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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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Wow this is so crazy, I had no idea how common this problem was. Sandoz was smart putting their LSD solution into those glass ampoules that you have to break off.
Had a pretty intense trip last weekend. First we did some mdma (120+60) with a friend and two girls he brought over. That was fun: lights, trance, dancing, cuddles, all the good stuff! I used the BL lore and brought a bunch of supplements so everything went perfectly. Rolling with girls you know at home is definitely better than with randoms in a club or whatever. We didn't have an orgy though. I felt real horny at times but I knew getting touchy on mdma with a girl I'd just met yesterday makes for a very awkward situation in just a couple hours, even if she gives you a ”special” look (yeah bro, totally). I mean I was ready, but it was my friend's call to make, and considering the comllicated relationship he has with one of them... yeah, whatever.

Then we dropped lsd next morning, 250 mcg each. That was even better, as the effects combined with mdma's afterglow. I really like daytime trips, especially in summer. Its just good vibes everywhere, everything is so colorful and beautiful with those wicked bleeding colors visuals lsd gives you. I got horny again from all the touching and Feelings of Interconnectedness And Unity but nothing happened, as everybody was busy melting into a psychedelic mess as psy-trance mixed with mantras in the background. We also smoked a shitton of weed and set up several hookahs. By the end of the day I was completely fucked lmao!

Then in the evening another friend arrived and we decided to finish our mdma. Everybody got 80 mg. In fact, the initial plan was to candyflip with more mgs but it was too hard to do anything with proper timing and we didn't want to leave him out of fun. I also brought some more lsd so everybody could flip if they wanted. Me and that fresh friend decided to do 100 mcg + 80 mg at once flips, the others took 80 mg and then one of the girls also dropped a full 200 mcg blotter later. She took it like a champ! The guy though, he got completely btfod (in the good sense).
Gotta say, that last one took me into the fubar territory. There was no euphoria, just extreme weirdness and elation. I felt like I was overheating and my brain enabled thermal throttling to protect itself. I felt some weird jitters and shakes, and my eyes were rolling sometimes, but it wasn't ”bad”, just fucked up feeling. I couldn't get up, couldn't think, so I just stayed on a sofa and laughed and gave out hi-fives. More cannabis was smoked, hashish thrown into the mix, then a hookah and eventually it turned into a classic sofa rave. Movies were watched and we had a great time.

Hope you guys had fun with your escapades too!
By the way, you ever notice that MDMA forums here feel kinda toxic? Youd think people wpuld be more positive, plur and whatnot.
Sounds like a great time!!
Seems like the most popular mdma posts are full of people griping about shitty MDMA and not rolling. I do get good MDMA that works, all the time, so I'm not into that lol.
Well, bad MDMA is maddening! So boring, unbelievably boring.
I think a good way to test if it's shitty MDMA is to snort some amount and see how strong it is. Well, "good way"..... some might disagree
i think it’s 5 days since I wasted a bunch of acid getting nowhere thanks to tolerance and I’m bored out of brain at 10 PM playing guessing games about whether that’s a long enough wait if I take a decent dose.

But then again it might only be 4 days, or even 3, because lockdown is just one giant blur where nothing happens days in and day out. Given how much I’ve had over the last month I probably need at least another week or more if I don’t want to waste the rest of it.

I don’t feel up to smoking DMT and I don’t think the ket i have mixes well with the meth I had earlier. I’m tempted to just read a book. I’ll have some MDMA on Monday for variety if I’m lucky. They last lot was only 5% pure so I don’t have super high expectations.
Keep yourself busy man, remember what they taught you in the psychiatric hospitals, learning to be bored ;)
I have plan A, B, C, D..... before I have literally nothing to do, but once at C I will proclaim it as "being bored" but it's not yet hopeless then
Keep yourself busy man, remember what they taught you in the psychiatric hospitals, learning to be bored ;)
I have plan A, B, C, D..... before I have literally nothing to do, but once at C I will proclaim it as "being bored" but it's not yet hopeless then
Keep teaching me what they teach you. It’s a free ride to sanity I’ll try.
if you feel the desire to keep tripping alot try take a one week break and just smash everything together on a massive trip ketamine dmt all of it get it out of your system you might never the chance to do these things again once lockdown is over. Try come out of lockdown a better person.
if you feel the desire to keep tripping alot try take a one week break and just smash everything together on a massive trip ketamine dmt all of it get it out of your system you might never the chance to do these things again once lockdown is over. Try come out of lockdown a better person.
Haha, I’m not even looking or hoping that far ahead.

I’m simply focussed on being a better person, in lockdown or whatever restriction level.

