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I am a God, Youre a God, We all have free will!


Jul 11, 2014
The universe is God. But you yourself are connected to everything there is. You cannot figure this out through science and technology being that they are just external mechanisms that tend to our ego and our need for security. It has to be an individualized process that you have to look within yourself to find out counterintuitively. Only then will you reach true power over your circumstances and true authenticity and true understanding of the world around you and the symbiotic connection that you have to it as an individual.

We are approaching a new age. More and more people are waking up to their existential callings and starting to ask more questions about reality and why things are the way they are socially. It’s because of resistance and disconnection and disempowerment and ego and fear and lack of free will. People act off of traumas and suppressed emotions and fears and anxieties and it controls their very being and makes them angry at other people and makes them choose sides and fight against eachother until they self destruct and destroy eachother. They don’t act off of their authentic free will. I’m not exempt from that. We are all human. But we must make that effort to at least be aware of that reality instead of pretending that what we are doing is right or wrong or good or evil in an objective sense.

This is all a game that we are playing so that we can learn lessons and evolve from. We separate things and cause fragmentation’s in the grand picture so that we can fight against eachother with those fragmentations so that we can feel powerful over one another or morally superior to one another. This has been going on for generations and generations and we are finally reaching the time where it will come to an end. Although the resistance of people not wanting to evolve and change their lives and step out of their comfort zone might prolong this process longer than we think. It’s amazing that we have even stretched it out this long in the first place. The polarities will keep stretching until it pops or until we wake up from these behaviors and embody our true authentic selves.

You extend further out from yourself more than you think. People who take psychedelics could probably be more aware of this aspect and people who smoke weed can probably catch a glimpse of this profound truth of reality but we can also achieve this through meditation and self reflecting. We are not just our physical bodies. We extend beyond that and merge with our surroundings to create the circumstances of our everyday lives and all the events that occur in our lives whether they be on a daily basis or on a grand scale over time. We choose to have these experiences. Even the really bad and horrible ones that traumatize us. The only reason we are not aware of it is because of socialization and limiting your belief systems to fit in with social groups/protocols/edicate and to be functional and responsible human beings in the physical dimension. But that in and of itself is also a choice that you make even though it’s subconscious.

There are so many layers and levels to the mind and different aspects to it that we are not consciously aware of. I like to compare it to the dark matter and dark energy of the universe in relation to the visible universe that encompasses everything we can see with our physical eyes. There is an entire underworld that consists of all of the thoughts and feelings that are suppressed and unwanted and undesired because of their taboo nature and disturbing implications. We disown these thoughts and feelings because we don’t want to accept those things as a part of us or identify with them so therefore a whole other world is created that coexists with the surface reality that we interact in on a daily basis consciously. But that is only the tip of the iceburg just like how our visible universe is the tip of this underlying dark matter and energy that accounts for 95% of the entire mass of the known universe. As a matter of fact I believe that dark matter and energy IS the result of this underlying world that our subconscious creates and that’s the reason why we haven’t figured out exactly what it is yet in an empirical sense or in a solid scientific sense. Because we have resistance to that world so how can we figure it out if deep down we know it might be something disturbing or something we might be trying to avoid subconsciously??? Not to mention that the subconscious world is not a physical world in the first place and most likely cannot be detected by modern day technological devices and therefore goes beyond the boundaries of the belief systems and observational and experimental strategies of scientists/physicists and they wouldn’t consider that as a possibility in the first place so as to observe that concept properly and take it seriously.

The whole social structure of the academic world itself is built upon fragmenting the whole of reality and separating it into different parts that they can observe individually and they lose sight of the fact that in order to truly grasp the whole scope of reality is to combine all of these different disciplines together by cooperating and sharing and exchanging ideas to form one solid picture. They separate the disciplines to maintain socioeconomic harmony and commercialized motives.
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Why would we learn lessons if we are (the) gods? I've heard this idea lately that humans are gods in the making, but I don't know how people come to this conclusion. I definitely don't consider myself a god. I know what gods are and it's possible that I'm descended from them, but why I would call myself a god is beyond my understanding, or is it?
So because I don't have spirit guides when I astral project and I fear angels, does that make me a god? I don't know what to look for. Hehe
So because I don't have spirit guides when I astral project and I fear angels, does that make me a god? I don't know what to look for. Hehe
no one can move through the gates to see and become god. To do that you must become no-self or nothing decades of meditation or just take some DMT high dose LSD or high dose mushrooms for years on end til you finally have the experince of complete total ego death and see what the truth is.

