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    Drug Discussion

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Ladies on drugs


Oct 29, 2018
All the ladies! All the single ladies!

Just a question or two for the ladies single or otherwise - ive only ever met one woman who did drugs. How did you get into drugs? Have you noticed more of a stigma attached to women doing drugs? Do you usually keep your drug use on the down low or couldnt you give two shits what anyone thinks? Do you tend to take drugs as part of your social life or are you more the loner walking in nature tripping or staying in and tripping/drugging?

dont want to be nosey just want to "Realise" as they say 😀
Whatever happened to Dan’s romance with ibizarocks or whatever her name was. Moved in together at one point.
Used to take loads of codeine. Thought it was ace. Now on subs.

Then moved on to diclazipans and 3-FPM. Worked oit well at first but then my stalker tried to ruin my life. :(
Any bird that doesn't do drugs can be persuaded. ;)

Shit, that makes me sound like the cunt I am...
i don't share the fact that i'm a druggie with the majority of people i know.

haven't felt much stigma beyond the normal amount but tbh how would i know how it compares to the stigma men receive?
I don't think there's any difference. People are people and drugs are drugs. People like drugs, that's all there is to it.

Didn't they have a BL baby?

Also - I seem to only socialise with women who do drugs. The rest are boring.
Always found in the class A scene that many girls go nuts for crack. Once they've been " introduced" to it.
Love it way more than their male partner.
Don't know if it's the same for the Coke powder, though.
Always found in the class A scene that many girls go nuts for crack. Once they've been " introduced" to it.
Love it way more than their male partner.
Don't know if it's the same for the Coke powder, though.

Yeh, my mrs enjoyed crack far more than I did. I still did more than her though, but that's only because I was a greedy cunt...
I smoked hash as a kid with an older relative, both of us female. Your question reminds me of what we used to say about how guys could never roll a proper joint, or maybe they just pretended they couldn't so we'd help them out, same sort of silly sexist thinking. Of course girls do drugs, go out and meet some because you seriously want to try sex on drugs too
All the ladies! All the single ladies!

Just a question or two for the ladies single or otherwise - ive only ever met one woman who did drugs. How did you get into drugs? Have you noticed more of a stigma attached to women doing drugs? Do you usually keep your drug use on the down low or couldnt you give two shits what anyone thinks? Do you tend to take drugs as part of your social life or are you more the loner walking in nature tripping or staying in and tripping/drugging?

dont want to be nosey just want to "Realise" as they say 😀

Strange question, and it's even more stranger that you met only one woman who does drugs. What about all those girls going to clubs and festivals then?
The only substance that I have used regularly for nearly three decades (once-twice a week in the past, once every fortnight now) is weed, always kept the rest on a recreational level, and haven't done stims or psychedelic for around 8 or 9 years. I like staying in nowadays.

I can count on one hand the number of friends who are aware of my dirty little secret (which I'm happy revealing to the whole world on Bluelight, however 😂 ) and I have close acquaintances who do not know, I keep my use on the down low as you say, if you saw me in the street you'd probably think that I'm the one who calls the police on the kids smoking on the corner because of how square I look.

I don't mind, drugs are illegal and like it or not there is a stigma attached to drug use, the less people know about it the better.
Maybe I shouldn't be responding as I'm a guy .. but I've always loved drugs and I've picked up most of my girlfriends at clubs (much as I love sex on drugs I was never no sleazy doing it to get laid type .. I'd always go on dates first .. made a lot of friends .. avoided a few close calls with 14/15 year olds (can be really hard to tell in clubs with lots of glitter and eyes wobbling like crazy on pills), got some short and some long term partners (we never practiced monogomy .. though lots of rules about honesty cos of STDs) and my current best friend is a girl I met in a club 20 years ago ... not to mention my worlwide collection of girls that I sometimes go on holiday with.

A lot of these girls were in groups without guys .. and had got into drugs as they'd got into clubbing .. then branched out to try other drugs like coke / acid / K - often subseuqently doing differnent drug phases (pills get old fast .. anbd stop working after a few times round anyway). Sometimes guys introduced em .. but a lot found it for themselves. Especially the jail bait tended to be good looking girls with the confidendence to go and find it for themselves.

When I was 14-16 there was a group of drug users I ran with at my school and that included one girl. She was single when she joined us .. she just liked drugs too and wasn't intimidated by a bunch of randy 14 year old boys (If I were her I'd be scared). To be fair .. people on drugs tend to be easier to get on with when compared to your average awkward teenager. We all thought of her as one of the "guys," fun to piss around with and just as capable of talking cod shite on acid with the best of them. We never thought of her sexuality as being a meaningful factor in our friendships .. we didn't compete for her or try to "look afte her," beyond the way we'd all look after each other anyway. Probably cos the drugs were dominant.

The only thing I've never really come across is a proper hardcore junky female (I eventually became a proper male junky in my mid 30s .. addicted to almost all drugs and extremely dangerous drug combos ... but by then I was scoring on line .. thank god). The lack of girls ike that despite my extensive network of female friends / lovers who like drugs is something I've aways put down to the better support networks girls tend to have. That's not to say girls don't get driven to drugs by horrible life experiences ... just that it's less common in the middle class world I come from. My brother's noticed the same .. he's got dead friends from drinking and knows numerous serious alcoholics (he's an actor .. tends to go with the territory). Not one of them is a woman .. though he does know some heavy drinking girls .. they just don't seem to slip over the edge to the 10am bottle of gin eye opener
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