• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Caffeine TAAR1 agonist?


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
Pretty much as the title states is caffeine a TAAR1 agonist similar to many other stimulants or not?

If it is, any comparison to Amphetamine or any other closely related substance in binding affinity?

TAAR1 agonists have correlation with increased risk of certain cancers. With Amphetamine use in the past 3 yrs gives a 1.7x increase in NH-lymphoma and more recent use raises that increase to ~4x compared with control.

That said they also decrease the risk for other cancers. So this is only applicable if you feel you may be at certain risk for a particular type of cancer. Such as lymphoma..

Does this at all correlate with epidemiology? Caffeine is widely consumed, there should be a correlation if this is disease relevant.
Does this at all correlate with epidemiology? Caffeine is widely consumed, there should be a correlation if this is disease relevant.

Well I didn’t know one way or the other but you made a good point. If caffeine hits TAAR1 then there should be an increased risk of the cancers associated with that receptor..

A quick search shows that indeed caffeine does increase risk of lymphoma, a cancer associated with TAAR1 agonism.

While it doesn’t answer my question it does seem possible caffeine hits TAAR1 with this new info.. Not the best research below but it’s a start.

Well, there are caveats with that study. Mainly they are studying coffee, not pure caffeine. In a perfect world there would be a control arm with decaf coffee drinkers, which could better finger caffeine as a culprit.

One interesting thing about that study is the lack of dose response with consumption. Effects are seen only in the 4+ cups of coffee each day groups and not in the other groups. This could just be that effects in those groups are just below their ability to accurately measure, the results are non linear, and/or the data is an artefact.

Overall that is a decent correlation which definately could support the hypothesis.

Also do you have a source for linking taar1 agonists with lymphoma?
Ya I found that interesting too, I don’t get anywhere near daily use and definitely no 4 cups a day lol so it’s probably ok for most reasonable coffee drinkers.

I’ll find that research for ya though, I’ll be back with it tonight or tomorrow.

Surprisingly, although caffeine is not a ligand for TAAR1, its effects were exacerbated by TAAR1 over-expression, and attenuated by TAAR1 knock-out, as were the effects of modafinil (Schwartz, Palmerston, Lee, Hoener, & Kilduff, 2016).
Idk, but I'm on 600 mg of Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) right now. Antioxidants such as flavonoids in coffee are going to influence cancer expression.