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Activists give out free samples of unadulterated heroin cocaine and meth on the street


Dec 22, 2015

Activists took to the streets of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside on Wednesday to give out free, clean samples of meth, cocaine, and heroin to raise awareness for British Columbia’s ongoing overdose emergency.

The Drug User Liberation Front, the group behind the protest, handed out the substances in order to demonstrate how drug regulation can save users’ lives. The protest also marks the grim five-year anniversary of British Columbia declaring the opioid crisis a public health emergency.

The drugs that were given out by the Drug User Liberation Front were sourced from the dark web and tested by the group for fentanyl and fentanyl analogs, as well as other harmful contaminants. The packaging was also clearly labeled with percentages of the substances they contained.

Several participants marvelled at the packaged drugs with labels showing exactly what they would be taking. Scott Joinson told The Tyee that he’d never taken unadulterated cocaine, and had overdosed several times.

“If it was done with government backing, then we would know what’s in our drugs. If it was sold in stores, people would know as consenting adults,” he said. “Take a look at what’s going on—the black market is forcing us to take adulterants, which is killing us.”
With the drug supply in Canada becoming increasingly laced with unpredictable amounts of fentanyl and benzodiazepines, 2020 was the deadliest year for drug overdoses in the province, with over 1,716 people dying. An additional 329 deaths took place in the first two months of 2021.

Meanwhile, since April 14, 2016, illicit drugs have claimed the lives of at least 7,072 British Columbians, according to the BC Coroners Service.

“Stigma drives people to hide their drug use, avoid health care and use alone,” Mental Health and Addictions Minister Sheila Malcolmson told Global News.

“Through province-wide decriminalization, we can reduce the fear and shame that keep people silent about their drug use, and support people to reach out for help, life-saving supports, and treatment.”
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Its a radical move, but honestly I think the benefits of this story outweighs the negative. This has shown an example of how safe supply can be done. All drugs were reagent tested, and labelled their exact purities. None had fent. I doubt this was given to anyone who wasnt already a drug user. BC is rapidly heading towards decriminalization and expanding its mumber of safe supply agencies. Theyre actually talking to Ottawa about this actively in order to get this done.

I cant wait for Ontario to catch up!
I love BC's radical drug activism, might donate to this Drug Users Liberation Front
My view today is that is pretty fucking irresponsible towards the recovering addicts in the area. My view a few days ago might have been more forgiving though. Possibly tomorrow too.
The damage street fentanyl has caused in my area is abhorrent. Judging by the deaths alone its 4-5x more than heroin at its peak. It sounds ridiculous and would’ve been unfathomable 10 years ago, but the slogan “Bring back Heroin” is truly something you can get behind.

“Bring Back Heroin! Make Dope Great Again!”
My view today is that is pretty fucking irresponsible towards the recovering addicts in the area. My view a few days ago might have been more forgiving though. Possibly tomorrow too.
Its up to the recovering addicts what they do with their lives though... I've walked through that area two years ago and despite seeing rampant open hard drug use, I didn't succomb to it...

And it's so depraved and shocking a sight, clearly the drug policies of old need changing...
Is it then irresponsible of the liquor store owner to have their shop next to an alcoholic’s house?
Recovering addicts are responsible for their own recovery, including if drugs are available for them to use. This blowing up on a much smaller issue than what was being advocated for here, safe supply for people with addictions so they can recover from one of the biggest issues around which is toxic street supply. That is fentanyl cuts causing overdose and death, and god know what else. Safe supply also greatly reduces things like committing crimes to fund habit, hospitalizations, jail time, going personally bust financially over a medical issue like an addiction, all of these things which cost society and the addicted individual huge amounts of money and often their lives. As a matter of fact, getting an addiction stabilized with a pure, safer supply via these safe supply sites or via a doctors prescription or drug replacement therapy, can be and is a part of recovery from addictions.

Ive truly lost any belief that “recovering addict” equals no drug use. There is a whole continuum of harm reduction between wherever you are at, and total abstinence, which in my opinion could and should be considered someone who is recovered after a certain point if they identify that way. This whole concept of these “recovering addicts” who are completely abstinent being victimized somehow (in extension of these activists being so irresponsible toward them) is a little baffling to me. Although some years ago, it wouldn’t have been because I was just as indoctrinated in the old school as anyone.
if they were targeting the alcoholic specifically.. yes.
Like the guys who come around rehabs and offer free samples to people? (Not talking about these activists, as long as they kept them away from children I think its a bold statement, im talking about drug dealers who literally do this with sketchy product outside IOP residences, which I've seen on multiple occasions)
Recovering addicts are responsible for their own recovery, including if drugs are available for them to use. This blowing up on a much smaller issue than what was being advocated for here, safe supply for people with addictions so they can recover from one of the biggest issues around which is toxic street supply. That is fentanyl cuts causing overdose and death, and god know what else. Safe supply also greatly reduces things like committing crimes to fund habit, hospitalizations, jail time, going personally bust financially over a medical issue like an addiction, all of these things which cost society and the addicted individual huge amounts of money and often their lives. As a matter of fact, getting an addiction stabilized with a pure, safer supply via these safe supply sites or via a doctors prescription or drug replacement therapy, can be and is a part of recovery from addictions.

Ive truly lost any belief that “recovering addict” equals no drug use. There is a whole continuum of harm reduction between wherever you are at, and total abstinence, which in my opinion could and should be considered someone who is recovered after a certain point if they identify that way. This whole concept of these “recovering addicts” who are completely abstinent being victimized somehow (in extension of these activists being so irresponsible toward them) is a little baffling to me. Although some years ago, it wouldn’t have been because I was just as indoctrinated in the old school as anyone.
100% agree mate

safe supply is the most effective way to keep people alive and generally healthy. you should be able to get a standard Rx script of your DOC and have the pharmacist explain any potential dangers.

it’s the timeless adage of “the dose makes the poison”
Like the guys who come around rehabs and offer free samples to people? (Not talking about these activists, as long as they kept them away from children I think its a bold statement, im talking about drug dealers who literally do this with sketchy product outside IOP residences, which I've seen on multiple occasions)
I was at rehab in 2011 and I had to go to my apartment to grab something, I forget what. Staff called the cab for me to get to my apartment and back, and the whole time this cabbie is going on and on about the new Bacardi. I told him at some point that I was living in a sober house (I believe this is the wording I used) and still, it didn't stop. Actually, it spurred on the conversation.
Why does the headline say pure when the text says "percentages of the substances they contained".

If it's any percentage below approximately 100, it's not pure. :p.

I'm not pedantic. I'm passionate about correct use of language. :D