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Anyone relate to having poor blood tests and getting better?


Jun 26, 2008
So I go in for body scan to check my muscles. Only to find out for the third month in a row I lost muscle almost ten pounds. I'm now in the danger zone so to speak. I'm tired my body isn't working like it should I'm in terrible pain. Now I will say I get four norcos a day, I get ativan once a day and beside that I take copper, a multi vit. Please my blood tests are bad about twenty tests are low five high and one my white blood count says aleart! So I feel strange I have become so used to this new way of feeling that I've forgoton what it is like to be normal. So what am I doing? In two weeks I talk to my gastric bypass doctor so all my hopes on that he knows what's wrong because none of my current doctors do. I think my coppers so low it dragged down all my blood counts and my thyroid and everything could be from that. I've only been taking copper for two weeks and I'm waiting for my doctor to get my blood tests results. I dunno why I'm writing this. It's just I have all these things that used to make me happy, pain meds, weed, money, time.. But it's all become worthless, I'm sad, alone, I can't meet a girl in this state, and with my muscle dropping I know feel like I'm dying. The only thing I can think to ask is there some kind of doctor I could see today who might help? I'm thinking hospital or something. Because this isn't right, I can't live life this for ever, I won't, I'll buy a pound of crystal meth and fently and do it all in a week to end it if this is my fate. I dunno what do I do? What if I can't work out enough to save myself. Right now I'm waiting for someone else to fix my problems I want to know wtf is wrong with me and I'm getting furious being told it'll cost me 300$to see my doctor and I have to wait two weeks. My birthdays in a week doesn't that count for something. I want health for my birthday. I didn't get sober to die from being sober which is how I feel. Can anyone cheer me up. I'm so alone covids not helping and my family's just unloving plus my brother and sister do hard drugs so they don't help me. I'll be ok. I just needed to complain, incase whatevers going on kills me at least there's a record.
I'm in a similar situation although your health sounds much worse. I'm sorry you are going through that, especially alone. The isolation addicts face can be fatal. Feel free to PM me and reach out if you ever need to talk, and im sure others here would help as well.

I don't think you are going to die, I am sure they will be able to figure something out. Sorry money is getting in the way, wish out healthcare system wasn't so fucked.

I'm not sure what to say other than to hang in there and there will be brighter and happier moments ahead keep your eye on the light through the tunnel, thats what gets me through. It can be hard.
My doctor is on the 19th I'll let you know what happens. I got a few things to do to get ready before... I'll know soon enough and maybe I'll regret having found out, it might not be just copper deficiency... But I think things will work out because I'm motivated,
i wish there was something useful i could say but there isn't. i really hope you are not dying and get to the bottom of your problems soon, it sounds very frightening and i really empathise with your frustration about not being able to get an answer from your doctors. if you feel like you need to go to hospital, then please do.
Don't know what to add or say other than if you ever need someone to talk to or whatever at all you can message me as well. You're not alone 👍
Let us know how you get on, best wishes ❤️
I suggest you seek help from a certified specialist, not sure what medicine has to offer in terms of your problem but when I had sciatica and a shifted disk (I still have it but it's much better now) I got reffered to some sort of neurologist, can't recall the correct title but he studied in Japan and did most of his work using his hands (Luckily he didn't get too handsy) and it did wonders for my back.

Yes, it can be very expensive but it's worth exploring your options and maybe even seeking out forms of foreign medicine
And I ain't talking about that Chinese magic root in soup stuff.
I'm sorry there isn't more I can do for you, but I hope things get better for you soon. Keep us updated.
In reading about this copper deficiency it sounds like a common issue among Gastric Bypass patients, but an otherwise rare condition. One thing I noted is that patient’s copper levels were retested after having taken copper supplements for 2 months. You have only taken the copper supplements for 2 weeks. I would give it some time before you feel better.

I have anemia and unless I get blood transfusions, I never feel better getting iron supplementation for quite some time.

Perhaps you could request intravenous copper, but if $$ is an issue, I’d just keep going with your oral supplements and wait it out.
I just finished iron infusions and I'm ordering copper iv next then another round of iron. I'm very anemic. But I talked to my doctor, yea coppers rare to be a problem except I was homeless for along time doing meth and it just took a toll on my life. My doctor told me everything I thought. All my blood tests for gastric bypass tests you get every month, every year, well all my tests are super low and my coppers super low. Yea it'll take time to feel better. Because it's been hard. But I can hold on another month or two and hopefully my body can fix its self very fast. But good news is everything might improve. It's all luck at this point because I don't think i can do any more to help. Anyways thanks for the replies.
I won't show the photos but I had too, I wanted to zoom in because when I looked in the mirror it looked weird. This is why I'm asking what's it mean when there's a white circle and a darker shade almost wound? Like it looks like a wound except the colors different and to tell you the truth looking up questions about your butt on Google isn't fun. So could it be the location why the center of the (wound) is white. I've never seen a wound like that. BTW it feels like my tail bone is poking through my skin but my tail bones higher up. Now this wasn't the most eloquent post ever but just try to understand it really hurts. I just got a new mattress so maybe that'll help. But yea so is white a pain color for your skin because I expect red, inflamed skin not white kinda discolored brown looking... And the area is clean and sterile. At this point I'm too embarrassed to keep explaining. Hopefully I can get a quick answer. I don't want go through Google photos of wounds on the butt. Thanks
Was there an acute injury or did this just happen over time?

