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Scary 1st Time, How Should I Plan the 2nd Time?


Dec 26, 2020
Have only tried weed once. Got really bad advice and was talked into doing 20mg of medicinal THC lozenges first time out. Went terribly and ended up having a panic attack and spent the night in the ER.

I’m honestly scared to try again. Any recommendations for how to safely give it another shot?

also, I’m currently popping percs fairly regularly. Nothing hardcore, max 10mg pills, 2-3x per week. Wondering if weed is effective in cutting a perc addiction. Really want to cut my dependency on those.
You could try 5mg and remember it's not gonna kill you. Literally impossible. And better for you than popping percs!
Yeah that knowledge woulda been helpful when I was freaking out thinking my heart was going to beat out of its chest. Recommend edible or smoking next time?
Smoking won't last as long, so at least if you don't enjoy it, it'll wear off faster.

But either way just do the bare minimum. Take one hit and wait 30mins - hour, if you're smoking before even considering doing more. Get a feel for it.
Smoking won't last as long, so at least if you don't enjoy it, it'll wear off faster.

But either way just do the bare minimum. Take one hit and wait 30mins - hour, if you're smoking before even considering doing more. Get a feel for it.
Makes sense

also when you say “it’s safer than percs”... aside from the OD risk of percs, and the chance it turns you toward harder shit, are percs dangerous from long-term use for other reasons more than weed? Like does one cause long term health problems / changes to brain chemistry, etc? Not talking about hardcore abuse dosages which I assume is dangerous for any drug.
The rate you're using percs isn't really problematic, but it's a slippery slope. 2-3x a week can easily turn into everyday, 10mg can easily turn to 80mg etc You used the words dependency and addiction, that isn't really a concern with weed.

At least with weed, the worst case scenario is you turn into a stoner :)
Idk if it’s fair to say that addiction and dependency “isn’t a concern” with weed. Surely safer than percs and much less addictive - but as with any psychoactive, weed can become very habit forming
no worries, you're right it can be habit forming, but as far habits go, it's definitely been the easiest one for me to stop when need be. some mild insomnia but that passes eventually.
Yeah I just have a strong propensity to use it a lot when I have access to it. Probably due to starting at a young ish age and promptly abusing it lmao

moderation after using like that is kinda hard now so I always make sure to call out the “weed isn’t addictive” narrative (not that you were saying that but I wanted to say my piece anyways)
I think when you start in early teens and just smoke morning to night for years and years is what does it.
I started at 16 and within 6 months I was smoking all day. Then came the cartridges which led to even more use. I’ve cut back a lot now and use about 2-3 times a week now. Sometimes I feel like I’m wasting my time doing it but for now it’s still enjoyable. Taking a 3 month break from all drugs this summer really helped me
Original Poster: I don’t know where you are located and don’t say unless you are comfortable w/it.

In Canada, water soluble THC drops allowing you to dose easily and accurate to =/- 0.5mg
in USA there are 10 mg sustained released capsules/caplets/tablets that are supposed to release the THC over an 8-10 hour period.

Canada or USA it should be easy to find 1 mg single dose formulations .20 mg is a hefty dose. For me that’s about Lord of the Rings trilogy (or close).

Tonight I’m gonna have a simple 5mg beer for SNL.

(I use to get horrible panic attacks from weed; but when *I* changed from an occasional user to a multiple times per day user, it was like the clouds opened up and there was nothing but sun. Just all of a sudden weed became fun. And the only thing better is weed and coffee together, IMO.)
I would not recommend using any substance regularly.
But as a huge stoner that smokes every day I would recommend vaping flower with a Volcano or a PAX or something to start with if you can.
If not just smoke a bowl, put down the piece and sit back and listen to some music.
Edibles tend to take a while to set in for me, and then skips right to making me droopy eyed, heavy, couch lock stoned. Great for passing out but not that enjoyable for me.
Original Poster: I don’t know where you are located and don’t say unless you are comfortable w/it.

In Canada, water soluble THC drops allowing you to dose easily and accurate to =/- 0.5mg
in USA there are 10 mg sustained released capsules/caplets/tablets that are supposed to release the THC over an 8-10 hour period.

Canada or USA it should be easy to find 1 mg single dose formulations .20 mg is a hefty dose. For me that’s about Lord of the Rings trilogy (or close).

Tonight I’m gonna have a simple 5mg beer for SNL.

