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Goodnight sweet prince


Oct 29, 2018
Surprised not to see any mourning on the board for our beloved prince phillip. We will miss him. He truly was "the peoples racist".

They were playing let it be and wish you were here on the radio - do they think philip dying is going to push the over seventies to the brink or what? Mind you i had a fucking tear in my eye when they wheeled on let it be - "mother mary comes to me". It was his time to go tho that last pic of him looked like someone had sat a fucking cadaver up in the back of the rolls..
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Been waiting a while for him to die. When the news came on I was really hoping it was gonna be the Queen. But alas, whatever stem cell / aborted feotus diet she's on must be working pretty well still.

Are you thinking that the Queen is a satanist in a cabal and is drinking the blood children to stay alive and vibrant. Do you guys have Qanon there in the UK?

Where we go one; we go all? Anything like that?

Is that something that British people think (like a lot Americans believe about Democrats and Hollywood liberals being in an evil satanic sex trafficking cabal that rapes and kills children and drink their blood to stay youthful and vibrant?

I’m honestly curious?

We're 99% sure the royal family are comprised of shape shifting lizard people.

I'm only assuming she drinks the blood of dead kids to stay alive because how on earth do you explain her silky smooth skin at 94.
I wouldn't be surprised if Reeta was just an ex Blue Peter presenter with nothing better to do now that everyone knows the BBC is a hub for paedos and necrophiliacs.
Apparently something like 99% of young people who complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme don’t go on to totally fuck their lives through the use of drugs. So there’s that to be said for the old bugger. Any Bluelighters ever attain a DofE Gold award? Silver? Even a Bronze?
It is with great sorrow to hear of the princes passing. A fine and unique man who inspired many lives.

An online book of condolence has been launched on the official royal website for those who wish to send messages.


Click it and it pops up with balloons like one of them ads celebrating the tenth click and saying that surprise!!! You've won a mysterious and unique prize.

Eating dandelion and pot noodle for tea (because you used to be a hippie but not youre fucking brassic), you get your door kicked gently in, to save you from yourself, and get your very own part in the BBC BL scoop!! Reeta there with the camera crew and all the police have party poppers and loads of that fucking annoying exploding glitter.

BTW just to say that saying a prince is unique is basically like saying a fish is wet. Did you ever meet?
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Apparently something like 99% of young people who complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme don’t go on to totally fuck their lives through the use of drugs. So there’s that to be said for the old bugger. Any Bluelighters ever attain a DofE Gold award? Silver? Even a Bronze?
I've currently got the throne in Xanax, my gold award in mephedrone & md, an honours in ketamine and an absolute A star in generally being absolutely off my dish.
I remember itv reporting on the diana consolation book and the reporter said "one entry just read "goodbye diana" - probably the work of a child" - and i thought what if it was a bloke who wrote it and hes watching and youve just said his tribute
was "probably the work of a child"? - what kind of a cunt is he going to feel now?
I remember itv reporting on the diana consolation book and the reporter said "one entry just read "goodbye diana" - probably the work of a child" - and i thought what if it was a bloke who wrote it and hes watching and youve just said his tribute
was "probably the work of a child"? - what kind of a cunt is he going to feel now?

Or it was a child and they're freaking out wondering how they knew pulling apart their stuffed teddies looking for the cameras.

This is sickening that either way, this is obviously what happened.

Then the police kick their door in with the party poppers and the exploding glitter shouting "surprise!!!", confiscating their ps1's and shit.
I'd put money on it being Prince Charles trolling the consolation book.

I remember itv reporting on the diana consolation book and the reporter said "one entry just read "goodbye diana" - probably the work of a child" - and i thought what if it was a bloke who wrote it and hes watching and youve just said his tribute
was "probably the work of a child"? - what kind of a cunt is he going to feel now?
Omg, I’ve laughed so hard at this!!😂😂😂😂
The best thing to come out of this is the plethora of memes on sickipedia...