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Dosing Making a tincture.


Nov 27, 2002

If I was to make a cannabis tincture with a set weight of cannabis how would I be able to dose it and know the dose I was roughly getting?

Anyone have experience making these?

Well take the weight of cannabis, check the volume of solvent used (use a volume that’s easy to measure) and once extracted do the math to get an idea of how much your consuming. 14g in 140ml ethanol (just spitballing) would give you 10ml per gram.

If you want something more concentrated, keep in mind with your average glass dropper bottle there’s 20-25 drops per ml.

I’ve made tinctures long ago, nowadays I’ve got people that give em to me. The stuff I get lately is made by some locals who supply patients and it’s 8g in a 1oz bottle made with MCT oil.

Well take the weight of cannabis, check the volume of solvent used (use a volume that’s easy to measure) and once extracted do the math to get an idea of how much your consuming. 14g in 140ml ethanol (just spitballing) would give you 10ml per gram.

If you want something more concentrated, keep in mind with your average glass dropper bottle there’s 20-25 drops per ml.

I’ve made tinctures long ago, nowadays I’ve got people that give em to me. The stuff I get lately is made by some locals who supply patients and it’s 8g in a 1oz bottle made with MCT oil.

Thank you!
I would like to know how to make water soluble tincture, as I have several grams of hash that I think I would not smoke.
the mct tincture I have - reign drops from redecan - takes 3 hours to hit, [making me stoned in a way that is way too long separated from the ceremony of administration,] while the rapid onset that comes with xmg drops and yawn drops are very satisfactory - producing adequate rewarding inebriation in less than half an hour - even with some immediate alerts.

if I could convert my hash to water soluble thc drops I would never smoke again.
Today I made a few batches. The ingredients are simple: A cannabinoid and MCT oil. That's it.

Two of them have 7 grams of CBD isolate each in them and the other three have 7 grams of delta 8 distillate each in them as well. All of them have the same amount of MCT oil they are dissolved into. Each dropper full comes out to about 230mg of either CBD or D8 (depending on the tincture). Each drop comes out to roughly 7.5mg.

The method of production was the same for all tinctures. I placed roughly 18ml of MCT oil in an ounce glass jar with 7 grams of delta 8 distillate (or CBD isolate). Without the lid, this jar is placed in the oven set to 170 degrees F for five minutes. Remove and then shake for five minutes (using the lid). Repeat once (maybe twice) until all cannabinoids are dissolved.

I understand it may be “wasteful” due to the product I am considering using being “for smoking/vaping” but could one weigh a dose of Delta 8 Diamond Sauce (1:1 d8 + GDP terps) by weighing a dab tool whist empty, scoop out the dose of sauce and place on scale, do the math to get a dose, then dissolve in mct or alc or both to get a feel for this ROA? If so could i extrapolate the weights and measures for ~100 doses/what the amber dropper bottle i dig oit of my empties will hold?
I understand it may be “wasteful” due to the product I am considering using being “for smoking/vaping” but could one weigh a dose of Delta 8 Diamond Sauce (1:1 d8 + GDP terps) by weighing a dab tool whist empty, scoop out the dose of sauce and place on scale, do the math to get a dose, then dissolve in mct or alc or both to get a feel for this ROA? If so could i extrapolate the weights and measures for ~100 doses/what the amber dropper bottle i dig oit of my empties will hold?
For one testing dose, this isn't a bad idea but I wouldn't make a full bottles worth simply for the fact that a large portion of terpenes aren't meant to be taken orally and can be toxic when taken in large doses (it also might just taste bad).

Some helpful hints when working with D8 tinctures:

1. When weighing doses on a scale, I simply scoop up (dig and twirl) about a grams worth using a dab tool and then place it on a piece of parchment paper (tare the paper on the scale prior to use). You can easily smear the tool onto the paper to get the disty off the tool. Once you have your weighed amount, you can then place the parchment paper into the freezer for 15-20 seconds. This is enough time to easily peel the disty off of the paper and place it into a glass jar. Repeat as necessary to get as much distillate into the jar as you need.

2. The tincture bottle itself can work as the glass jar, however the mouth is small and this makes it difficult to place the frozen distillate into. I use a wide mouth one ounce jar to easily place the cannabinoids into instead of the tincture bottle.