I can’t say I’m doing brilliantly, but I’ve had some insights to work with at least and the will is there.
Why is it so much harder to find chicks to trip with? Maybe it's just me but I've been tripping for nearly two decades and only had two psychedelic experiences with a female. My ex-wife damn sure wasn't about to try psychedelics or entactogens with me. Will I ever find a girl to trip/roll with regularly? Lol. I'm beginning to think not.
Why is it so much harder to find chicks to trip with? Maybe it's just me but I've been tripping for nearly two decades and only had two psychedelic experiences with a female. My ex-wife damn sure wasn't about to try psychedelics or entactogens with me. Will I ever find a girl to trip/roll with regularly? Lol. I'm beginning to think not.
It might just need an extra level of planning, time of the month and all lol.
Why is it so much harder to find chicks to trip with? Maybe it's just me but I've been tripping for nearly two decades and only had two psychedelic experiences with a female. My ex-wife damn sure wasn't about to try psychedelics or entactogens with me. Will I ever find a girl to trip/roll with regularly? Lol. I'm beginning to think not.
very few people can handle psychedelics in the first place and then finding a women who acutally handle her drugs is rarer. these days i will only solo trip so i dont care i dont tell anybody i trip anymore in real life.

Now days people have never had real mdma just bath salts.
Really keen to take some mdma tonight, I've been thinking about eating some all week. Dose around 7 then eat a moderate redose around 9. Should keep me going all night.
I tried to consider plugging a large dose of acid but just too tired and my head’s wrecked, I’d want to reduce cannabis intake first, on the very high end currently.
It might just need an extra level of planning, time of the month and all lol.
I suspect my neighbor might be interested in trying both the 4-ACO-DMT and 25b-NBOH I've got coming. She's female and kinda cute but only 23 and has 3 kids so I've only ever treated her as a friend. Plus I've heard some things about her. Otherwise I might be more excited about finding a chick to trip with. She had her first psychedelic experience on some nice mushrooms I grew awhile back. Lol. Definitely more planning with her than for me but I'm down to trip or roll at the drop of a hat more days than not.
Really keen to take some mdma tonight, I've been thinking about eating some all week. Dose around 7 then eat a moderate redose around 9. Should keep me going all night.
I'm still tossing around the idea of dosing MDMA again tonight too.
very few people can handle psychedelics in the first place and then finding a women who acutally handle her drugs is rarer. these days i will only solo trip so i dont care i dont tell anybody i trip anymore in real life.

Now days people have never had real mdma just bath salts.
I’ve pretty much always solo tripped you know.

I just recalled another little expedition, 2003, after work Friday I trained it 60 miles to London. They still legally sold Mushroom grow kits then, plus you got a free portion, like 3.5 gr of dried shrooms. I chose Colombian.

I bought a gram of Salvia extract too.

Before I caught the train home to Bedford I ate the shrooms, got a bit sketched out looking for somewhere in London to skin up so I used a pub loo to roll a fat spliff.

Looking back it’s another occasion, why couldn’t I just be sensible and wait a bit. I made the train, but next time I would at least get out of London at night.
I suspect my neighbor might be interested in trying both the 4-ACO-DMT and 25b-NBOH I've got coming. She's female and kinda cute but only 23 and has 3 kids so I've only ever treated her as a friend. Plus I've heard some things about her. Otherwise I might be more excited about finding a chick to trip with. She had her first psychedelic experience on some nice mushrooms I grew awhile back. Lol. Definitely more planning with her than for me but I'm down to trip or roll at the drop of a hat more days than not.
I was. The itch I keep feeling recently doesn’t last long though, I know it’s not suitable currently, and I feel like I’ve enough left in me still to integrate and all.

Good luck seducing your neighbour further into the world of psychedelics. I mean if she’s game why not. You can only offer and see. She’s clearly not uninterested.

I’ve actually barely if ever introduced anybody to acid, now I think. Not because I was presented with a decision to or not.

I’ve always simply done my absolute own thing independently and let LSD find its way into other’s lives.

I’m not saying I’m against it at all.
I was. The itch I keep feeling recently doesn’t last long though, I know it’s not suitable currently, and I feel like I’ve enough left in me still to integrate and all.

Good luck seducing your neighbour further into the world of psychedelics. I mean if she’s game why not. You can only offer and see. She’s clearly not uninterested.

I’ve actually barely if ever introduced anybody to acid, now I think. Not because I was presented with a decision to or not.

I’ve always simply done my absolute own thing independently and let LSD find its way into other’s lives.

I’m not saying I’m against it at all.
She really wants to experience heavy visuals (she wants to try vaping DMT) and I'm hoping 25b-NBOH might do it for her. I haven't tried it yet but if it's anything like 25i-NBOH I expect it will be very visual.
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