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Slang for 'heroin'?


Bluelight Crew
Jun 10, 2017
Hey peeps!

So I'm lookin' for slang-words for 'heroin' and being high on heroin. Like geeked up describes stimulant-highs, any similar to H or downers in general?

I've got; dope, heroin, cheese, down, horse, tar, skag, white, brown, i.e the "common" ones.

I recently compiled a compilation of drug-slang in Norway/Sweden, I thought I'd do the same in english, for the fun of it.

If you wanna toss in more drug-slang than just heroin, that'd be awesome. The reason I'm specifically asking for just heroin now is that I'm writing lyrics to a few songs with my new band, and it'd be fun to see whats out there and find the alternative that rolls off the tongue the easiest.

Oh yeah, and if it would be remotely interesting for you to have the swedish/norwegian words, I'll translate what needs into english and post.

Thanks you, good people of BL!
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In S.A. it's called thai and nothing else. Call it by any other name and they have no idea what you talking about unless you say Heroin directly

Edit: speaking of which i just picked up 5 bags and smoking as im typing :cool:
In Australia heroin is often called “slow”, as opposed to speed.
I love that it's so logical and pragmatic.
"Well, amphetamine is giggedy-fast, heroin's the opposite. Let's just call it slow."

Thanks man! Do you have any expressions as to when someone is high on slow?
I love that it's so logical and pragmatic.
"Well, amphetamine is giggedy-fast, heroin's the opposite. Let's just call it slow."

Thanks man! Do you have any expressions as to when someone is high on slow?
No. I’m like an anti-opiate snob after my first go of heroin resulted in an OD and 6 hours of puking. We call people really fucked up on drugs in general ‘toasted’. If someone was high on heroin z(which we also call ‘smack’) and still walking around we might say he was ‘really toasted’ but it’s more a term for psychedelics and stimulants.
In S.A. it's called thai and nothing else. Call it by any other name and they have no idea what you talking about unless you say Heroin directly

Edit: speaking of which i just picked up 5 bags and smoking as im typing :cool:
Thai? Damn, so many words I've never heard before.
Do you know why it's called 'thai'? Is it as obvious as it sounds, it comes from Thailand?

Thanks man!
No. I’m like an anti-opiate snob after my first go of heroin resulted in an OD and 6 hours of puking. We call people really fucked up on drugs in general ‘toasted’. If someone was high on heroin z(which we also call ‘smack’) and still walking around we might say he was ‘really toasted’ but it’s more a term for psychedelics and stimulants.
Alright! Fuck, I wish my first turn with heroin turned out like that. Would've saved me a lot of years and cash. Good for you.
Toasted, hah! Nice. While I lived in Norway, we used the word 'stekt' about someone being as you describe, which in swedish translates into just 'Toasted'.
Thanks again @Atelier3
Thai? Damn, so many words I've never heard before.
Do you know why it's called 'thai'? Is it as obvious as it sounds, it comes from Thailand?

Thanks man!
Well honestly i am not sure, as my knowledge goes it comes from china, hence the reason we call it "thai white" or just "thai" as from what i gathered only H from china is white and powdery. Not saying its from thailand but more from the Asian continent, as you dont get blacktar or sticky H here. It's either powder or clumpy rocks that needs to be crushed. Also keep in mind i only smoke and don't use any other ROA.

Edit: Plus our H is at least anything between 60-75% pure. Which in my books is quite good
Well honestly i am not sure, as my knowledge goes it comes from china, hence the reason we call it "thai white" or just "thai" as from what i gathered only H from china is white and powdery. Not saying its from thailand but more from the Asian continent, as you dont get blacktar or sticky H here. It's either powder or clumpy rocks that needs to be crushed. Also keep in mind i only smoke and don't use any other ROA.

Edit: Plus our H is at least anything between 60-75% pure. Which in my books is quite good
Alright, thanks for schooling me!

60-75%...? 😲 That's fucking incredible, if you ask me.
Sweden is between 16-22/24% if you buy it off the streets. Even with a good connect, getting over 30 is a great catch and hard to find.

I remember having tried street H and then sampled darknet H at 65 and 80% - HOLYMOLY!
I can't believe all these people here paying ridicoulus amounts on babypowder spiked with a pinch of heroin.

I can't recall if we can discuss prices, but I'll ask; what do a G go for over there?

For 120 USD you get 0.8 of that stomped out shiet here.
@pulverstaden the quality here obviously depends from supplier to supplier, but i have had mine send by the goverment to test purity when i got caught and also tested it by means of friends that work at the university they at, And the lowest we ever got was just over 55%. But on average it's between 60-70%. That's why i need like 60-80mg oxy just to feel okay and take dope sickness away

As for price i dont wanna say without breaking rules but here it is the cheapest street drug you can get but also the most potent. oh and as for fent, no positive test for that yet
In Australia heroin is often called “slow”, as opposed to speed.

I've also heard the terms hot and cold to refer to heroin and meth. (Sydney, Australia) .

But 99% of the time when I was using we just called it gear. Which is frustrating because gear can also mean meth/ice.

Us using heroin was usually just called "getting on".