I can go for years of tripping without having a full blown ego death becoming god trip. But when you do holy fuck its crazy. Or just take 5meo dmt thats the surefire way to meet god.

Everything in reality is a manifestation of the one soul.
I have had ego death on acid, but maybe DMT shows one something else. I always experience being alone like when the thought-loops finally break away from my consciousness I'm completely alone and nothing exists except what I'm experiencing
ego death can come in different forms. My first was on my first trip which was the experience of complete void of nothingness not even thought. My last one was this year on 250 ug in may. Where i finally saw became god completly shed this body and identity. Was one of the most profound moments i had on LSD. DMT shows you the full deal once you breakthrough totally profound you truly die and witness truth.
ego death can come in different forms. My first was on my first trip which was the experience of complete void of nothingness not even thought. My last one was this year on 250 ug in may. Where i finally saw became god completly shed this body and identity. Was one of the most profound moments i had on LSD. DMT shows you the full deal once you breakthrough totally profound you truly die and witness truth.
I cannot imagine the level of acute awareness of the ultimate truth that you and so many other people have described through the use of psychedelics.

When you say you were god do you mean that you can completely feel all of the possibilities and potentials and all of the different places and thoughts and ideas and aspects of life and the universe all at once?? Or is it something completely different and foreign from our current understanding and too complex and transcendental to even put into words?
I cannot imagine the level of acute awareness of the ultimate truth that you and so many other people have described through the use of psychedelics.

When you say you were god do you mean that you can completely feel all of the possibilities and potentials and all of the different places and thoughts and ideas and aspects of life and the universe all at once?? Or is it something completely different and foreign from our current understanding and too complex and transcendental to even put into words?
complete utter dissolving into the infinite words are impossible to describe it free from human body or identity free from thought your awareness is now that of infinity you see and become god in that instant of time. Its so transcendental no words could ever do it justice but for those 10 seconds on my acid trip this year i knew 100% god exists and is everything then i came back to my body and could see the big bang and was enlightened for rest of my trip and could see all the inner workings of the universe. on DMT its another level. At that point you could do anything but as god mode you already realized reality is perfect so nothing needs changing. You can see god as a lesser level on LSD but not become god in alot of trips. Anytime im dosing upwards of 250 ug + i usually see straight through the infinite reality staring into it and realizing god is in all things.
here is a good video on how DMT can be like.
If LSD is like taking away the filter of reality and looking through a kaleidoscope, then what's DMT? Is it looking through the universe? ;)
DMT is legit dying and going to a transcendental realm beyond the mind that can only be described as meeting god.
This post has all the elements of an impending hypomanic episode if I were to follow OPs original post; that would not be appreciated by the missus and the kids. Nevertheless, my best guess is that we are all prayers of God going back to where we came from, so its about finishing well (I.e. in good faith). This world makes sense if I assume God is beyond space and time because that renders it impossible for me to understand my own circumstances as god sees them. The metaphysics of it all I'll leave to you smarter folks.

I mean nobody really knows why the big bang happened or just where the end of the universe is. Were just here bit by bit trying to figure it out as some super smart monkeys on our earth, so I highly doubt anyone will figure out whatever the fuck were trying to figure out anytime soon.
Nobody has free will.
Everyone has free will, but not necessarily the power to carry it out. Which makes "free will" a little overrated cause ability is just as important as will.

Example: It is my will to have 10,000,000$ and a wife so bangin' she turns heads by the end of 2022. Impossible? No. Likely? No.
That doesn't make a lot of sense to me?