3. MCT oil is superior to alcohol for a few reasons. It tastes better and is easier to infuse into foods if you don't want to go sublingual. Alcohol tinctures are notorious for separating and require vigorous shaking prior to each use, MCT oil tinctures require little to NO shaking prior to use. I've tried both and can honestly say that the MCT oil tincture hits harder than alcohol tinctures. It's more bang for your buck.
Sweet, im familiar with tinctures of a fairly wide variety and have made my fair share at home but couldnt find any of the specifics of my inquiry answered anywhere even in a roundabout way. Thanks for the reply. What range of doses do you utilize personally and also what range of effects do you achieve? Please dont limit replies to only those pertinent to D8, thanks.
Sweet, im familiar with tinctures of a fairly wide variety and have made my fair share at home but couldnt find any of the specifics of my inquiry answered anywhere even in a roundabout way. Thanks for the reply. What range of doses do you utilize personally and also what range of effects do you achieve? Please dont limit replies to only those pertinent to D8, thanks.
Tolerance obviously plays a role and even cross tolerance to some degree but in general my dose ranges look like this:

10mg - 30mg: It's difficult for me to detect anything at all whether it be D9 or D8.

30mg - 50mg: I get noticeable effects from D9 such as a happy boost of energy but it's still difficult for me to feel anything from D8 at this range.

50mg - 100mg: I get a lot recreational value from D9 such as giggling, improved sensory of audio and visual. This is the range that I start to feel a happy boost of energy from D8 and some appetite increase but not much more.

100mg - 200mg: This range is recreational for D9 but it starts to get more sedating, pain relieving and appetite increase which begins to have medicinal value for me as well as recreational. For D8, this range is still very energetic and improves senses and has mostly recreational value but with a considerable amount of appetite stimulation (moreso than D9).

200mg - 500mg: Continued feelings of sedation and pain relief, mostly medicinal value only from D9. This is the range that D8 really starts to get going for me including sedation, pain relief as well as sensory improvements (both recreational and medicinal value) and the food pantry starts to become a victim.

500mg +: At this range it's very difficult for me to tell the difference between D8 and D9. Both of them will have me fighting a nod pretty hard. Visual and physical impairment. Lots of appetite stimulation when I'm not knocked the fuck out. This range is medicinal value only for me for both D8 and D9.
Made my strongest batch yet with new bottles. I still omit the lecithin in my recipe however I now use a larger, 100ml, glass jar to speed up production time.


I've recently discovered new results of stacking doses over time (re-dosing) instead of taking one large dose at once. The main difference I notice is that I am able to stretch out the stimulating effects before going into the more sedating effects. For example, one large dose might make me stimulated for two hours and then sleepy for two hours but that same dose spread out over time can make me stimulated for 4 hours instead.

For me, the stimulating effects can be very useful for social situations. Little to no anxiety coupled with a great desire to talk that is comparable to taking a small amount of cocaine without the desire to redose. It truly is a very strong stimulant when used this way which surprised me because otherwise I get very tired off of larger, single doses.

I'll be using this current batch to make my next experiment with home made water soluble THC powder. I'll update my results with the powder in this thread:
95% ethanol
This is important but unfortunately not legal in every state. My last alcohol-based tincture was state legal at a maximum 75%. It worked but shaking prior to every use was definitely required.

The biggest advantage I find with alcohol is that heat isn't required to dissolve and bind the THC. A good amount of shaking and some time sitting, sure, but it's a tincture that can made without a kitchen. I believe my first one was made like this in my bedroom.
even With 70% alcohol I do a quick wash of 3-5 minutes (what the internet calls a qwet - quick wash with ethanol) in the freezer . It prevents a lot of fats, chlorophyll and other junk from coming along (I nternet also says using dry ice in a cooler to get colder temps before extracting results in cleaner results).

I much prefer it to room temp extractions, never mind heated alcohol extracts lol ... I’ve done both and they are so dark and the extras upset my stomach

Also, I’d first dry the weed using desiccants in a sealed jar. And once the extraction is complete: filter alcohol, evaporate, collect and then decarb. I found decarbing before extracting tasted kinda burnt ... and if you use a “jar tek” I find you retain significantly more terps then decarbing on a baking sheet