But all this stuff has so much regional variation. I'm only speaking from my experiences mainly in Sydney.
@pulverstaden the quality here obviously depends from supplier to supplier, but i have had mine send by the goverment to test purity when i got caught and also tested it by means of friends that work at the university they at, And the lowest we ever got was just over 55%. But on average it's between 60-70%. That's why i need like 60-80mg oxy just to feel okay and take dope sickness away

As for price i dont wanna say without breaking rules but here it is the cheapest street drug you can get but also the most potent. oh and as for fent, no positive test for that yet
Yeah, of course. I knew swedish dope (at least in the cities I've cold-copped, the plug's I've had, it's been a few) were bad, but damn.
I'm off opiates now, but I remember that; railing 80mg, not even catching a buzz...

That's crazy it's cheap. Is it a widespread problem there?
Also, while I have your attention and your such a sport and good fellow to reply, is it true there are still 'Luudes in S.A?
THanks ALOT @Coffeeshroom , enjoy your gear, be safe bro!
@pulverstaden Actually H is very widely available and cheap but not really consumed as much, the main street drugs here is meth and crack and meth and Kat oh and did i say meth.. Yes ludes aka mandrax is still available and at a ridiculous cheap price. A loaf of bread, milk and a chocolate is more or less the same price as a full tab mandrax.

But H users are looked down upon or seen as scum while meth users are seen as okay and just normal part of life, what a fucking joke.
@pulverstaden Actually H is very widely available and cheap but not really consumed as much, the main street drugs here is meth and crack and meth and Kat oh and did i say meth.. Yes ludes aka mandrax is still available and at a ridiculous cheap price. A loaf of bread, milk and a chocolate is more or less the same price as a full tab mandrax.

But H users are looked down upon or seen as scum while meth users are seen as okay and just normal part of life, what a fucking joke.
Wow, thats crazy, considering it's cheaper and so on.
Haha, damn. Meth-land, ey? There's been a surge in the availability of Meth here in Sweden. We're already a speed-nation; our national-drug.

It's crazy they look down on H users and not meth (not that one should look down on any users) but those I met on Meth in Norway .... Let's just say I'd hang with a heroinist before a Meth-head everyday of the week.

Damn. That's crazy cheap. I've been dreaming of Luudes since I can remember, as most of the junkies who missed that era probably does. You a fan of them?
Wow, thats crazy, considering it's cheaper and so on.
Haha, damn. Meth-land, ey? There's been a surge in the availability of Meth here in Sweden. We're already a speed-nation; our national-drug.

It's crazy they look down on H users and not meth (not that one should look down on any users) but those I met on Meth in Norway .... Let's just say I'd hang with a heroinist before a Meth-head everyday of the week.

Damn. That's crazy cheap. I've been dreaming of Luudes since I can remember, as most of the junkies who missed that era probably does. You a fan of them?

Oh yeah. I mean I'm probably a little biased since I am a heroin addict. But I'd rather be around a random heroin addict than a random meth addict.

I think the thing is... Heroin has a reputation as a purely IV drug, meth doesn't. And while that's all bs since heroin can be used without injection and meth can be injected, that perception matters a lot. Cause I think it's the needle that makes most people consider heroin the worst drug.

Because they have all the negative perceptions of hard drugs, plus this extra layer of thinking "how addicted must they be to shoot themselves up every day" etc etc.

Or that's my view anyway, it can be easy to kinda forget sometimes how normal people think of us. When you use heroin every day and are always around other heroin addicts, it can become surprisingly normalized.
Wow, thats crazy, considering it's cheaper and so on.
Haha, damn. Meth-land, ey? There's been a surge in the availability of Meth here in Sweden. We're already a speed-nation; our national-drug.

It's crazy they look down on H users and not meth (not that one should look down on any users) but those I met on Meth in Norway .... Let's just say I'd hang with a heroinist before a Meth-head everyday of the week.

Damn. That's crazy cheap. I've been dreaming of Luudes since I can remember, as most of the junkies who missed that era probably does. You a fan of them?
did tons of ludes in college years, but not my type of drug. Dont like blacking out and drooling over myself.. But as for the H here their mentality here is ridiculous. Its okay to smoke/snort meth but frowned upon just mentioning H. Just fuct up. And the best part from most of my friends that are meth users are either, homeless, rehab or unemployed or just completely ruined where as i still can maintain a semi normal lifestyle..

So yeah i like them telling me what a scummy i am for using H but yet im no where near where they are or the positions they are in. Go figure..
Oh yeah. I mean I'm probably a little biased since I am a heroin addict. But I'd rather be around a random heroin addict than a random meth addict.

I think the thing is... Heroin has a reputation as a purely IV drug, meth doesn't. And while that's all bs since heroin can be used without injection and meth can be injected, that perception matters a lot. Cause I think it's the needle that makes most people consider heroin the worst drug.

Because they have all the negative perceptions of hard drugs, plus this extra layer of thinking "how addicted must they be to shoot themselves up every day" etc etc.

Or that's my view anyway, it can be easy to kinda forget sometimes how normal people think of us. When you use heroin every day and are always around other heroin addicts, it can become surprisingly normalized.
Makes sense to me!

I was a heroin-addict, I never once put spike in my vein. I had tried morphine, and it was so good, I knew if I started shooting smack, I'd be dead within a month.

That last part i so fucking true. One forgets how the rest of the world percives you!