(I use to get horrible panic attacks from weed; but when *I* changed from an occasional user to a multiple times per day user, it was like the clouds opened up and there was nothing but sun. Just all of a sudden weed became fun. And the only thing better is weed and coffee together, IMO.)
I’m in NY, by the way
Weed helps opiate withdrawals a lot

Lower dosage, eat before and during if possible.
Have only tried weed once. Got really bad advice and was talked into doing 20mg of medicinal THC lozenges first time out. Went terribly and ended up having a panic attack and spent the night in the ER.

I’m honestly scared to try again. Any recommendations for how to safely give it another shot?

also, I’m currently popping percs fairly regularly. Nothing hardcore, max 10mg pills, 2-3x per week. Wondering if weed is effective in cutting a perc addiction. Really want to cut my dependency on those.

Maybe you could smoke some strain of weed with a high CBC to THC ratio? The effects will come quickly, so it will be harder to overdose, and the CBD will smooth the THC effets.
OP you might want to try smoking hemp flower high in CBD instead of traditional marijuana. Smoked hemp provides significant medical benefits as well as a mellow high that is much less anxiety-ridden than THC-containing marijuana. I'm a daily marijuana smoker but hemp bud fulfills my needs when I don't want to risk being high (public speaking for example).

You can tweak the substance and dosage all you want, but the truth is that what you miss is two things:

  • Context;
  • Experience;

I place context first because this is fundamental to a good experience. If you have experience and trained yourself to navigate properly every landscape - even challenging trips - then the context may be of less importance.

But until you acquire the experience and not until you have properly trained yourself to navigate the world under the influence of some substance you must be very strict about how you set the context.

You start by choosing a good place​

A good place is a place in which you feel completely comfortable. Usually is a place that you are familiar with.

It's important that you have a designated space in which you can be expansive and noise without worrying about being interrupted.

It's interesting that you also have a quiet spot to change the rhythm and relax if you wish.

Then, you choose the people​

Only use substances that change your conscious -especially for the first time- around people you trust.

If you want to make the most out of your experience it is important that you don't feel ashamed because you think other people think you are acting inappropriately.

Train Yourself​

Experience is meaningless if you don't learn from it.

I recommend that if you aren't already intuitively good at handling extra-ordinary consciousness, you should try training yourself consciously.

The way to do this is to slowly increases the dose of the substance you want to get yourself used to and experiment with it in a safe place - as we discussed before - and in a context in which even if you panic you will be healthy.

Then, explore the experience in real-time and unlearn everything you think you should expect from the experience.

Don't judge and I strongly recommend that you don't break the fourth wall.

I say this because when I am in a challenging psychedelic experience, for example, I sometimes create a mental image of what is going on with me and I think of it in terms of normal consciousness and very often this brings a state of panic.

I have trained myself to consciously redirect my attention to something else when I find that I am too worried about this mental projection of my experience.


There is no general manual that works for you. You must develop your own relationship with the substance and find your own rules to navigate reality properly during a state of non-ordinary consciousness.
Have only tried weed once. Got really bad advice and was talked into doing 20mg of medicinal THC lozenges first time out. Went terribly and ended up having a panic attack and spent the night in the ER.

I’m honestly scared to try again. Any recommendations for how to safely give it another shot?

also, I’m currently popping percs fairly regularly. Nothing hardcore, max 10mg pills, 2-3x per week. Wondering if weed is effective in cutting a perc addiction. Really want to cut my dependency on those.
Like many other's suggestions, start small and be consciously aware of when, where, and how much you are taking in. Be in a safe comfortable place with people you can trust.

Learn to walk before you try to run. Play the tutorial first. Feel out how long each dose usually lasts and how much it effects you.

Unlike alcohol, they don't teach you exactly how weed effects you while your in school(at least not when I was in HS). Partying on alcohol is easy because we already know what to expect, and it's easier to get(at least in nj), so even a bad first time isn't usually too bad. Alcohol could be just as scary the first time. But imagine not knowing the difference between a vodka and beer. You just downed a couple glasses full of vodka and black out, wake up in an ER with a terrible hangover. But it's a lot less scary when we measure the vodka in shots, starting one shot at a time, in our own home where your buddy can tell you when to stop if you had too much, and make sure you drink enough water.

So next time, be with a buddy that will help you regulate how much you smoke, and won't pressure you to smoke more than you are comfortable with. Smoking comes and goes faster so it would may be better then edibles for your next high. Don't roll a blunt till your more comfortable cause the tobacco has other substances in it that will effect the high