things were different. We were laughing like crazy and things happened like my vision being filled with tiny colored school buses. My friend ate a whole bag of chocolates in like 4 minutes. It was crazy.

We began to suspect PCP or something. It was the only thing we had heard of weed being laced with back then.

I still don't know if I got that high off the worst looking weed you can imagine or if something else was on it. I've tried 3 and 4 methoxy pcp and it was nothing like that experience.

At least in the pic that looks halfway decent.
Yeah I had something similar 2 out of the 100000 times I've smoked. Me and my friend smoked regular looking weed out of a shitty homemade bong but we were both tripping a lot and we both saw purple flames moving across my computer screen and weird colors but it was really mild. One time me and my friend smoked weed in the summer heat and we felt like we were melting and tripping a little bit with slight amnesia effects and seeing weird colors and shit and after that we were both nodding like junkies with our eyes looking really black and cracked out.

Maybe whatever it's laced with doesn't react well to flame so you only get like 20% the effects and it's really mild.
Kind of? A friend of mine has an outdoor strain that goes a pound and a half standard and it gets about 10 big rods (crowns) and the rest is these pesant shitty tiny little buds and they look like generic weed but christ is it potent. Different story if you saw the rods (crowns) though lol
Yes it can it's rare i once got some stalky weed that looked like yags but it actually gave me the best high I'd had in a while

Weed can also look amazing and hit like shit.

Used to get this shit from vegas we called pretendo bud because it looked good on the outside but smoked like shit and barely got you high.
I get stuck with that stuff every year because it grows well outdoors here apparently (we get lots of mould problems where i live). Needless to say i quit smoking because of it.

That many ounces of good looking , good smelling buds that do fuck all.
Those pure landrace sativas had reeeeal shitty looking buds.
I remember seeing one of those Thai plants that takes 16 weeks or more of flowering to get these random popcorn buds. But apparently the high was incredible. Never got to try it myself unfortunately.

Really hot grow environments make airy buds and those grew in the friggin tropics.