I won't show the photos but I had too, I wanted to zoom in because when I looked in the mirror it looked weird. This is why I'm asking what's it mean when there's a white circle and a darker shade almost wound? Like it looks like a wound except the colors different and to tell you the truth looking up questions about your butt on Google isn't fun. So could it be the location why the center of the (wound) is white. I've never seen a wound like that. BTW it feels like my tail bone is poking through my skin but my tail bones higher up. Now this wasn't the most eloquent post ever but just try to understand it really hurts. I just got a new mattress so maybe that'll help. But yea so is white a pain color for your skin because I expect red, inflamed skin not white kinda discolored brown looking... And the area is clean and sterile. At this point I'm too embarrassed to keep explaining. Hopefully I can get a quick answer. I don't want go through Google photos of wounds on the butt. Thanks
Sounds like a pressure sore commonly known as a bed sore. Do you sit a lot? I would have it checked out as you don't want to get an infection as open sores tend to do. Not sure we need the photos however :cool:
I lost 255 pounds and this is a spot that's always hurt but it's not in a spot I can see. I didn't want to take photos but I can go see my doctor tomorrow which is what I'm planning to do now. I've never seen a white bruise like this before. But it's a 6/10 on the pain scale.
I really hate asking my doctor to look at my butt. But because it's white not red I don't want to risk just waiting for it to feel better......
It sounds like it could be an abcess or something? Have you been to see the doctor yet?
If I use a giant elastic band to work out and I just do it while watching TV is it even possible to get a hard work out in. Like compare a hour in from off the TV to a hour of walking three miles. Also does working out increase your blood counts? I have like six blood tests for counts that are low and I feel so weak and terrible even though my body's healing is so slow I wonder if I'll be able to work my way out of this hole. I of course blame covid for shutting down the gyms and keeping me at home. I was just going to copy a you tube video work out with a elastic band. Is there maybe a daily pill I should take every day? Or just wait until I can go back to the gym and give up all hope until then. What do you think? I'm 37 my dad's my hero he's worked every day of his life and I just want to join him at work again but for some reason I left work I was homeless now I'm back home but I can't work anymore. I hope that just getting good blood tests might fix all my pain and problems. It's possible if I go to off the side effects of my blood tests that are low. Plus if I get better, like I used to feel the norcos in getting I could save them up instead taking them every four hours now. Which leads to problems if there's ever a delay in my pills like I had last week. I mean it really sucks when you follow the rules but still very in trouble. Let me know if I rambled I promise I'll fix my post. My minds slipping now a days its hard to just keep up.
There are a lot of workouts you can do at home just using your own body weight, and the elastic band. Yes you can find heaps of workout video tutorials online especially on youtube! :) You don't necessarily need to be smashing yourself for an hour at a time, or leaving the house, or using weights or anything like that. Personally I think that any workout is useful as long as you're increasing your heart rate and breathing rate, and breaking a sweat. When you say you want to improve your blood tests, what does that mean exactly? There are lots of things that show up in our blood tests, what things is your doctor looking for on the test results?
Thing is I take b1 and b12 and I fasted the day of my blood tests but bolth my b12 and b1 were very high. Like double what they should be. My questions concerning why would my doctor give me a b12 shot and why do I still take vitamins unless I needed to quit taking the multi vitamins more then just one day before my blood tests? I forgot to ask my doctor and in worried about having so high of results unless there's a common sense answer. How do i avoid wrong results happening on my blood tests again.
Your doctor would have addressed this if there was something to be concerned about. High results for vit B1 and B12 are nothing to be worried about particularly if you're taking big doses of supplements of these. If you're adding extra vit b1 and b12 to your body it makes sense the test results would be high, right?
Your doctor would only be concerned if your vit b1 and b12 were LOW.

You seem very concerned about getting "wrong" results on your blood tests. There aren't any "right" or "wrong" answers on blood tests. There are "normal" ranges of the things that they test for, and if certain results are drastically outside of those normal ranges your doctor might be concerned and address it.