Whether or not you can accomplish your dreams is influenced by all sorts of factors including luck, your emotional upbringing and your education. Free will has nothing to do with it.

Whether or not you have sufficient "will" is not dictated by will.
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Believe in yourself and the things you want to happen are far more likely to happen. I had a terrible education. Finished when I was 13. But I now own a business and am doing starting to hire people. My friends with University certs are not doing as well. I just work really hard everyday to make sure everything is running smoothly. I work between 8 and 10 a day. Getting ready for the big summer range to release. I started with no capital. I practiced my printing and others for a long time before releasing my new brand (Old one was strictly rave.) This is more casual and could be worn any day. Nup my parents have not helped me with the business. Just a couple of good friends. Making lean spill tops and pill tops soon. Show up under the sun! Or lighting of any sorts. So yes inside you are a god to yourself and that's the way more people should think. It really opens ya brain to ideas. Takes you away from the daily grind.
Free will is a arguably a necessary illusion. It is maddening to not believe in free will because we need to believe that we are making decisions and that we are in control of our lives. In reality, we are a product of our biology and our environment. Sometimes this is simple. Sometimes it is complex.

For example, people who sexually abuse others are very likely to have been sexually abused. The decision to abuse someone has been proved to often not really be a decision, but rather the manifestation of a traumatic influence earlier in life. Even though we know this to be the case, we still condemn people who sexually assault others and fail to seem them as victims of poor influence. Some people sexually abuse others having never been sexually abused themselves. But there are other factors to consider. According to statistics, 80% of rapes are committed by men who were raised without a father. Still, some people who were raised by (two) loving parents and not abused themselves will sexually abuse others. This doesn't mean they are making decisions. The influences are just more complex and harder to pinpoint. Being raised in an ultra-conservative household that doesn't talk about sex may lead to feelings of shame during puberty. Having homosexual tendencies and being raised by homophobic parents can contribute to behavioral disorders of a sexual nature. There is evidence that many factors influence sexual dysfunction, but (because of free will) we tend to say these people are perverts or monsters and condemn them.

Will is not something one can conjure up out of nowhere. Sometimes it comes from overcoming adversity. Sometimes it comes from a balanced and nurturing upbringing. You said some people have the "power to carry it out". This power is a product of environment and probably (to a lesser extent) biology. It isn't free.

You can be raised to believe in yourself too much or too little. A lot of kids these days are coddled by their parents. They're told they are great and they can "do anything" so often that they end up thinking it's easy. The real world often comes as a shock to these people. It is depressing to realize that (although you can do anything) personal success often requires luck and almost always requires hard work. Believing in yourself is not enough.

Foerock said:
Please explain what you mean by this though: Whether or not you have sufficient "will" is not dictated by will.

In order for you to achieve your dreams, the goals you have in life need to align with the decisions you are destined to make. People beat themselves up about making the wrong decisions, but they aren't in control. An addict doesn't use drugs because they are weak. They use as a result of chaos. Sometimes it manifests in positive ways and sometimes it doesn't. People aren't good or bad. People aren't weak. We are all just products of our environment.

Trees grow according to sunlight and the quality of soil.
complete utter dissolving into the infinite words are impossible to describe it free from human body or identity free from thought your awareness is now that of infinity you see and become god in that instant of time. Its so transcendental no words could ever do it justice but for those 10 seconds on my acid trip this year i knew 100% god exists and is everything then i came back to my body and could see the big bang and was enlightened for rest of my trip and could see all the inner workings of the universe. on DMT its another level. At that point you could do anything but as god mode you already realized reality is perfect so nothing needs changing. You can see god as a lesser level on LSD but not become god in alot of trips. Anytime im dosing upwards of 250 ug + i usually see straight through the infinite reality staring into it and realizing god is in all things.
here is a good video on how DMT can be like.

That video was incredible - completely brought me back to my breakthrough in the most visceral way (I’m also stoned as fuck lol). The whole first section, right after he broke through “welcome back to hyperspace” , my stomach dropped like ‘oh fuuuck’

thanks for sharing it, and for the godself reminders