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Federal Decriminalization in the USA!

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
This is it, in my opinion. The big one, tipping point, straw that broke the camel’s back, etc. Legal rec states will explode this year I think because of the removal of federal,prohibitions.

Anyways, with Biden/Harris being president/vice-president elect, this means Cannabis will be decriminalized in 2021 (leaving the rest of the laws up to the individual states I assume?), some form of pardoning for non violent Cannabis related imcarcerations and federal protections/banking access for legal Cannabis businesses in all states.

Also, it only makes too much sense to conclude that interstate commerce of Cannabis between legal states will be permitted. I’d like to think that Joe average could travel from state to state legally transporting personal amounts. As a Canadian I’d like to see the ability to cross back and forth between countries with weed. There is some in Bangor/Portland Maine I’d love to get my hands on. And....it only makes sense for transnational cannabis commerce to be allowed between the USA and Canada.

In my opinion as soon as there is action at the federal level, state legislatures will start to act.

Salutations Thomas Davie,

...the federal level, state legislatures...


European commission is considering classifying CBD as a narcotic (2020-Nov-2)

Well, i mean there are even more levels actually residing at the United Nations/World Health Organisation (and satellites...) while i bet they won't let go bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism just yet, as it used to empower them one generation after the next since practically the invention of electrical light i think... So i presume those non-elected individuals went quite busy following USA politics recently - and/or reacting to it defiantly if you ask me!

The new Biden government still ain't proven itself in obvious words made plain & simple for everyone to understand, like to remove cannabis and its by-products from the "schedule" just to avoid leaving any doubts. By chance i also feel some sense of trust inspired by this particular individual, who's been putting political power on the right side since Harper, as i recall. Earl Blumenauer, my hero from USA:

YouTube: US Rep. To Deputy Director of Drug Policy: You're 'Part of the Problem' (2014-Feb-4)

YouTube: Rep. Blumenauer speaks in support of cannabis amendment (2020-Jul-30)

In all honesty i must admit the crucifixion of Michael Botticelli left me admirative ever since, because sometimes such public shaming display happens to be absolutely justified and even long overdue actually. Too bad if this path ain't spotless overall (i don't know for sure), but as a Québeker and a Canadian i can only envy Oregon citizens today!!


Hoping this time the bigots will loose significant ground and permanently. Meanwhile we can only dream of some eventual Cannabis Act revisions supposed to occur after 5 years i think, with the typical "law-enforcement" never being stopped, at least in my special (distinct...) "legal" environment: for example just a couple days ago they busted a basement cannabis "operation", simply because they know they can and there's next to zero traces left for us to comment publicly anyway, leaving a most deceiving impression that all canadians are treated equally everywhere... Simultaneously, publicity advertizements sound much the same as war-effort propaganda, trying to convince us via TV that alcohol would improve our ways of life, right in the middle of a planetary-scale CoViD pandemic. Etc., etc.

Too bad we can never trust politicians to combine genuine fairness and proportionality in a single justice concept, because it requires true courage to speak the truth in proper good time i gather... Which reminds me that Hustin Trudeau & his party voted WITH his main political opponents on mandatory prison sentences over 6 plants in mid-2009; more exactly in support of bill "C-15" in days when Thomas Mulcair (NDP/Outremont) stood against it, despite the risk for his own carreer.

So i hope this may better explain my appreciation of some few good apples as Earl Blumenauer in USA.

Good day, have fun!! ☮
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Salutations Sayno2pugs,

The progress already made has been astonishing.

M'yep! It sure won't hurt the planet to finally get rid of Trump, a caveman much as from The Flinstones (...), except it wasn't Wilma wearing an orange scalp!

Good day, have fun!! ☮